[Bug 34840] Re: Rails needs gems

2006-11-04 Thread Rocco Stanzione
The problem isn't specific to rails.  I do a lot of development that
requires Ruby libraries not available from the repos, and some of those
in turn depend on rubygems.  It's analogous to cpan for Perl (which is
packaged) and pretty much ubiquitous among Ruby developers.  I've
installed rubygems on every Ubuntu machine I've ever used, without
taking any of the precautions others have taken, and I've never had a
problem.  I know there are potential problems, but Ruby developers ought
to be free to take that risk.

PS.  Other than this, I take great pains to to restrict myself to the
package management system, which is only plausible because the vast
majority of what I need is available that way.

Rails needs gems

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 34840] Re: Rails needs gems

2006-11-04 Thread Daniel Aborg
"Rubygems has many issues which were raised on ruby mailing lists but
never addressed by the rubygems developers. It's therefore not possible
to have rubygems-based packages in Debian or Ubuntu.

For more details, refer to :

I'm not sure what you mean Lucas. That page specifically states that
Debian will have a rubygems package with which you can install gems:

"For Ruby developers requiring bleeding edge library versions or
libraries that haven’t been packaged (yet), a rubygems package will be
made available. This package provides the gem command to be able to
install/remove gems at the developer’s own discretion and risk. The gems
will be installed using the normal gem installation procedure, in

This sounds just like what we need. I don't understand why Ubuntu can't
use the same mechanism or package as Debian.

Not having access to gems basically makes it very cumbersome to develop
web apps using rails.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for repackaging gems into Ubuntu packages.
But it's not going to be feasible to keep up with the gems available or
repackage all of them.

To take a real example, I can't find any Ubuntu package that provides an
authentication system for rails, even though there are many gems
available for that:

I suppose for the time being an intermediate solution is to use the
rubygems package in Debian:

deb http://www.sgtpepper.net/hyspro/deb unstable/
deb-src http://www.sgtpepper.net/hyspro/deb unstable/



Rails needs gems

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 34840] Re: Rails needs gems

2006-10-03 Thread Colin Watson
Lucas, is there any reason why we can't just sync the rubygems package
from Debian experimental? What state is it in?

Rails needs gems

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 34840] Re: [Bug 34840] Re: Rails needs gems

2006-08-21 Thread Rick DeNatale
On 8/21/06, Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It sounds like philosophical issues. In which case we either need:
>   - ubuntu packages for alle the different rails & ruby add-ons, without gems
>   - onofficial packages for gems (perhaps in universe, for all I care)
> Although, since it isn't a liscense issue, I do feel debian/ubuntu
> shouldn't push their architecture that much. Freedom as in free beer,
> freedom as in free free speech, FREEDOM AS IN CHOICE.
> Its their choice not to _support_ it. But can/should they really _ban_
> it? Single it out and say 'you can't come to our party' Can't we just
> put it in universe? Or do they have to 'like' all the software there as
> well? Should it even be about this? I'm confused.

Yes, it's all about choice, yours, mine, and theirs.

As I understand it, the gem architecture just doesn't fit the debian
'contract' which requires among other things adherence to debian's
standard for file system layout.  It's insistence on the debian
standard for debian packages which is the key behind debian's
reputation for seamless package maintainance and system upgrades.

There are quite a few debian packages whose upstream code is modified
by the debian maintainer to place things in the right places.  Often
this is just a matter of configuring the build.  I haven't looked into
the matter in detail, but I think that those who make decisions about
packaging ruby for debian are of the opinion that reconfiguring gems
this way is either impossible or just too hard.

Now, for our freedom.  Just because software isn't packaged for
debian, doesn't mean that it can't be installed on a debian system
like Ubuntu.   I've installed both Ruby and rubygems from source on my
Ubuntu machines, and although I didn't attempt to put the artifacts
where they would be for a debian package, I did configure them to go
into places which would be safe from being clobbered by maintainence
of the packaged software on the machine.  Places like /usr/local are
save havens.

And there's sometimes a benefit to doing installs outside of packages.
 Sometimes although debian package upgrades don't clobber the file
system, they do mess you up when the package maintainer doesn't
understand upstream upgrade requirements well enough.  I've got a
plone site on one of my machines, which died when I upgraded from
Ubuntu Breezy to Dapper a few weeks ago, which upgraded zope and
plone, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get it back.

Once I recover it, I'm looking to replace zope/plone with a rails-based

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

Rails needs gems

ubuntu-bugs mailing list

[Bug 34840] Re: Rails needs gems

2006-08-21 Thread Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen
It sounds like philosophical issues. In which case we either need:
  - ubuntu packages for alle the different rails & ruby add-ons, without gems
  - onofficial packages for gems (perhaps in universe, for all I care)

Although, since it isn't a liscense issue, I do feel debian/ubuntu
shouldn't push their architecture that much. Freedom as in free beer,
freedom as in free free speech, FREEDOM AS IN CHOICE.

Its their choice not to _support_ it. But can/should they really _ban_
it? Single it out and say 'you can't come to our party' Can't we just
put it in universe? Or do they have to 'like' all the software there as
well? Should it even be about this? I'm confused.

Rails needs gems

ubuntu-bugs mailing list