Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Video

2006-08-04 Thread sara vasquez
On Friday 04 August 2006 8:34 pm, John Little wrote:
 Some rambling thoughts about video as marketing tool.

 1. It demystifies Linux. The perception that it's too technical, nerdy,
 command line driven, probably ugly, etc is probably the biggest barrier to
 adoption today.

 2. Eyecandy matters and Linux has an edge right now. People have to see it
 in action to appreciate it. If you've played with Xgl on a laptop you've
 probably noticed the reactions it gets. It makes people want to switch -
 all the other concerns (most of them myths) go out the window.

 3. Myth Busting - Don't just tell people Linux can run games. Show them
 World of Warcraft running well on just one of your many virtual desktops.
 Show them multiple video sources playing in overlapped semi-transparent
 windows. Pull up OpenOffice and edit some Microsoft Office documents. Plug
 in a handful of USB devices while they watch. There are tons of myths and
 irrational fears to be addressed.

 4. Web 2.0 - Make content, package it in the right format (YouTube - Google
 Video), and people will share it. I think rolling out many official Ubuntu
 videos - all short, similar in style, and with a dedicated host (I'd prefer
 a hostess - more myth busting) would be tremendously effective. Push them
 out through both official Ubuntu sites and the online hubs like YouTube and
 Google. Bloggers love to talk about Ubuntu and having a library of cool
 videos at their disposal will fuel more discussion.

 5. Encouraging others, empowering them, to create their own Ubuntu videos
 will be even more effective. Make these short demos, tutorials, and
 testimonials an official part of the community. Drive it by recognizing
 standout content creators with prizes. Round up the best videos at a
 central hub so that they become not only a PR-marketing force but also a
 source of technical support for new users.

 Anyway I could ramble on. To test out some of these ideas that I created (
 It's nothing special, just what I could toss together in a day. But it
 hints (only hints unfortunately) at some of these concepts. I'll likely
 maintain it in it's current format but the main goal was to share some
 ideas and maybe spark some discussion. I'm new to the marketing team so if
 I've stepped on any toes it was completely unintentional. Apologies in
 advance :)

John Little,

A picture is worth a thousand word, but a video is just amazing. WOW yeah 
something like that, but with content that will help everyone
You are right with my thought that video would demystifying Linux, but I am 
thinking we need to start figuring out our purposes.

First we have our audience, The ubuntu community, In our meetings and on the 
mailing list we can say that the Ubuntu community can be summarized in 3 

1. The explorer- Just trying Linux for fun or somehow got a hold of a live CD 
and gave it a try. They are curious about it, but are scared to install it on 
their computer, Some of them have not tried Linux but heard about it an want 
more info.They are terrified of the command line.

2. The n00bie- Just started Using Ubuntu and want to learn how to use it. He 
or she is used to their old OS and need some help discovering Ubuntu and 
maybe some direction on how Ubuntu is not just good enough, but in some cases 
better than their old OS. They need direction (detail), encouragement, help. 

3. The Linux pro- They have being using Linux for some years and are used to 
the command line, in matter fact they love the command line. They feel they 
already know everything there is to know about Linux. They feel that GUI are 
slower and are interested to know how to help.

what we want to accomplish?
1. To inform-  WE want to let the community know what is going on the 
community, third party projects, developments, community events,etc
All users benefit from this

2. To promote- Promote what Ubuntu (all of its derivatives) What makes Ubunutu 
special?Why should I use Ubuntu. We also want to promote Linux overall. 
This is mainly for users 1 and 2

To educate- We can teach people how to make the best out of their Ubuntu, 
teach them how to use their new software or help old users about new software 
or new ways to do old stuff.

To continue with the katapult example I used before. 

A video showing off  upcoming features would inform users about the software 
and in a way promote it to people that don't know about it. The video would 
be about eyecandy and just show it off to the max.

a video or article with a detail tutorial on how to write their own plugins 
might be more in the realm of educating Ubuntu users. 

Maybe what we want to do is to make a video showing off and and then tell them 
at the end that anyone interested can go to an .html or .pdf tut that show 
them how to write their own plugins. 
I think that both things would attract all of our users. First it shows off 
katapult, informs users 

[ubuntu-marketing] whoa!!!

2006-07-28 Thread sara vasquez
Hey all,
So I just walked in the door and checked my e-mail (165 messages) so I cheked 
my feeds and see that there are magazine new on the fridge and after catching 
up on my e-mails I am impress by all the work going on, I have a comment to 
whoever posted that on the fridge if you could put a link to our to do list
I would appreciated

I am overwhelmed (in a goo way) I have alot of people willing to help. I am 
running behind in giving people thing to do :), but I'll take care of that 
soon. Thanks for all your help on this project. I will catch up and reply to 
your comments and needs. 


ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Magazine market research

2006-07-28 Thread sara vasquez

On Friday 28 July 2006 6:28 am, Matthew Revell wrote:
 Hi guys,

 Unfortunately, as you know, I was unable to attend recent team
 meetings due to LugRadio Live and other commitments. So, I'm a touch
 late in commenting, but I'd like to nonetheless :)

 I'm currently reading through all the materials that have been
 generated, such as the project charter. Rather than write one huge
 email, I'll send a mail to the list when I come across something that
 I feel requires comment.

 The magazine project charter says:

 Lacking marketing research data documenting the need for such a
 publication, it is assumed the readership is there and a quality
 publication will be an asset to the Community.


 At the moment there is no market research giving direction to the
 project. It is assumed readers will connect to the Magazine forum to
 offer comments and suggestions and this will become the market
 research data to give direction to future editions of the magazine.

 We can get round this lack of research fairly easily. By going through
 a little extra effort now, we can avoid completely missing the mark
 later on.

 From everything I've read, the intention appears to be to provide a

 magazine for people new to Ubuntu. The Ubuntu community has plenty of
 contact with new users.

 My suggestion is that we get in touch with LoCo teams and the New User
 Network ( to ask for their

 There are a few problems with this:

 * We can't have a representative sample - we don't know our
 marketplace well enough.

 * Our sample would be what's called a convenience sample - i.e. we'd
 speak to the people that we can.

 * Qualitative data isn't particularly reliable with a convenience sample.

 However, I think that in this case, some research is better than none.
 I also reckon we'll get some good qualitative data - i.e. opinions,
 where people tell us what they think, rather than respond to a
 multiple choice question. In fact, just asking potential readers what
 they think of certain proposals, may well be the most valuable aspect.

 I have little market research experience. I do have a few books,
 though :) Tim Morris, who recently identified himself on the list as a
 market research professional, may be able to offer some very useful
 help here.

 Let me know what you think. If you're up for it, in particular the
 guys working on the magazine already, then I'll stick a page on the
 wiki and start contacting the relevant teams.

 I really believe we need this, if the magazine is going to work. As a
 high visibility project, we need to make the magazine as best as it
 can be. We also need to ensure that we take the right decisions for
 the right reasons. For example, some would consider creating a PDF
 magazine somewhat eccentric. Some idea of what the potential readers
 think of that would be incredibly valuable.

 Give me your thoughts :)

 Matthew Revell

I totally agree with you, I contacted some people from Kubuntu and Xubuntu and just asked them what they though we should do, I can't find their replies right now. Do you think that we should just have a series of polls on the ubuntu forums asking them what they would like? I tried asking for comments or criticism on general and found out that it is easier if we give them specific choices. We also had a poll on our old forums, so maybe going back and just opening polls on the general sections of Ubuntu forums is the way to go. Please tell me what you think.


ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The Fridge needs you! Ubuntu-Abanta

2006-07-27 Thread Sara Vasquez
Here is a post with suggested names 7/26/06, 
Paul Sladen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Paul Sladen wrote: On Wed, 26 Jul 2006, Vid Ayer wrote:  On 7/26/06, Paul Sladen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   'Abanta' comes off the tongue really well
  ... why dont we have a poll What about a new poll on the FridgeVid: Can you fill in the list of any other names you know about on: on a tall bridge, surrounded by noisy lorries.London, GB--ubuntu-marketing mailing list
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The Fridge needs you!

2006-07-26 Thread Sara Vasquez
My take on it is that we need to have a system or network of pages that promote Ubuntu.thewayIseethingsgettingdeveopisthatinsteadofhavingaseparatesiteforthemagazine,spreadUbuntuandthefridgeweshouldhaveallononepage. 
One stop for all you need, The magazine should be a pdf that people could dowload everymonth, a newsletter everyweek and some kinf of 7/26/06, 
Rich Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wednesday 26 July 2006 04:01, Matthew Revell wrote:[snip] Would you be able to give the ubuntu-marketing list a summary of the IRC discussion you had with Brandon and Jorge, regarding the merger of
 buntudot with the Fridge?Sure thing,Some of you may not have known, but I have also been assisting BrandonHoltsclaw (imbrandon) at for the past couple of months.
We started the site pretty much to take up the slack that the Fridge wasn'tdoing, as well as provide links and what not to excellent how-to's and whatnot that were buried in the wiki. Well as time went by, only a month or so, became pretty popular. It was never meant to take over for thefridge, just kind of take in the slack since the Fridge had gone stale.That brings us to today. I am not sure yet, if it is 100% official, and I hate
to speculator, but it seems from conversation that will mergewith the Fridge. This means that will probably forward to the
fridge, and the team of editors we had there will now be on the Fridgedevelopment team. Now, this is 100% set in stone like I said, but we didreceive word from Mark Shuttleworth (sabdfl) that he liked the idea and was
impressed with the informal meeting we had in #buntudot.So, if things go as planned, the Fridge will have 4 new admins/editors. Thismeans, there is a great possibility of Official Podcasts. Since Brandon and
myself, as well as Jordan Mantha, Hybrid (sorry but I forgot his name), and acouple of others, have create a couple now. We still stink, be we are gettingbetter, and maybe with the merger they can get better.
If you have any questions, I can try to field them, if I can't I will get theappropriate person to do so. Thank you everyone for your interest, yourenthusiasm, and support for Ubuntu.--Richard Johnson ~ 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  buntudot.orgonline everywhere as nixternal
--ubuntu-marketing mailing listubuntu-marketing@lists.ubuntu.com

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Checking in

2006-07-25 Thread Sara Vasquez
I am sorry about the long silence. I ahve work on some stuff during the weekend. I went out for the wwekend and went to the woods, I think that i am going to stay here altlle bit longer since i am really productive tihs way and I needed to finish some work for school. I will be back next week with my stuff and hopefully a final Todo list. i know hat some of you have work on magazine related stuff so if you could please send me an update on where yout stand or if you need anything. I also read that Tux magazine has moved to a paid magazine feel that now ( even though we are not exactly the same thing)more that ever might be ther right time for an Ubuntu magazine. 
Until laterSara
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] to do

2006-07-19 Thread sara vasquez
ok  please bear with me as I am learning as I go and I am thinking out loud. I 
am thinking if my to do list is the best way to approach this. I feel really 
weird handing out jobs and not being complete sure that I am taking full 
advantage of your help, so if you think that there is a better way to carry 
on please let me know. As you can see from my previous e-mail you can see 
that I am having second thoughts concerning the coherence of the assignments. 


ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] [Spec ubuntumag-wiki] Ubuntu Magazine Wiki reorganization

2006-07-17 Thread Sara Vasquez-tikal26
Specification changed by Sara Vasquez-tikal26:

Assignee: (none) = RichJohnson

Whiteboard changed to:

Nixternal has agreed to work  on it

Specification Details:
  Ubuntu Magazine Wiki reorganization

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Fwd: Ubuntu magazine

2006-07-17 Thread Sara Vasquez

-- Forwarded message --
From: Sara Vasquez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2006 09:56:59 -0400
Subject: Ubuntu magazine

Hey all,
I've being thinking about how to move foward since our last meeting, and I
feel that the best thing is to just publish the first issue and then take it
from there. Our first issue would probably include information that already
exits, but needs to be expanded or presented on a graphical way.

Why are we doing this?
Many potential and existing Ubuntu users are just trying to figure how to do
things their old OS way. We need to aproach this as a way to introduce them
to the POWER of ubuntu.We need to show them that ubuntu and Linux as a whole
is not just a good 'replacement' OS, but a god OS on its own right. We need
to showhow to unleash the power of ubuntu.

What we have now?
A group of seven people super exited and motivated to get this going
A wiki
We have a testing website, but I lost the url ( Digital Mouse, could you
post the url?)
a draft of our master TOC
an outline for our first six issues
a draft for our first issue TOC

What we need?
A finalized TOC (at least for the first issue, we can change some things
We all agreed before that are going to have a html and pdfmagazine,but we
still need to figure out the fine details of it. (I think that this would be
a good way to get the community
involve, by asking them to collaborate on logo, layouts,or perhaps html
We need to figure out and spread out jobs to get out our fist issue out

  - How are we going to pick articles
  - Who would be in charge of the final revisons

How are we going to get this acomplish?

  1. We need to meet again. I would like to a matrix for convinient
  meetig timeon our magazine wiki, since some of our menber were not on the
  meeting I take it tha tit was not a good time. I tried to do something like
  that,but as many of you probablyknow I am a wiki retarded (can someone
  please helpme out with this)
  2. I am going to start a post on the forum concerning art
  participation,logo, layout for the pdf,etc. (
  3. I think that for the first issue I can take care of it release,
  article calling and stuff (off course I will need you help),but for now
  unless someone else wants to do it I wil take careof it.
  4. Digitalmouse has said that he can help of with the pdf stuff. I
  don'texpect him to do it all,but since he knows how to do it he can at least
  explain us and giv eus some guidance.
  5. KensentMe has expirience on freelance writing so he migh help us
  with the way we should structure the articles and the way in which we can
  make them iteresting
  6. Joey, Phil and Martin all have expirience on being project leaders
  and I know some of them already have ideas about articles they would like to
  7. Jenda,what can I say about Jenda he is just the man.

My proposed TOC (for now, I'llpst one in the wiki as we play round it in the
mailing list)

Editors note
Intro to our magazine , Who we are(an extesion of the marketing team,
members of the community),Waht are our expectation of the magazine,Why we
are doing what we are doing.
Team of the Month
Intro to the marketing team. I feel that this wold be a good place to
introduce the marketing team its purpose and different teams and invite
other to participate.
Letter to the magazine
perhaps we wont have any
Screenshots of the Month
Go around and show what we feel are the best screenshots of the monthm They
should show the different flavors and flexibility of ubuntu
The screenshots should have icons set, theme, software runnigm etc. ( it
would be pur monthly contribution on how to custumize your desktop)
Meet the Daper Drake
Quick intro to Linux-Debia-Ubuntu-
Daper Drake features
Mention of the flavors of Ubuntu
How 2.0 ( Joey I think that you probably hav ea better idea on what this
things should be)
How to install Ubuntu (Show off the new installer)
How to install software
Brief intro into package management, advantages (security), disvantages,
Synaptic and Adept example
How to contribute
A section on how to contribute to Ubuntu, We can start on how to report a
bug. I think taht it would be nice since most error messages ask for bug
but I still don't know to report a bug.

Ok so if you have any other ideas or feel that mines are just horrible
please comment on them and lets iron out the wrikles on this so that we can
finally get this going

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] [Spec ubuntumag-charter] Ubuntu Mgazine charter

2006-07-17 Thread Sara Vasquez-tikal26
Specification changed by Sara Vasquez-tikal26:

Whiteboard changed to:

John and Sara would make final revision and it would be submitted to the
ubuntu marketing team for aprroval.

Specification Details:
  Ubuntu Mgazine charter

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Magazine meeting

2006-07-15 Thread sara vasquez
The 17th 

On Saturday 15 July 2006 1:21 am, Robert McWilliam wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 12:39:04 -0400, sara vasquez [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Our next meeting is this coming Monday the 17th at 19:30 UTC time.

 On Fri, 14 Jul 2006 20:51:40 -0400, John Baer [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  Curious about the Magazine project? Tune into the IRC on 18 Jul, 20:00

 Which is it? :)

 Robert McWilliam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Curiosity was framed; ignorance killed the cat.

Description: PGP signature
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu Magazine meeting

2006-07-15 Thread sara vasquez
Dear all,
in anticipation for our next meeting ( we 
have the prepared and agenda located here

Please take a look at the wiki and make comments and suggestion, also keep 
think about topics that you would like to discuss on the meeting concerning 
the charter. Please add anything that you want to talk about on the agenda. 
Also, please think about possible names for the magazine and what our 
magazine should be like. I know some of you are not going to be able to 
attend the meeting so this is a good way to still participate. Thanks for 
your support and cooperation.


Description: PGP signature
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Magazine meeting

2006-07-15 Thread sara vasquez
I forgot to say that this meeting would not be possible with our some of our 
team members, I don't want to embarrass them, that have just produce alot of 
work and have tolerated my technical ignorance during the time I've being 

Description: PGP signature
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Taking a break

2006-07-07 Thread Sara Vasquez
Hello all:I am letting you all know that I am taking a week off vacation so I will not be available . I'll be down the shore and I don't know if I will have internet access. I am working on some things for the magazien and hope to have them done when I come back. I hopwe that whe I come back Iwe can have a meeting. How does Jyuly th 17th sounds. 

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Magazine art work

2006-07-06 Thread sara vasquez
Hey all,
I received a nice e-mail from Pascal Klein from the art team and he sent me a 
nice svg file. You can take a look at it here

I like that he mad a color pallet and I think that we might look into making 
the color pallet the official one.


Description: PGP signature
ubuntu-marketing mailing list

[ubuntu-marketing] Ubuntu magazine

2006-06-30 Thread Sara Vasquez
Hey all,I've being thinking about how to move foward since our last meeting, and I feel that the best thing is to just publish the first issue and then take it from there. Our first issue would probably include information that already exits, but needs to be expanded or presented on a graphical way. 
Why are we doing this?Many potential and existing Ubuntu users are just trying to figure how to do things their old OS way. We need to aproach this as a way to introduce them to the POWER of ubuntu.We need to show them that ubuntu and Linux as a whole is not just a good 'replacement' OS, but a god OS on its own right. We need to showhow to unleash the power of ubuntu.
 What we have now?A group of seven people super exited and motivated to get this goingA wiki have a testing website, but I lost the url ( Digital Mouse, could you post the url?)
a draft of our master TOCan outline for our first six issuesa draft for our first issue TOCWhat we need?A finalized TOC (at least for the first issue, we can change some things latter)We all agreed before that are going to have a html and pdfmagazine,but we still need to figure out the fine details of it. (I think that this would be a good way to get the community
involve, by asking them to collaborate on logo, layouts,or perhaps html skills)We need to figure out and spread out jobs to get out our fist issue outHow are we going to pick articlesWho would be in charge of the final revisons
How are we going to get this acomplish?We need to meet again. I would like to a matrix for convinient meetig timeon our magazine wiki, since some of our menber were not on the meeting I take it tha tit was not a good time. I tried to do something like that,but as many of you probablyknow I am a wiki retarded (can someone please helpme out with this)
I am going to start a post on the forum concerning art participation,logo, layout for the pdf,etc. (
)I think that for the first issue I can take care of it release, article calling and stuff (off course I will need you help),but for now unless someone else wants to do it I wil take careof it.Digitalmouse has said that he can help of with the pdf stuff. I don'texpect him to do it all,but since he knows how to do it he can at least explain us and giv eus some guidance.
KensentMe has expirience on freelance writing so he migh help us with the way we should structure the articles and the way in which we can make them iterestingJoey, Phil and Martin all have expirience on being project leaders and I know some of them already have ideas about articles they would like to write.
Jenda,what can I say about Jenda he is just the man.My proposed TOC (for now, I'llpst one in the wiki as we play round it in the mailing list)Editors note
Intro to our magazine , Who we are(an extesion of the marketing team, members of the community),Waht are our expectation of the magazine,Why we are doing what we are doing.Team of the Month
Intro to the marketing team. I feel that this wold be a good place to introduce the marketing team its purpose and different teams and invite other to participate.Letter to the magazine
perhaps we wont have anyScreenshots of the MonthGo around and show what we feel are the best screenshots of the monthm They should show the different flavors and flexibility of ubuntu
The screenshots should have icons set, theme, software runnigm etc. ( it would be pur monthly contribution on how to custumize your desktop)Meet the Daper DrakeQuick intro to Linux-Debia-Ubuntu-
Daper Drake featuresMention of the flavors of UbuntuHow 2.0 ( Joey I think that you probably hav ea better idea on what this things should be)How to install Ubuntu (Show off the new installer)
How to install softwareBrief intro into package management, advantages (security), disvantages, Synaptic and Adept exampleHow to contribute
A section on how to contribute to Ubuntu, We can start on how to report a bug. I think taht it would be nice since most error messages ask for bug reports, but I still don't know to report a bug.Ok so if you have any other ideas or feel that mines are just horrible please comment on them and lets iron out the wrikles on this so that we can finally get this going

ubuntu-marketing mailing list

Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Marketing Team Meeting Summary

2006-06-29 Thread Sara Vasquez
Jason;I understand your point, but I think that we must explain our reasoninig to others that were not in the meeting. As far as I understandwearedoingthisbecuasewehadbitsandpiecesofinforamtionallovertheplace.Wearetryingtogetthingsorganizedandprunningthelistwaspartoftheffort.
 As I uderstand you can add your name  to your Lunchpad anytime and after30daysthememebershipwouldbeexpandedtoawhooeyearmembership.OtherteamsinLaunchpadaredoingtihstoo.Forexample,ifanyonewantstojointheSpanishtranslation
 team you need to first need to prenset yourselve to the list and then you need to help out trsnaltion, you are then aprroved and after a year you ar eremoved if you do not collaborate. You are can still be in the mailing list. We need to do this in order to organize and sort things out. Please bear with us during this process as we don't want to aliniate anyone.Asmatthewsaidweexpecttohavemorecommunicationanddiscussiononthemailinglistfromnowon.Sopleasekeeponexpressingyouideasandopinions.  
On 6/29/06, Jason Macklin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello to everyone,I'm new to both Ubuntu and the Marketing Team so maybe my insight tothis issue is incomplete.I've been using various flavors of linuxfor about 6 to 7 years now.As my job has changed so has my knowledge
of linux and unix.I discovered Ubuntu about a year ago and really fell for it enoughthat I wanted to play a larger part in spreading the word.Becausemy activism in the open source community is non-existent I wanted to
ease into the process as a sort of spectator.All of these emailsback and forth seem to want to thwart that idea.Have you allforgotten what it was like to be new to something as special asubuntu?Or were all of you weened on linux?
Don't invoke some method to remove people.In the end it will onlyprove to be counter-productive.Why take the chance of alienatingsomeone that could do great things for the community in the future?
I realize that my usage of the term all is not fair.Not everyoneis sold on this idea.But this is most certainly a turn down thewrong road.Community is supposed to be accepting and helpful.You
shouldn't be thinking of ways to thin the list, but rather ways tofurther insight members to become more active.If this sort of thinking continues I will certainly be less inclinedto participate and would even consider letting my account lapse so
that I wouldn't need to go through the trouble of disassociatingmyself from this effort.Regards,Jason MacklinOn 6/29/06, Matthew Revell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote: On 29/06/06, Matt Galvin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  It will certainly be nice to include info about what the Marketing Team  is up to each week, especially when there is significant progress such
  as when SpreadUbuntu launches and such. I'm sure we can thrash something out each week on the list or the wiki. I noticed that, in #ubuntu-meeting before the marketing meeting, someone looked at the day's schedule and said, Marketing team? New to
 me! or similar. Extra exposure in UWN will help greatly. -- Matthew Revell -- ubuntu-marketing mailing list
--Jason Macklin--ubuntu-marketing mailing
ubuntu-marketing mailing list