These are the meeting minutes for the team at Canonical responsible for
development of the desktop.  This meeting is public; if you wish to
attend, please do (it's at 1400UTC every Thursday) -- if you have items
for the agenda, send them to me in advance for consideration.

== Present ==

 * Scott James Remnant (Keybuk) - chair
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
 * Kenneth Wimer (kwwii)
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Michael Vogt (mvo)
 * Mirco Müller (MacSlow)

 * Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt)
 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Steven Kowalik (StevenK)

== Apologies ==

 * Ted Gould ({ted}) - Thanksgiving

== Agenda ==

 * Spec Approval
 * Use of usernames on GDM Face Browser
 * MoM and pending sync requests
 * Patch Tagging Guidelines

== Spec Approval ==

The list of specifications targeted as hardy feature goals were
reviewed, and the statuses chased if they were not already ready for

ACTION: Riddell to complete drafting of kubuntu-hardy-kde4
ACTION: Riddell to mail Keybuk one-liners for all KDE parts of other
        specifications, and note who is going to do them.

ACTION: kwwii to complete drafting of art-team
ACTION: kwwii to complete hardy-theme and hardy-icon-theme after
        decision at London presentation

ACTION: MacSlow to add username-box-only (> 100) mock up to hardy-gdm
ACTION: MacSlow to complete drafting of hardy-desktop-effects

ACTION: mpt to complete drafting of exit-strategy

ACTION: mvo and Keybuk to discuss his specification list

ACTION: Keybuk to review all specifications

== Use of usernames on GDM Face Browser ==

Kees Cook had raised a concern that displaying usernames in the GDM Face
Browser would give intruders one half of the username/password pair, and
thus increase the chance of intrusion.

Not displaying the names (and by inference, also not completing on them
by typing) has usability concerns; while users may know their own photo,
when using avatars or randomly selected imagery, they would not.

It was noted that the current mockups include the real names of users,
not their username, however that it is often possible to deduce one from
the other.

Also it was noted that the face browser inherently gives you one half of
the pair since you don't need to know the username, you can simply click
on the picture.

Imagery for comparison:

Consensus was that provided it was possible to disable the display of
names, the default could remain with them displayed.  It is fine if
disabling the display of the names is done by disabling the face browser
(which needs an off option for the > 100 case anyway).

ACTION: MacSlow to update spec with result of discussion.

== MoM and pending sync requests ==

Sometimes it take some time for a sync-from-debian request to get
processed. The relevant package still appears in MoM even when the bug
is filed and its possible that some work gets duplicated when people do
not check the bugpage first and look at the open merge. Maybe we could
teach MoM about requested syncs? Or get some limited archive-admin power
to do syncs? The more patches we forward the more often we will want
syncs instead of merges.

While it was noted that requests rarely take long, this feature would be
trivial enough to implement.

ACTION: Keybuk to add check to MoM TODO

== Patch Tagging Guidelines ==

seb128 reminded everyone that all patches should now be sent upstream,
and appropriate tags added to the file as outlined in

ACTION: all developers to review and obey

Developers should:
  * submit patches upstream
  * add tags for all new patches
  * add tags when merging or updating a source package for any existing

seb128 also asked whether it was possible to have MoM show the
debian/ubuntu-applied-patches, and whether it was possible to have an
HTML summary of those fed back and those to be fed back based on the

ACTION: seb128 to add examples to the patch tagging wiki
ACTION: Keybuk to add output to MoM TODO

Scott James Remnant

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