oba! :D
tô nessa!

valeu pelo link, Ian :)


On 4/10/06, Ian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> ************************************************************
> In preperation for the up coming Dapper Drake Ubuntu release
> and the Blender 2.42 release we are hosting a translation day to help
> individuals who are unfamiliar with the translation process, or who
> are experienced translators but have not translated for Blender to
> help get involved.
> For those unfamiliar with Blender, Blender is a full featured 3D digital
> content creation tool - it can do modeling (subdivision, point by point,
>  metaball, curve, and nurbs); uv mapping; texturing (node based,
>  procedural, paint, or image based); rigging; weighting; animating;
>  rendering; node based compositing; and has tools for fluid simulation;
>  soft body dynamics (cloth and jiggling); hard body dynamics (physics);
>  particle based hair; standard particles; and a full scripting system and API.
> We would like Blender to be available to as wide an audience as
> possible and a big part of that is having Blender and its
> documentation available in a language that the user can understand.
> So if the idea of having people in your local communities be able to
> use Blender to create cool 3D content appeals to you, please come help
> translate this Blender Translators Day.  All help will be greatly
> appreciated.
> Sunday the 9th of April is Blender Translators day.
> We will meet in #blenderwiki on irc.freenode.net at two times
> 7 AM GMT Sunday  1:30 India (For India)
> 3 PM GMT Sunday
> We will have people there to help with various issues, such as getting
> permissions on the wiki, help with understanding what a word means if
> it is unclear and other issues that might arise.
> There are three potential translation tasks that can be done,
> Translation of Blenders tool tips and interface elements for the
> Dapper release, which can be done at
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/blender/+pots/blender
> Another task is traslation of the quickstart guide located at
> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Talk:QuickStart
> it can be edited with Scribus which can be downloaded from
> http://www.scribus.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index
> The third task is translation of the user manual which is on the wiki
> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Main_Page
> Which has translations started in a number of languages. Editing the
> wiki requires edit permissions which can be gained signing up at the
> wiki and then by emailing
> LetterRip AT gmail DOT com
> there is also offsite translations of the manual for Chinese,
> Japanese, and German
> Japanese
> http://f11.aaa.livedoor.jp/~hige/index.php?%5B%5B%CC%DC%BC%A1%5D%5D
> Chinese
> http://wiki.blendercn.org/index.php/Main_Page
> and German
> http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_Dokumentation
> To help with the terminology there are the following glossary pages
> (although the glossary is still in progress, new terms will be added
> as needed).
> glossarys
> http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/KeyWords
> http://download.blender.org/documentation/htmlI/go02.html
> http://download.blender.org/documentation/htmlI/ch28s04.html
> If you like feel free to start early :)  If you have any questions,
> please feel free to contact me at
> LetterRip AT gmail DOT com
> --
>             .''`.
>            : :'  :
>            `. `'`
>              `- Orgulhoso ser MetaRecicleiro

Fabianne Balvedi
Linux User #286985
"Os loucos e as crianças são
os únicos que dizem a verdade;
os loucos são aprisionados
e as crianças, educadas...."
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