As a suggestiom, have you tried to talk to folks who coded the
vbuffers to firefox for NVDA?
I know that there are two diferent operating systems here and such and
such, but if the firefox is coded the same way (I do think it is so
cinse it wouldm be hard to maintain two diferent flavours of code),
then perhaps a good part of the c++ v buffer implemented in NVDA could
be used to process pages in firefox to orca.
Sinse the two readers are written in python, chances are even greater
that some code interchange might be possible.

2010/6/18, Bill Cox <waywardg...@gmail.com>:
> If there are C++ coders on this list who hate the problems when using
> Orca with Firefox, please consider joining my Firefox debugging team.
> We have many bugs to track down, and by myself, it will take many
> months.  Together, I bet we could fix Firefox in weeks.
> Feel free to reply to this post, or to me personally.
> Thanks,
> Bill
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When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows," people just
stare at you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, for
Linus Torvalds

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