= Meeting Minutes =
[[http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/08/16/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt|IRC Log of the 
[[http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam|Meeting minutes.]]

== Agenda ==
[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting#Tues, 16 Aug, 2011|20110816 
Meeting Agenda]]

=== ARM Status  ===
TOPIC: ARM Status (ppisati)
Generic kernel arm: nothing interesting, besides lp709245 ("ARM SMP
scheduler performance bug") that is becoming a show stopper.
Oneiric/ti-omap4: a new BSP/kernel update (1202.6) is in the pipe.
Oneiric/tegra: nothing new to report.

=== Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs  ===
=== Release Metrics ===
TOPIC: Release Metrics and Incoming Bugs (ogasawara)
==== oneiric nominated bugs ====
 * 31 linux kernel bugs (up 11)
==== Ubuntu ubuntu-11.10-beta-1 bugs ====
 * 2 linux kernel bugs (up 2)
==== <series>-updates bugs ====
 * 0 oneiric linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
 * 18 natty linux kernel bugs (down 1)
 * 3 maverick linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
 * 7 lucid linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
 * 0 hardy linux kernel bugs (no change 0)
=== Incoming Bugs ===
 * 116 oneiric bugs (up 27)
 * 1511 natty bugs (up 19)
 * 1091 maverick bugs (up 2)
 * 954 lucid bugs (up 13)
 * 33 hardy bugs (up 2)
=== Regressions ===
==== regression-update bugs ====
 * 0 oneiric bugs (no change 0)
 * 13 natty bugs (no change 0)
 * 40 maverick bugs (down 1)
 * 78 lucid bugs (up 3)
 * 0 hardy bugs (no change 0)
==== regression-release bugs ====
 * 3 oneiric bugs (up 2)
 * 439 natty bugs (no change 0)
 * 238 maverick bugs (down 2)
 * 215 lucid bugs (up 1)
 * 2 hardy bugs (no change 0)
==== regression-proposed bugs ====
 * 1 oneiric bugs (up 1)
 * 3 natty bugs (up 1)
 * 1 maverick bugs (no change 0)
 * 1 lucid bugs (up 1)
 * 0 hardy bugs (no change 0)

===  Beta-1 Work Items ===
TOPIC: Beta-1 Work Items
|| apw       || other-kernel-o-gcc-build-dependency || 1 work item ||
||           || other-kernel-o-bug-handling         || 2 work items||
||           || other-kernel-o-version-and-flavours || 2 work items||
||           || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||
||           || desktop-o-xorg-stakeholders-request || 1 work item ||
||           || desktop-o-xorg-tools-and-processes  || 4 work items||
|| lag       || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||
|| ogasawara || other-kernel-o-version-and-flavours || 2 work items||
|| rsalveti  || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||
|| sarvatt   || desktop-o-xorg-tools-and-processes  || 1 work item ||
|| sconklin  || desktop-o-xorg-stakeholders-request || 1 work item ||
|| smb       || other-kernel-o-version-and-flavours || 1 work item ||
|| tjaalton  || other-kernel-o-ubuntu-delta-review  || 1 work item ||
If you're listed in the table above, please review your work items.

=== Status: General Oneiric  ===
TOPIC: Status: General Oneiric (ogasawara)
Some important dates to keep in mind are as follows:
 * Aug 25 - Beta Freeze (~1 week)
 * Sept 1 - Beta 1 (~2 weeks)
 * Sept 15 - Kernel Freeze (~4 weeks)
 * Sept 22 - Beta 2 (~5 weeks)
We'll continue pull in bug fixes and follow upstream stable v3.0.x as we
move towards release.  I'd also like to note that I've opened the
P-series git repo and recently rebased it to v3.1-rc2.  It's available
in my personal repo on zinc -
git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ogasawara/ubuntu-p.git .  I'll make an official
announcement to the mailing list shortly.

=== Status: CVE's  ===
TOPIC: Status: CVE's (apw)
== 2011-08-16 (weekly) ==
=== CVE Metrics ===
Currently open CVEs for each supported branch:
|| Package                                  || Open ||
||                                          ||      ||
|| linux Hardy                              ||    7 ||
|| linux Lucid                              ||    3 ||
|| linux Maverick                           ||    3 ||
|| linux Natty                              ||    3 ||
|| linux Oneiric                            ||    2 ||
|| linux-ec2 Lucid                          ||    3 ||
|| linux-fsl-imx51 Lucid                    ||    3 ||
|| linux-mvl-dove Lucid                     ||    3 ||
|| linux-mvl-dove Maverick                  ||    3 ||
|| linux-ti-omap4 Maverick                  ||    3 ||
|| linux-ti-omap4 Natty                     ||    3 ||
|| linux-ti-omap4 Oneiric                   ||    2 ||
|| linux-lts-backport-maverick Lucid        ||    3 ||
|| linux-lts-backport-natty Lucid           ||    3 ||
We have just found a regression introduced by one of the fixes for
CVE-2011-1020.  Investigation ongoing.

=== Status: Stable Kernel Team  ===
TOPIC: Status: Stable Kernel Team (sconklin)
||== Status of kernels ==
|| This is kernel verification week. All kernels except Natty were ready for 
verification this
|| week, but a regression has been discovered in all kernels except Natty due 
to application of
|| a CVE patch. All kernels will be respun and further status will be announced 
when we have
|| estimated completion times for kernel prep.
|| The CVE tracking bug for the discovered regressionis here:
|| https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/813026/
|| Kernel status for each series is as follows:
||=== Hardy ===
|| * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/8239120|Hardy 
Tracking Bug]]
|| * Is being held for a CVE regression (was ready for copying to -updates)
||=== Lucid ===
|| * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/824148|Lucid 
Tracking Bug]]
|| * Is being held for a CVE regression (was in verification)
||=== Maverick ===
|| * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/823306|Maverick 
Tracking Bug]]
|| * Is being held for a CVE regression (was in verification)
||=== Natty ===
|| * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/818175|Natty 
Tracking Bug]]
|| * Is being held for an 
[[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/814325|Intel graphics 
regression ]]
||   This regression also exists in upstream kernels, and the hardware 
enablement team is
||   invesitgating this and working with upstream.

=== Security & bugfix kernels - Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy  ===
TOPIC: Security & bugfix kernels - Natty/Maverick/Lucid/Hardy (sconklin)
(seems like it was covered above?)
|| Current Kernel versions are available here: 

=== Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized  ===
TOPIC: Open Discussion or Questions: Raise your hand to be recognized (o/)

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