Re: [Ubuntu-BD] The compiled program in g++ didn't give complete output in the terminal or any output file.

2012-01-26 Thread Nasimul Haque
Do use a paste service like Dumping a huge code
like this in a mail is not readable. No one will read it.

It is giving you the exact output you have asked it for. You have a problem in

while(T wrote:
> I did a c++ code for solving a third order D.E. as follows:
> /*By this program we will find out the initial condition.
> /*The initial condition (when t=0) of the third order nonlinear ODE*/
> /*Date: 23.01.2012*/
> #include 
> #include 
> // FILE *fp;
>  #define N 3
>  int rk();
>  int sub();
>  int i, m;
>  float F[N], K[4][N], temp[N],V[N], T_limit=5.1, h=0.5, T=0., e=0.1, c1,
> c2, c3, lm=.8, x, x0, x1, x2;
>   // Y[N] is the initial value of the dependent variable of our original
> equation.
>   // T (time) is the independent variable of our original equation.
>   // K is used for iteration of Runge Katta Method.
>   // T_limit is used as the final value of T (time)
> int main()
>  {
>  float a0=0.4, b0=0.2, c0=0.1;
>        float y0, y1, y2, z0, z1, z2;
>  float k,j;
>  float r, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9;
>  float p1, p2, p3;
>  float q1, q2;
>  for (j=2.5;j<=10;j=j+0.2)
>  {
>  printf("\n");
>  k=j;
> // printf("Enter a +ve value of the root, k=");
>      //k means lamda
> // scanf("%f", &k);
>  //r=-1/(k*k);
>         //m1=2/(k*k*k);
>   m2=18/pow(k,4);
>   m3=72/pow(k,5);
>   m4=120/pow(k,6);
>   //m5=1/pow(k,3);
>   //m6=12/pow(k,4);
>   m7=m3;
>   m8=240/pow(k,6);
>   m9=360/pow(k,7);
>             p1=-1/(k*k);
>           p2=-6/pow(k,3);
>           p3=-12/pow(k,4);
>     q1=-2/pow(k,2);
>     q2=-6/pow(k,3);
>  y0=a0;
>  z0=e*(b0*c0*m4+c0*c0*m9);
>  x0=y0+z0;
>  y1=-k*a0+e*(a0*a0*p1+a0*b0*p2+(b0*b0+2*c0*a0)*p3)+b0;
>  z1=e*(-2*k*(b0*c0*m4+c0*c0*m9)+b0*c0*m3+c0*c0*m8);
>  x1=y1+z1;
>  y2=k*k*a0-3*e*k*(a0*a0*p1+a0*b0*p2+(b0*b0+2*c0*a0)*p3)-2*k*b0+2*e*(a0*b0*q1+(b0*b0+2*c0*a0)*q2)+2*c0;
>  z2=e*(4*k*k*(b0*c0*m4+c0*c0*m9)-4*k*(b0*c0*m3+c0*c0*m8)+2*b0*c0*m2+2*c0*c0*m7);
>        x2=y2+z2;
>  printf("\n\t\t x0=%f \n\t\t x1=%f \n\t\t x2=%f", x0, x1, x2);
>  printf("\n");
>  printf("\n");
>  sub();
>  }
> return 0;
> }
>  int sub()
>  {
>  c1=-3.0*lm; //sum of the A.U. roots.
>  c2=3.0*lm*lm; //sum of the product of the roots taken two at a time
>  c3=-lm*lm*lm; //product of the roots
> // fp=fopen("learn1.dat", "w");
>  V[0]=x0;
>  V[1]=x1;
>  V[2]=x2;
> // printf("initial value\n");
> // for (i=0; i
> // {
> // printf("Y[%d]=",i);
> // scanf("%f", (Y+i));
> // }
>  do
>  {
>  printf ("%.2f\t",T);
> // fprintf(fp, "%.2f\n", T);
>  x=V[0];
>  for(i=0; i
>  {
>  temp[i]=V[i];
>  printf("%f\t",V[i]);
>  }
>  printf("%f\n",x);
> // fprintf(fp, "%f\n", x);
>  for(m=0; m<4; m++)
>  {
>  F[0]=V[1];
>  F[1]=V[2];
>  F[2]=-c3*V[0]-c2*V[1]-c1*V[2]-e*V[0]*V[0]*V[0];
>  rk();
>  }
>  } while(T
>  return 0;
>  }
>  int rk()
>  {
>  for(i=0; i
>  {
>  K[m][i]=F[i];
>  if (m==0 || m==1)
>  V[i]=temp[i]+.5*h*K[m][i];
>  else if(m==2)
>  V[i]=temp[i]+h*K[m][i];
>  else V[i]=temp[i]+(K[0][i]+2*K[1][i]+2*K[2][i]+K[3][i])*h/6.;
>  }
>  if (m==0 || m==2)
>  T=T+.5*h;
>  return 0;
>  }
> But the compiled program gave me this
>   x0=0.401573
>   x1=-0.814725
>   x2=1.773615
> 0.00 0.401573 -0.814725 1.773615 0.401573
> 0.50 0.369061 1.085164 6.471668 0.369061
> 1.00 2.058680 6.524188 16.426159 2.058680
> 1.50 7.990735 18.327394 27.232946 7.990735
> 2.00 18.454220 7.876439 -167.319901 18.454220
> 2.50 -28.053253 -251.635757 -664.048889 -28.053253
> 3.00 556.427917 14110.076172 153872.875000 556.427917
> 3.50 -71204488.00 -11171593216.00 1046708024770560.00
> -71204488.00
> 4.00 24474019397295355228848128.00 -inf -inf
> 24474019397295355228848128.00
> 4.50 -nan -nan -nan -nan
> 5.00 -nan -nan -nan -nan
> 5.50 -nan -nan -nan -nan
>   x0=0.400964
>   x1=-0.890924
>   x2=2.096703
> 6.00 0.400964 -0.890924 2.096703 0.400964
>   x0=0.400612
>   x1=-0.968352
>   x2=2.455168
> 6.50 0.400612 -0.968352 2.455168 0.400612
>   x0=0.400401
>   x1=-1.046550
>   x2=2.847923
> 7.00 0.400401 -1.046550 2.847923 0.400401
>   x0=0.400270
>   x1=-1.125250
>   x2=3.274284
> 7.50 0.400270 -1.125250 3.274284 0.400270
>   x0=0.400187
>   x1=-1.204286
>   x2=3.733802
> 8.00 0.400187 -1.204286 3.733802 0.400187
>   x0=0.400131
>   x1=-1.283556
>   x2=4.226174
> 8.50 0.400131 -1.283556 4.226174 0.400131
>   x0=0.400094
>   x1=-1.362993
>   x2=4.751190
> 9.00 0.400094 -1.362993 4.751190 0.400094
>   x0=0.400069
>   x1=-1.442549
>   x2=5.308702
> 9.50 0.400069 -1.442549 5.308702 0.400069
>   x0=0.400051
>   x1=-1.522195
>   x2=5.898601
> 10.00 0.400051 -1.522195 5.898601 0.400051
>   x0=0.400039
>   x1=-1.601908
>   x2=6.520808
> 10.50 0.400039 -1.601908 6.520808 0.400039
>   x0=0.400029
>   x1=-1.681673
>   x2=7.175263
> 11.00 0.400029 -1

Re: [Ubuntu-BD] The compiled program in g++ didn't give complete output in the terminal or any output file.

2012-01-26 Thread Md Ashickur Rahman Noor
@Pavel Sayekat

First please use for submitting code (though it is
not a rules, I learned it from IRC, it is a good practice). I think it is
very much helpful. I have paste it here .

I think is not a problem of g++. You may have made some logical error in
your code.
Dedicated Linux Forum in Bangladesh 
Volunteer, FOSS Bangladesh  && Mozilla

On 26 January 2012 20:34, Pavel Sayekat  wrote:

> I did a c++ code for solving a third order D.E. as follows:
> /*By this program we will find out the initial condition.
> /*The initial condition (when t=0) of the third order nonlinear ODE*/
> /*Date: 23.01.2012*/
> #include 
> #include 
> // FILE *fp;
>  #define N 3
>  int rk();
>  int sub();
>  int i, m;
>  float F[N], K[4][N], temp[N],V[N], T_limit=5.1, h=0.5, T=0., e=0.1, c1,
> c2, c3, lm=.8, x, x0, x1, x2;
>   // Y[N] is the initial value of the dependent variable of our original
> equation.
>   // T (time) is the independent variable of our original equation.
>   // K is used for iteration of Runge Katta Method.
>   // T_limit is used as the final value of T (time)
> int main()
>  {
>  float a0=0.4, b0=0.2, c0=0.1;
>float y0, y1, y2, z0, z1, z2;
>  float k,j;
>  float r, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9;
>  float p1, p2, p3;
>  float q1, q2;
>  for (j=2.5;j<=10;j=j+0.2)
>  {
>  printf("\n");
>  k=j;
> // printf("Enter a +ve value of the root, k=");
>  //k means lamda
> // scanf("%f", &k);
>  //r=-1/(k*k);
> //m1=2/(k*k*k);
>   m2=18/pow(k,4);
>   m3=72/pow(k,5);
>   m4=120/pow(k,6);
>   //m5=1/pow(k,3);
>   //m6=12/pow(k,4);
>   m7=m3;
>   m8=240/pow(k,6);
>   m9=360/pow(k,7);
> p1=-1/(k*k);
>   p2=-6/pow(k,3);
>   p3=-12/pow(k,4);
> q1=-2/pow(k,2);
> q2=-6/pow(k,3);
>  y0=a0;
>  z0=e*(b0*c0*m4+c0*c0*m9);
>  x0=y0+z0;
>  y1=-k*a0+e*(a0*a0*p1+a0*b0*p2+(b0*b0+2*c0*a0)*p3)+b0;
>  z1=e*(-2*k*(b0*c0*m4+c0*c0*m9)+b0*c0*m3+c0*c0*m8);
>  x1=y1+z1;
> y2=k*k*a0-3*e*k*(a0*a0*p1+a0*b0*p2+(b0*b0+2*c0*a0)*p3)-2*k*b0+2*e*(a0*b0*q1+(b0*b0+2*c0*a0)*q2)+2*c0;
> z2=e*(4*k*k*(b0*c0*m4+c0*c0*m9)-4*k*(b0*c0*m3+c0*c0*m8)+2*b0*c0*m2+2*c0*c0*m7);
>  printf("\n\t\t x0=%f \n\t\t x1=%f \n\t\t x2=%f", x0, x1, x2);
>  printf("\n");
>  printf("\n");
>  sub();
>  }
> return 0;
> }
>  int sub()
>  {
>  c1=-3.0*lm; //sum of the A.U. roots.
>  c2=3.0*lm*lm; //sum of the product of the roots taken two at a time
>  c3=-lm*lm*lm; //product of the roots
> // fp=fopen("learn1.dat", "w");
>  V[0]=x0;
>  V[1]=x1;
>  V[2]=x2;
> // printf("initial value\n");
> // for (i=0; i
> // {
> // printf("Y[%d]=",i);
> // scanf("%f", (Y+i));
> // }
>  do
>  {
>  printf ("%.2f\t",T);
> // fprintf(fp, "%.2f\n", T);
>  x=V[0];
>  for(i=0; i
>  {
>  temp[i]=V[i];
>  printf("%f\t",V[i]);
>  }
>  printf("%f\n",x);
> // fprintf(fp, "%f\n", x);
>  for(m=0; m<4; m++)
>  {
>  F[0]=V[1];
>  F[1]=V[2];
>  F[2]=-c3*V[0]-c2*V[1]-c1*V[2]-e*V[0]*V[0]*V[0];
>  rk();
>  }
>  } while(T
>  return 0;
>  }
>  int rk()
>  {
>  for(i=0; i
>  {
>  K[m][i]=F[i];
>  if (m==0 || m==1)
>  V[i]=temp[i]+.5*h*K[m][i];
>  else if(m==2)
>  V[i]=temp[i]+h*K[m][i];
>  else V[i]=temp[i]+(K[0][i]+2*K[1][i]+2*K[2][i]+K[3][i])*h/6.;
>  }
>  if (m==0 || m==2)
>  T=T+.5*h;
>  return 0;
>  }
> But the compiled program gave me this
>   x0=0.401573
>   x1=-0.814725
>   x2=1.773615
> 0.00 0.401573 -0.814725 1.773615 0.401573
> 0.50 0.369061 1.085164 6.471668 0.369061
> 1.00 2.058680 6.524188 16.426159 2.058680
> 1.50 7.990735 18.327394 27.232946 7.990735
> 2.00 18.454220 7.876439 -167.319901 18.454220
> 2.50 -28.053253 -251.635757 -664.048889 -28.053253
> 3.00 556.427917 14110.076172 153872.875000 556.427917
> 3.50 -71204488.00 -11171593216.00 1046708024770560.00
> -71204488.00
> 4.00 24474019397295355228848128.00 -inf -inf
> 24474019397295355228848128.00
> 4.50 -nan -nan -nan -nan
> 5.00 -nan -nan -nan -nan
> 5.50 -nan -nan -nan -nan
>   x0=0.400964
>   x1=-0.890924
>   x2=2.096703
> 6.00 0.400964 -0.890924 2.096703 0.400964
>   x0=0.400612
>   x1=-0.968352
>   x2=2.455168
> 6.50 0.400612 -0.968352 2.455168 0.400612
>   x0=0.400401
>   x1=-1.046550
>   x2=2.847923
> 7.00 0.400401 -1.046550 2.847923 0.400401
>   x0=0.400270
>   x1=-1.125250
>   x2=3.274284
> 7.50 0.400270 -1.125250 3.274284 0.400270
>   x0=0.400187
>   x1=-1.204286
>   x2=3.733802
> 8.00 0.400187 -1.204286 3.733802 0.400187
>   x0=0.400131
>   x1=-1.283556
>   x2=4.226174
> 8.50 0.400131 -1.283556 4.226174 0.400131
>   x0=0.400094
>   x1=-1.36299