I downloaded Feisty beta 2 (both kubuntu-7.04-beta-desktop-i386 AND
Feisty 386) and can't hardly get past the boot gfx before I get dumped
to a command line with the error "can't access tty; Job control turned

I tried burning the Kubuntu disk a 2nd time using DAO at only 8x. Same
error and running Test CD also fails with the same error. I googled
quite a bit and found no solution yet. I don't have anything extra
plugged into USB ports, etc.

My hardware is ASUS M2V-MX mobo
AMD 64 3000+
1 Gig DDR2 800
Biostar Nvidia 6300gt PCIe
via KM800 chipset

FYI, I'm already running Mepis 6.5 RC3 (based on Dapper) and also Edgy
on this same box, so the problem is specific to the Feisty.  I'm not
trying to upgrade to feisty - just install to another partition.

installation fails due to tty error

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