Hey girls and guys

It's getting really quiet here lately. Without a doubt the fact that it is
vacation and that there are no events isn't helping to increase the
activity here..
However, to get some things going, I'd like to ask all people who are
leading an Ubuntu-be project to reply on this mail and give the mailinglist
an update of what we are doing and how far we are.

To help giving everybody a sense of what we are up to, I'll summarize it:

   1. We're making *USB sticks*, *kawabill *is leading this
   2. We're making a custom *ISO *to go on the sticks and have it available
   for download. The project leader is *Claudio*
   3. We're gonna get new *shirts *(same design or something new, you might
   start thinking about it already ;)), since I (*wouter*) will be leading
   this, you can expect an update after my re-examinations
   4. Further going in to branding, we're thinking about new posters and
   other *printwork *(we have some people asking us for that), *Jurgen *is
   leading this since he did a terrific job with our roll-ups
   5. *Dipro's *might be getting less and less attention, but we stay
   active there since people know we are there and suspect us to!
   This is *community *effort, if you're free some day, come and join us,
   it's more fun than it is a burden
   6. I (*wouter*) am making an *Ubuntu manual *and it's getting rather
   big, but anybody is free to add their contributions!
   7. Our *website *feels like it's been left in the cold, and we wan't to
   help it. *Sulumar *is in charge of it but *JanC *and I (*wouter*) are
   happy to assist him!
   8. In addition to that we want to spice up the activity of the landing
   page by adding a *Blog*. Now I know *JanC *is willing to put his efforts
   in it, but we need a platform to do that.
   9. Our *wiki *is like any wiki: a mess! sorting things out and putting a
   little more structure in it is going to be my (*wouter*) job during the
   next year.
   But taking one step at a time, we'll leave it in the closet for some
   months since we already did a major clean up last year! (it's like cleaning
   a house, you're never done!)
   10. We'll be present at other *events *as well *Software Freedom Day* for
   *Jurgen *organizes an event at Hackerspace Brussels on September 22th
   and *Claudio *is prepping everything for an event in Genk

In addition to all these ongoing projects (well, except the blog, that's
new!) we're even going to ignite some new ones!

   1. We want to start making *Courses *for schools and other people. *JanB
   *already gave some lessons and will lead this project together with *
   2. What we also want to do is turning ourself in a *VZW*, we haven't
   assigned anybody yet because we need to get some other things sorted first
   (bank stuff etc)
   3. Now we already talked about a course and a manual, but what about an
   actual *Teachers for Ubuntu network*? Well, we're thinking about that
   stuff as well! The people from the course project (*JanB and Kawabill*)
   will lead this together with *Keltoum*.

Having 13 things on the agenda, we find ourselves in a pretty cool
situation   - please spot the ironic temperature joke -   with a fairly big
amount of work but also with a super big amount of opportunity. I hope this
sparks your curiosity, because with the right spirit  - yes, all three mars
rovers are in this email by name -  we can turn this year in an amazing
succes. And this because we are on the verge of what might be the
most interesting year in OS history since the invention of the GUI!

keep yourself cool and kind regards

ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com

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