Hi all,

Until now not many have accepted the proposal. I have also talked to a few
people off this list who would like to participate.
We will meet anyways and collect the Ideas and discuss the rest on this
list. We can also set up Google Hangout so you could participate from
remote. Link below.

*January 26, 18:00 - Meeting for Release Party Planning*
at our office
Puzzle ITC (3rd floor)
Belpstrasse 37
3007 Bern

If the main door is closed call me on my mobile (Number slightly obfuscated)
+41 77
47one 80 +95

Google Hangout Link

Philipp Gassmann

2018-01-19 18:14 GMT+01:00 Philipp Gassmann <phi...@phiphi.ch>:

> Hi all,
> We talked about meeting on January 26 for planning the release party.
> I proposed that we could meet at the Puzzle ITC Office in Bern, someone
> else suggested Zurich. We didn't yet talk about the time.
> Should we meet in Bern for Lunch or in the evening, after work, so that
> everyone can attend?
> I propose *January 26, 18:00 - Meeting for Planning*
> at our office
> Puzzle ITC
> Belpstrasse 37
> 3007 Bern
> Related, we did not talk about the date for the release Party. Ubuntu
> 18.04 Bionic Beaver is released on April 26, which is a Thursday.
> I propose to make the party in the evening of this day.
> *April 26, 17:30 - Ubuntu 18.04 Release Party*
> Regards,
> Philipp Gassmann
> 2017-12-17 16:01 GMT+01:00 WaVeR <deb...@hispeed.ch>:
>> Hi all,
>> I guess there's no qualification criteria to attend a meeting. Anyone
>> can be useful and help to organize the RP.
>> You can have as much as you want for local contact, they should just
>> stay synced ;)
>> Best regards,
>> ---
>> Hassan
>> Le jeudi 14 décembre 2017 à 09:37 +0100, Daniel Stoni a écrit :
>> > Folks, there was a question on the list about qualification criteria.
>> > Would please someone comment on this? Is more than one local contact
>> > required?
>> > Cheers. Dani
>> --
>> Ubuntu-ch mailing list
>> Ubuntu-ch@lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ch
Ubuntu-ch mailing list

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