Re: ethernet Q

2009-03-17 Thread Derek Broughton
James Takac wrote:

> Hi Guys
> I had a motherboard blow on a computer a few weeks back and finally got
> the system rebuilt with a new mobo. However the ethernet connection is now
> seen as eth1 instead of eth0 and on various reboots ubuntu is not seeing
> it at all. I suspect it has something to do with the new assigment and so
> am wondering where I might look to edit things so as to edit out the old
> ethernet assignment since that adapter no longer exists and what do I need
> to watch out for if taking this road

udev rules, I would think


ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: grub on usb?

2008-08-07 Thread Derek Broughton
James Takac wrote:

> I find myself in an interesting spot at the moment. I have an eee pc which
> I was dual booting 2 ubuntu's. one on the default drive and one on a 16
> gig usb drive. I reinstalled the default Xandros on the original drive and
> it seems there's no grub on the usb drive so I'm looking for either how to
> install grub on the usb stick or to modify grub on the xandros install to
> point to ubuntu on the usb stick as well allowing a dual boot

When it comes to booting from multiple devices, I've taken to installing
grub on each device, and chain load from the primary to the secondary.  So
you'd need to "grub-install" to the external (in either case - should be
just "grub-install --root-directory=/path-to-root-on-external /dev/xxx" ).
To chainload to the secondary, modify the primary's /boot/grub/menu.lst to
 title   External drive
 chainloader +1


ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Eee PC os install advice

2008-06-04 Thread Derek Broughton
James Takac wrote:

> Currently I have gutsy on both the internal 4gig drive and on a 16gig
> flash drive. I'm looking at scrubbing gutsy from the internal and
> installing something else as I mainly boot from the flash drive at the
> moment. I'm guessing that will require some changes to my grub file on my
> part so the flash drive wont throw up errors when gutsy ain't there on the
> 4gig drive?

If grub is actually installed on the flash drive, then it isn't going to
care that there's no (or another) OS on the internal drive, unless you try
to select the entry for the non-existent OS.

otoh, if grub is on the internal drive (more usual), you won't be able to
boot at all if you remove the /boot directory.  So you'd need to do
a "grub-install" to the flash drive (before scrubbing the internal!).


ubuntu-au mailing list

Re: Can I use Debian DVD's to install on Ubuntu

2008-01-21 Thread Derek Broughton
Karl Goetz wrote:

> On Mon, 2008-01-21 at 14:12 +1030, squareyes wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a 3 DVD set of Debian 4 "Etch", and was wondering if I can use
>> them to
>> install applications like Scribus, Inkscape etc. on Ubuntu 7.04 ?
> No is the short answer.
> Not safely, and without causing major long term issues is the longer
> answer.
I beg to differ, with many caveats.  If Etch is older than 2006/10 (before
feisty was synced with dapper) it shouldn't (famous last words!) cause any
upgrades to existing packages - so it shouldn't break anything that already
exists.  If it's newer than that, it still shouldn't be a problem if you
don't _let_ it upgrade existing packages.

However, many times the etch package may just not be installable, and others
it may install broken software.

Far better to just order a copy of the Gutsy DVD.

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