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2009-12-01 Thread ANKUR AGGARWAL
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Desktop Team 20091202 meeting minutes

2009-12-01 Thread Rick Spencer
Here are the minutes from the desktop team meeting. You can also find
them, the activity reports, and the irc log here:

== Present ==
=== Main Meeting ===
 * Rick Spencer (rickspencer3) - chair
 * Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje)
 * Bryce Harrington (bryce)
 * Chris Cheney (ccheney)
 * Ken VanDine (kenvandine)
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter)
 * Alberto Milone (tseliot)

=== Eastern Edition ===
 * Robert Ancell (robert_ancell)

== Apologies ==
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) - holiday
 * Luke Yelavich (TheMuso) - moving house

== Agenda ==
 * some manager announcements
  * Welcome tselliot
  * 1-1 calls
  * UNE and didrocks
  * receipts and robert_ancell's scanning app
 * Blueprints, work items, milestones, specs (pitti)
 * Ideas for speeding up desktop startup time (seb128)

== Actions from this meeting ==
 * ACTION: rickspencer3 to track down robert's scanning tool
  * RESULT: It's in his PPA:
 * ACTION: seb128 to add initial work items to UNE session blueprint
  * RESULT: didrocks beat him to it:
 * ACTION: robert_ancell to do seed changes for new games
 * ACTION: rickspencer3 to confirm robert_ancell commitment to GDM/GDM
Greeter refactor
  * RESULT: Based on current OEM commitment, documenting the current API
is in scope for A2, rest of the work may be done post A2
 * ACTION: kenvandine to investigate improving startup time of Messaging
Menu and related tasks
 * ACTION: ricspencer3 to set up call with pitti, bryce, and tselliot to
get tselliot on board
 * ACTION: all to try robert_ancell's new scanning tool

== some manager announcements ==
 * Welcome back tselliot here on OEM team rotation
  * bryce will be his "buddy"
  * will work on xorg drivers and packaging gnome initially
 * weekly 1-1 calls: please set these up with me if they are not on your
 * UNE and didrocks: UNE will be moved to desktop team, and didrocks
will be the maintainer
 * receipts and robert_ancell's scanning app: expenses coming up, please
give robert's app a try and file bugs

== Blueprints, work items, milestones, specs (pitti) ==
pitti covered A2 targeted blueprints that had no work items, or
otherwise seems risky:
 * desktop-lucid-unr-session has no work items (fixed)
 * desktop-lucid-powermanagement-tweaks has no work items (Michael Frey
to draft his part)
 * regarding, 
bryce plans merging 1.7.1 from experimental this week
 * regarding, need 
to seed two new games
 * regarding,
 seems there is too much in alpha 2 from this blueprint, some work items have 
since been moved out of A2
 * regarding,
 robert_ancell is on OEM rotation for this release, so may not have time to 
complete these items
 * regarding, 
will be difficult to fit this in along with Social From the Start work, as 
kenvandine owns both pieces

rickspencer3 closed this part of the meeting by stressing that it is
better to pull work items in from A3 than to postpone them from A2, so
encourages team members to be reasonably conservative in their work item
targeting for A2.

== Ideas for speeding up desktop startup time (seb128) ==
seb128 led a session on improving load time for the desktop.
* budget for desktop load time is 4 seconds from GDM
* a current boot chart is available here:
* with nautilus and xsession.d both not loaded at boot time, time is
still 8 seconds, so need to get back 4 seconds
* pitti is working on caching application data for application menu,
should buy some time
* other ideas for saving time were discussed, some at length. Example:
removing the desktop background image saves .5 seconds. xsplash takes .8
* Current plan is to remove many applets, and to load with only one
panel, and to use metacity rather than compiz by default

== Activity reports ==
=== Alberto Milone (tseliot) ===
 * foundations-lucid-boot-experience spec:
  * Write a Plymouth plugin which can replace Usplash features - In
 * desktop-lucid-xorg-proprietary-drivers spec:
  * Start looking at the debian packages for nvidia for a first clean up
 * desktop-lucid-touchscreen-handling spec
  * Identify one or more target touchscreen hardware platforms to focus
on - DONE
 * becoming core-dev - In progress:
  * recommendation from the MOTU council: DONE
  * approval from the Technical board: TODO

=== Ar