Re: metashell - User Friendly Shell

2008-01-28 Thread Dries Desmet
Fergal Daly wrote:

 So let me rephrase my points

 1 there are multiple tools which do roughly the same thing - see,
 gnome-open and probably k-something-or-other and no unified location
 for preferences for these tools

 2 multiple tools which do roughly the same thing is no problem

 3 multiple locations for the same preferences is a bad thing and while
 sometimes necessary, should be avoided where possible

 4 if you don't already know the name of the tool, you are unlikely to
 be able to find it

 5 open seems to be the obvious name for such a tool. It was the
 first thing I tried, it's what's left when you remove gnome- from
 gnome-open, it's the verb that appears under every File menu I've
 ever seen. It seems quite discoverable. edit is also quite
 discoverable however if you're just trying to open something to see
 it, you're unlikely to try edit

 6 open is currently a symlink to /usr/bin/openvt - the fact that it's
 a symlink and that man open talks about openvt not open makes me
 thing that it's ripe for reclamation.

 So I am suggesting that Ubuntu would be improved by reclaiming
 /usr/bin/open from the  console-tools package and replacing it with an
 alternatives-based link to a file opener, on Ubuntu -gnome-open, on
 Kubuntu - k-something etc etc. Ideally they would all have the same
 interface but even without that it would be good.

 It would also be great to have a central mime-type - action database.
 I think that's part of freedesktop but unless see and edit pay
 attention to it, the problem is not fully solved,



Good proposal IMHO. I had similar experience. It would be a subtle but a 
true Ubuntu-spirit improvement. The command on OS X for this is 'open' 
too btw. Concerning mime-types, the existing method of editing 
mime-types by right-clicking and add Applications to open a file with 
works okay for User-specific options, but I would like to see a gui that 
can set System wide associations.


Dries Desmet.

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Re: You devs rock. Thanks for your work.

2007-10-31 Thread Dries Desmet

Dane Mutters wrote:

  I'm writing in response to some recent emails on this list that may have
had a discouraging effect on the developers and other community members.
While Some constructive criticism is needed, I would like to remind
people that the developers are essentially volunteers who put a LOT of
hard work into making a really great Linux distribution.

So, the essence of what I'd like to say is that the Ubuntu devs (and
those who contribute in any to the Ubuntu distro) are awesome and
deserve a lot of respect.  You've done wonders for making this (IMHO)
the best distribution out there.

Thanks for your work.  I look forward with great anticipation to
installing Gusty on my box.



As anonymous lurker, I thank you too, in name of a lot of anonymous
lurkers probably. It's an amazing effort to put together such a nice
distro. I've come from RedHat, over Suse, over Gentoo to Ubuntu and
this is the place I feel most at home. I've often felt I should
contribute more, but by the time I can really test my patch for a
particular itch, the distro has already taken care of it or I'm not
routined and it takes me too long. Sometimes it's hard to find instant
gratification, but none of your contributions can be underestimated.
Sighh... You devs...


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