Hi all,

Here comes the monthly dose of Mailing List Guidelines followed  by this 
mailing list, which from now will land up every month second week on 
your inbox. The original copy of the same is available at 


    Mailing List Guidelines

   1. Use a proper subject line, something related to the query/topic
      you are about to post and which will give an idea to the readers
      what the post might be about
   2. Do not troll <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll> in the
      mailing list
   3. Use [OT] for off-topic, non-technical discussions. But, don't
      misuse this to start flame wars or to troll in the mailing list.
      Off-Topic only includes topics related to computers, computer
      related technology, programming and programming related
      technologies. Please forbid from discussing personal, religion and
      politics in the name of Off-Topic.
   4. Do not top-post <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-posting>.
   5. Do not over-quote and trip the message to exactly the part of
      previous post that you are currently replying to. Please remove
      the signatures from the previous posts when you are quoting.
   6. Do not post HTML messages. Set your mailing client to send text
      only mails.
   7. Do not recycle messages
   8. Do not send attachments. If you want to post any output or
      configuration file, please use a pastebin to copy the contents to
      it and post the url link.
   9. Do not attach obnoxious, nonsensical legal disclaimers. If your
      company uses disclaimers, don't use your company ID for the
      mailing list.
  10. Do not reply to a digest. If you want to reply, please trim the
      post and post it new.
  11. Search for answers for your questions/problems in google.com or
      any other search engine before posting your query to the mailing
      list. If you want to suggest something as mentioned in a web site,
      please provide the link for the same instead of posting the entire
      content from the site.
  12. Do not post messages in all capital letters. Mails in CAPS is
      considered rude and is similar to shouting during a conversation.
  13. Don't send season's greetings or birthday invites to the group.
      Its not mailing list etiquette.

As ideal query contains the following information,

   1. What is the problem being faced?
   2. Information about the environment the user is in, like hardware
      specifications for hardware issues, version of software, release
      version of Ubuntu and source of the software for software issues.
   3. What was expected to happen?
   4. What happened instead?
   5. What are the steps that was taken to solve the problem or at least
      to find where the problem is?
   6. What were the solutions found out, which worked/partially
      worked/didn't work?

These information help us to understand your environment and the problem 
you're reporting, aiding us to look for similar reported problems and 
solutions if available. Please ensure that you provide us these 
information when asking us for help.

Guidelines aren't rules, but are suggestions which helps us to maintain 
better readability, proper archives, efficient bandwidth usage, etc. 
Most of them are strictly followed by the mailing list and we request 
you to help us by following them.


With Regards,

Parthan "technofreak"
<gpg>  2FF01026
<blog> http://blog.technofreak.in

ubuntu-in mailing list

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