---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: Juan Carlos Bustamante <jbustama...@usfq.edu.ec>
Fecha: 27 de mayo de 2009 17:08
Asunto: [Software-Libre-USFQ] Conferencia mañana jueves
Para: "software-libre-u...@yahoogroups.com"

Se me ha pedido que anuncia esto:

jueves 28.
Universidad de Loja, 5:30 pm, en la 6 de Diciembre y Alpallana


Jason Rexilius is the founder and CEO of HostedLABS, a global
web-computing platform for LAMP-based applications. Prior to HostedLABS,
Jason was the Lead Architect for the Internet Trading systems in the
Capital Markets sector at JP Morgan. He has also held various roles at
Fortune 500 companies in the telecom, legal, and utilities sectors. Mr.
Rexilius began his career as an intelligence analyst in the US Air Force
where he supported global operations in real-time.  Mr. Rexilius
specializes in web technologies and using new computer science concepts
to solve diverse architectural problems. He is passionate about
technology and ideas and brings that enthusiasm and rich experience to
all projects he is involved in.


Building geo-distributed high performance applications


Mr. Rexilius will discuss the architectural and application level
challenges involved in building high-performance, massive scale web
applications that need to serve a global audience.  He will cover
concepts such as IP traffic management, application state management,
data persistence and transaction integrity.  The talk is intended to be
a survey of approaches used to solve the many problems involved in
building systems that scale and perform while providing the highest
levels of availability.

Juan Carlos Bustamante
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Tel?fono: (+593) 2 297-1700 ext.
E-mail: jbustama...@usfq.edu.ec
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