Re: maintainer of frontaccounting package

2012-09-05 Thread Fabrice Coutadeur
Hi Kirk,

The package that we have in Ubuntu comes directly from Debian, without any
modifications. You may want to contact the Debian maintainer to check what
are his plans: you can find him on the package page at at (even if he seems to
be MIA).

Thanks for your interest,


El jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012, Benjamin Kerensa

 On Sep 5, 2012 4:30 PM, Kirk Wolff


 I've noticed frontaccounting hasn't seen any updates for a couple years.
Are there any plans to update the deb to frontaccounting 2.3?



 I do not believe there are any plans in the works if its been that long.
MOTU is always looking for new contributors if your interested in

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Re: What do you want MOTU to be in Q, R and S?

2012-05-03 Thread Fabrice Coutadeur

I'm not going to UDS either, but I wanted to share some thoughts about
the MOTU team with you:
I think that MOTU has still a great role to play in keeping the
Unseeded part of the archive in a good shape, to ensure that the less
looked part of Ubuntu is still usable. There are a lot of people that
depends and uses unseeded applications  and this is also part of
In that sense, I see MOTU more like a kind of 'QA' team than 'developpers'.

My only concern is about new comers: we are loosing people because of
real life events (I'm less active than before because of that) and I
don't feel like we are able to replace them.
I first came to Ubuntu because I wanted an app to be packaged for
Ubuntu and I thought that the right way was to help first with other
packages to get some credibility before having it uploaded.
Now, the 'recommended' path is to go thru Debian, meaning that we
redirect possible new contributors to Debian. I know that having
people just dropping some random application in Ubuntu without
maintaining it afterward is not good either, but I feel like we are
loosing some possible direct contributors that way.

My 2 cts.


2012/5/3 Scott Kitterman
 On Thursday, May 03, 2012 02:59:19 PM Andrew Starr-Bochicchio wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 10:44 AM, Daniel Holbach wrote:
  Hello everybody,
  with only a week to go until 12.04 is released, it might be a good time
  to think about what MOTU is to you and what you feel it should be in the
  next few releases.
  This team has been existing for as long as Ubuntu has been around and
  one thing we've been doing since the early days is: being there for new
  contributors and bringing them into the fold. In my mind this is (among
  many others of course) the most important thing MOTU has contributed to
  Not limited to my personal assessment above, I'd still like to hear from
  you (no matter if you're a MOTU old-timer or a new contributor) is what
  do you feel we do well and what do you feel we should change?

 A lot of time has gone by with no response to this thread. The silence
 in both this thread and this list in general saddens me a bit. For
 myself, and I imagine for at least some others, the lack of response
 hasn't been because I don't care about the future of the MOTU. It's
 that over the past few cycles the team has dwindled to the point where
 it is hard to see what it even does. Much of this is of course due to
 many of MOTU's traditional responsibilities having been superseeded by
 newer institutions and norms: archive-reorg/package-sets, the
 Developer Membership Board, a stronger emphasis new packages going
 through Debian. A lot of this is a good thing, but I feel that we've
 lost some of the social cohesion that the team used to bring to Ubuntu
 development. More developers are now scattered about their smaller
 teams focused on their particular package-sets or pluging away alone
 on the few packages they care about.

 As Daniel mentioned, one of the most important contributions of this
 team has been bringing new contributors into the fold. While things
 like per-package upload rights are great for getting contributors with
 a very narrow interest to help directly in Ubuntu, in the past I think
 there was some value to the social pressure to help with package
 outside your specific interest in order to get upload rights. Lowering
 barriers to entry is extremely important and I wouldn't want us to
 move backwards on this, but I wonder if maybe we could come up with
 ideas to assert some sort of positive social pressure (in contrast to
 the negative/restrictive pressure of saying you can't work on what you
 want until you help with other things) for contributors to participate
 in the maintenance of unseeded packages?

 Another place where MOTU was valuable in the past that we seem to be
 missing a bit now was as a kind of catch all team for pursuing random
 bits like the Packaging Guide, training sessions, etc... Maybe these
 things need to be pushed to ~ubuntu-dev? It just seems to me that
 these kinds of things are less and less taking place/being planned in
 public and more so by smaller groups of people.

 One of the last discussions on the future of the MOTU defined the
 team's mission as:

  * Maintaining packages that do not belong in any package-sets.
  * Providing guidance and training for new generalist developers.
  * Extended Quality Assurance functions.

 I'm not going to UDS, but I have some thoughts on the matter.

 MOTU is still accomplish a lot in getting the archive in shape and fixing
 things for unseeded Universe/Multiverse.  This is mostly done by a small
 number of very productive developers who have been at it for awhile.  I don't
 see a lot of new blood coming in and sticking with MOTU.

 Due to the more fragmented developer model we have now the incentive just
 isn't there for most.  (this is a foreseeable (and FWIW foreseen) 

Re: Hello list ftbfs of libgdchart-gd2

2010-09-22 Thread Fabrice Coutadeur
Hi Bhavani,

According to the Debian bug, it seems that it was a bug in cdbs that
got fixed in latest cdbs. Looking at the changelog of cdbs, you can
see this comment:
   * Fix ensure is usable without add
 simpler fallback for cdbs_make_curbuilddir.
 Closes: bug#596950. Thanks to Lucas Nussbaum and others.
and the rules file of libgdchart-gd2 contains an include of but no include of, so it seems to be the
root cause of the FTBFS.

You then have 2 options:
- fix cdbs
- fix libgdchart-gd2 by either include or defining the
missing variable

I think that the second choice is less intrusive, but if cdbs is
broken in some cases, I think it's worth fixing it.


2010/9/23 Bhavani Shankar R
 Hello list,

 With reference to the above subject the package still FTBFS in ubuntu
 (I m sorry to have made a mistake)

 with the same error as in

 (It looks like local snippets change is not working in ubuntu here)

 Can anyone please guide me is there any other idea on how to
 circumvent this FTBFS?



 Bhavani Shankar.R, a proud ubuntu community  member.
 What matters in life is application of mind!,
 It makes great sense to have some common sense..!

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Re: Hugging our universe hero

2009-10-27 Thread Fabrice Coutadeur
Thanks Scottk ! sleep is for the weak will stay for me as the Karmic
release message :-)

2009/10/27 Stefan Ebner

 Hi folks!

 As everyone should know, release is in 2 days and today
 also the universe got completely frozen.
 I want to take the chance to thank a special person for his

 I'm speaking about Scott Kitterman, who made the universe release manager
 again (as usual) and did an awesome job.

 Thanks Scott!

 Give him a big hug everyone!

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Re: libnet error

2009-07-08 Thread Fabrice Coutadeur

I've just reported the bug to Debian, as this package comes directly from


2009/7/7 Jonathan Steel

 Hi David, MOTU

 I have discovered a bug in libnet1 on a 64 bit Ubuntu machine. I'm sure the
 problem is from the original source as well, but since the homepage for
 libnet1 seems to not exist anymore, I can't tell.

 Basically the issue is that some of the data types were not explicitly
 declared to use a certain byte width, and so the structs differ on a 64 bit
 machine in a way they are not supposed to.

 Here is a bug report on the issue:

 My company is going to just branch off from your package until the bug is
 fixed, but I just wanted to make the developers of libnet know about the
 problem. Looks like you guys are the only ones I can find working on this


 Jonathan Steel

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