On Tue, 2006-18-07 at 12:41 +0100, Joao Inacio wrote:
> - I think a dark background is nicer than a lighter one, though the
> 4th one may be a bit too dark.

Tonal issues are easily and quickly dealt with once 
a guiding direction is chosen.  Don't get too fussy about
the small details just yet.

On Tue, 2006-18-07 at 12:41 +0100, Joao Inacio wrote:
> - The position for the logos in first page seems good (and simple)
> enough but it's a bit hard to tell without knowing exactly the space
> consumed by the controls (text input, buttons...)

Composition is another thing that is easily adjusted.  Once
a direction is chosen, it is very easy to offer compositional

On Tue, 2006-18-07 at 12:41 +0100, Joao Inacio wrote:
> - The circle of friends - somehow, though i like the lighter version,
> the dark one in the first image seems clearer. Also, the one in the
> last image looks sharp too. contrast issue?

Again, try to see the forest through the trees at this phase.

As a general rule:

* DON'T worry about resolution / dithering / minutiae 
* DO try to estimate how the elements will fit into the big picture.
* DON'T look at proposals as an either / or situation -- 
  we are completely free to mix and match general concepts
  and bundle them into a polished final product.

Hope this helps a bit...

Some terrific work is showing up, keep it up folks!


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