Desktop Team 20091208 meeting minutes

2009-12-08 Thread Rick Spencer
Here are the minutes from the desktop team meeting. You can also find
them, the activity reports, and the irc log here:

= Meeting Minutes =
== Present ==
=== Main Meeting ===
 * Rick Spencer (rickspencer3) - chair
 * Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje)
 * Chris Cheney (ccheney)
 * Jonathan Riddell (Riddell)
 * Ken VanDine (kenvandine)
 * Martin Pitt (pitti)
 * Sebastien Bacher (seb128)
 * Till Kamppeter (tkamppeter)  
 * Alexander Sack (asac)  

=== Eastern Edition ===
 * Robert Ancell (robert_ancell)

== Apologies ==
 * Alberto Milone (tseliot) - National holiday
 * Bryce Harrington (bryce) - Holiday
 * Luke Yelavich (TheMuso) - Moving House

== Agenda ==
 * Outstanding actions from last meeting
 * Partner Update
 * Kubuntu Update
 * Release Bugs/Release Status
 * Lucid blueprints
 * 2010 Events
 * UNE
 * Review activity reports
 * Any other business

== Outstanding actions from last meeting ==
 * ACTION: rickspencer3 to track down robert's scanning tool
  * RESULT: It's in his PPA:
 * ACTION: seb128 to add initial work items to UNE session blueprint
  * RESULT: didrocks beat him to it:
 * ACTION: robert_ancell to do seed changes for new games
  * DONE (by pitti, needs core-dev)
 * ACTION: rickspencer3 to confirm robert_ancell commitment to GDM/GDM
Greeter refactor
  * RESULT: Based on current OEM commitment, documenting the current API
is in scope for A2, rest of the work may be done post A2
 * ACTION: kenvandine to investigate improving startup time of Messaging
Menu and related tasks
  * RESULT: tedg added profiling code, next update of libindicate should
bring some speedup
 * ACTION: ricspencer3 to set up call with pitti, bryce, and tselliot to
get tselliot on board
  * RESULT: tseliot set up a weekly meeting with rickspencer3, we used
the first one to confer with pitti
 * ACTION: all to try robert_ancell's new scanning tool
  * RESULT: ArneGoetje tried, does not talk with his scanner (xsane
works); will contact Robert

== Actions from this meeting ==
 * ArneGoetje to talk to Robert about scanner failure in simple-scan
 * Everyone to add their conference interests to list below
 * Martin to followup on UbuntuSpec:desktop-lucid-une-applications
 * Martin to followup on UbuntuSpec:desktop-lucid-desktop-cloud drafting

== Partner Update ==
 * DX [[DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidWeeklyReleases|Weekly releases]] to
start again this Thursday
 * Decorations and RGBA code was released into a PPA along with a call
for testing, results tracked here:

== Kubuntu Update ==
 * 4.4 Beta is mostly in lucid
 * Colin Watson fixed Qt
 * Remaining kdelibs problems are now fixed
 * In a few hours: ready for alpha-1

== Release Status ==

No alpha-1 release blockers right now.

== Lucid blueprints ==

Most are drafted/approved now. Oustanding are 

 * UbuntuSpec:desktop-lucid-une-applications : Was not discussed at UDS,
needs followup
 * UbuntuSpec:desktop-lucid-desktop-cloud: No drafter, needs followup

== 2010 Events ==
We need to create a list of the events in which the Ubuntu Platform team
will be participating in 2010. Please indicate which ones you want to
attend in 2010, and add any events which are missing.

 * Camp KDE
  * robert-ancell
 * Black Hat
 * Scale
 * Pycon
 * Cloud computing
 * CELF Europe
 * Linux Collaboration Summit
  * pitti (?)
 * Java One
 * Usenix 09
 * LinuxTag
 * Akademy - JonathanRiddell
 * Guadec
 * Ottawa Linux Symposium
 * Debcamp
 * Debconf
 * USENIX Security
 * Atlanta Linux Fest
 * LinuxCon
 * LinuxPlumbers
  * pitti (?)
 * X Developers
 * Maemo Summit
 * OOoCon

== UNE ==
 * Desktop team to deliver UNE going forward
 * didrocks will be the maintainer
 * Until didrocks starts, only goal is for SteveK to do UNR -> UNE
 * mini-sprint in January to get first desktop owned UNE image built

== Other Business ==

== Activity reports ==

=== Arne Goetje (ArneGoetje) ===

=== Chris Cheney (ccheney) ===
 * Sick Friday (Dec 4)
 * Worked on list of xulrunner for firefox conversion
 * Working on getting OOo 3.1.1 available for Hardy users
 * OOo bug triage

=== Jonathan Riddell (Riddell) ===

 * Holiday all last week
 * Security updates for kdelibs, kdebase
 * Review status of KDE 4.4 beta packaging and uploaded
 * e-mail catchup

 * Get KDE 4.4 beta finished
 * Alpha 1

=== Ken VanDine (kenvandine) ===
 * Updated empathy to 2.29.3  
   * ported the libindicator patch
   * patched to always take focus when raised
   * patched to append notifications
 * Ported indicator-session from libempathy to telepathy-glib
 * added gtk-doc support to indicator-application (not quite complete)
 * worked on pulling f-spot edit-in-v

Call for Lucid testing: GTK enhancements

2009-12-08 Thread Ken VanDine
Hello Desktoppers!

The Ayatana team has been working on some GTK enhancements for Lucid.
Adding support for Client Side window decorations and enabling RGBA
color maps by default.  We have uploaded a patched version of gtk which
adds these features to the ~ubuntu-desktop team PPA (along with a needed
fix for nautilus to go along with it).  

The new decorations feature requires explicit support from a theme
before it becomes active (it defaults to being disabled). However, RGBA
support is enabled by default and there is a chance for some fallout
from this being added.

Please help test before this gets uploaded to Lucid, there is currently
one known issue.  Redraw problems, most noticeably in nautilus.  In a
nautilus browse window, scrolling will leave some artifacts briefly.
This behavior has also been seen in gnome-terminal, xchat-gnome, and

You can find the packages in the ~ubuntu-desktop team PPA

To add the PPA and upgrade:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

This upgrade will include libgtk2.0-0 and some other gtk packages as
well as nautilus from this PPA.  Please look for regressions in current
applications and report by commenting on

Thanks for testing!

ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Solang or Shotwell vs. F-Spot for Lucid

2009-12-08 Thread Wouter Stomp
On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Sebastien Bacher  wrote:

> Did anybody looked at how those other software handle exporting to
> flick, picasa or other web services?

For Shotwell uploading to Flickr and Facebook is planned for 0.4 which
is to be released in December. Picasa is planned for a later version.
Btw. an important feature missing from all available programs is
uploading to online print services.

A list of all planned features is here:

An (incomplete) comparison of photo managers is on their wiki:

Solang also has exporting to webservices on the todo list, but they
also have more extensive plans: acting as a front-end to them, as a
photo manager for both your photos on the desktop and in the cloud.



ubuntu-desktop mailing list

Re: Solang or Shotwell vs. F-Spot for Lucid

2009-12-08 Thread Sebastien Bacher
Le lundi 07 décembre 2009 à 21:24 -0500, Danny Piccirillo a écrit :
> Before too much effort is invested into making F-Spot good enough to
> meet all of the needs outlined at the UDS Default App Selection
> session, i thought i should bring up Solang and Shotwell to see if it
> might be worth including instead of F-Spot in Lucid, or if it's too
> late, in Lucid +1. 


Thank you for raising the topic. What effort are you speaking about
exactly there though? The only change we needed was the edit options to
be available in view mode basically and upstream already fixed that one.

> GTumb has been discussed, but it doesn't seem to deliver the goods.

Why not? Somebody pointed recently a post about gthumb, the code has
been refactored recently apparently and the new version looks quite good

>  Solang is new, yet it's developed quickly and is showing a lot of
> promise. Shotwell might also be a contender worth discussing, but i am
> unfamiliar with it. Hopefully someone else has some insights as to how
> Shotwell compares to Solang and F-Spot. 

We have something not perfect right now but working ok for common use,
it seems risky to want to change to some new codebase in a lts cycle
especially when we don't know how reliable upstream is and when those
softwares have not been exposed to real user testing and feedback yet.

>   * A major issue with F-Spot that Solang doesn't have is that you
> have to move images to import them into the library. 

Do you? The import dialog has a checkbox about copy that you can uncheck

>   * F-Spot is much more resource intensive than Solang

Do you have numbers on that?

> Solang, Shotwell, and F-Spot are all fine image managers/organizers,
> but the current plan is to work on F-Spot to get it to meet the
> following needs: 
>   * Quickly viewing images by folder [currently handled by EOG]
>   * Solang and F-Spot both have view-modes but still
> require importing the image. Shotwell might not. 

No, the f-spot --view mode doesn't require to import anything...

>   * Editing images without importing (Shotwell does this)
>   * Rotating [currently handled by EOG]
>   * Red-eye removal [currently handled by GIMP]
>   * Cropping [currently handled by GIMP]

those are done by f-spot as well

> Although the interface has been cleaned up, it just feels heavy. 

The comment there is about the user interface or the opening speed,
reactivity to actions, ...?

> It's worth reconsidering how much work should be put in to F-Spot when
> other projects seem to be progressing faster. If this much work is
> going to be invested as it is, we should consider whether it might be
> better to focus on Solang instead. Shotwell might already meet many of
> these needs, and need significantly less work. 

We don't put too many efforts in f-spot, the work is done mostly by
upstream and the packaging is done mostly by Debian, we just try to
issues reported on launchpad and work with upstream on the ones we
consider worth trying to fix for the next version.

Where did you get that the other projects are moving faster too? They
might have extra work to put to catch up with what f-spot does now. The
timeline view is rather nice to use and f-spot has quite some other

Did anybody looked at how those other software handle exporting to
flick, picasa or other web services?

> Please look into both Solang and Shotwell and post your thoughts. 
> Thanks! 

I will let other people comment on those, but changing a known codebase
for new project in a lts cycle doesn't seem a good move from there

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-desktop mailing list