Dear Mark,

While you are indeed accurate in the positive statements mentioned on your 
blog recently as to how to solve bug #1, thanks to your (you and your 
brilliant teams :^) efforts, I discover that I have become more ignorant.

This morning, I had to spend several minutes to discover the expansion of 
the acronyms WGA (Windows Genuine Advantage) and WGN (Windows Genuine 
Notification).  When I researched these acronyms, what I found out about 
the end of personal privacy really scared me.  I must attribute my 
ignorance of these insidious products to you (plural).  It appears my 
ignorance is directly the result of running a single boot Ubuntu system 
for the last 2 years.  I languish in this ignorance, and due to my lack of 
interest or need for proprietary systems that advantage themselves over 
their customers, it appears that my economic viability as a consultant is 
diminished.  Simultaneously, I revel in my ignorance of operating systems 
incursion into my personal computer.  Thanks for the ignorance!  I suspect 
this feature of invasive operating systems on the part of the Micro$oft 
Corporation may be their contribution to the mitigation of bug #1.

Kindest Regards,

Paul Flint


Paul Flint
17 Averill Street
Barre, VT
skype: flintinfotech
Work: (202) 537-0480
  Fax: (703) 852-7089

Free advice         .~.
is worth            /V\
exactly what       /( )\
you pay for it.    ^^-^^

Microsoft has a majority market share

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