
oday I tried the Xubuntu 7.04 PPC edition.
It preformed stunningly well! Compositing even worked out of the box.

I think you could install it on that iMac G3.
However there are some things to consider. Some software/plugin are not  
possible on a linux PPC system. For example, the Adobe Flash Player.
Another thing, there is no right mouse button on the standard mouse, and  
xubuntu does not recognize the keyboard and mouse button combo to emulate  
the right mouse button. Just some minor problems.

I stay with Mac OS X panther, but i think Xubuntu definitly is a better  
(more modern) OS than Mac OS 9.0

anyway, i don't think you should call for an Apple-expert to install  
ubuntu on that iMac. An simple ubuntu user could do it. Just remember to  
press the "c" button on the keyboard while booting.


On Wed, 06 Jun 2007 22:46:24 +0200, Bert Mariën <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Dieter Vanderfaeillie wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have an iMac G3 to. I also tried to install ubuntu on it. It works..  
>> But
>> I would not recommend it.
>> Ubuntu on an iMac G3 is pretty slow.
> Perhaps Xubuntu does the thrick. Anyone tried it?
> Bert.
>> I don't live near Vilvoorde/Kampenhout so i cannot help with the
>> installation.
>> All i can say is, if you want to start the live cd you have to press "c"
>> on the keyboard while booting.
>> However i did some tests at home, and edgy (PPC version) failed to start
>> on my iMac G3 (400 mhz, 512 MB, 20 GB). Hoary Hedgehog booted up but was
>> really unstable. I did not test the lastest unofficial feisty PPC  
>> version
>> (yet). Support for an iMac G3 is not that good...
>> Conclusion, a PPC G3 is a bit to slow for an ubuntu install.
>> regards
>> Dieter
>> On Wed, 06 Jun 2007 14:48:59 +0200, Bram Vandoren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I received this message from a potential Ubuntu user. Unfortunately I
>>> don't have time at the moment and I don't have experience with Ubuntu
>>> on Mac (and no cd-roms). Can someone take care of this request ?
>>> He lives in Perk (near Vilvoorde/Kampenhout). I will send the contact
>>> details to the volunteer.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bram.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Steunpuntenkaart ubuntu-be.org <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Date: Jun 6, 2007 2:09 PM
>>> Subject: Ubuntu-be.org: vraag van een potentieel ubuntu-gebruiker
>>> <knip>email adres</knip>
>>> Hi, Bram,
>>> <knip /> asked us to contact you as an Ubuntu-be support point. To get
>>> een
>>> gratis Ubuntu-installatieset..
>>> Here is his/her message to you:Goeiedag,
>>> Bezit een oude Imac G3 (blauw), processor PowerPC G - 350MHz - 128Mb
>>> werkgeheugen en een HD van 6GB. Geinstalleerd OS 9.0 nl
>>> Explorer 5.1.7 is laatste versie verkrijgbaar en doet het niet zo
>>> schitterend meer. Dacht Ubuntu te installeren en met Firefox te werken.
>>> Is
>>> dat mogelijk, en met goede resultaten ? Ben geen expert  
>>> informatica....!
>>> Hartelijk dank bij voorbaat voor uw antwoord.
>>> <knip>contactgegevens</knip>

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