---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: T.P.J.Ferrere <t.p.j.ferr...@open.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 11:05 AM
Subject: ISOs aren't mirrored
To: "ubuntu-studio-de...@lists.ubuntu.com" <

Hi all,

Is there any specific reason why some Ubuntu distributions are mirrored
while Studio isn’t? In all Ubuntu mirror sites there is a link to download
Ubuntu Studio, unfortunately it doesn’t point to a local page on the mirror
site but to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/9.10/releasewhich
is obviously not accessible.

Let me know what I can do next to help. Cheers,



I just received  this e-mail on the Ubuntu Studio mailing list, and thought
I'd pass it on to a wider audience in hopes of finding any admins of Ubuntu
mirrors that would be willing to also host the Ubuntu Studio images.  As we
all know cdimage.ubuntu.com is slammed (I'll refrain myself from vulgarities
in describing how slammed it is) and unfortunately that is the only place
(other than the torrents) where the Ubuntu Studio Karmic ISO is hosted.  So
this is a plea to anyone with a mirror to consider the option of hosting
Ubuntu Studio images.  It is a very popular (and official) derivative,
currently ranked 33 on distrowatch's page hit ranking (xubuntu is 31) and it
would be great to have the ISO directly accessible via web browser -
cdimage.ubuntu.com exists, but it takes forever to load if lucky enough to
have it load right now.  Thanks for your time.

-Eric Hedekar
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