Re: [ubuntu-in] C,C++ and Java

2010-08-03 Thread Sk. Hasanujjaman
C compiler(gcc) is installed by default in lucid.Otherwise you can install
it as
*sudo apt-get install gcc
*Then you can compile your C source code as..
gcc xyz.c  //xyz is the name of your source file
./a.out   //to run

To get C++ support for gcc you have to do.
*sudo apt-get install build-essential*
*sudo apt-get install g++*

To compile C++ source code.
g++ xyz.cpp//xyz is the name of your source file
./a.out //to run
ubuntu-in mailing list

[ubuntu-in] Reply to installing ubuntu (sandeep kumar)

2010-06-23 Thread Sk. Hasanujjaman
Your laptop is quite good enough to run ubuntu 10.4.I think Ubuntu has not
been installed properly.Did you run the the live CD?How did it work?My
suggestion is to install ubuntu using pendrive.To do so
Download a software named *UniversalUsbInstaller* from * *.It is
an .exe file.So run it in Windows.Before that you need iso image of ubuntu
live CD.I suggest to make the iso image in different machine because I
cannot rely on your laptop's CD drive.Then in Windows, follow the easy steps
of *UniversalUsbInstaller* to make your pendrive bootable for ubuntu.
Finally boot your laptop from pendrive and install as it is.*
ubuntu-in mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-in] Problems related to Grub (Ravi Joshi)

2010-06-03 Thread Sk. Hasanujjaman
Will you plz follow the following steps? ---
1. Insert your Ubuntu live CD into your computer and restart it.Boot from it
(Try ubuntu).
2. Open terminal and type *sudo fdisk -l* and locate which partition
contains your linux installation(e.g /dev/sda9).
3. Then type
*   sudo mkdir /media/root*
   *sudo mount /dev/sda9 /media/root * (sda9 should be
replaced by your linux partition)

If you’ve done this correctly, then you should see the following output if
you type *ls /media/root*
 *bin dev home lib mnt root srv usr
 boot etc initrd lib64 opt sbin sys var
 cdrom initrd.img media proc selinux tmp vmlinuz*

4. At last type
   *sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda*

after successful execution the output will come
   *Installation finished. No error reported.*
If it comes,then you can reboot your computer.

If the output doesn't come like this,type
  *sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/root /dev/sda
-f* (that is with the force option)

I think this will help to solve your problem.I have done it so many times.
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