Re: nec optiarc dvd rw 7170a

2007-07-17 Thread Alain Audebeau
Le Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:59:48 +0200,
alain bellec [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 cher tous,
 merci pour les renseignements que vous m'avez fourni.
 malgré tout je ne sais pas comment on fait pour effacer un cd rw sous
 linux ubuntu 7.04 et encore moins pour en graver un.
pour graver un cd ou l'effacer, il te faut un logiciel de gravure.
Normal. Par défaut, il en existe un tout simple livré avec ta version
ubuntu. Dès que tu insères un cd vierge, normalement, un petite fenêtre
s'ouvre te demandant si tu veux graver un cd audio ou de données.
il s'appelle Serpentine. Il doit se trouver dans
Applications  audio. Sinon alt+F2 et un lanceur s'ouvre. Tu tapes
serpentine puis ok. Ou encore dans un terminal, tu fais la même chose,
suivi de  (serpentine) afin de permettre de libérer le terminal un
fois le logiciel ouvert. 
Maintenant, il existe en effet d'autres graveurs plus évolués. Comme
cela t'a été indiqué, tu as k3b. Il est normalement conçu pour le
bureau kde mais il n'y a aucun problème à l'installer sur gnome. Nous
sommes très nombreux à le faire. Disons pour faire simple qu'il
pourrait être comparé à Nero.  pour l'installer:
tu ouvres un terminal puis sudo apt-get install k3b ensuite 
 et tout ce que tu trouveras ici.
C'est très bien expliqué. Tu peux faire tout cela en mode graphique si
tu débutes et que tu ne comprends pas bien le processus de la commande
via terminal (ou console) 
Tu ouvres Synaptic par Système  Administration et tu installes tout ce
qui t'es demandé sur le lien indiqué plus haut. Tu trouveras ensuite le
raccourcis de k3b dans le Menu Application  audio
Il existe encore un autre graveur nommé Brasero que j'utilise aussi et
qui est très bien. Pareil, tu le cherches dans Synaptic en tapant les
premières lettres et tu l'installes. Puis tu essaies l'un et l'autre.
Chacun possède une fonction d'effacement des rw. Quant à la gravure, je
ne pense pas qu'on puisse faire plus simple.
 pourriez vous me l'expliquer ?
 au fait, mon graveur optiarc est bien reconnu par linux mais il n'est
 pas sur le bureau, comment faire ?
Dès que tu mets un cd vierge ou non, il devrait se monter et une icône
se placer sur le bureau. Si cela n'est pas le cas, reformule ici la
question quelqu'un d'autre de plus averti que moi pourra certainement
t'aider à résoudre l'éventuel problème.


ubuntu-fr mailing list

telephone portable

2007-07-17 Thread BEN GARGA Malek

Est ce qu'on a réussi à installer ubuntu sur des pockets pc ou des
telephones portables, je suis curieux de le savoir,

Merci à vous,

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: nec optiarc dvd rw 7170a

2007-07-17 Thread Didier Eymet

Sans vouloir concurrencer k3b, brasero fonctionne bien et accomplit 
toutes les tâches essentielles d'un logiciel de gravure. Il est 
parfaitement intégré à gnome.

Bon courage.

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: fetchmail, dovecot et thunderbird

2007-07-17 Thread Boby K

Rapide résumé et extraits des épisodes précédents (voir ci-dessous pour
le détail de la conversation)
Je suis disons... néophite et cherche à installer un serveur imap local
avec fetchmail, postfix et dovecot.
J'ai pu installer fetchmail mais n'arrive pas à installer son
configurateur :
 Dépend : fetchmail (=6.3.2-2ubuntu2) mais 6.3.2-2ubuntu2.1 doit être
 Le pb, c'est que dans la liste de paquets dans synaptic, je n'ai pas
 d'autres choix pour la version...
 Réponse de Thierry
 Je ne sais plus s'il y a deja eu 1 mise à jour de fetchmail,
 oui. Lance tn gestionnaire de mise à jour (Menu administration) et
 clique sur 'mise à jour'. Ca devrait le faire.
A part ça, Thierry m'explique (de manière très claire d'ailleurs, merci
beaucoup) le principe de fonctionnement de fetchmail avec dovecot et

Ma réponse :
Pa de résultat, j'ai tout mis à jour mais obtient toujours le même
 Dépend : fetchmail (=6.3.2-2ubuntu2) mais 6.3.2-2ubuntu2.1 doit être

A part ça, j'ai trouvé sur le net un tutoriel pour installer le tout, je vous le copie
ci-dessous avec mes commentaires aux endroits où je bloque :

Installer postfix. Cela fonctionne aussi avec d'autres serveurs de
courriel, mais je détaille uniquement pour Postfix.
Par choix personnel, je prefère utiliser le format Maildir afin de
converver mes courriels. Chaque courriel sera alors dans un fichier
propre, contrairement au format mbox avec lequel chaque dossier
(contenant souvent plusieurs centaines de courriels) est un fichier de
plusieurs Mo. Pour configurer ainsi Postfix, modifier alors le fichier
/etc/postfix/ pour ajouter :

home_mailbox = Courriel/

Le / final indique à Postfix que l'on veut utiliser le format Maildir.
Les courriels seront dont mis dans le repertoire personnel de chaque
utilisateur, dans le sous répertoire courriel.
 J'ai pu faire ceci... après avoir appris comment éditer un fichier
 avec tous les droits. J'ai juste ajouter en fin du fichier la ligne
 'home_mailbox = Courriel/'

Redémarrer Postfix. Assurez vous que le répertoire ~/Courriel existe,
avec les droits d'écriture pour votre utilisateur.
 Qu'entends ton par Redémarrer ? Dans un terminal, j'ai fait
 postfix stop puis postfix start
J'ai fait une recherche du Courriel avec gnome-search-tool mais sans
succés. Où est-ce répertoire ?

Afin de créer la structure du Maildir, s'envoyer un courriel :

$ mail nom_utilisateur
Subject: Creation de la boite entrée
Voila qui est fait ctrl+D
Cc: entree

 Désolé pour ces questions peut-être naïves mais que dois-je faire
 ici ?
Taper ce qu'il y a entre les $ $ dans un terminal ? Dois-je remplacer
nom_utilisateur par autre chose ?
Je me suis arrêté là pour le moment...
Merci pour votre aide ! Boby

Si on liste le contenu de ~/Courriel, apparait alors :

$ ls -F ~/Courriel/
cur/  new/  tmp/

Installer dovecot-imapd. C'est un très bon serveur IMAP, qui est
configurable facilement (contrairement à uw-imapd). Il suffit ensuite de
modifier la configuration pour indiquer à Dovecot où il doit chercher
les courriels. Dans le fichier /etc/dovecot.conf, chercher
default_mail_env et indiquer à la suite des exemples donnés :

default_mail_env = maildir:/home/%u/Courriel/

Si vous avez conservé le format mbox, il suffit d'adapter la
configuration à votre cas, dovecot pouvant également accéder à une boite
au format mbox.
Redémarrez dovecot. Vous pouvez ensuite tester avec Mozilla Thunderbird,
KMail ou évolution votre accès au serveur IMAP. Vous pouvez utiliser
IMAP/SSL pour plus de sécurité.
Il s'agit ensuite de récupérer les courriels distants de votre éventuel
fournisseur si vous ne faites pas vous même serveur pour vos courriels.
Pour cela, installez fetchmail. Vous pouvez également installer
fechtmailconf pour vous aider lors de la configuration de fetchmail.
Fetchmail va se charger de récupérer vos courriels par POP3 ou POP3/SSL
et va les transférer à Postfix. Créez vous un fichier ~/.fetchmailrc qui
va ressembler à ceci :

# Configuration created Wed Apr  7 23:12:15 2004 by fetchmailconf
set postmaster bouil
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties 
poll with proto POP3
  user 'mon_login_POP' there with password 'VOTRE_MOT_DE_PASSE' is
'mon_login_LOCAL' here options fetchall ssl
poll with proto POP3
  user 'mon_login_POP' there with password 'VOTRE_MOT_DE_PASSE' is
'mon_login_LOCAL' here options fetchall

Donc, on relève ici deux boites, la première en SSL (option ssl à la fin
de la ligne), l'autre sans SSL. Les courriels seront dans les deux cas
transmis dans la boite de l'utilsateur local.
Lancez ensuite fetchmail à ma main, et vérifiez ainsi que la
configuration de fetchmail est correcte. Creez ensuite une tache
planifiée afin de faire executer fetchmail de manière régulière,
automatiquement. Éditez pour cela votre fichier crontab personnel :

$ crontab -e


Re: telephone portable

2007-07-17 Thread Eric Guyot
BEN GARGA Malek a écrit :
 Est ce qu'on a réussi à installer ubuntu sur des pockets pc ou des
 telephones portables, je suis curieux de le savoir,

c'est en cours je crois...


Registered Linux user #348774

 Il faut garder de bonnes relations avec les Gréciens.
President G.W.Bush
—The Economist, 12 juin 1999

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Liste de dépots

2007-07-17 Thread jazzta
Nature-Informatique a écrit :
 jazzta a écrit :
 Suite à une manip sur mes dépôts car lors de mise à jour car  j'obtenais 
 tranlation bzip2  99% et blocage ensuite,

 Voiçi ma liste de dépots:

 deb feisty main restricted
 deb feisty-security main restricted
 deb feisty-updates main restricted

 # Dépôts de sources (uniquement utiles pour télécharger les sources avec 
 apt-get source. Dans ce cas enlever les #)
 deb-src feisty main restricted
 deb-src feisty-security main restricted
 deb-src feisty-updates main restricted

 deb feisty restricted universe multiverse
 deb feisty-security restricted universe 
 deb feisty-updates restricted universe 

 # Dépôts de sources (uniquement utiles pour télécharger les sources avec 
 apt-get source. Dans ce cas enlever les #)
 deb-src feisty restricted universe multiverse
 deb-src feisty-security restricted universe 
 deb-src feisty-updates restricted universe 
 deb feisty free non-free
 deb ubuntu main dupdate french

 et j'obtiens maintenant ceci:

 E: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 
 Ressource temporairement non disponible)
 E: Impossible de verrouiller le répertoire des listes de dépôts
 Je pense que tu utilises un gestionnaire de paquets, synaptic ou autre, 
 ferme le attend quelque secondes puis tu l'ouvres de nous. Normalement 
 ça devrait fonctionner.
 Si le problème continu supprime le fichier lock à l'adresse indiquée 
 ci-dessus. C'est ce fichier qui verrouille l'accès à tes dépôts.

Merçi pour l'info mais je galère pour supprimer ce lock.
Qu'elle est la methode.
Merçi beaucoup

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: telephone portable

2007-07-17 Thread CORITON Nicolas
BEN GARGA Malek a écrit :

 Est ce qu'on a réussi à installer ubuntu sur des pockets pc ou des
 telephones portables, je suis curieux de le savoir,

 Merci à vous,

Il faudrait etre resonable les distrib qui tourne sur des pocket PC son 
tres specifique  car on à pas dutous la meme architecture materiel par 
contre sur les UMPC c'est  faisable essai dans  google  samsung q1 ubuntu 
la machine finale est utilisable je m'en sers regulierement 

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ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: Liste de dépots

2007-07-17 Thread CORITON Nicolas

jazzta a crit:

  Nature-Informatique a crit :
jazzta a crit :

Suite  une manip sur mes dpts car lors de mise  jour car  j'obtenais 
"tranlation bzip2  99%" et blocage ensuite,

Voii ma liste de dpots:

deb feisty main restricted
deb feisty-security main restricted
deb feisty-updates main restricted

# Dpts de sources (uniquement utiles pour tlcharger les sources avec 
apt-get source. Dans ce cas enlever les #)
deb-src feisty main restricted
deb-src feisty-security main restricted
deb-src feisty-updates main restricted

deb feisty restricted universe multiverse
deb feisty-security restricted universe 
deb feisty-updates restricted universe 

# Dpts de sources (uniquement utiles pour tlcharger les sources avec 
apt-get source. Dans ce cas enlever les #)
deb-src feisty restricted universe multiverse
deb-src feisty-security restricted universe 
deb-src feisty-updates restricted universe 
deb feisty free non-free
deb ubuntu main dupdate french

et j'obtiens maintenant ceci:

E: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 
Ressource temporairement non disponible)
E: Impossible de verrouiller le rpertoire des listes de dpts


Je pense que tu utilises un gestionnaire de paquets, synaptic ou autre, 
ferme le attend quelque secondes puis tu l'ouvres de nous. Normalement 
a devrait fonctionner.
Si le problme continu supprime le fichier "lock"  l'adresse indique 
ci-dessus. C'est ce fichier qui verrouille l'accs  tes dpts.


  Meri pour l'info mais je galre pour supprimer ce lock.
Qu'elle est la methode.
Meri beaucoup


sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

-- Disclaimer 
Ce message ainsi que les eventuelles pieces jointes constituent une correspondance privee et confidentielle a l'attention exclusive du destinataire designe ci-dessus. Si vous n'etes pas le destinataire du present message ou une personne susceptible de pouvoir le lui delivrer, il vous est signifie que toute divulgation, distribution ou copie de cette transmission est strictement interdite. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, nous vous remercions d'en informer l'expediteur par telephone ou de lui retourner le present message, puis d'effacer immediatement ce message de votre systeme.
This e-mail and any attachments is a confidential correspondence intended only for use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient or the agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender by phone or by replying this message, and then delete this message from your system.

ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: dual boot

2007-07-17 Thread Philippe Conne
Merci à ceux qui m'ont répondu ici et en privé. Une synthèse de tout ce 
qui a été dit m'aide à résoudre le problème



ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: telephone portable

2007-07-17 Thread Cedric Janssens
Le 17/07/07, Eric Guyot[EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
 BEN GARGA Malek a écrit :
  Est ce qu'on a réussi à installer ubuntu sur des pockets pc ou des
  telephones portables, je suis curieux de le savoir,

 c'est en cours je crois...

Cette version est pour les UMPC et compagnies, pas pour les téléphones
et les PDA.


ubuntu-fr mailing list

Re: telephone portable

2007-07-17 Thread Nicolas Borboën
Intel a choisi Linux pour ses MIDs:

ubuntu-fr mailing list

[Bug 125426] Re: Openoffice crashes on copying a checkbox

2007-07-17 Thread thom_raindog
done :)
Say, have you been able (or at least trying) to reproduce that bug?

** Changed in: (Ubuntu)
Sourcepackagename: None =

Openoffice crashes on copying a checkbox
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 126471] Re: (please sync from Debian unstable to universe) unrar.c Remote DoS in clamav before 0.91

2007-07-17 Thread Leonel Nunez
clamav (0.90.2-0ubuntu1.3) feisty-security; urgency=low

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Remote DoS in RAR Files
  * Added 55_cve-2007-3725.dpatch: backported upstream fix (LP: #126471).
  * References

 -- Leonel Nunez [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Mon, 16 Jul 2007 21:23:43

** Changed in: clamav (Ubuntu Feisty)
   Status: In Progress = Fix Released

(please sync from Debian unstable to universe) unrar.c  Remote DoS in clamav 
before 0.91
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 121135] Re: /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: compcomm-plugins-main (Ubuntu)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

/usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 123034] Re: conflict with compiz-extra during update from Feisty to Gusty

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 121135 ***

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 121135
   /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code

-- conflict with compiz-extra during update from Feisty to Gusty
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 126490] freetennis manual page lists an incorrect URL

2007-07-17 Thread xtknight
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: freetennis

type man freetennis or info freetennis

The instructions tell you to go to /usr/share/doc/freetennis/web-
site/index.html for the manual.  This location does not exist.

The correct location is: /usr/share/doc/freetennis-common/web-

** Affects: freetennis (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

freetennis manual page lists an incorrect URL
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 126489] scan for new images takes 1 hour

2007-07-17 Thread Andrew Frank
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: kphotoalbum

i started KPA from the command-line to use an collection of photos on an usb 
connected external disk (with an index page there).
the collection contains some 20'000 photos.
it was indexed before, but reopening the index takes again over an hour. 
i assume i have some preferences, disk mount parameter or similar wrong?
i am new to KPA. any help?

i installed KPA from ubuntu 7.04 (updated), using gnome as my desktop
(any problem here?); i have 3.0.2-1build1 (probably; KPA says only 3.0)

** Affects: kphotoalbum (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

scan for new images takes 1 hour
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 126407] Re: [Gutsy] rt2500 driver missing from rt2x00 drivers in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-8-generic

2007-07-17 Thread Cedric Schieli
I've provided a patch which fixes this in #118205

[Gutsy] rt2500 driver missing from rt2x00 drivers in 
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 119578] Re: MSoffice word doc not in same format in OpenOffice

2007-07-17 Thread yamal
** Changed in: (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

MSoffice word doc not in same format in OpenOffice
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 126427] Re: [sync request] please sync warsow-data from Debian unstable (non-free)

2007-07-17 Thread Lionel Porcheron
Sync request ACKed

** Changed in: Ubuntu
   Importance: Undecided = Wishlist
   Status: New = Confirmed

[sync request] please sync warsow-data from Debian unstable (non-free)
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 121415] Re: [gutsy] wireless doesn't work after booting with wireless switch off

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
I could repro this prob with 2.6.22-6-generic on an HP/Compaq 6710b but
with 2.6.22-7-generic it works correctly.

Okay, so we've got one user who sees this fixed in gutsy - is anyone
else in current gutsy still seeing this?

** Changed in: linux-source-2.6.22 (Ubuntu Gutsy)
   Status: Confirmed = Incomplete
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

[gutsy] wireless doesn't work after booting with wireless switch off
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 119341] Re: glxinfo command causes Xorg to abort on Dimension E520

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
Changing milestone to tribe 4.

Bryce, please debug this with mvo, when both of you are around.

** Changed in: xserver-xorg-video-vesa (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

glxinfo command causes Xorg to abort on Dimension E520
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 126490] Re: freetennis manual page lists an incorrect URL

2007-07-17 Thread xtknight
** Changed in: freetennis (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = xtknight
   Status: New = In Progress

freetennis manual page lists an incorrect URL
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 121439] Re: [Gutsy]Network Manager Applet can't connect wireless with ipw3945 driver

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: network-manager (Ubuntu Gutsy)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Alexander Sack
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

[Gutsy]Network Manager Applet can't connect wireless with ipw3945 driver
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 119289] Re: make backend invocation compatible to upstream

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: cupsys (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

make backend invocation compatible to upstream
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 121833] Re: LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle

2007-07-17 Thread DanaGoyette
** Summary changed:

- LCD backlight turns off when at idle or on battery.
+ LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on 
battery or at idle

LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on 
battery or at idle
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 118745] Re: Font sizes in Gutsy are vulnerable to bad DPI detection

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: xorg-server (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

Font sizes in Gutsy are vulnerable to bad DPI detection
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 106143] Re: kdevelop assistant crashes on logout

2007-07-17 Thread Matej Kenda
The problem is reproducible with Feisty, running KDE 3.5.7

Still using kdevelop 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3.

** Attachment added: kdevelop_assistant.txt

kdevelop assistant crashes on logout
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 63175] Re: Edgy Beta -- fsck on every (re)boot

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: e2fsprogs (Ubuntu Gutsy)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

Edgy Beta -- fsck on every (re)boot
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 46966] Re: Burning dvd succedes, but can't read disk afterwards

2007-07-17 Thread gomek
Kubuntu Feisty Fawn
kernel 2.6.20-16-generic
LG DVDRAM internal, ATAPI, 8X DVD-R, 4X DVD-RW, 8X DVD+R, 4X DVD+RW, 3X 
DVD-RAM, 32X CD read, 24X CD-R, 16X CD-RW

Using K3b, I am unable to successfully burn a DVD.  I get no errors
during the burn, but I am unable to mount the burned DVD.  I am also
unable to mount a movie DVD via Konqueror.  I must mount or pmount the
DVD manually.

List of similar bug reports:

Burning dvd succedes, but can't read disk afterwards
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is a direct subscriber.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 37876] Re: Kernel does not read DVDs, no automount

2007-07-17 Thread gomek
Kubuntu Feisty Fawn
kernel 2.6.20-16-generic
LG DVDRAM internal, ATAPI, 8X DVD-R, 4X DVD-RW, 8X DVD+R, 4X DVD+RW, 3X 
DVD-RAM, 32X CD read, 24X CD-R, 16X CD-RW

Using K3b, I am unable to successfully burn a DVD.  I get no errors
during the burn, but I am unable to mount the burned DVD.  I am also
unable to mount a movie DVD via Konqueror.  I must mount or pmount the
DVD manually.

List of similar bug reports:

Kernel does not read DVDs, no automount
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is a direct subscriber.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 121246] Re: Can´t mount written dvd ´s. Empty media (SATA DVD+- Writer)

2007-07-17 Thread gomek
Kubuntu Feisty Fawn
kernel 2.6.20-16-generic
LG DVDRAM internal, ATAPI, 8X DVD-R, 4X DVD-RW, 8X DVD+R, 4X DVD+RW, 3X 
DVD-RAM, 32X CD read, 24X CD-R, 16X CD-RW

Using K3b, I am unable to successfully burn a DVD.  I get no errors
during the burn, but I am unable to mount the burned DVD.  I am also
unable to mount a movie DVD via Konqueror.  I must mount or pmount the
DVD manually.

List of similar bug reports:

Can´t mount written dvd´s. Empty media (SATA DVD+- Writer)
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 123080] Re: [gutsy] booting after hibernation doesn't prompt for a password

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: Ubuntu
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Ubuntu Desktop Bugs
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

[gutsy] booting after hibernation doesn't prompt for a password
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[Bug 123071] Re: Hibernation on Gutsy Tribe-2 hangs on Power down on D3C5105 motherboard

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: linux-source-2.6.22 (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

Hibernation on Gutsy Tribe-2 hangs on Power down on D3C5105 motherboard
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[Bug 122886] Re: Intel mobile graphics controller not detected on GMCHB0ICHB0

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

Intel mobile graphics controller not detected on GMCHB0ICHB0
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[Bug 122666] Re: [gutsy] brightness always appears after Idle

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

[gutsy] brightness always appears after Idle
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[Bug 87763] Re: killall5 in /etc/init.d/sendsigs should not kill ntfs-3g and other fuse filesystems

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: sysvinit (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Scott James Remnant
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

killall5 in /etc/init.d/sendsigs should not kill ntfs-3g and other fuse 
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[Bug 123099] Re: USB to ethernet interface not networked after hibernation

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: linux-source-2.6.22 (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Ubuntu Kernel Team
   Target: tribe-3 = None

USB to ethernet interface not networked after hibernation
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[Bug 125233] Re: [flashplugin-nonfree] Arbitrary code execution in Flash Player and prior versions

2007-07-17 Thread hk47
Will there also be updated packages for the stable releases?

[flashplugin-nonfree] Arbitrary code execution in Flash Player and 
prior versions
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[Bug 126492] Re: Totem player cut sound every 3 second for MP3

2007-07-17 Thread ristoL

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: ProcMaps.txt

** Attachment added: ProcStatus.txt

Totem player cut sound every 3 second for MP3
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[Bug 126492] Totem player cut sound every 3 second for MP3

2007-07-17 Thread ristoL
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: totem

Problem: sound is cut every 2-3 second while music file is played. This
happens for the first file played about 1min and 45 second (some time
even 3 minutes). If I load a another file or play the file again in the
same session there is not such a problem. If I close Totem and start it
again I have same problem the first 1 minute  and 45 second.

During the sound cut problem, the sound visualization is not visible but
as soon it is shown the cut is not any more there.

So maybe this is related to loading of visualization.

Sound files are not same physical disk as Ubuntu. Music are on SATA-1
disk which format is NTFS.

ProblemType: Bug
Architecture: i386
Date: Tue Jul 17 08:56:33 2007
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 7.04
ExecutablePath: /usr/bin/totem
Package: totem-gstreamer 2.18.1-0ubuntu3
PackageArchitecture: i386
ProcCmdline: totem 
ProcCwd: /home/elvis
SourcePackage: totem
Uname: Linux elvis-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 
i686 GNU/Linux

** Affects: totem (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

Totem player cut sound every 3 second for MP3
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[Bug 94119] Re: CDROM drive no longer working, unable to mount.

2007-07-17 Thread gomek
Kubuntu Feisty Fawn
kernel 2.6.20-16-generic
LG DVDRAM internal, ATAPI, 8X DVD-R, 4X DVD-RW, 8X DVD+R, 4X DVD+RW, 3X 
DVD-RAM, 32X CD read, 24X CD-R, 16X CD-RW

Using K3b, I am unable to successfully burn a DVD.  I get no errors
during the burn, but I am unable to mount the burned DVD.  I am also
unable to mount a movie DVD via Konqueror.  I must mount or pmount the
DVD manually.

List of similar bug reports:

CDROM drive no longer working, unable to mount.
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[Bug 124900] Re: Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable

2007-07-17 Thread Martin Pitt

** Changed in: gtkpod (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Martin Pitt
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Released

Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable
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[Bug 106143] Re: kdevelop assistant crashes on logout

2007-07-17 Thread Matej Kenda
** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: kdevelop
  I have standalone Kdevelop assistant windows open to browse the
  development documentation.
  Since I have started to use big desktop (two monitors, connected to ATI
  GPU, fglrx driver) the Assistant crashes when logging out.
+ Further tests showed that crash is not related to having big desktop.
  $ dpkg -s kdevelop | grep Version
  Version: 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3
  $ uname -a
  Linux mk 2.6.20-14-generic #2 SMP Thu Apr 12 22:53:19 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

kdevelop assistant crashes on logout
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[Bug 126490] Re: freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL

2007-07-17 Thread xtknight
** Summary changed:

- freetennis manual page lists an incorrect URL
+ freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL

** Description changed:

  Binary package hint: freetennis
  type man freetennis or info freetennis
  The instructions tell you to go to /usr/share/doc/freetennis/web-
  site/index.html for the manual.  This location does not exist.
  The correct location is: /usr/share/doc/freetennis-common/web-
+ Also in the man file:
+freetennis - program to do something
+ This should be changed to free tennis simulation game like in the
+ Description.

freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL
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[Bug 124900] Re: Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable

2007-07-17 Thread Steve Kowalik
kipi-plugins has also built and hit the archive, so closing it's task,
as well.

** Changed in: kipi-plugins (Ubuntu)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

Please sync gtkpod-0.99.10, libgpod-0.5.2 from debian unstable
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[Bug 122949] Re: Tray icons take a LONG time to appear with compiz enabled

2007-07-17 Thread Daniel Holbach
compiz (1:0.5.1+git20070712-0ubuntu3) gutsy; urgency=low

  * debian/compiz.wrapper: run without --sm-disable (LP: #122949)
  * debian/control: drop epochs on compiz-fusion-plugins-main and
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and make compiz installable again.

 -- Daniel Holbach [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tue, 17 Jul 2007
08:16:10 +0200

** Changed in: compiz (Ubuntu)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Released

Tray icons take a LONG time to appear with compiz enabled
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Re: [Bug 119881] Re: Please sync dosfstools (main) from Debian unstable (main)

2007-07-17 Thread Soren Hansen
On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 01:23:09AM -, Onno Benschop wrote:
 I may be mistaken, but it appears as if this version only fixes Bug
 #62831, and does not incorporate the fix for Bug #68153.

I've just looked at the code, and the patch from #68153 does indeed seem
to be included?

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Server Team

Please sync dosfstools (main) from Debian unstable (main)
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[Bug 123283] Re: Black screen but everything still work

2007-07-17 Thread Zenigata
I keep having the same problem, but I do not belive anymore it is
correlated to screensaver or other things like this.

Yesterday it occured just like this, even thought I was moving the
mouse, the screen just get darker, sometimes it stops and comes back to
normal, but some other time it gets all black but the mouse pointer.

This bug is really very annoying, since it may result in loss of work.

Black screen but everything still work
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[Bug 120324] Re: please sync package mediawiki1.10 from debian unstable

2007-07-17 Thread Sikon
** Summary changed:

- please sync package mediawiki1.10 from debian experimental
+ please sync package mediawiki1.10 from debian unstable

** Description changed:

- Even though it is in experimental, MediaWiki 1.10 is the latest stable
- version. It should be available in Ubuntu.
+ Now available in unstable:

please sync package mediawiki1.10 from debian unstable
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[Bug 118718] Re: gdesklets crashing when loading desklet

2007-07-17 Thread Lauri Kainulainen
This will presumably fixed in 0.36 which should be ready this fall. As
Christian said, this is probably related to GTK 2.12.

gdesklets crashing when loading desklet
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[Bug 75885] Re: conflicts with file /etc/kde3/khotnewstuffrc

2007-07-17 Thread Roman Plessl
Affects also Ubuntu 7.04 (feisty) on amd64.

Patch attached.

** Attachment added: ia32-libs-kde.patch

conflicts with file /etc/kde3/khotnewstuffrc
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[Bug 109928] Re: last fm client starts completly and then crashes

2007-07-17 Thread ark_v2
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 72787 ***

Me too.

** Attachment added: _usr_bin_lastfm.1000.crash

last fm client starts completly and then crashes
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[Bug 96369] Re: [UNMETDEPS] xen-restricted-modules-2.6.17 has unmet dependencies

2007-07-17 Thread John Pye
This is still true 17 Jul 2007. As far as I can tell, this means it is
impossible for me to use my nivida video card with Xen on Ubuntu...?

[UNMETDEPS] xen-restricted-modules-2.6.17 has unmet dependencies
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[Bug 126495] [improvement] avoid data loss on X restart

2007-07-17 Thread Zenigata
Public bug reported:

Due to some bugs, you may have to restart X (ctrl+alr+back) and thus you
will loose unsaved data in your programms, this could be quite anoying.

So I had the idea of something that would allow one to restore the
application ha wants to be retored after an X restart.

The basic thing would be to save the state of currently running X apps and 
their open files in a temporary file, and when the user would strart it's 
session again after X restart, he wouls be prompted to check the apps he'd like 
to be restored (thus havaing the ability of getting its work restored).

Maybe this things could be extended to more cases than on purpose X restart 
meaning that there could be an auto savestate performed at a certain period of 
time, with the ability of chosing the frequency and the monitored apps.

For example one could choose to monitor Open Office Writter GNUmerics
and some othrer appes, so that in case of crash he could minimize work



** Affects: Ubuntu
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

[improvement] avoid data loss on X restart
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[Bug 126494] wired network show as disabled after boot

2007-07-17 Thread Luka Renko
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: network-manager

Up-to-date Gutsy
network-manager 0.6.5-0ubuntu7
knetworkmanager 1:0.2~r686534-0ubuntu1

When I boot my system with connected wired network, I get properly
connected (nslookup/ping from command line work), but knetworkmanager
claims that Wired Network is not available (it is show as shaded,
disabled). This causes that most of KDE applications (kmail, kopete,
konqueror...) will not connect to network as they consider it offline).

This bug is very similar to bug 97278, but the differences are:
- I did not have this problem on Feisty (it started after upgrade to 0.6.5 n-m)
- in knetworkmanager it is not possible to reconnect to wired network as 
suggested in that bug
(I have to /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart to get proper 

This bug is also not bug 105234 (which was closed recently), as I still
get it with latest network-manager in Gutsy.

** Affects: network-manager (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

wired network shown as disabled after boot
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[Bug 126494] Re: wired network show as disabled after boot

2007-07-17 Thread Luka Renko

** Attachment added: /etc/network/interfaces

wired network shown as disabled after boot
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[Bug 126494] Re: wired network show as disabled after boot

2007-07-17 Thread Luka Renko

** Attachment added: dmesg output

** Summary changed:

- wired network show as disabled after boot
+ wired network shown as disabled after boot

wired network shown as disabled after boot
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[Bug 114538] Re: [apport] cvslockd crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen()

2007-07-17 Thread Paul Wagland
Not much to add, except to say that I am also getting this problem, and
that it has occurred several times for me. I am also on AMD64.

[apport] cvslockd crashed with SIGSEGV in strlen()
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[Bug 126497] only 1 workspace available

2007-07-17 Thread cutlerite
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: gnome-panel

When I enable compiz, I don't have the cube, nor do I have the work
spaces.  Also lately my computer glitches a little, and the individual
window panels will disappear... like the text, buttons, and color will
all just go to the default gray

ProblemType: Bug
Architecture: i386
Date: Tue Jul 17 00:34:56 2007
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 7.04
ExecutablePath: /usr/bin/gnome-panel
Package: gnome-panel 1:2.18.1-0ubuntu3.1
PackageArchitecture: i386
ProcCmdline: gnome-panel --sm-client-id default1
ProcCwd: /home/trent
SourcePackage: gnome-panel
Uname: Linux trent-desktop 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 
i686 GNU/Linux

** Affects: gnome-panel (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

only 1 workspace available
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Re: [Bug 126165] ssh connection hangs after authentication succeeds

2007-07-17 Thread Soren Hansen
On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 04:12:36PM -, Tim Richardson wrote:
  Could you try prepending 'env -i' to your ssh command line to clear
  out the environment? There might be something there that confuses
  the server.
 same end result.  here are the last lines of the debug output.
 debug1: Sending environment.
 debug2: channel 0: request shell confirm 0
 debug2: fd 3 setting TCP_NODELAY
 debug2: callback done
 debug2: channel 0: open confirm rwindow 0 rmax 32768
 and it hangs again at this point.

I see. The next line I get is about lack of xauth on my server. Could
you try adding -X -A to your ssh command line to disable any attempt to
do X and ssh agent forwarding?

If that doesn't work, is there any chance you could run the server with
debugging enabled, too? Perhaps on a different port so as to not
interefere with your normal operation.

Soren Hansen
Ubuntu Server Team

ssh connection hangs after authentication succeeds
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[Bug 125662] Re: Loss of DNS shortly after startup because /etc/init.d/networks isn't ignoring interfaces marked as roaming

2007-07-17 Thread Dan Munckton
Ok I'll try that and report back.

Loss of DNS shortly after startup because /etc/init.d/networks isn't ignoring 
interfaces marked as roaming
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[Bug 107109] Re: No New Login for user with Desktop effects enabled

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: compiz (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Michael Vogt
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

No New Login for user with Desktop effects enabled
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[Bug 126497] Re: only 1 workspace available

2007-07-17 Thread cutlerite

** Attachment added: Dependencies.txt

** Attachment added: ProcMaps.txt

** Attachment added: ProcStatus.txt

only 1 workspace available
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[Bug 107109] Re: No New Login for user with Desktop effects enabled

2007-07-17 Thread Martin Pitt
** Changed in: compiz (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: Michael Vogt = (unassigned)

No New Login for user with Desktop effects enabled
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[Bug 126471] Re: (please sync from Debian unstable to universe) unrar.c Remote DoS in clamav before 0.91

2007-07-17 Thread Martin Pitt
Not yet on the mirror we sync from, but someone uploaded 0.91.1-0ubuntu1
to gutsy, so that should be ok for now.

(please sync from Debian unstable to universe) unrar.c  Remote DoS in clamav 
before 0.91
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[Bug 126495] Re: [improvement] avoid data loss on X restart

2007-07-17 Thread Chris Halse Rogers
Thanks for your report. Your idea might get more attention and have the
possibility of being implemented if you submit a specification for it.
First check whether the idea is already registered [WWW], and if so, contact the
specification's drafter about your ideas. Otherwise, you can start
writing a spec yourself.

However, while this is technically sort of possible, it would require an
immense effort.  Don't expect anything within the next year or so :).
It would be cool though.

** Changed in: Ubuntu
   Status: New = Invalid

[improvement] avoid data loss on X restart
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[Bug 112316] Re: Removing gaim causes nautilus-sendto removal

2007-07-17 Thread Jeanphe
in feisty, removing gaim via synaptic not only removes nautilus-sendto but also 
hence cannot use pidgin on feisty

Removing gaim causes nautilus-sendto removal
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[Bug 40503] Re: Synaptics touchpad detection (regression)

2007-07-17 Thread Tormod Volden
They accepted my patch upstream, so now a sync would be fine.

Synaptics touchpad detection (regression)
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[Bug 126500] vte has some trouble handling chinese language

2007-07-17 Thread Hawk Xu
Public bug reported:

How to reproduce this error:

1. Make a new directory under /tmp with a Chinese name.

2. cd into this directory

3. use vi to open a new file

4. quit vi

Then you'll see that the prompt of the shell in the gnome-terminal will turn 
into a mess, you need to use reset to turn it back,
and you can see this error if you run gnome-terminal on foreground:

** (gnome-terminal:4964): WARNING **: 控制字符序列“device-control-string”的处理程序未定义。  
(This line contains some Chinese character)
(gnome-terminal:8124): Vte-WARNING **: Can not find appropiate font for 
character U+4820.

** Affects: vte (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

vte has some trouble handling chinese language
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[Bug 126499] No devices listed in conf file were found due to mdadm RAID1 array UUID different from actual UUID reported by vol_id

2007-07-17 Thread Tim Miller Dyck
Public bug reported:

Early in the boot process for Feisty, I get a message from mdadm

No devices listed in conf file were found

When I read Bug #120504 (maybe this is a duplicate of that), I got a
clue that the UUIDs in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf might not match the actual
UUID. This was the case for two out of my four arrays. The other two
arrays had blank UUIDs are reported by vol_id and started fine.

The bug is is that mdadm and vol_id are reporting different UUIDs for
the same device.

# uname -a
Linux atlas 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

# vol_id /dev/md0

# mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Version : 00.90.03
  Creation Time : Sun Jul 31 00:58:00 2005
 Raid Level : raid1
 Array Size : 979840 (957.04 MiB 1003.36 MB)
Device Size : 979840 (957.04 MiB 1003.36 MB)
   Raid Devices : 2
  Total Devices : 2
Preferred Minor : 0
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Tue Jul 17 02:48:22 2007
  State : clean
 Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
 Failed Devices : 0
  Spare Devices : 0

   UUID : f69e981b:39a7f096:c5346ca4:0f25f4c2
 Events : 0.11860

Number   Major   Minor   RaidDevice State
   0  2210  active sync   /dev/hdc1
   1   311  active sync   /dev/hda1

# ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2007-07-17 02:29 3d721ac2-b42f-4f53-ba48-63828d30013e 
- ../../md4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 2007-07-17 02:29 630f92e4-3406-42ee-982f-9abdb9696a4f 
- ../../mapper/vg_root-lv_root
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2007-07-17 02:29 a3150b2e-5416-4052-901f-f17bb8affc4f 
- ../../sdc1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2007-07-17 02:29 bff2d095-4504-4dcb-937a-c687422beadc 
- ../../md0

# mdadm --detail --scan
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=2 
ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=2 
ARRAY /dev/md2 level=raid1 num-devices=2 
ARRAY /dev/md4 level=raid1 num-devices=2 

# vol_id -u /dev/md0

# vol_id  /dev/md1

# vol_id  /dev/md2

# vol_id  /dev/md4

Since the recommended method to create mdadm.conf is through appending
the output of mdadm --detail --scan, if mdadm isn't getting UUIDs the
same way vol_id is, problems result.

I started having this problem after upgrading to Feisty.

In my case, my arrays did start OK even with this error because (I
think) they are type FD and the kernel was able to start them by itself.

This occurs with:
mdadm 2.5.6-7ubuntu5
volumeid 108-0ubuntu4

mdadm superblock versions are .90. Perhaps this bit from the mdadm man page is 
   For  version-0.90
  superblocks  part  of the SHA1 hash of the hostname will be 
stored in the later half
  of the UUID.

I haven't tried updating the UUID with mdadm --update. I'm not sure if
this can be done without losing the array.


Manually editing the UUIDs in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf to match those from
vol_id fixes the mdadm error on boot and allows it to find all its

** Affects: mdadm (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

No devices listed in conf file were found due to mdadm RAID1 array UUID 
different from actual UUID reported by vol_id
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[Bug 126498] gnome-appearance-settings crashes during launch

2007-07-17 Thread vitaminmoo
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: capplets-data

gnome-appearance-properties version 2.19.5 from gnome-control-
center-1:2.19.5-0ubuntu1 crashes at startup with the following stack
trace. This can be fixed by replacing from capplets-
data-1:2.19.4-0ubuntu5 with the vanilla from the gnome-
control-center tarball. If the slight version sync problem is the cause,
it has been present for a number of days.

Stack trace:
(gnome-appearance-properties:15290): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_set_sensitive:
assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 47189237554160 (LWP 15290)]
style_init (data=0x8ff520) at appearance-style.c:883
883 appearance-style.c: No such file or directory.
in appearance-style.c
(gdb) thread apply all bt

Thread 1 (Thread 47189237554160 (LWP 15290)):
#0  style_init (data=0x8ff520) at appearance-style.c:883
#1  0x00415a94 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff9bae4178)
at appearance-main.c:140

Other information:
I'm running Ubuntu Gutsy on a 64bit machine. I've tried clearing out all theme
related prefs with gconf-editor, but g-a-p still crashes.

** Affects: gnome-control-center (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

gnome-appearance-settings crashes during launch
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[Bug 85194] Re: samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
** Changed in: samba (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-3 = tribe-4

** Changed in: samba (Ubuntu)
   Target: tribe-4 = tribe-3

** Changed in: samba (Baltix)
   Status: New = Invalid

samba's package postinst script shouldn't return an error if samba daemon can't 
be started (e.g. if smb.conf file is incorrect or is removed)
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[Bug 126503] please sync laptop-detect 0.13.2 from Debian unstable

2007-07-17 Thread Tormod Volden
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: laptop-detect

Package: laptop-detect
Version: 0.13-2
From: Debian unstable

All Ubuntu patches has been applied upstream:
 * Add support for looking for an APM battery (has been merged into Debian)
 * Check that '/dev/mem' is readable before running 'dmidecode' (has been 
merged into Debian)
 * Fix the DMI check so that it actually works (has been merged into Debian)
as well as the proposed Ubuntu patches in bug #40503 and bug #91447:
 * Load battery module before probing for acpi batteries. 
(has been merged into Debian)
 * Add versioned dependency to dmidecode 2.8-2 since we use chassis-type. (has 
been merged into Debian)

** Affects: laptop-detect (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

please sync laptop-detect 0.13.2 from Debian unstable
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[Bug 118768] Re: evolution _huge_ memory leak within composing a mail

2007-07-17 Thread andrey
the last one comment  to the bug 51662 (Sitsofe Wheeler  said on
2007-07-13) describes the same problem on feisty.

evolution _huge_ memory leak within composing a mail
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[Bug 126502] scrolling down the mousewheel on the collection does nothing.

2007-07-17 Thread David Prieto
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: eog

more like a missing feature than a bug, actually. Scrolling down the
mousewheel while the cursor is on the image collection should move it to
the right, and scrolling it up should move it to the right.

It's ironic because if you use a mouse with horizontal scrolling,
scrolling left or right will move the collection to the desired
direction. But most mice just have vertical scrolling, which remains
unused in EOG.

** Affects: eog (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

scrolling down the mousewheel on the collection does nothing.
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[Bug 126502] Re: scrolling down the mousewheel on the collection does nothing.

2007-07-17 Thread David Prieto
and scrolling it up should move it to the right

Sorry, I meant left obviously.

scrolling down the mousewheel on the collection does nothing.
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[Bug 125957] Re: [gutsy] gajim: missing dependency to python-gnomecanvas

2007-07-17 Thread Nafallo Bjälevik
** Changed in: gajim (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided = Medium
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Nafallo Bjälevik
   Status: New = Fix Committed

[gutsy] gajim: missing dependency to python-gnomecanvas
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[Bug 98670] Re: DVD-Drive locks at startup when using usplash

2007-07-17 Thread Stefan Güls
This still hapens with 2.6.20-16


linux-source-2.6.20 (2.6.20-15.27) feisty; urgency=low

  [Ben Collins]

  * ubuntu: Revert back to amd74xx and disable the troublesome pata_amd
- GIT-SHA 5e93e85491bf4804954643141af47a4692d59a91

i build a kernel configured with pata_amd and have it working with this

DVD-Drive locks at startup when using usplash
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[Bug 40503] Re: Synaptics touchpad detection (regression)

2007-07-17 Thread Tormod Volden
I filed a sync request in bug #126503. I am not able to unsubscribe
ubuntu-main-sponsors from this bug though.

Synaptics touchpad detection (regression)
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[Bug 122277] Re: gutsy language pack doesn't ship the gdebi translation

2007-07-17 Thread Martin Pitt
langpack-o-matic puts them into the KDE langpacks.

** Also affects: langpack-o-matic (upstream)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: langpack-o-matic (upstream)
   Importance: Undecided = High
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Martin Pitt
   Status: New = In Progress

gutsy language pack doesn't ship the gdebi translation
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[Bug 126490] Re: freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL

2007-07-17 Thread xtknight
This fixes everything listed in the Bug description.

** Attachment added: This fixes everything listed in the Bug description.

freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL
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[Bug 126490] Updated patch

2007-07-17 Thread xtknight
Please ignore the last patch.  This one changes manual page in the
changelog  to man page to be consistent.

** Attachment added: Updated patch

freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL
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[Bug 105225] Re: 'flush tables with read lock' causes mysql server to deadlock

2007-07-17 Thread Liam Bedford
okay, so where do things go from here? do you have to make the changes for it 
to be considered for SRU, or do I? it looks
like whoever is producing the gutsy one is?

'flush tables with read lock' causes mysql server to deadlock
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[Bug 126490] Re: freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL

2007-07-17 Thread xtknight
** Changed in: freetennis (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: xtknight = (unassigned)
   Status: In Progress = Confirmed

freetennis manual page has a poor description, and lists an incorrect URL
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Re: [Bug 119881] Re: Please sync dosfstools (main) from Debian unstable (main)

2007-07-17 Thread Onno Benschop
On 17/07/07 14:37, Soren Hansen wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 17, 2007 at 01:23:09AM -, Onno Benschop wrote:
 I may be mistaken, but it appears as if this version only fixes Bug
 #62831, and does not incorporate the fix for Bug #68153.

 I've just looked at the code, and the patch from #68153 does indeed seem
 to be included?

Sigh, you are correct. The change log just doesn't show the patch :-(

Sorry for the interruption - carry on as you were :)

Onno Benschop

Connected via Optus B3 at S31°54'06 - E115°50'39 (Yokine, WA)
()/)/)()..ASCII for Onno..
|?..EBCDIC for Onno..
--- -. -. ---   ..Morse for Onno..

ITmaze   -   ABN: 56 178 057 063   -  ph: 04 1219    -

Please sync dosfstools (main) from Debian unstable (main)
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[Bug 126505] Cursor at the top can't click

2007-07-17 Thread Patrice Vetsel
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: compiz

Without compiz, when my cursor is completely at the top, on the border of the 
screen, left click can activate menu Application/...
When compiz is activated i can not left click, i must go down 1 pixel and so i 
can left click on Application menu.

I'm under Gutsy, and sorry for my english :/

** Affects: compiz (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

Cursor at the top can't click
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[Bug 126500] Re: vte has some trouble handling chinese language

2007-07-17 Thread Micah Cowan
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 121161 ***


This appears to be the same bug as bug 121161, so I'm marking this as a
duplicate and closing it out.

This issue has been fixed in the latest release of libvte in Gutsy.

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 121161
   scim-chewing will crash GNOME terminal.

vte has some trouble handling chinese language
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[Bug 126469] Re: [patch] logout fadeout when compiz is running

2007-07-17 Thread Travis Watkins
gnome-session (2.19.5-0ubuntu3) gutsy; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/21_dont_grab_when_composited.patch:
- Dropped, replaced.
  * debian/patches/21_composited_fadeout.patch:
- On logout draw a black window and change opacity
  to do a fade when a compositor is detected. (LP: #126469)

 -- Travis Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:09:15

** Changed in: gnome-session (Ubuntu)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Released

[patch] logout fadeout when compiz is running
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[Bug 122564] Re: Gajim depends on python-gtk

2007-07-17 Thread Nafallo Bjälevik
** Changed in: gajim (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: Roberto Sarrionandia = (unassigned)
   Status: Incomplete = Won't Fix

Gajim depends on python-gtk
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[Bug 125653] Re: unable to start evolution as user

2007-07-17 Thread Mathias Uebelacker

neither #1 nor #2 works i got the same error.


unable to start evolution as user
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[Bug 121415] Re: [gutsy] wireless doesn't work after booting with wireless switch off

2007-07-17 Thread Bogdan Butnaru
I'm still getting this at least sometimes. I don't use the killswitch
very often because of that, but it seems that the behavior changes from
time to time.

Before Gutsy, nm-applet would display the disconnected status when I
killed the wireless, and automatically re-connected when I reset the

Right now, it can't tell the wireless is off, it just shows the no
signal icon. After I reset the switch it doesn't do anything, and when
I try to manually reconnect it can't (it tries for a while then stops
with the No network connection). I just noticed that iwconfig says
eth1  no wireless extensions. after on/offing the killswitch ---
but eth1 is my wireless card. So it might not be nm-applet's fault.

[gutsy] wireless doesn't work after booting with wireless switch off
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[Bug 121415] Re: [gutsy] wireless doesn't work after booting with wireless switch off

2007-07-17 Thread Bogdan Butnaru
Just to clarify: when I filed this bug, the killswitch worked as long as
wireless was enabled at boot.

Now it just permanently disables wireless.

[gutsy] wireless doesn't work after booting with wireless switch off
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[Bug 126506] wants to remove all kinds of packages

2007-07-17 Thread Thomas Hühn
Public bug reported:

I just wanted to install libnet-perl. synaptic now claims that it must
remove the following packages:

alacarte, apport-gtk, at-spi, avidemux, banshee, beagle, binfmt-support,
bluefish, bluez-cups, bluez-pin, boo, brltty-x11, bug-buddy, capplets-
data, celestia, celestia-gnome, compiz, compiz-gnome, compiz-gtk,
compiz-plugins, console-setup, contact-lookup-applet, cupsys, cupsys-
driver-gutenprint, dailystrips, ddd, defoma, deskbar-applet, desktop-
effects, doc-base, docbook-xml, dpkg-dev, dpkg-repack, eog, evince-gtk,

and *many* more. I'd estimate that's definitely less than 10% of the
whole list.

What on earth is happening there? I have only used synaptic and the
update tool for installing and removing software. But now synaptic is on
a rampage.

OTOH I could install perl-doc just fine only moments ago.

** Affects: synaptic (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

wants to remove all kinds of packages
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[Bug 126508] konqueror stuck

2007-07-17 Thread Michael Gefen
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: konqueror

while browsing an ftp site such as
changing the encoding (under Tools - Select remote charset) makes konqueror 

konqueror does not recover and must be killed

** Affects: kdebase (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

konqueror stuck
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Team, which is a bug contact for kdebase in ubuntu.

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[Bug 122796] Re: ltsp default dhcpd.conf broken on tribe2 installs

2007-07-17 Thread Sarah Hobbs
 ogra Hobbsee, thats fixed

** Changed in: ltsp (Ubuntu)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Released

ltsp default dhcpd.conf broken on tribe2 installs
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[Bug 119266] Re: Intel HDA Sound device doesn't work in gutsy

2007-07-17 Thread Martijn van de Streek
This has been fix committed for a while now, but new kernels don't
contain the fix?

Intel HDA Sound device doesn't work in gutsy
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[Bug 126510] wpasupplicant package and program version doesn't match

2007-07-17 Thread aquo
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: wpasupplicant

On my feisty machine i have installed latest
wpasupplicant-0.5.7-ubuntu2, but executing

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ wpa_supplicant -v
wpa_supplicant v0.5.5
Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Jouni Malinen [EMAIL PROTECTED] and contributors

give the wrong version.

i downloaded the source package, it seems that the right source tarball
is used, but there must be some old stuff inside the diff.

The bug could lead to problems with system maintainance and makes
resolving some other bugs harder. (e.g. with Network Manager)

** Affects: wpasupplicant (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

wpasupplicant package and program version doesn't match
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[Bug 126505] Re: Cursor at the top can't click

2007-07-17 Thread Travis Watkins
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 103306 ***

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 103306
   compiz eats mouse clicks at the border of the screen

Cursor at the top can't click
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[Bug 121600] Re: [needs-packaging] fop from apache xmlgraphics

2007-07-17 Thread Alexandre Franke
It's all the more unfortunate that this package is not available as it
is suggested by other packages such as docbook-xsl.

[needs-packaging] fop from apache xmlgraphics
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