For what it's worth, I find the notification system to be quite nice as is.
I have some bothers with other areas that may or may not be tied to the
core "notification system" though. Namely the background color of the
notifications themselves is not adjustable, and instead is tied to the
desktop wallpaper. I wouldn't have a problem with the background color of
the notifications not being adjustable, so long as it matched something
like the top panel bar color, which would make sense given their close
proximity. It being tied to the desktop wallpaper seems (to be blunt, yet
honest) a downright awful idea given that I see the wallpaper almost never,
but due to my black and white image, it causes the notifications to be
extremely light and washed out looking. That forces me to change to a
darker wallpaper just to have darker notifications so they are easier to
read. I mean, really? How and why this is I'll never be able to understand.

The other area is the extreme lack of persistent notification from the
system that I have a notification waiting. Say I miss a notification
because I was away for a moment. I come back and... what? Am I supposed to
see the 1px highlight around the icon in the Unity bar? The envelope in the
upper right is hardly that great. It requires me to look at a secondary
location on the right when I could just focus on the left where the actual
application icons are all of the time anyway. It'd just be easier to have a
highlighted icon on the bar that's obvious enough for a user to, well,
actually see. An example would be having the icon in the bar wiggle once
every 30/60 seconds until it receives attention, but that bug report has
laid dormant since it was reported, so... there's that.

Being able to click links would be a nice feature, but I don't see a need
from my perspective as a heavy Ubuntu user to need to click them to
dismiss, so long as they grow transparent with mouse hover.

TL;DR - I like the notification system, but I by no means 'love' it. It
certainly needs a few refinements in the overall aesthetics + functionality
department. Just my 2c.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Marc Deslauriers <> wrote:

> Hello,
> On 2014-12-11 12:25 PM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > hi,
> > Am Donnerstag, den 11.12.2014, 01:26 +0100 schrieb Oliver Grawert:
> >
> > ....
> >
> >
> >
> Wow. Just wow.
> >
> > so since this seems to hit social media and will most likely trash my
> > end of year vacation (it is really lovely to get personal attack mails
> > and stuff when you are on vacation, i have been through this a few times
> > now due to someone spreading FUD based on mails i sent to MLs as
> > personal opinion) ...
> >
> > i want to make something very very clear:
> >
> >
> > everything i said in this thread is my own opinion
> > *as a user of the system*
> >
> > while i am a canonical employee i am neither a member of the
> > ubuntu-desktop team nor am i working in the canonical design team, i
> > make *no decisions at all* over  any desktop design.
> >
> > seriously, am i not allowed to have an own opinion ???
> >
> >
> > *SIGH*
> I am not speaking for Canonical either.
> I'm not a designer.
> I'm not on the desktop team.
> I'm in no way responsible for that decision.
> I was simply stating my personal opinion. I think the notification system
> we
> have now is a step up and a definite improvement over the old-style
> click-to-dismiss notifications we had in Gnome 2.
> Again, just my opinion.
> Marc.
> --
> ubuntu-desktop mailing list
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