Hello everybody,

as you all have noticed, tangerine-icon-theme hit the archives and all
the good work is finally available for everybody. If you have the
standard Human theme selected, it will use Tangerine as a fallback now.

I'm very happy that the good work of the Art Team finally made it in and
want to thank everybody involved, especially Andreas Nilsson and Pascal
Klein (those were the two I talked to and worked with). Andreas did an
incredibly good job in mastering bzr and the build system - I'm quite
happy that he took over the role of "Tangerine Release Manager". Thanks
for that.

While this is very nice, works quite seamless and the first impressions
of tangerine-icon-theme together with Human are awesome, there is still
some work left. :-)

I'd like to invite you to have a look at

Mark made his priorities for Dapper clear and I suppose he'll update
them every now and then. The page gives us an overview over how much we
cover with Human and Tangerine and how important which icons are to us.

If you have good ideas or already started working on some of these:
Andreas will be happy to include them in his bzr branch and I'll take
care of getting this uploaded to Ubuntu.

Andreas, if you could outline, which process you'd like best, that'd be

Thanks again for your awesome work on Ubuntu Art and let's get cracking
on making Ubuntu Dapper the ultimate icon experience!

Have a nice day,

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