[ubuntu-in] Ubuntu Global Jam Mumbai - Trusty cycle

2014-03-31 Thread Rigved Rakshit

The Ubuntu Global Jam will be held this weekend:

Date: 6th April, 2014 (Sunday)
Time: 10:00 to 17:00
Venue: Directiplex, near Andheri Subway, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400069

For more details about the Ubuntu Global Jam, check this:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam .

Entry is free of charge. Wifi and laptop charging points will be
available at the venue.

Hope to you see you guys there!

Best Regards,

ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Philippe Desrosiers
Je prend la menace des virus très au sérieux.  J'ai eu un petit contrat de
restaurer un pc all in one.  Dans la base de données j'ai relevé 182
spywares.  La base de donnée était corrompue au-delà de ce que je pouvais
faire comme restoration. C'est malheureux ce genre de choses puisque les
perdent leurs photos personnelles, documents importants etc.  Il faut faire
des backups des données importantes.  Il faut faire des scans de virus et de

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Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Fabián Rodríguez
Le 2014-03-31 02:29, Philippe Desrosiers a écrit :
 Dans la base de données j'ai relevé 182

Qu'entendez-vous par base de données?


Fabián Rodríguez

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Philippe Desrosiers
J'ai mis de coté les fichiers photo .jpeg qui ont été mis dans un folder et
les fichiers .docx qui ont été mis dans un autre folder et ces deux folders
ont été mis dans un folder et j'ai relevé 182 spywares dans ce folder. 
C'est ce que je veux dire par base de données (fichiers .jpeg + fichiers

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Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Pierre-Luc Daoust
Était-ce des virus destinés à Windows ou Linux? L'antivirus sur Linux
peut très bien détecter ceux destinés au papillon de Redmond!


Pierre-Luc Daoust
Tél. / texto: +1-514-667-8008

Photographe de presse et d'événements: http://PierreLucDaoust.com
Blogueur à Montréal-Nord: http://ZonePL.net

Joignez-moi aussi sur les réseaux sociaux!

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Steve Nadeau
Monsieur Desrosiers,

tout ce que vous amenez est en rapport avec WINDOWS, donc, s'il vous
plaît, pouvez-vous laisser le thème de peur envers le monde linux?

si vous voulez passer à Ubuntu, faites le, mais ne mélangez pas les
affaires, les virus sont un problème du monde de Windows.

Si vous ne pouvez pas amener de preuves de virus sous Linux
personnellement je vous demanderais d'aller sur des forums Windows
pour vos problèmes Windows.

bonne journée!

Le 31 mars 2014 08:23, Philippe Desrosiers
desrosiers.phili...@videotron.ca a écrit :
 J'ai mis de coté les fichiers photo .jpeg qui ont été mis dans un folder et
 les fichiers .docx qui ont été mis dans un autre folder et ces deux folders
 ont été mis dans un folder et j'ai relevé 182 spywares dans ce folder.
 C'est ce que je veux dire par base de données (fichiers .jpeg + fichiers

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 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Philippe Desrosiers
Je ne veux faire de peurs à personne.  

L'on doit être en mesure de discuter des problèmes de sécurité informatique
de manière rationnelle.  

Les choses qui sont passées avec Windows, avec le temps et la diffusion de
Ubuntu, risquent de survenir sous Linux également.  Du moment que des
transactions par carte de crédit ou transactions bancaires se font sous
Linux il est important, selon moi, d'affronter le menu de la sécurité avec
courage et ténacité.

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Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Frédéric Côté
Le point que plusieurs soulève et que vous ne semblé pas saisir est que les
virus/malware/spyware que vous trouvez sur votre Ubuntu sont pour Windows
(.docx entre autre). Votre Linux n'est pas nécessairement infecté.

Un fichier infecté avec un virus/malware/spyware pour Windows peut très
bien être copier sur un linux. L'antivirus de linux trouvera les problèmes
mais ça ne veut pas dire que le système est infecté, il est seulement

Tout comme copier un .docx infecté sur un NAS n'infectera pas celui-ci. Le
NAS sera porteur mais sans avoir de symptôme.

Si vous faites beaucoup d'échange de fichier avec Windows, c'est plutôt
fréquent de voir des fichiers infecté. Mais *avoir un fichier infecté* ou *être
infecté* c'est deux chose très différente.

Comme mentionné dans un courriel précédent. J'utilise un PC pour gérer et
scanner les fichiers que je reçois et que j'envoie à mes correspondant sous
Windows. Ceci est pour leurs protection et non la mienne. Je ne veux pas
être un facteur de propagation.

2014-03-31 10:43 GMT-04:00 Philippe Desrosiers 

 Je ne veux faire de peurs à personne.

 L'on doit être en mesure de discuter des problèmes de sécurité informatique
 de manière rationnelle.

 Les choses qui sont passées avec Windows, avec le temps et la diffusion de
 Ubuntu, risquent de survenir sous Linux également.  Du moment que des
 transactions par carte de crédit ou transactions bancaires se font sous
 Linux il est important, selon moi, d'affronter le menu de la sécurité avec
 courage et ténacité.

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 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

In a world without walls, who really needs Windows
Nothing is foolproof because fools are so ingenious
Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Steve Nadeau
Travaillez-vous en sécurité informatique?

moi c'est mon domaine depuis des années.

Donc, je le répète, si vous essayez de faire peur avec de quoi qui est
surtout improbable et presque impossible dans le monde linux, je vous
prierais de nous fournir des preuves de ce que vous amenez et qui
affectent réellement le monde linux et Ubuntu.

à date, ce que vous faites ressemble ni plus ni moins à du FUD
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt) ou en
français :  (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt)

bonne journée!

Le 31 mars 2014 10:43, Philippe Desrosiers
desrosiers.phili...@videotron.ca a écrit :
 Je ne veux faire de peurs à personne.

 L'on doit être en mesure de discuter des problèmes de sécurité informatique
 de manière rationnelle.

 Les choses qui sont passées avec Windows, avec le temps et la diffusion de
 Ubuntu, risquent de survenir sous Linux également.  Du moment que des
 transactions par carte de crédit ou transactions bancaires se font sous
 Linux il est important, selon moi, d'affronter le menu de la sécurité avec
 courage et ténacité.

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 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Philippe Desrosiers
Personnellement je ne coach personne sur le comment de Ubuntu.  Je monte
une machine, fait venir les pièces, assemble, met en marché et envoie la
commande un fois payé.  Je paie pour les frais d'expédition.

Je met mon nom, ma réputation et mon argent sur une machine Ubuntu OEM.  Le
client n'ira pas voir les programmeurs, il va venir me voir moi et je vais
devoir rembourser le client et payer pour les frais de retour de

Je vend des machines à des gens qui ne connaissent rien à un ordinateur mis
à part le bouton on.  J'ai déjà dit à Canonical que j'offrais des
solutions informatiques complètes à des gens qui n'ont pas un diplôme de

Donc la question de la sécurité du système d'exploitation me concerne

Celui ou celle qui vend la machine prend tous les risques et engage son nom,
son argent et sa réputation sur la machine offerte.

Si je ne peux avoir une discussion sur la sécurité de mon système
d'exploitation j'ai un problème.

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Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Steve Nadeau
Dois-je comprendre qu'il ne se vend pas d'ordinateur avec Windows car
c'est un gros problème de sécurité?
c'est une grosse farce!



Le 31 mars 2014 13:31, Philippe Desrosiers
desrosiers.phili...@videotron.ca a écrit :
 Personnellement je ne coach personne sur le comment de Ubuntu.  Je monte
 une machine, fait venir les pièces, assemble, met en marché et envoie la
 commande un fois payé.  Je paie pour les frais d'expédition.

 Je met mon nom, ma réputation et mon argent sur une machine Ubuntu OEM.  Le
 client n'ira pas voir les programmeurs, il va venir me voir moi et je vais
 devoir rembourser le client et payer pour les frais de retour de

 Je vend des machines à des gens qui ne connaissent rien à un ordinateur mis
 à part le bouton on.  J'ai déjà dit à Canonical que j'offrais des
 solutions informatiques complètes à des gens qui n'ont pas un diplôme de

 Donc la question de la sécurité du système d'exploitation me concerne

 Celui ou celle qui vend la machine prend tous les risques et engage son nom,
 son argent et sa réputation sur la machine offerte.

 Si je ne peux avoir une discussion sur la sécurité de mon système
 d'exploitation j'ai un problème.

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 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Philippe Desrosiers
De la manière que je vois ceci est que Windows est un gros problème de
sécurité en lui-même.  

Je m'explique.

Disons que je suis Dell, je veux ceci dans le système d'exploitation. 
Disons que je Hewitt Packard et je veux telle fonction dans le OS.  Je suis
Acer et je demade celà et tout le monde fait sa petite demande et le OS
devient un gros compromis qui devient vulnérable et donc Microsoft lance une
patch et une autre et rassemble les patch et fait un service pack 1-2-3.

Ubuntu ne souffre pas de ce problème d'épicerie dont la liste est composé
d'une litanie éceurante de manufacturiers.  En fait Linux est née je pense
de cette écoeurantite des patch et des compromis qui ont fait de WinXP une
horreur et un spagetti de codes dont plusieurs exploitent les failles pour
leur bon plaisir ou leur portefeuille.

C'est dèjà énorme que Ubuntu ne soit pas un macramé de demandes éparses des
manufacturiers.  Que Ubuntu reste vraiment un système d'exploitation pour
les gens c'est beaucoup pour moi.

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Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Steve Nadeau
M. Desrosiers,
n'oubliez pas qu'un virus c'est un programme informatique exécutable,
ce dernier afin de faire son travail doit se camoufler dans un module
système constamment en fonction au sein du système d'exploitation.

Dans Windows, cela est toujours possible car tout le monde peut faire
des installations dans le système avec son propre compte.

dans Linux, c'est IMPOSSIBLE, un fichier téléchargé depuis un
quelconque endroit n'est rien de plus qu'un fichier, il n'est et ne
sera JAMAIS exécutable sans obtenir l'intervention de l'utilisateur,
donc si vous me suivez, pour que ce fichier devienne exécutable au
niveau du système d'exploitation, il faut que l'utilisateur le rendre
exécutable et l'exécute en mode super utilisateur (sudo, root).

Vous comprendrez qu'il vous sera plus facile de faire comprendre ce
dernier point aux utilisateurs que de leur faire peur avec les virus
sous Linux. Un virus n'est pas un cas d'usurpation d'identité dans une
page web, dans le web il faut bien sur être vigilent pour ne pas
fournir d'information personnel suite à un courriel frauduleux ou une
fausse page web, dans ce cas, cela n'a aucun rapport avec le système
d'exploitation utilisé sinon à la vigilence de l'utilisateur dans son
environnement informatique.


Le 31 mars 2014 14:59, Philippe Desrosiers
desrosiers.phili...@videotron.ca a écrit :
 De la manière que je vois ceci est que Windows est un gros problème de
 sécurité en lui-même.

 Je m'explique.

 Disons que je suis Dell, je veux ceci dans le système d'exploitation.
 Disons que je Hewitt Packard et je veux telle fonction dans le OS.  Je suis
 Acer et je demade celà et tout le monde fait sa petite demande et le OS
 devient un gros compromis qui devient vulnérable et donc Microsoft lance une
 patch et une autre et rassemble les patch et fait un service pack 1-2-3.

 Ubuntu ne souffre pas de ce problème d'épicerie dont la liste est composé
 d'une litanie éceurante de manufacturiers.  En fait Linux est née je pense
 de cette écoeurantite des patch et des compromis qui ont fait de WinXP une
 horreur et un spagetti de codes dont plusieurs exploitent les failles pour
 leur bon plaisir ou leur portefeuille.

 C'est dèjà énorme que Ubuntu ne soit pas un macramé de demandes éparses des
 manufacturiers.  Que Ubuntu reste vraiment un système d'exploitation pour
 les gens c'est beaucoup pour moi.

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 Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

Re: [Ubuntu-QC] Les virus et Ubuntu.

2014-03-31 Thread Jean Christophe André


Le 2014-03-31 14:59, Philippe Desrosiers a écrit :

C'est dèjà énorme que Ubuntu ne soit pas un macramé de demandes éparses des
manufacturiers.  Que Ubuntu reste vraiment un système d'exploitation pour
les gens c'est beaucoup pour moi.

M. Desrosiers, à lire vos différents messages on voit clairement qu'il 
vous manque beaucoup de connaissances autour de Ubuntu et plus 
généralement de Linux.

Ce n'est pas une critique, mais une simple constatation qui permet 
également d'expliquer pourquoi vous ne comprenez pas — en détails — les 
problèmes qui vous sont arrivés.

Comme on vous l'a déjà proposé tout à l'heure, je pense que vous auriez 
tout intérêt à aller à une des rencontres Linux, pour y rencontrer un « 
barbu » qui pourra vous expliquer :
- l'histoire de Linux (qui est né en 1991, donc à peu près en même temps 
que Windows 3.1) ;
- les raisons originelles de sa naissance (qui n'ont rien à voir avec 
Windows XP ou même Windows tout court, ni même Microsoft) ;
- les raisons pour lesquelles Linux, un système basé sur Unix (lui même 
né vers 1970), est fondamentalement plus sécuritaire qu'un système qui 
se concentrait avant tout sur l'interface utilisateur ;
- les raisons pour lesquelles de simples choix corrects pour l'interface 
l'utilisateur peuvent radicalement changer la sécurité par défaut d'un 

En dehors de cela, pour toutes gérer les risques de corruptions de 
données, je me permets une petite publicité pour un logiciel libre fort 
sympathique : BackupPC.

Il ne permet pas de résoudre les problèmes a posteriori mais de les 
éviter a priori, en faisant des sauvegardes régulières des données, et 
en conservant plusieurs exemplaires des fichiers au fil du temps. Cela 
permet par exemple de retourner en arrière dans le temps pour retrouver 
un document avant qu'il ait été corrompu.

Bien cordialement, J.C.

Jean Christophe ANDRÉ  —  Coordonnateur des infrastructures techniques
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)  —   http://www.auf.org/
✉ : AUF, Case postale du Musée, C.P. 49714, Montréal, (Québec) H3T 2A5
℡ : +1 514 343 6630 #1568  ✦  ℻ : +1 514 343 2107
⎧Note personnelle: merci d'éviter de m'envoyer des fichiers Microsoft⎫
⎩Office, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments⎭

Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

[Ubuntu-QC] RAPPEL : Invitation Linux-Meetup de Québec - mardi 1er avril 18h

2014-03-31 Thread Gabriel Cossette
 Bonjour à tous!

Vous êtes invités à participer au prochain Linux-Meetup de Québec qui aura
lieu le mardi 1er avril au restaurant Le Copas de 18h à 21h30. Vous pouvez
souper sur place avec nous et les discussions de groupe commenceront vers

Coordonnées :
Le Copas (réservation au nom de Bertrand Lesmerises)
595, Grande-Allée Est, Québec, G1R 2K5 (Carte : http://goo.gl/maps/M0mC3)

Comme toujours, les thèmes de discussion seront déterminés par les
participants présents ... discussions libres et ouvertes!

Nous invitons tous les amateurs de logiciels libres (peu importe la
plate-forme) à venir discuter. C'est vraiment une excellente occasion de
socialiser et de faire connaissance avec d'autres qui partagent les mêmes

La rencontre est gratuite et ouverte à tous (de débutants à experts) et
rassemble des gens de diverses professions: gestionnaires, professeurs,
administrateurs de systèmes, ingénieurs, programmeurs, retraités,
étudiants, etc.

Les Linux-Meetup se déroulent simultanément à travers le monde tous les
premiers mardis du mois ainsi que dans plusieurs régions du Québec.

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer!

Bertrand Lesmerises, Gabriel Cossette
Ubuntu-quebec mailing list

[ubuntu-uk] Small graphics issue with Nvidia drivers

2014-03-31 Thread Barry Titterton


I have recently converted a desk top machine from XP to Unbuntu but have 
a small problem with the graphics during start up.

The machine has a legacy Nvidia graphics card (6800LE). I installed 
Ubuntu 13.10 as the only OS on the machine. The installer used the 
Nouveau graphics driver as the default for the Nvidia card but it gave 
problems so I used Software  Updates  Additional Drivers to change to 
the propriety nvidia-304-updates driver.

The problem is when I start the machine, after the BIOS text screen, the 
screen now goes black with only the following two lines of text on the 

Ubuntu 13.10 name tty1
name login:

(Where name is the ID of the machine)

I then wait for approx 30 seconds, without touching the keyboard, and 
the machine will eventually go to the normal log-in screen. I can then 
log-in to Unity as normal, and everything works fine.

So you will see that this pause at the tty1 screen is more of an 
annoyance than a problem. It also gives a poor impression to people that 
I am trying to convert to Ubuntu. I have tried Google but all of the 
issues that I have found refer to a total loss of display rather that 
this temporary pause during boot. Can anyone suggest a way of stopping 
this pause?

Barry T


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Small graphics issue with Nvidia drivers

2014-03-31 Thread Michael Eacott

I guess that you asked on http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php
But could this help?

On 31/03/14 17:11, Barry Titterton wrote:


I have recently converted a desk top machine from XP to Unbuntu but 
have a small problem with the graphics during start up.

The machine has a legacy Nvidia graphics card (6800LE). I installed 
Ubuntu 13.10 as the only OS on the machine. The installer used the 
Nouveau graphics driver as the default for the Nvidia card but it gave 
problems so I used Software  Updates  Additional Drivers to change 
to the propriety nvidia-304-updates driver.

The problem is when I start the machine, after the BIOS text screen, 
the screen now goes black with only the following two lines of text on 
the screen:-

Ubuntu 13.10 name tty1
name login:

(Where name is the ID of the machine)

I then wait for approx 30 seconds, without touching the keyboard, and 
the machine will eventually go to the normal log-in screen. I can then 
log-in to Unity as normal, and everything works fine.

So you will see that this pause at the tty1 screen is more of an 
annoyance than a problem. It also gives a poor impression to people 
that I am trying to convert to Ubuntu. I have tried Google but all of 
the issues that I have found refer to a total loss of display rather 
that this temporary pause during boot. Can anyone suggest a way of 
stopping this pause?

Barry T


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Small graphics issue with Nvidia drivers

2014-03-31 Thread Liam Proven
On 31 March 2014 17:11, Barry Titterton titterton.ba...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have recently converted a desk top machine from XP to Unbuntu but have a
 small problem with the graphics during start up.

 The machine has a legacy Nvidia graphics card (6800LE). I installed Ubuntu
 13.10 as the only OS on the machine. The installer used the Nouveau graphics
 driver as the default for the Nvidia card but it gave problems so I used
 Software  Updates  Additional Drivers to change to the propriety
 nvidia-304-updates driver.

 The problem is when I start the machine, after the BIOS text screen, the
 screen now goes black with only the following two lines of text on the

 Ubuntu 13.10 name tty1
 name login:

 (Where name is the ID of the machine)

 I then wait for approx 30 seconds, without touching the keyboard, and the
 machine will eventually go to the normal log-in screen. I can then log-in to
 Unity as normal, and everything works fine.

 So you will see that this pause at the tty1 screen is more of an annoyance
 than a problem. It also gives a poor impression to people that I am trying
 to convert to Ubuntu. I have tried Google but all of the issues that I have
 found refer to a total loss of display rather that this temporary pause
 during boot. Can anyone suggest a way of stopping this pause?

Sounds like the kernel is unable to do mode-switching, so you're
seeing some of the startup messages.

In the past, I've got round this by specifying the monitor's actual
resolution - or something close, e.g. right vertical resolution - in
GRUB with `nomodeset` and `vga=792` or whatever.

Liam Proven * Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: lpro...@hotmail.com * Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 * Cell: +44 7939-087884


Re: Voxin won't install

2014-03-31 Thread Lenny
Hi Gabe,
I don't know, I have installed it many, many times in Ubuntu, and I have done 
it in the past in Vinux, and it always worked in Vinux as it did in Ubuntu.
I open a terminal, then I go to the directory where the installer is, and I 
sudo bash voxin-installer.sh
and it has always worked before.
I have been using Voxin for perhaps 10 years.
- Original Message - 
From: Gabe Vega - CEO Commtech LLC 
To: Lenny 
Cc: Ubuntu List 
Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Voxin won't install

are you following the exact step-by-step instructions given by the Vinik's 
project wiki? There's a stepper to either before or after the installation that 
takes place, before the installation completes.

Gabe Vega  - CEO
Commtech LLC
The leader of computer support, training and web development services
Web: http://commtechusa.net
Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
Email: i...@commtechusa.net
Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
Fax: (480) 535-7649

On Mar 30, 2014, at 10:16 AM, Lenny ger...@cableone.net wrote:

  I installed Vinux 4.0, the DVD version onto my laptop.
  I then installed Voxin 0.58 and it acted like it installed and I was given 
  the message that it would be available on the next start, so I shut down and 
  It went back to eSpeak.
  I looked in Orca preferences, and in voice, there was no IBM to choose from.
  Then I installed Voxin 0.53, and it did the same, even after a restart.
  So I reinstalled 0.58, and it acted as before, and still, eSpeak is the only 
  synth available.
  Does anyone know what is going on?
  Thanks for any help.

  Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Voxin won't install

2014-03-31 Thread Gabe Vega - CEO Commtech LLC
That's exactly what I was alluding too. Glad you found it and glad it works now 
for you.

Gabe Vega  - CEO
Commtech LLC
The leader of computer support, training and web development services
Web: http://commtechusa.net
Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
Email: i...@commtechusa.net
Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
Fax: (480) 535-7649

 On Mar 31, 2014, at 8:43 PM, Lenny ger...@cableone.net wrote:
 Hi Again Gabe,
 I did a web search and came up with this:
 and it worked.
 - Original Message -
 From: Gabe Vega - CEO Commtech LLC
 To: Lenny
 Cc: Ubuntu List
 Sent: Sunday, March 30, 2014 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: Voxin won't install
 are you following the exact step-by-step instructions given by the Vinik's 
 project wiki? There's a stepper to either before or after the installation 
 that takes place, before the installation completes.
 Gabe Vega  - CEO
 Commtech LLC
 The leader of computer support, training and web development services
 Web: http://commtechusa.net
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/commtechllc
 Facebook: http://facebook.com/commtechllc
 Email: i...@commtechusa.net
 Phone: (888) 351-5289 Ext. 710
 Fax: (480) 535-7649
 On Mar 30, 2014, at 10:16 AM, Lenny ger...@cableone.net wrote:
 I installed Vinux 4.0, the DVD version onto my laptop.
 I then installed Voxin 0.58 and it acted like it installed and I was given 
 the message that it would be available on the next start, so I shut down and 
 It went back to eSpeak.
 I looked in Orca preferences, and in voice, there was no IBM to choose from.
 Then I installed Voxin 0.53, and it did the same, even after a restart.
 So I reinstalled 0.58, and it acted as before, and still, eSpeak is the only 
 synth available.
 Does anyone know what is going on?
 Thanks for any help.
 Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Vinux Keyboard commands

2014-03-31 Thread Lenny
I've been searching to find a list of keyboard commands for Vinux.
This Ubuntu, 12.04, is challenging, and the old menu ways don't work much.
Can someone send me a list of Vinux, or otherwise, Ubuntu 12.04 keyboard 
I am sure that there are some specific to Vinux, but either set would help a 


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

calendar-app test writers wanted

2014-03-31 Thread Nicholas Skaggs
The calendar app is about to land some cool new features, and could use 
a test writer to help get tests in place for these features, including a 
couple that have slipped under the radar. Here's the list of 4 bugs with 
tests that are needed:


Anyone interested in helping out? I can help connect you with the 
developers and of course help you with the test writing.

Here's a sneak peak at some of what we are talking about :-)




Ubuntu-quality mailing list
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Re: calendar-app test writers wanted

2014-03-31 Thread Nicholas Skaggs

On 03/31/2014 01:43 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
The calendar app is about to land some cool new features, and could 
use a test writer to help get tests in place for these features, 
including a couple that have slipped under the radar. Here's the list 
of 4 bugs with tests that are needed:


Anyone interested in helping out? I can help connect you with the 
developers and of course help you with the test writing.

Here's a sneak peak at some of what we are talking about :-)



Just wanted to clarify for those interested; you DO NOT need a phablet 
device to do this. Development and testing of your tests can occur on 
the desktop, and indeed it's how I write tests :-) Tests will be run on 
phablet devices and if something specific comes up, I can help with 
figuring it out. In practice, it's not been an issue.

So, you just need you and a computer with ubuntu 14.04 and you should be 
set :-)


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Remember IRC

2014-03-31 Thread Nicholas Skaggs
Remember during this testing season, things will move quickly and 
testing shouldn't feel lonely. Sometimes, being able to chat in realtime 
really helps. Testing doesn't have to be so disjointed!

Come join us on IRC anytime you are testing and chat. Ask questions, get 
help, or simply share what you are doing. Trying to write an autopilot 
tests? Curious about a bug you are seeing while testing an image? IRC is 
a great place to get help. We'd love to have you:


Type 'ping balloons' if you want to alert me specifically.

See you on IRC!


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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] Sigil - suggestion for our publishing workflow

2014-03-31 Thread Jimmy Sjölund
On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Kaj Ailomaa zeque...@mousike.me wrote:

 Someone recommended this application for our publishing workflow -

 I can't seem to find a Debian package for it though. Seems to be free,
 and if it isn't packaged already, perhaps we should look at doing that
 for Debian.

 However, Sigil (http://sigildev.blogspot.se/) is recommending to use
http://calibre-ebook.com/ instead?

I'm also keeping an eye on the beta for the Linux version of Scrivener to
see if it will end up as free software or not when released.

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] Sigil - suggestion for our publishing workflow

2014-03-31 Thread Kaj Ailomaa
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014, at 08:54 AM, Jimmy Sjölund wrote:
  However, Sigil (http://sigildev.blogspot.se/) is recommending to use
 http://calibre-ebook.com/ instead?

Thanks. In other words, we can forget about this application for the
time being.

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Re: [ubuntu-studio-devel] a2jmidid autostart

2014-03-31 Thread Len Ovens

On Sun, 30 Mar 2014, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

Apparently jack1 will autostart a2jmidid, but not jack2.
We should look at making that a reality, as far upstream as possible.
Preferably in jack2 itself. If not possible, then in Debian.

If jack1 only starts a2j, but does not incorperate the code (as is the 
intent so far as I know) then I don't see a huge gain. Jack1 is normally 
started from the command line and so having jack start a2j is nice, jack2 
is normally started by a tool like qjackctl (that is certainly not the 
only one) which can also start a2j. In qjackctl, the user has to set this 
up but in falktx tool it is just a setting. we could probably change the 
defaults on qjackctl as well to make this more automatic. But the real 
answer is to use the a2j code to replace what jack has now. In my case, 
when jackdbus starts, so does a2jmidid. If the plan is to have a control 
application that starts jack as part of it's functions, then a2j hsould be 
optionally started by the same controler. I am guessing that the jack dev 
mail lists should go on my watch list :P  more stuff to wade through.

Len Ovens

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Patch pilot report, 2014-03-31

2014-03-31 Thread Sebastien Bacher
Hey everyone,

Today I start my shift with 62 items, and ended with 30 remaining ones
in the queue (some need to be fixed, I kept them in the queue so it's
easier to notice if the contributors reply to the comments).

Thanks also to pitti who joined in reviewing/uploading some of the items ;-)

For those who like details, here are my notes

sponsored to trusty

SRU for saucy, checked that the fixes are in trusty, added SRU info to
the bug, sponsored the changes

SRU for precise, asked to update the change to match the revisited
version that went into trusty

was already uploaded, unsubscribed sponsors/changed status in launchpad

sponsoring requests for new packages charmworldlib and amulet,
Daniel had review comments that hadn't been addressed yet, pinged about

the issue is fixed in trusty, looks like a valid SRU candidate, asked
for some extra details for that

SRU request, commented with some needfixing

asked for some details

hit an issue when trying to build the source, asked for details

the request is missing the tarball, asked for info

commited to the packaging vcs

reviewed new package

upstream backport fix, pinged doko about it to see if it can be included
in the next upload

sync request with a non trivial diff/changelog, asked for details on why
we need the update (it might need a ffe as well)

small tweak needed

needs a depends update

needs a small fix

Sebastien Bacher

ubuntu-devel mailing list
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[ubuntu-studio-users] gretting

2014-03-31 Thread Dominique Desforges
dominique desforges glad to be 3with unbu tu  team and volonterr work
promotoning testing your  product count on my 1100%  devotion
ubuntu-studio-users mailing list
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[Ubuntu-be] Telenet homespot

2014-03-31 Thread Frans Hennau
Telenet homespot werkte steeds goed tot plots... en niks meer.
Mijn normale Telenet wifi verbinding blijft werken.
Hoe kan ik Telenet homespot terug activeren??
Ubuntu 12.10 op een Dell Inspiron 8600 notebook

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Sent from the Ubuntu-be mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Telenet homespot

2014-03-31 Thread Ward De Ridder
Heb je al eens contact opgenomen met telenet? Dit klinkt als een probleem aan 
hun kant.


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 01:48:28PM -0700, Frans Hennau wrote:
 Telenet homespot werkte steeds goed tot plots... en niks meer.
 Mijn normale Telenet wifi verbinding blijft werken.
 Hoe kan ik Telenet homespot terug activeren??
 Ubuntu 12.10 op een Dell Inspiron 8600 notebook
 View this message in context: 
 Sent from the Ubuntu-be mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
 ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com
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ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com

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Re: [Ubuntu-be] Telenet homespot

2014-03-31 Thread Frans Hennau
Neen, ik contacteerde telenet niet. Homespot werkt niet met de ubuntu pc -
zowel thuis als bij andere telenet abonnee.
Met een windows pc werkt de homespot zowel thuis als bij andere abonnee.

Op 31 maart 2014 22:51 schreef Ward De Ridder ubuntu...@warddr.eu:

 Heb je al eens contact opgenomen met telenet? Dit klinkt als een probleem
 aan hun kant.


 On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 01:48:28PM -0700, Frans Hennau wrote:
  Telenet homespot werkte steeds goed tot plots... en niks meer.
  Mijn normale Telenet wifi verbinding blijft werken.
  Hoe kan ik Telenet homespot terug activeren??
  Ubuntu 12.10 op een Dell Inspiron 8600 notebook
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the Ubuntu-be mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
  ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com
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 ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com

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Met vriendelijke groeten

Frans Hennau
ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be@lists.ubuntu.com

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[no subject]

2014-03-31 Thread saber zaid
hello devs

in Ubuntu gnome 14.0.4 beta 2 the gnome shell ver is 3.10 

please update it to gnome shell ver 3.12 , it is the latest ver and it add many 
good thing 

Sent from Windows Mail-- 
Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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2014-03-31 Thread Ali/amjjawad
On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 1:02 PM, saber zaid sabe...@live.com wrote:

  hello devs

Hello and thank you for your email :)

 in Ubuntu gnome 14.0.4 beta 2 the gnome shell ver is 3.10
 please update it to gnome shell ver 3.12 , it is the latest ver and it add
 many good thing

Kindly have a read at:

 Sent from Windows Mail

 Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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Thank you!

Best Regards,
amjjawad https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad
*Remember: *All of us are smarter than any one of us.

Ubuntu GNOME OneStopPage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/OneStopPage
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2014-03-31 Thread Héctor Sales Llamas
Do you're sure of what you say ?

There's only activity in staging ppa. I don't think gnome 3.12 is going to
ppa next. Only gnome team knows where will be present gnome 3.12.
May be their have not yet decided ...

2014-03-31 11:37 GMT+02:00 Satyajit Sahoo satyajit.ha...@gmail.com:

 Ubuntu GNOME will stick to the GNOME version in Ubuntu repositories to
 help deliver a more stable release. GNOME 3.12 will be available from the
 GNOME3 Next PPA, but some things might not work properly.

 On 31 March 2014 14:32, saber zaid sabe...@live.com wrote:

  hello devs

 in Ubuntu gnome 14.0.4 beta 2 the gnome shell ver is 3.10
 please update it to gnome shell ver 3.12 , it is the latest ver and it
 add many good thing

 Sent from Windows Mail

 Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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 Satyajit Sahoo
 Profile - Facebook http://facebook.com/satya164, 
 Artwork - DeviantArt http://satya164.deviantart.com

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2014-03-31 Thread Steve Ovens
For the time being gnome 3.12 packages will be in the staging repo. It is
on my list of things to do in the next week or so, start pushing newer apps
to that repo

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Héctor Sales Llamas 
hectorsaleslla...@gmail.com wrote:

 Do you're sure of what you say ?

 There's only activity in staging ppa. I don't think gnome 3.12 is going
 to ppa next. Only gnome team knows where will be present gnome 3.12.
 May be their have not yet decided ...

 2014-03-31 11:37 GMT+02:00 Satyajit Sahoo satyajit.ha...@gmail.com:

 Ubuntu GNOME will stick to the GNOME version in Ubuntu repositories to
 help deliver a more stable release. GNOME 3.12 will be available from the
 GNOME3 Next PPA, but some things might not work properly.

 On 31 March 2014 14:32, saber zaid sabe...@live.com wrote:

  hello devs

 in Ubuntu gnome 14.0.4 beta 2 the gnome shell ver is 3.10
 please update it to gnome shell ver 3.12 , it is the latest ver and it
 add many good thing

 Sent from Windows Mail

 Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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 Satyajit Sahoo
 Profile - Facebook http://facebook.com/satya164, 
 Artwork - DeviantArt http://satya164.deviantart.com

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Red Hat 6 Certified Engineer
Ubuntu Certified Professional
Novell Certified Linux Administrator
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Ubuntu GNOME ubiquity UIFe

2014-03-31 Thread Alfredo Hernández
Following the steps specified
notifying the *doc* and *translators* teams about the modification in
ubiquity slides after the UI Freeze.

Plase, have a look at

Best regards,
Alfredo Hernández
Ubuntu-GNOME mailing list
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[Bug 1300026] [NEW] Enlistment/commissioning boot no longer works

2014-03-31 Thread Jeroen T. Vermeulen
Public bug reported:

In my MAAS test setup, nodes now fail to enlist or commission.  They
used to work, I think before we changed to the new import script.

Both for enlistment and commissioning the nodes netboot properly, as far
as I can see, but they fail to do what they booted for.  They never
contact the region controller API, and don't rsyslog.

Here's what I see on the console:

Begin: loading essential drivers ... done.
Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.
Begin: Mounting root file system ... Begin: running /scripts/local-top ... [   
16.420144] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
IP-Config: eth0 hardware address 00:1e:0b:a2:c9:c7 mtu 1500 DHCP RARP
IP-Config: no response after 2 secs - giving up
[   18.548882] e1000e: eth0 NIC Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex. Flow Control: 
[   18.549039] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
IP-Config: eth0 hardware address 00:1e:0b:a2:c9:c7 mtu 1500 DHCP RARP
hostname maas-enlist hostname maas-enlist IP-Config: eth0 complete (dhcp from
 address: broadcast: netmask:
 gateway:   dns0 :   dns:
 domain: maas
 rootserver: rootpath:
 filename:  :
[   19.637333] Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-870.
[   19.644738] iscsi: registered transport (tcp)
iscsistart: Logging into 
iscsistart: version 2.0-873
[   19.899127] scsi6 : iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP
[   37.100041] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
[  169.948039]  session1: session recovery timed out after 120 secs
iscsistart: Connection1:0 to [target: 
iqn.2004-05.com.ubuntu:maas:ephemeral-amd64-generic-trusty-daily, portal:,3260] through [iface: default] is shutdown.
iscsistart: initiator reported error(11 - iSCSI PDU timed out)
iscsistart: Logging into 
iscsistart: version 2.0-873
[  921.584828] scsi7 : iSCSI Initiator over TCP/IP
[ 1072.348035]  session2: session recovery timed out after 120 secs

Eventually it drops me into a busybox-style shell.  There's some lspci-
style output, followed by:

Gave up waiting for root device.  Common problems:
 - Boot args (cat /proc/cmdline)
   - Check rootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?)
   - Check root= (did the system wait for the right device?)
 - Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev)
 does not exist.  Dropping to a shell!

Here's what I get from /proc/cmdline:

(initramfs) cat /proc/cmdline
 iscsi_target_ip= iscsi_target_port=3260 iscsi_initiator=maas-enlist 
ip=maas-enlist:BOOTIF ro 
 log_host= log_port=514 initrd=amd64/generic/trusty/daily/boot-initrd 
BOOT_IMAGE=amd64/generic/trusty/daily/boot-kernel BOOTIF=01-00-1e-0b-a2-c9-c7

** Affects: maas (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  Enlistment/commissioning boot no longer works

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1292648] Update Released

2014-03-31 Thread Adam Conrad
The verification of the Stable Release Update for cloud-init has
completed successfully and the package has now been released to
-updates.  Subsequently, the Ubuntu Stable Release Updates Team is being
unsubscribed and will not receive messages about this bug report.  In
the event that you encounter a regression using the package from
-updates please report a new bug using ubuntu-bug and tag the bug report
regression-update so we can easily find any regresssions.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  [SRU] cloud-init should check/format Azure empheral disks each boot

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1292648] Re: [SRU] cloud-init should check/format Azure empheral disks each boot

2014-03-31 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package cloud-init - 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.12

cloud-init (0.6.3-0ubuntu1.12) precise-proposed; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/lp-1269626-azure_new_instance.patch: fix handling of new
instances on Windows Azure. Backport of fix from 14.04 (LP: #1269626).
  * debian/patches/lp-1292648-azure-format-ephemeral-new.patch: Azure,
re-format ephemeral disk if necessary (LP: #1292648).
 -- Ben Howard ben.how...@ubuntu.com   Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:58:12 -0600

** Changed in: cloud-init (Ubuntu Precise)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  [SRU] cloud-init should check/format Azure empheral disks each boot

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1269626] Re: [SRU] cloud-init Azure Datasource does not detect new instance

2014-03-31 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package cloud-init - 0.7.3-0ubuntu2.2

cloud-init (0.7.3-0ubuntu2.2) saucy-proposed; urgency=low

  * debian/patches/lp-1269626-azure_new_instance.patch:
fix handling of new instances on Windows Azure (LP: #1269626).
  * debian/patches/lp-1292648-azure-format-ephemeral-new.patch:
re-format ephemeral disk if necessary (LP: #1292648).
 -- Ben Howard ben.how...@ubuntu.com   Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:31:51 -0600

** Changed in: cloud-init (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  [SRU] cloud-init Azure Datasource does not detect new instance

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1080267] Re: package samba-common 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script was killed by signal (Terminated)

2014-03-31 Thread Baihe Jian
** Changed in: samba (Ubuntu)
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in Ubuntu.

  package samba-common 2:3.6.3-2ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade:
  subprocess installed post-installation script was killed by signal

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1298453] Re: FFE for python-keystoneclient 0.7.1

2014-03-31 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package python-keystoneclient -

python-keystoneclient (1:0.7.1-ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * New upstream release. (LP: #1298453)
 -- Chuck Short zul...@ubuntu.com   Thu, 27 Mar 2014 12:08:28 -0400

** Changed in: python-keystoneclient (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to python-keystoneclient in Ubuntu.

  FFE for python-keystoneclient 0.7.1

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Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1300026] Re: Enlistment/commissioning boot no longer works

2014-03-31 Thread Julian Edwards
Ok I had this and then re-ran maas-import-pxe-files and the next time my
node booted it enlisted fine.

** Also affects: maas
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: maas
   Status: New = Triaged

** Changed in: maas
   Importance: Undecided = Critical

** Changed in: maas
Milestone: None = 14.04

** Changed in: maas
   Status: Triaged = Incomplete

** Changed in: maas (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Incomplete

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  Enlistment/commissioning boot no longer works

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1300064] Re: pinger crashed with SIGSEGV in __tzfile_compute()

2014-03-31 Thread Apport retracing service
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 1214806 ***

Thank you for taking the time to report this crash and helping to make
this software better.  This particular crash has already been reported
and is a duplicate of bug #1214806, so is being marked as such.  Please
look at the other bug report to see if there is any missing information
that you can provide, or to see if there is a workaround for the bug.
Additionally, any further discussion regarding the bug should occur in
the other report.  Please continue to report any other bugs you may

** Attachment removed: CoreDump.gz

** Attachment removed: Disassembly.txt

** Attachment removed: ProcMaps.txt

** Attachment removed: ProcStatus.txt

** Attachment removed: Registers.txt

** Attachment removed: Stacktrace.txt

** Attachment removed: ThreadStacktrace.txt

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 1214806
   pinger crashed with SIGSEGV in __tzfile_compute()

** Information type changed from Private to Public

** Tags removed: need-amd64-retrace

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to squid3 in Ubuntu.

  pinger crashed with SIGSEGV in __tzfile_compute()

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1214806] Re: pinger crashed with SIGSEGV in __tzfile_compute()

2014-03-31 Thread Apport retracing service
** Tags added: trusty

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to squid3 in Ubuntu.

  pinger crashed with SIGSEGV in __tzfile_compute()

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1299055] Re: Standing FFe for icehouse

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
** Also affects: keystone (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ceilometer in Ubuntu.

  Standing FFe for icehouse

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1287147] Re: [FFe] juju-core 1.18/2.0

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
I have a revised schedule with proposed features from the juju-core

juju-core 1.18 (stable release):

April 1 -- 1.17.8 ReleaseJoyent Provider lands 
April 2  -- 1.18.0 Release (without HA and VLAN)
Dependent on lp #1298663 and any other critical bugs uncovered
April 4   -- 1.18.1 Release (without HA and VLAN)
Bug fixes only

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to juju-core in Ubuntu.

  [FFe] juju-core 1.18/2.0

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1287147] Re: [FFe] juju-core 1.18/2.0

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
(please ignore #8 - fingers not working this morning :-))

I have a revised schedule with proposed features from the juju-core

juju-core 1.18 (stable release):

April 1 -- 1.17.8 Release
Joyent Provider lands  NEW FEATURE

April 2 -- 1.18.0 Release (without HA and VLAN)
Bug fixes only
April 4 -- 1.18.1 Release (without HA and VLAN)
Bug fixes only

The 1.17.8 release will introduce a new provider to support use of juju
with the Joyent cloud; I discussed this with the developer working on
this feature and the code changes to the rest of juju are minimal - the
new provider is relatively isolated in the source code.

juju-core 2.0 (stable release):

April 7 -- 1.19.0 Release
VLAN landed
April 11  --  1.19.1 Release 
Azure availability sets land
HA landed (first phase more work needed to bring up additional state 
April 25 -- 2.0 Release Candidate
HA landed in full.

As you can see, juju-core 2.0 is due for release after final freeze and
14.04 release; so I'd like to release with juju-core 1.18 as this will
be the most recent stable for 14.04 release.   We may wish to introduce
juju 2.0 as a backport (or namespaced package) but I'll deal with that
in the MRE I need to request from the technical board.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to juju-core in Ubuntu.

  [FFe] juju-core 1.18

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1287147] Re: [FFe] juju-core 1.18

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
** Summary changed:

- [FFe] juju-core 1.18/2.0
+ [FFe] juju-core 1.18

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to juju-core in Ubuntu.

  [FFe] juju-core 1.18

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1295498] Re: [SRU] bootable disk isn't found for instance with 8 disks

2014-03-31 Thread Yaguang Tang
I have tested using saucy-proposed  package and  with script

the new package fixes the issue.

** Tags removed: verification-needed
** Tags added: verification-done

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to seabios in Ubuntu.

  [SRU] bootable disk isn't found for instance with 8 disks

To manage notifications about this bug go to:

Ubuntu-server-bugs mailing list
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[Bug 1300113] [NEW] package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

2014-03-31 Thread Bob Coisson
Public bug reported:

I don't know
postfix was required to install pdfsam

ProblemType: Package
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 13.10
Package: postfix 2.10.2-1
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.11.0-18.32-generic
Uname: Linux 3.11.0-18-generic x86_64
ApportVersion: 2.12.5-0ubuntu2.2
Architecture: amd64
Date: Mon Mar 31 11:23:05 2014
DuplicateSignature: package:postfix:2.10.2-1:subprocess installed 
post-installation script returned error exit status 75
ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit 
status 75
EtcMailname: bob-13.04
Hostname: bob-13.04
InstallationDate: Installed on 2014-01-06 (83 days ago)
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail - Release amd64 (20130424)
MarkForUpload: True
PostconfMydomain: localdomain
PostconfMyhostname: bob-13.04
PostconfMyorigin: $myhostname
 # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
 search Belkin
SourcePackage: postfix
Title: package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed 
post-installation script returned error exit status 75
UpgradeStatus: Upgraded to saucy on 2014-02-07 (51 days ago)

** Affects: postfix (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-package saucy

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to postfix in Ubuntu.

  package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess
  installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

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[Bug 1300113] Re: package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

2014-03-31 Thread Apport retracing service
** Tags removed: need-duplicate-check

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Server Team, which is subscribed to postfix in Ubuntu.

  package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess
  installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

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[Bug 1300010] Re: Ubuntu12.04.4(LTS)--icehouse-apt-get heat packaging issues

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
apt-get install python-heat
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree   
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 python-heat : Depends: python-qpid-python but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

** Also affects: heat (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: Confirmed

** Changed in: heat (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: Confirmed = Triaged

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to heat in Ubuntu.

  Ubuntu12.04.4(LTS)--icehouse-apt-get heat packaging issues

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[Bug 1300127] [NEW] unnecessary configuration question

2014-03-31 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Public bug reported:

when upgrading openssh-server today from 1:6.5p1-6 - 1:6.6p1-1 today in
trusty I was presented with a debconf question warning me that password
authentication for root will by default be disabled from now on and if I
was OK with that.  This makes sense for Debian bt not for Ubuntu since
Ubuntu uses sudo and by default does not have a password set for the
root account.  I suggest to disable this question for Ubuntu.

** Affects: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Low
 Status: New

** Tags: trusty

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  unnecessary configuration question

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[Bug 1298130] Re: [MIR] python-seamicroclient

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
Not sure why this is Incomplete? Marking New, and subscribing ~ubuntu-

** Changed in: python-seamicroclient (Ubuntu)
   Status: Incomplete = New

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Server Team, which is subscribed to python-seamicroclient in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] python-seamicroclient

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[Bug 1300133] [NEW] Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade

2014-03-31 Thread Charles Peters II
Public bug reported:

openssh (1:6.5p1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
  * Generate ED25519 host keys on fresh installations.  Upgraders who wish
to add such host keys should manually add 'HostKey
/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key' to /etc/ssh/sshd_config and run
'ssh-keygen -q -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key -N  -t ed25519'.
-- Colin Watson cjwat...@debian.org  Mon, 10 Feb 2014 14:58:26 +

Most users and many administrators are not going to notice the new host
key capabilities when it is buried in a changelog.  We should at least
give them a obvious hint about it.

Even better would be to prompt the user to generate the keys with a
debconf question like was recently done with the Change to
PermitRootLogin without-password.

I would like to label this as a security vulnerability, but that may be
a bit over the top, it would be a security improvement!

** Affects: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade

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[Bug 1300138] [NEW] Please enable btmp logging on openssh-server package

2014-03-31 Thread Louis Bouchard
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 743858 ***

Public bug reported:

Please re-enable btmp logging, now that it has been re-enabled in Debian
(see Debian bug #742775)

** Affects: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: Confirmed

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  Please enable btmp logging on openssh-server package

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[Bug 1300138] Re: Please enable btmp logging on openssh-server package

2014-03-31 Thread Louis Bouchard
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 743858 ***

The Debian fix has already been imported into Trusy from Debian so only
a backport to Saucy and Precise is required

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 743858
   sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

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Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  Please enable btmp logging on openssh-server package

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[Bug 1300026] Re: Enlistment/commissioning boot no longer works

2014-03-31 Thread Jeroen T. Vermeulen
I wasn't getting any new files from the import script.  Am now re-
running the entire import from scratch.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  Enlistment/commissioning boot no longer works

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[Bug 743858] Re: sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

2014-03-31 Thread Louis Bouchard
btmp logging has now  been re-enabled in Debian (see Debian bug
#742775). It has also been synced back into Trusty. SRU is required for
Saucy  Precise. I will take care of that

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu)
   Status: Triaged = Confirmed

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Louis Bouchard (louis-bouchard)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

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[Bug 1300133] Re: Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade

2014-03-31 Thread Colin Watson
I don't think it's possible to write a prompt about this that ordinary
mortals will understand, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with
generating new host keys by default.  I'd rather just leave this the way
it is.

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Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade

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[Bug 1300127] Re: unnecessary configuration question

2014-03-31 Thread Colin Watson
** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Committed

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Colin Watson (cjwatson)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  unnecessary configuration question

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[Bug 1299964] Re: make Ubuntu logo more Ubuntu-y

2014-03-31 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
This bug was fixed in the package byobu - 5.77-0ubuntu1

byobu (5.77-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * usr/share/byobu/profiles/dircolors,
- add a dircolors file
  * usr/share/byobu/profiles/bashrc, usr/share/byobu/profiles/dircolors:
- LP: #1299964
- swap orange and aubergine on the command prompt
- aubergine is now the directory, orange is the hostname
- still working on dircolors, use an aubergine (like our prompt)
  for directories
  * usr/lib/byobu/logo: LP: #1299964
- use an orange background for the UTF-8, 256-colour Ubuntu logo
 -- Dustin Kirkland kirkl...@ubuntu.com   Tue, 18 Mar 2014 23:25:08 +0900

** Branch linked: lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/byobu

** Changed in: byobu (Ubuntu)
   Status: In Progress = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to byobu in Ubuntu.

  make Ubuntu logo more Ubuntu-y

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[Bug 743858] Re: sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

2014-03-31 Thread Louis Bouchard
** Patch added: openssh_enable_btmp_saucy.debdiff

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

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[Bug 743858] Re: sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

2014-03-31 Thread Louis Bouchard
** Description changed:

+ SRU justification :
+ btmp logging had been removed in Debian a while ago due to protection to the 
/var/log/btmp file. This restriction is no longer true so it has been 
re-enabled on Debian.
+ Impact : 
+ Failure to login using ssh will be recorded in /var/log/btmp.
+ Fix : 
+ Change compilation time option
+ Test Case : 
+ $ ssh badname@localhost # hit 'enter' three times to fail logging in.
+ $ sudo lastb
+ Expected outcome:
+ lastb reports something similar to:
+ badnamessh:pts/1localhostSun Mar 27 17:01 - 17:01 (04:00)
+ just as it does when a bad login attempt is made using /bin/login, or when 
using sshd on other distributions of linux (CentOS, Fedora, Arch, SUSE, ...etc)
+ Actual outcome
+ No mention of a bad login attempt in lastb output; /var/log/btmp modify time 
and byte size is unchanged.
+ Regression : 
+ None expected, this used to be the default before it got disabled.
+ Original description of the problem :
  Steps to reproduce:
  $ ssh badname@localhost # hit 'enter' three times to fail logging in.
  $ sudo lastb
  Expected outcome:
  lastb reports something similar to:
  badnamessh:pts/1localhostSun Mar 27 17:01 - 17:01 (04:00)
  just as it does when a bad login attempt is made using /bin/login, or when 
using sshd on other distributions of linux (CentOS, Fedora, Arch, SUSE, ...etc)
  Actual outcome
  No mention of a bad login attempt in lastb output; /var/log/btmp modify time 
and byte size is unchanged.
  ProblemType: Bug
  DistroRelease: Ubuntu 10.04
  Package: openssh-server 1:5.3p1-3ubuntu6
  Uname: Linux 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.7 x86_64
  Architecture: amd64
  Date: Sun Mar 27 16:40:55 2011
-  LANG=en_US.UTF-8
-  SHELL=/bin/bash
+  LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+  SHELL=/bin/bash
  SourcePackage: openssh

** Patch added: openssh_enable_btmp_precise.debdiff

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

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[Bug 1300127] Re: unnecessary configuration question

2014-03-31 Thread Rolf Leggewie
Thanks, Colin, for the swift reaction!

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Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  unnecessary configuration question

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[Bug 1267393] Re: [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

2014-03-31 Thread Mark Ramm

However, I don't feel the download size is itself a blocker. We can
perform uploads for everything at first, figure out how to be
smarter/more selective later and along the way work with upstream on
dynamic linking if that makes sense.

I think that is particularly true in *this* case where we are talking
just about Juju Core.   Of course as a standard policy, for a future
where there may be many go applications in the distro, I think we really
do want either golang-go or gcc-go with dynamic linking to be moved into
a supportable state.   And I also agree that we should not confuse the
current case (1 app) with the future.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to golang in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

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[Bug 1267393] Re: [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

2014-03-31 Thread Mark Ramm

I think it is right that there are many people in the go community who
would welcome dynamic linking in golang-go, but I also think that if we
want to have it, we need to do the work to add it there.   Now that we
have to have Arm64 and Power, if we are going to be investing in
improving a toolchain for Go, I'm not exactly sure where that dev effort
should go -- improving, fixing, and making GCC a viable option for us,
or doing the dynamic linking in upstream go, as well as figuring out an
alternative solution for architectures not supported by golango-go.
What are your thoughts on the matter?

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to golang in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

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[Bug 1273865] Re: [MIR] juju-quickstart, python-jujuclient, urwid, websocket-client

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
Putting this MIR on hold pending resolution of the juju-core MIR in bug

** Changed in: python-jujuclient (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: New = Incomplete

** Changed in: urwid (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: New = Incomplete

** Changed in: websocket-client (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: New = Incomplete

** Changed in: juju-quickstart (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: New = Incomplete

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to juju-quickstart in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] juju-quickstart, python-jujuclient, urwid, websocket-client

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[Bug 1298611] Re: [FFe] apparmor signal and ptrace mediation

2014-03-31 Thread Jamie Strandboge
Adding libvirt task for if the apparmor and linux tasks are accepted.
Debdiff should be applied at same time as apparmor upload.

** Description changed:

  Background: kernel and apparmor userspace updates to support signal and
  ptrace mediation. These packages are listed in one bug because they are
  related, but the FFes may be granted and the uploads may happen at
  different times.
  = linux =
  This feature freeze exception is requested for signal and ptrace mediation 
via apparmor in the kernel. When used with a compatible apparmor userspace, 
signals and ptrace rules are supported. When used without a compatible apparmor 
userspace (eg, on a precise system with a trusty backport kernel), signal and 
ptrace mediation is not enforced (ie, you can use this kernel with an old 
userspace without any issues).
  The fine grained mediation of signals and ptraces also incorporates improved
  versioning support that allows this kernel to better support older and newer
  userspaces. This allows for this version of the kernel to work as a backport
  kernel unmodified (currently a patch and config are used to provide backport
  The kernel patch is available at git://kernel.ubuntu.com/jj/ubuntu-trusty.git
  in the trusty-alpha6 branch apparmor-alpha6-sync
- * 12.04 system with backported kernel: INPROGRESS
- * 14.04 system (non-Touch) with current apparmor userspace: INPROGRESS
- * 14.04 system (non-Touch) with updated apparmor userspace capable of 
supporting signal and ptrace mediation: INPROGRESS
- * 14.04 system (non-Touch) using lxc containers: INPROGRESS
+ * 12.04 system with backported kernel: DONE
+  * test-apparmor.py: PASS
+  * exploratory manual testing: PASS (networking, aa-enforce with firefox, 
firefox works, apparmor blocks access, etc)
+  * aa-status: PASS
+  * lxc: PASS (containers can be created, started, shutdown)
+  * libvirt: PASS (VMs started via openstack)
+ * 14.04 system (non-Touch) with current apparmor userspace: DONE (relevant 
parts of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/AppArmor)
+  * test-apparmor.py: PASS
+  * exploratory manual testing: PASS (networking, aa-enforce with firefox, 
firefox works, apparmor blocks access, etc)
+  * aa-status: PASS
+  * lxc: PASS (containers can be created, started, shutdown)
+  * libvirt: PASS (QRT/script/test-libvirt.py (though there are 3 failures 
unrelated to apparmor))
+  * click-apparmor QRT touch image tests: PASS
+  * apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu QRT touch image tests: PASS
+ * 14.04 system (non-Touch) with updated apparmor userspace capable of 
supporting signal and ptrace mediation: DONE (relevant parts of 
+  * test-apparmor.py: PASS
+  * exploratory manual testing: PASS (networking, aa-enforce with firefox, 
firefox works, apparmor blocks access, etc)
+  * aa-status: PASS
+  * lxc: PASS (containers can be created, started, shutdown)
+  * libvirtt: PASS  (QRT/script/test-libvirt.py (though there are 3 failures 
unrelated to apparmor))
+  * click-apparmor QRT touch image tests: PASS
+  * apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu QRT touch image tests: PASS
- This feature is required to support comprehensive application confinement on 
Ubuntu Touch (a separate pull will be requested at a later date). This feature 
adds a significant security benefit to libvirt's qemu guest isolation which is 
fundamental to Ubuntu on Server/Cloud. This feature adds a welcome improvement 
to administrators wishing to further protect their systems.
+ This feature is required to support comprehensive application confinement on 
Ubuntu Touch. This feature adds a significant security benefit to libvirt's 
qemu guest isolation which is fundamental to Ubuntu on Server/Cloud. This 
feature also adds a welcome improvement to administrators wishing to further 
protect their systems.
  = apparmor userspace =
- This feature freeze exception is requested for signal and ptrace mediation 
for apparmor userspace. When used with a compatible kernel, signals and ptrace 
rules are supported. When used without a compatible kernel (eg, immediately on 
Ubuntu Touch or with upstream kernels), signal and ptrace rules are skipped 
(ie, you can use this userspace with other kernels without issue).
+ This feature freeze exception is requested for signal and ptrace mediation 
for apparmor userspace. When used with a compatible kernel, signals and ptrace 
rules are supported. When used without a compatible kernel (eg, on Ubuntu Touch 
for a few weeks or with upstream kernels), signal and ptrace rules are skipped 
(ie, you can use this userspace with other kernels without issue).
  * 14.04 system with current kernel (Touch, Desktop, Server): TODO
  * 14.04 system with updated kernel capable of supporting signal and ptrace 
mediation (Touch, Desktop, Server): INPROGRESS
  * 14.04 system using lxc containers (Touch, Desktop, Server): TODO

[Bug 1298921] Re: cloud-init should give up on 404 errors

2014-03-31 Thread Scott Moser
  Thanks for posting the log.
Relevant info from the log:

Mar 31 10:00:05 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.2 running 
'single' at Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:00:05 +. Up 3090.59 seconds.
pt.conf.d/90cloud-init-pipelining with apt pipeline depth setting 0
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.2 running 
'init' at Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:01:10 +. Up 3155.70 seconds.
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] __init__.py[DEBUG]: Looking for for data 
source in: ['NoCloud', 'AltCloud', 'CloudStack', 'ConfigDrive', 'Ec2', 'MAAS', 
'OVF', 'None'], via packages ['', 'cloudinit.sources'] that matches 
dependencies ['FILESYSTEM', 'NETWORK']
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] __init__.py[DEBUG]: Seeing if we can get any 
data from class 'cloudinit.sources.DataSourceCloudStack.DataSourceCloudStack'
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] DataSourceCloudStack.py[DEBUG]: Using 
/var/lib/dhcp lease directory
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] DataSourceCloudStack.py[DEBUG]: Found DHCP 
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] DataSourceCloudStack.py[DEBUG]: Found DHCP 
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] util.py[DEBUG]: Reading from 
/var/lib/cloud/seed/cs/meta-data (quiet=False)
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] url_helper.py[DEBUG]: [0/1] open 
'' with {'url': 
'', 'headers': {'User-Agent': 
'Cloud-Init/0.7.2'}, 'allow_redirects': True, 'method': 'GET', 'timeout': 50.0} 
Mar 31 10:01:10 hlinux [CLOUDINIT] url_helper.py[WARNING]: Calling 
'' failed [0/120s]: request 
error [HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=80): Max retries exceeded 
with url: //latest/meta-data/instance-id (Caused by class 'socket.error': 
[Errno 111] Connection refused)]

So, this is 0.7.2, and I believe there must be a config file in /etc/cloud/ 
that enables the CloudStack datasource, and lists it before the ConfigDrive 
datasource, as the built in config (in cloudinit/settings.py) for 0.7.2 has:
'datasource_list': [
# At the end to act as a 'catch' when none of the above work...

In one way or another, the CloudStack datasource was explicitly enabled.
Additionally, its not a 404 that we get as the error, but a Connection Refused.

You or something explicitly configured this datasource on, and to be run
before the Ec2 datasource, so generally its functioning as designed.

I don't generally disagree with the idea, and don't like the polling behavior 
But when CloudStack was added, it was added with this annoying polling behavior 
(The Ec2 datasource also has this behavior, to account for the possibility that 
the metadata server just isnt there yet).  

Before removing the poll/timeout behavior, I'd need to get some ACK from
someone involved with CloudStack that this would not break any

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Server Team, which is subscribed to cloud-init in Ubuntu.

  cloud-init should give up on 404 errors

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[Bug 1267393] Re: [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

2014-03-31 Thread Mark Ramm

Traditionally the Tech board has nacked everything in main which pulls
code from third-party sources, i. e. installer packages. Packages in
main must not enable any third-party PPA, pull code or binaries from an
upstream site and run it, and so on.

I think a key point here is that the juju package does not generally
install or pull down binaries from anywhere to your machine.   It does
instruct the cloud installation of a server to use a specific ubuntu
image from simplestreams and a specific jujud binary (also from
simplestreams) on the remote host.

(Caveat: I have no idea what simplestreams is and how it works; the
description on https://launchpad.net/simplestreams isn't very
enlightening, but it sounds like you want to use it as a kind of package
distribution system not unlike pip?)

Simplestreams is a tool the server team created to help us catalog,
sign, and distribute cloud images which are Ubuntu OS images, which
can be generic, or customized to run on a specific cloud.   The server
that gets launched in the cloud when you use juju bootstrap picks a
cloud image from simplestreams, verifies it's cryptographic signature,
and starts a machine using it, we then grab the appropriate juju binary
from simplestreams and install it (again on the remote server).   So,
juju isn't creating a need to trust simplestreams for the juju binary --
it already must be trusted for cloud images.  And we're not creating our
own system of packaging for jujud binaries, we're just piggiybacking on
the way we distribute Ubuntu images in a cloud context.

There is a small caveat:  juju does have a local provider feature that
sets up lxc containers and runs the jujud binary there.   The local
provider is designed to simulate a full cloud environment in containers
on your local system, and when you do that we do the same thing as I
mentioned in doing on the remote side above, we use simplestreams to
select the right cloud image, and juju tools binary.  That is the only
case in which the juju client would download a binary from simplestreams
and run it locally, and in that case it is downloading both the cloud
image, and the juju binary.   So, fixing the juju binary doesn't fix
that -- we're still grabbing a binary blob from simplestreams and
executing it locally -- the cloud image itself.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to golang in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] juju-core, juju-mongodb, gccgo-go, gccgo-4.9, golang

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[Bug 1298676] Re: l3 agent should include fwaas_driver.ini

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
** Changed in: neutron (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to neutron in Ubuntu.

  l3 agent should include fwaas_driver.ini

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[Bug 1298675] Re: VPN agent upstart configuration needs to reference l3_agent.ini

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
** Changed in: neutron (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: Triaged = Fix Committed

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Server Team, which is subscribed to neutron in Ubuntu.

  VPN agent upstart configuration needs to reference l3_agent.ini

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[Bug 1291653] Re: ubuntu theme broken in icehouse

2014-03-31 Thread James Page
** Changed in: horizon (Ubuntu Trusty)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = James Page (james-page)

** Changed in: horizon (Ubuntu Trusty)
Milestone: None = ubuntu-14.04

** Changed in: horizon (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: Triaged = In Progress

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  ubuntu theme broken in icehouse

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[Bug 1081489] Re: autofs package is missing the lookup_sss.so module(!); negating autofs-enabled sssd functionality (automount fails)

2014-03-31 Thread Timo Aaltonen
uploaded to trusty, but is in the queue now, and needs sssd to move to
main first

** Changed in: autofs (Ubuntu)
   Status: In Progress = Fix Committed

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Server Team, which is subscribed to autofs in Ubuntu.

  autofs package is missing the lookup_sss.so module(!); negating
  autofs-enabled sssd functionality (automount fails)

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[Bug 1282657] Re: lxc-create hangs in some cases on trusty

2014-03-31 Thread Tycho Andersen
Apologies for the delay.

I don't think this is an issue for us any more. I think it was probably
(?) related to us calling lxc from inside d-i and having some crazy
DEBIAN_* variables exported. However, (thankfully) we've devised a
cleaner mechanism for what we're doing than that.

** Changed in: lxc (Ubuntu)
   Status: Incomplete = Invalid

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Server Team, which is subscribed to lxc in Ubuntu.

  lxc-create hangs in some cases on trusty

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[Bug 1292548] Re: Standalone Server: Update from Samba 2:3.6.18-1ubuntu3.1 (saucy) to 2:4.1.3+dfsg-2ubuntu3 (trusty) breaks access to the server

2014-03-31 Thread Raoul Bhatia
If anyone wants to quickly update to the packages from Debian until this
issue is fixed, here some wget lines for retrieving them:



You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in Ubuntu.

  Standalone Server: Update from Samba 2:3.6.18-1ubuntu3.1 (saucy) to
  2:4.1.3+dfsg-2ubuntu3 (trusty) breaks access to the server

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[Bug 1298130] Re: [MIR] python-seamicroclient

2014-03-31 Thread Michael Terry
Looks fine, thanks!

** Changed in: python-seamicroclient (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Committed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to python-seamicroclient in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] python-seamicroclient

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[Bug 743858] Re: sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

2014-03-31 Thread Chris J Arges
** Also affects: openssh (Ubuntu Precise)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Also affects: openssh (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Also affects: openssh (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Importance: Medium
 Assignee: Louis Bouchard (louis-bouchard)
   Status: Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

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[Bug 903752] Re: [MIR] sssd

2014-03-31 Thread Stéphane Graber
Seeded it again and promoted sssd to main, we'll see what happens in

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Server Team, which is subscribed to the bug report.

  [MIR] sssd

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[Bug 1298130] Re: [MIR] python-seamicroclient

2014-03-31 Thread Dave Walker
@Robie, or anyone else.  Please can you depend, recommend or seed this
package.  Currently, nothing is trying to pull it into main.


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Server Team, which is subscribed to python-seamicroclient in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] python-seamicroclient

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[Bug 1293177] Re: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name Everyone to a SID. Access denied.

2014-03-31 Thread Brian Murray
** Tags added: regression-release

** Also affects: samba (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Importance: Medium
   Status: Confirmed

** Also affects: nautilus-share (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Importance: Medium
   Status: Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in Ubuntu.

  'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert
  name Everyone to a SID. Access denied.

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[Bug 1299186] Re: Creating a Samba Share is not possible because 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name Everyone to a SID. Access denied.

2014-03-31 Thread Brian Murray
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 1293177 ***

** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 1293177
   'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name 
Everyone to a SID. Access denied.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to samba in Ubuntu.

  Creating a Samba Share is not possible because 'net usershare'
  returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name Everyone
  to a SID. Access denied.

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[Bug 743858] Re: sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

2014-03-31 Thread Louis Bouchard
** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Saucy)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Louis Bouchard (louis-bouchard)

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Precise)
 Assignee: (unassigned) = Louis Bouchard (louis-bouchard)

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Importance: Undecided = Medium

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Precise)
   Importance: Undecided = Medium

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Precise)
   Status: New = In Progress

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Saucy)
   Status: New = In Progress

** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Status: Confirmed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  sshd not appending to /var/log/btmp

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[Bug 1298130] Re: [MIR] python-seamicroclient

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
Andres will pull it in the next maas upload.

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Server Team, which is subscribed to python-seamicroclient in Ubuntu.

  [MIR] python-seamicroclient

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[Bug 1227252] Re: Upgrade from precise to precise SRU maas unconditionally disabled system DHCP

2014-03-31 Thread James Troup
FWIW, this just caused another production service outage on our

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Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  Upgrade from precise to precise SRU maas unconditionally disabled
  system DHCP

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[Bug 1299601] Re: package sysstat 10.0.3-1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurück

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
From log:

pdksh (5.2.14-26ubuntu1) wird eingerichtet ...
sysstat (10.0.3-1) wird eingerichtet ...
/usr/bin/awk: Zeile 40: Syntaxfehler beim unerwarteten Wort »set«
/usr/bin/awk: Zeile 40: `if ($ORASID == '' ) set ORASID='*''
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von sysstat (--configure):
 Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurück

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to sysstat in Ubuntu.

  package sysstat 10.0.3-1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess
  installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 2 zurück

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[Bug 1300113] Re: package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
From log:

Setting up postfix (2.10.2-1) ...

Postfix configuration was not changed.  If you need to make changes, edit
/etc/postfix/main.cf (and others) as needed.  To view Postfix configuration
values, see postconf(1).

After modifying main.cf, be sure to run '/etc/init.d/postfix reload'.

Running newaliases
newaliases: warning: valid_hostname: numeric hostname: 04
newaliases: fatal: file /etc/postfix/main.cf: parameter mydomain: bad parameter 
value: 04
dpkg: error processing postfix (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to postfix in Ubuntu.

  package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess
  installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

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[Bug 1300113] Re: package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
Thank you for your report.

This looks like a local configuration problem, rather than a bug in

You can find pointers to get help for this sort of problem here:

Since we use this bug tracker to track bugs in Ubuntu, rather than
configuration problems, I'm marking this bug as Invalid. This helps us
to focus on fixing bugs in Ubuntu.

If you believe that this is really a bug, then you may find it helpful
to read How to report bugs effectively
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html. We'd be grateful
if you would then provide a more complete description of the problem,
explain why you believe this is a bug in Ubuntu rather than a problem
specific to your system, and then change the bug status back to New.

** Changed in: postfix (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Invalid

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to postfix in Ubuntu.

  package postfix 2.10.2-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess
  installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75

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[Bug 1299926] Re: package ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 127 zurück

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
From log:

ntp (1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2) wird eingerichtet ...
 * Starting NTP server ntpd    /usr/sbin/ntpd: error while loading 
shared libraries: libopts.so.25: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory

invoke-rc.d: initscript ntp, action start failed.
dpkg: Fehler beim Bearbeiten von ntp (--configure):
 Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 127 

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to ntp in Ubuntu.

  package ntp 1:4.2.6.p5+dfsg-3ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade:
  Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert
  127 zurück

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[Bug 1288245] Re: mox is needed in requirements

2014-03-31 Thread Thierry Carrez
** Changed in: horizon
   Status: Fix Committed = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  mox is needed in requirements

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[Bug 1298273] Re: apache2 doesn't compare SNI hostname against Host header case-insensitively

2014-03-31 Thread C de-Avillez
approved nomination for Precise, setting Ubuntu task as fix-released
(works on Trusty)

** Also affects: apache2 (Ubuntu Precise)
   Importance: Undecided
   Status: New

** Changed in: apache2 (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Fix Released

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

   apache2 doesn't compare SNI hostname against Host header case-

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[Bug 1298273] Re: apache2 doesn't compare SNI hostname against Host header case-insensitively

2014-03-31 Thread C de-Avillez
approved nomination for Precise, setting Ubuntu task as fix-released
(works on Trusty)

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to apache2 in Ubuntu.

   apache2 doesn't compare SNI hostname against Host header case-

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[Bug 1300133] Re: Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade

2014-03-31 Thread Robie Basak
** Changed in: openssh (Ubuntu)
   Importance: Undecided = Medium

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to openssh in Ubuntu.

  Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade

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[Bug 1291653] Re: ubuntu theme broken in icehouse

2014-03-31 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
** Branch linked: lp:~james-page/horizon/icehouse-rc1

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Server Team, which is subscribed to horizon in Ubuntu.

  ubuntu theme broken in icehouse

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[Bug 1300331] [NEW] iscsitarget-dkms iscsitarget kernel module failed to build

2014-03-31 Thread Akshay Gawate
*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 1298295 ***

Public bug reported:

service iscsitarget start
FATAL:Module iscsi_trgt not found
apt-get install --reinstall iscsitarget-dkms
error: Bad return status for module build on kernel:3.11.0-18-generic (x86_64)

ProblemType: Package
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 12.04
Package: iscsitarget-dkms
ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 3.11.0-18.32~precise1-generic
Uname: Linux 3.11.0-18-generic x86_64
ApportVersion: 2.0.1-0ubuntu17.6
Architecture: amd64
DKMSKernelVersion: 3.11.0-18-generic
Date: Mon Mar 31 22:20:39 2014
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS Precise Pangolin - Release amd64 
MarkForUpload: True
PackageArchitecture: all
SourcePackage: iscsitarget
Title: iscsitarget-dkms iscsitarget kernel module failed 
to build
UpgradeStatus: No upgrade log present (probably fresh install)

** Affects: iscsitarget (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: New

** Tags: amd64 apport-package precise

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to iscsitarget in Ubuntu.

  iscsitarget-dkms iscsitarget kernel module failed
  to build

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[Bug 1300044] Re: package clamav-freshclam 0.98.1+dfsg-4ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

2014-03-31 Thread Jamie Strandboge
** Information type changed from Private Security to Public

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to clamav in Ubuntu.

  package clamav-freshclam 0.98.1+dfsg-4ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10.2 failed to
  install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script
  returned error exit status 1

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[Bug 1298295] Re: iscsitarget-dkms iscsitarget kernel module failed to build

2014-03-31 Thread Launchpad Bug Tracker
Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

** Changed in: iscsitarget (Ubuntu)
   Status: New = Confirmed

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to iscsitarget in Ubuntu.

  iscsitarget-dkms iscsitarget kernel module failed
  to build

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