Re: Wiki typo on immutable page

2011-07-11 Thread Reuben Thomas
Thanks for the fix; there's another one I posted to
ubuntu-devel-discuss that you may have missed:

"Alternatively, you can disable DRI support in your
xorg.conf (see below)."

This makes sense in the context (it's talking about crashes caused by
3D screensavers), but the example lower down the page shows how to
disable DPMS, not DRI. Since disabling DRI is probably impractical for
most users these days (since most default desktops require graphics
acceleration), maybe simply remove this sentence?


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Wiki typo on immutable page

2011-07-11 Thread Reuben Thomas
Where it says: "(See MainlineBuilds for installation directions",
there is a missing close parenthesis, and only "MainlineBuilds" should
be hyperlinked, not the entire contents of the parentheses.


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Where to report bugs in immutable wiki pages? Plus, one such report

2011-07-11 Thread Reuben Thomas
I can't find anything on the wiki about where to report errors in
immutable pages. The one I'm thinking of is in:

where it says: "Alternatively, you can disable DRI support in your
xorg.conf (see below)."

This makes sense in the context (it's talking about crashes caused by
3D screensavers), but the example lower down the page shows how to
disable DPMS, not DRI. Since disabling DRI is probably impractical for
most users these days (since most default desktops require graphics
acceleration), maybe simply remove this sentence?


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"Long time no see" auto-text could be improved

2011-07-09 Thread Reuben Thomas
I just received, for the n-th time, the following apparently automatic
update from a bug report I'd filed:

Thanks for the report, it has been some time without any response or
feedback in this bug report and we are wondering if this is still an
issue for you with the latest release of Ubuntu the Natty Narwhal, May
you please test with that version and comment back if you're still
having or not the issue?

I find this wording rather irritating, because the bit that says
"without any response or feedback" implies that I should have done
something and didn't. Since the bug in question is not tagged as
requiring any sort of info or feedback, that's not the case.

Can I suggest that the wording be changed to something like this:

Thanks for your bug report; sorry we have not been able to look at it
for a while. It's possible that the bug has been fixed; could you
please check whether this bug still affects you with the latest Ubuntu
release (INSERT_NAME_HERE) and add an appropriate comment to this bug
report? By helping us weed out out-of-date bug reports, you can help
us spend more time fixing bugs!


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Busy work

2011-02-04 Thread Reuben Thomas
Just now, I got a notification about a bug I filed two and a half years ago:

It's a trivial man page formatting bug.

In the last two and a half years, it has twice received the attentions
of Ubuntu developers. Once, two months after I filed it; once, just
now. Each time the developer changed some tags.

Now, I don't want to downplay the importance of correct tagging of
bugs, but, as I said, this is a trivial documentation bug. How about
just fixing it?

I see this happen again and again. It's sad, because it is not a good
use of Ubuntu dev time, and the bug often takes ages to get fixed.

I do try, these days, to file such bugs in Debian, where turnaround
time tends to be shorter, but, most importantly, busywork is vastly

So, my plea is: when developers have taken the time to look at a bug,
it would be great if they would also consider whether it would not be
quicker to fix it than simply re-tag it, and then let months or years
elapse before they or another developer comes along and spends the
time needed to understand the bug report.

When code is involved, I understand completely that it will indeed
typically take more time, and often, greater expertise, to fix a bug.
(Again, Debian wins by having maintainers personally responsible for
packages whose code they often get to know reasonably well, and hence
are able to spend much less time fixing bugs. Again, I try to use that
greater efficiency wherever I can.) But documentation bugs are
low-risk fixes, and one is much less likely to get them wrong, so they
can usually be fixed quickly.

Is there somewhere this could be pointed out to developers?

In this case, anyone with an inkling about man page formatting can see
the solution; it's 30s of editing. Arguably, my bad for not providing
a patch; but again, I thought that would be a waste of time, because
it would take longer for me to produce a patch, be sure that it was
clean, and applied to the latest version of the package, and then for
the developer to apply it, than for the developer simply to edit the
man page themselves and produce a package patch.

Another excellent alternative would be for the Ubuntu developer simply
to have forwarded the bug upstream, since it's just the sort of bug
report that upstream developers like (easy, user-visible) and like to
fix (easy edit, sense of achievement).

In penance for writing this email, I will now do just that.


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Re: Sync Request process questions

2010-12-14 Thread Reuben Thomas
On 14 December 2010 19:50, Scott Kitterman  wrote:
> c.  I doesn't need a sync, it needs a merge.  It looks like you got caught up
> a bit in Ubuntu specific terminology.  See

Ah, I was pointed to the wrong page. Thanks.

I would further suggest a simple link from near the top of the other.
A merge is after all just a special case of a sync.



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Sync Request process questions

2010-12-14 Thread Reuben Thomas

I recently filed an Ubuntu bug making a sync request:

I got what looks like a cut-and-paste response pointing me to:

It reads:

Please update your bug so it follows the requirements for sync
Please be aware that the Natty would automatically sync the version
from Debian Squeeze if there were no Ubuntu specific changes in the
package. The most important thing is therefore to check whether these
changes are still needed.

I have nothing against cut-and-paste responses per se, they are a
useful way to save developer time in common situations. However, I
have two problems with this one:

1. Unlike many other excellent automatic responses, this one does not
thank me for my bug report. It implies that for anything to be done
for my bug report, I have to go and follow the instructions on the
page pointed to. But why should I? I have reported the bug, I have not
indicated that I am anything other than an ordinary user, why on earth
would you think I have the time or indeed the skills needed to triage
my own bug report against the criteria on this page? As it happens, I
have both the time and the skills, but I still choose not to work on
Ubuntu itself; I choose to spend my effort upstream (for example, I
helped to make some improvements to sudo recently), and downstream (in
this case, reporting this bug). In summary, this automatic response
looks rather ungrateful.

2. I went and had a look at the policy page on sync requests, and as
the response to my bug report indicates, it mentions more than once
that to justify a sync request, it should be proven that
Ubuntu-specific changes are no longer needed in the new Debian version
of the package. But the trouble is, there are situations such as the
present in which they are still needed, and for a good reason: there
are differences in policy between Ubuntu and Debian. So, the changes
will need to be forward-ported. I can see nothing explicit in the page
about this case, though common sense tells me that the Ubuntu-specific
patches would need to be triaged.

The implications from this are unfortunate:

a. We will do nothing unless you prove in detail that the package can
be synced to Debian. This implication could be removed by simply
making the automatic response to a sync request a little more
friendly: "Thank you for your sync request. We'll try to get around to
it, but you can help us immensely by following the procedure on this
page: ..."

b. When there are Ubuntu changes to a Debian package that need to
remain in a new version, we won't bother syncing the new version. This
is clearly false: there are many packages which are updated, even
though Ubuntu-specific changes need to be forward-ported. This
implication can be removed by adding instructions to the sync request
wiki page on what to do in this circumstance.

I hope these suggestions are useful: after getting the initial reply
to my bug report I was cross (because my bug report was apparently not
valued) and hopeless (because it looked as though unless I did lots of
work this package would not be synced), whereas I do not think this is
the true picture. Also, I have had no other contact from any Ubuntu
developer, even though I posted again to the bug report to explain why
I had asked for the package sync, and therefore explain the value of
my report. (There is clearly some value in users reporting why it is a
good idea to sync a certain package, as it shows both reasons and
demand for the newer version, which helps Ubuntu developers to choose
which packages to spend time syncing, when the syncing is not

Overall, so far I feel I have largely wasted my time on this report,
which is dispiriting. I feel moved to join and write to
ubuntu-devel-discuss because this is not the first time I've had such
an experience. I have four main problems with Ubuntu bug reports:

1. They get mechanised. I get cut and paste instructions (not a bad
thing in itself), and if I don't do exactly what they say, nothing
progresses (which is bad, because it reduces the interaction to a
mechanical, programmed one). Often, there is a better way to proceed
than simply to follow a standard process.

2. They get overwhelmed by clueless users. I don't know how to fix
this, sorry. I suspect it is a necessary price of Ubuntu's greater
friendliness to newbies relative to Debian, and of course newbies have
to be encouraged, educated, and turned into the next wave of experts.
I have this problem less with Debian, and indeed, when it is the right
thing to do, I report bugs direct to the Debian BTS.

3. Trying to answer the question "Do I report a bug to Ubuntu, Debian
or upstream?" itself costs a lot of time (especially when the answer
is that I should report it in two places). I may be missing ways to
streamline the process, but it seems it could still use further work.