Sponsorship for new packages

2007-10-19 Thread João Pinto
is there any plan to provide a sponsorship[1] like process for new packages

I am thinking on something like, a process which would allow a non MOTU
Hopeful to upload a package, it would be triaged and either enter a queue
where it could be reworked by MOTUs or it would be discarded.


[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess

João Pinto
IRC: Lamego @ irc.freenode.net
GetDeb Project Manager - http://www.getdeb.net
Ubuntu-motu mailing list
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Re: non-MOTU Hopeful contributions (was:: GetDeb Project (Why I participate))

2007-10-18 Thread João Pinto
> I very much agree with what Scott said here. Understanding the process,
> talking to people when you're unsure and being a good team player is
> very important in the MOTU team.
> Does anybody have any ideas, what we could do to 'lower the bar' or
> change the things to bring new contributors to the point where they
> understand better what our core values are?

IMHO, the point is not about lowering the bar, is is about not having the
"bar" at all, the key is about converting the current MOTU processes which
are based on a long pipe workflow with known bottlenecks into a grid
workflow .
The current process requires, developers which love debian/rules, but which
hate debian/copyright to be expert on both.
The current process requires end users, which love to test new software, and
which would be the best functional testers for new packages/updates to
subscribe this list in order to get "please test" notifications. IThis list
is not really interesting for those people which spend more time using
applications, than packaging them.

The key, is about moving from single processing, to multiprocessing,
different people, with different skills can provide their specif contribute
to the final product which is, a good package, proper tested from both a
packaging and functional perspective and which will be updated according to
a policy which also meet users expectations.
Changing from single to multi processing is not simple, it is not just about
adding new processors (in this case, people), it is about changing the
application, building reliable interfaces between processes, handling shared
resources, handling synchronization, etc.

The documentation improvement is important because it is the entry point for
participation, however, it is not sufficient.

Best regards,

João Pinto
IRC: Lamego @ irc.freenode.net
GetDeb Project Manager - http://www.getdeb.net
Ubuntu-motu mailing list
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GetDeb Project

2007-10-14 Thread João Pinto
I am the GetDeb project founder and manager, I would like to present GetDeb,
current status and planned goals.

The GetDeb idea born about 1 year ago, the motivation came from forums
participation, where it was very common to find end users struggling to
build  some software on their systems, or just asking for help on broken
systems after trying to use incompatible repositories.
I did some research on the processes to get a software updated or introduced
into Ubuntu at that time, they were complex, developers (not users) oriented
and with requirements that could not be covered by a significant part of the
software packaging requests.

Policy and Methodology
We provide packages only for the "current" Ubuntu distribution release, our
updates are upstream based, the opposite of the Ubuntu Stable Update Release
policy, we take the latest upstream update as the most stable and apply the
packaging and/or Debian/Ubuntu integration specific patches, when available
we use Debian/Ubuntu or 3rd parties merging work.
Package updates which depend on library updates that may interfere with
other main/universe packages are NOT provided.

Current Status
After 1 year of existence the project turned from a 1 person spare time
package building, web development and, the most important task, users
feedback handling to a small team work project with occasional but very
important third party contributers.
On a daily basis we provide an average of >5K .deb packages, 100 GBs
distributed over about 10 mirrors.
We have > 7K registered users (the only features available on registration
is the ability to comment releases and get site news).
One of our important accessibility factors is internationalization, 99% of
the site template is translatable and already translated into more than 20
languages. The applications description is also translatable, however that
is still a young and not very polished feature, at this moment we have about
1K application descriptions translated to random languages.
Despite of our short existence we are listed on the first page of google
searches for Ubuntu software, which we observe as a good popularity

Our work is volunteer mostly free time work, we have no business financial
goals, we do accept financial support, mostly for material acquisition.  Our
automated build system server is about to become paid (500 Euros) from
paypal donations. The web site hosting costs are covered with the google
adsense income. The download traffic is covered by the entities which are
supporting us with mirrors.

Future Plans
Move to APT based software distribution
- Most people ask why aren't we using APT yet, the answer is simple, there
is no APT based implementation for a project with our distribution model,
there are some limitations that we still need to address
Internationalization improvement
- One of the current problems is the mix between english contents and local
contents and contacts (this can be seen on the comments section)

I have no specific mention to collaboration with the Ubuntu/Debian universe,
backports, developers, packaging teams, that is our philosophy and practice,
we belong to the same community.

I will appreciate any questions/comments/suggestions.

The Site: http://www.getdeb.net/
Download stats: http://www.getdeb.net/graphs/release_all.php
Internationalization: http://www.getdeb.net/languages.php
Financial: http://www.getdeb.net/financial.php
Building Process: http://wiki.getdeb.net/Package_Building
Launchpad Project: https://launchpad.net/getdeb.net

Best regards,

João Pinto
IRC: Lamego @ irc.freenode.net
GetDeb Project Manager - http://www.getdeb.net
Ubuntu-motu mailing list
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Re: XSB-Url header for Upstream Homepages

2007-08-19 Thread João Pinto
in my opinion it is a good option, a specific machine readable
homepage URL could later be used by package management tools to
provide more information about the software being installed.

Best regards,

2007/8/19, Reinhard Tartler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi fellow ubuntu developers,
> in the past, we have been adding Urls to the project homepages to the
> package description. ATM, there is a (small) debate if a XSB-Url header
> should be invented for this purpose.
> How do you feel about that?
> --
> Gruesse/greetings,
> Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
> --
> Ubuntu-motu mailing list
> Ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at: 
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-motu

João Pinto
GetDeb Package Builder

Ubuntu-motu mailing list
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Re: Packages updates on REVU

2007-04-22 Thread João Pinto

I hope that you also agree that is not very encouraging for a new packager
to submit a package to REVU and because he does not have enough patient to
keep on an IRC channel he waits 2 months to get a comment like "There is a
new upstream version" and no comments on all the packaging aspects that
maybe relevant for the package upgrade.
A few more weeks and a more experienced package maybe uploading it to
Debian, and eventually the work is lost.

Sorry but I will need to write a very negative comment, in my humble opinion
REVU is horrible, the application and the process, I can't help improving it
because I do have a different idea for software availability which does not
match with the Ubuntu release cycle.

Best regards.

2007/4/22, Scott Kitterman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Sunday 22 April 2007 12:28, Lionel Le Folgoc wrote:

> * So, how can we improve this?
> I think the REVU/wiki page has to be updated, to explicitely say:

I think that it probably needs more of a come join in with maintaining
Universe and we'll be glad to make you stuff more of a priority
Yes, packagers need to be proactive, but they also can help themselves by
helping Ubuntu.  They also need to understand that you can't force

There was one guy that uploaded a package and when it hadn't gotten a
review in a handful of hours went and complained to sabdfl.  I'd given the
guy a few suggestions in what time I had, but his impatience and
to  sabdfl have pretty well demotivated me with respect to helping him
that my help's such a big deal, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one that
would react that way).

Finally, I think it would be useful if there were people who, while not
MOTU, had some packaging experience, were authorized to comment (but not
advocate) packages on REVU.  There are a number of packages that have
issues that less experienced reviewers can help with.  If we can help with
those packages, the MOTUs can better focus on ones that are close/ready to
upload.  This would also give MOTUs an additional source of information on
people's ability to review packages when they are deciding if someone is
ready to be a MOTU.

Scott K

P.S.  I came in in the middle of Feisty development and have no complaints
about the attention my packages got or the quality of the
reviews.  Whatever
improvements can be made, I don't think the situation is broken.

Ubuntu-motu mailing list
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João Pinto
GetDeb Packager
Ubuntu-motu mailing list
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Re: getdeb.net

2007-04-12 Thread João Pinto

some more comments about upgrades in general and the backport request

I hope it is clear for the Ubuntu development team that the existing SRU
policy fails to meet the majority of desktop users expectations regarding
application upgrades. You can confirm that by looking into the forums for
the several postings about users asking when version Y will be available on
the updates. This is also because on other OSes (guess which) most of the
applications have already self-upgrade functions, such upgrades are defined
by the authors according to the applications own roadmap.

The back porting process is expected to overcome this but in my opinion it
still doest not meet users expectations because:
  - Backports are Ubuntu+1 release based (in my opinion they should be
application release based)
  - It's visibility is not sufficient (at the moment most people which uses
backports are probably those which know how to build from the source)

The current backport request process is a technical oriented processed,
meaning backports are initiated by technical persons, which have the ability
to lookup if the package is in Ubuntu+1, if the upgrade can be done as an
SRU or not, etc. This results on backports being implemented for
applications which have a broader  technical audience  and not based on
users requirements.

I understand that there are a lot f other things to manage besides user's
expectations like applications stability, Ubuntu specific integration, etc.
but I still feel that the current rules/procedures are too blind.
There are critical and non critical applications there complex and trivial
changes and they can't simply be treated all by the same rules

Best regards,

João Pinto
GetDeb Packager

2007/3/8, João Pinto < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

before answering to your questions let me explain better the context of my
comments regarding the packaging and updates policy.

From my experience, home PCs and enterprise PCs don't share the same
The current policy/processes are mandatory for enterprise/business IT
managed environments where sw and hw upgrades are (slow) business driven and
the key factors are security, stability, certification and support.
At home, upgrades are user's driven and the key factors are features,
people want to be able to use their latest gadget and to export files to the
newest online service they have subscribed, etc, etc., for those this strict
policy may be an adoption blocker.

I believe Ubuntu/Debian packaging aims business IT, while I am aiming home

Answering your questions:

The sources are not available online yet, I have this pending with the
script which is not yet implemented that will take care of populating the
getdeb database and upload all the files, please note that I am not using a
repository and the associated tools.
I am providing the sources every time I get a request, which is rare, most
of getdeb visitors are end users which have no use for the source.

I understand the benefits on working a greater team like the MOTU but to
be honest I don't believe I would be able to participate to the Ubuntu users
as much I believe I am doing with GetDeb. Browsing on REVU I don't see that
much activity and I see packages introduced from September which are
pending, to be honest, such "Welcome to REVU" is not encouraging for someone
willing to provide the newest applications to the users.

Please don't get me wrong but in my opinion the best hands to fix bugs are
the software developers not the software packagers, if it's a trivial bug, I
will fix it and contact the author, if is not trivial it should be up to the
upstream developers to fix it, turning the packagers into co-developers is
not very efficient, specially for bug fixing. Ideally it would be the way
around, developers providing and updating their own packages.

I have not decided yet about the bug reporting system,  it will point to a
launchpad entry or I will use the upstream bug reporting system.

Despite our different approaches and concerns I am sure we will be able to

Best regards,

2007/3/8, Daniel Holbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
> Hello João,
> On Do, 2007-03-08 at 13:33 +, João Pinto wrote:
> > I have been a software developer for a long time and just recently got
> > interested into software packaging, mostly because during my Ubuntu
> > forum's participation I realized there is a lot of non-developers
> > spending too much time to get a specific application or feature which
> > is not yet available on the repositories.
> > I am not an experienced packager but I did understood the strict
> > policy/requirements to be a Debian/Ubuntu maintainer by looking into
> > REVU and Debian mentors, I would never be able to keep
> > updating/creating packages with such quality requirements and be 

Trying MOTU

2007-03-14 Thread João Pinto

following Daniel's comments and questions regarding the ability to
support/keep the Getdeb packages in a proper quality level I have decided to
try the MOTU way.

I have a few starting comments and questions.

The REVU main page is terrible, what is the sort criteria for the packages
list ?

The following detail should be presented on the main list:
 - last uploader comment, last reviewer comment, package status
This would allow a better assessment for both the reviewers and uploaders on
packages needing more activity.

I couldn't found a description of the package live cycle.


1) What is the REVU package life cycle ?
I couldn't find a description on when/who classifies the package as properly
packaged, and what happens at that time.
Does a MOTU member need to adopt the package as a maintainer  so that it
gets into Universe ?

2) Should I send a notification to the MOTU informing about that I need
reviewer's feedback or I should expect proper activity from the reviewers
notification ml ? (I have submitted my first package yesterday and I was
expecting a quick "this is bad" comment).

I didn't submitted my suggestion on the revu Development Center, because it
seems to be broken:

The packaging guide (
http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html) is very clear,
most of the remaining documentation and process description on how to get a
new application into Ubuntu is quite puzzling.

Best regards,

João Pinto
GetDeb Packager
Ubuntu-motu mailing list
Modify settings or unsubscribe at: 

About SRU and Backports

2007-03-09 Thread João Pinto

some more comments about upgrades in general and the backport request

I hope it is clear for the Ubuntu development team that the existing SRU
policy fails to meet the majority of desktop users expectations regarding
application upgrades. You can confirm that by looking into the forums for
the several postings about users asking when version Y will be available on
the updates. This is also because on other OSes (guess which) most of the
applications have already self-upgrade functions, such upgrades are defined
by the authors according to the applications own roadmap.

The back porting process is expected to overcome this but in my opinion it
still doest not meet users expectations because:
  - Backports are Ubuntu+1 release based (in my opinion they should be
application release based)
  - It's visibility is not sufficient (at the moment most people which uses
backports are probably those which know how to build from the source)

The current backport request process is a technical oriented processed,
meaning backports are initiated by technical persons, which have the ability
to lookup if the package is in Ubuntu+1, if the upgrade can be done as an
SRU or not, etc. This results on backports being implemented for
applications which have a broader  technical audience  and not based on
users requirements.

I understand that there are a lot f other things to manage besides user's
expectations like applications stability, Ubuntu specific integration, etc.
but I still feel that the current rules/procedures are too blind.
There are critical and non critical applications there complex and trivial
changes and they can't simply be treated all by the same rules

Best regards,

João Pinto
GetDeb Packager

2007/3/8, João Pinto < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

before answering to your questions let me explain better the context of my
comments regarding the packaging and updates policy.

From my experience, home PCs and enterprise PCs don't share the same
The current policy/processes are mandatory for enterprise/business IT
managed environments where sw and hw upgrades are (slow) business driven and
the key factors are security, stability, certification and support.
At home, upgrades are user's driven and the key factors are features,
people want to be able to use their latest gadget and to export files to the
newest online service they have subscribed, etc, etc., for those this strict
policy may be an adoption blocker.

I believe Ubuntu/Debian packaging aims business IT, while I am aiming home

Answering your questions:

The sources are not available online yet, I have this pending with the
script which is not yet implemented that will take care of populating the
getdeb database and upload all the files, please note that I am not using a
repository and the associated tools.
I am providing the sources every time I get a request, which is rare, most
of getdeb visitors are end users which have no use for the source.

I understand the benefits on working a greater team like the MOTU but to
be honest I don't believe I would be able to participate to the Ubuntu users
as much I believe I am doing with GetDeb. Browsing on REVU I don't see that
much activity and I see packages introduced from September which are
pending, to be honest, such "Welcome to REVU" is not encouraging for someone
willing to provide the newest applications to the users.

Please don't get me wrong but in my opinion the best hands to fix bugs are
the software developers not the software packagers, if it's a trivial bug, I
will fix it and contact the author, if is not trivial it should be up to the
upstream developers to fix it, turning the packagers into co-developers is
not very efficient, specially for bug fixing. Ideally it would be the way
around, developers providing and updating their own packages.

I have not decided yet about the bug reporting system,  it will point to a
launchpad entry or I will use the upstream bug reporting system.

Despite our different approaches and concerns I am sure we will be able to

Best regards,

2007/3/8, Daniel Holbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
> Hello João,
> On Do, 2007-03-08 at 13:33 +, João Pinto wrote:
> > I have been a software developer for a long time and just recently got
> > interested into software packaging, mostly because during my Ubuntu
> > forum's participation I realized there is a lot of non-developers
> > spending too much time to get a specific application or feature which
> > is not yet available on the repositories.
> > I am not an experienced packager but I did understood the strict
> > policy/requirements to be a Debian/Ubuntu maintainer by looking into
> > REVU and Debian mentors, I would never be able to keep
> > updating/creating packages with such quality requirements and be 

Re: getdeb.net

2007-03-08 Thread João Pinto

before answering to your questions let me explain better the context of my
comments regarding the packaging and updates policy.

From my experience, home PCs and enterprise PCs don't share the same

The current policy/processes are mandatory for enterprise/business IT
managed environments where sw and hw upgrades are (slow) business driven and
the key factors are security, stability, certification and support.
At home, upgrades are user's driven and the key factors are features, people
want to be able to use their latest gadget and to export files to the newest
online service they have subscribed, etc, etc., for those this strict policy
may be an adoption blocker.

I believe Ubuntu/Debian packaging aims business IT, while I am aiming home

Answering your questions:

The sources are not available online yet, I have this pending with the
script which is not yet implemented that will take care of populating the
getdeb database and upload all the files, please note that I am not using a
repository and the associated tools.
I am providing the sources every time I get a request, which is rare, most
of getdeb visitors are end users which have no use for the source.

I understand the benefits on working a greater team like the MOTU but to be
honest I don't believe I would be able to participate to the Ubuntu users as
much I believe I am doing with GetDeb. Browsing on REVU I don't see that
much activity and I see packages introduced from September which are
pending, to be honest, such "Welcome to REVU" is not encouraging for someone
willing to provide the newest applications to the users.

Please don't get me wrong but in my opinion the best hands to fix bugs are
the software developers not the software packagers, if it's a trivial bug, I
will fix it and contact the author, if is not trivial it should be up to the
upstream developers to fix it, turning the packagers into co-developers is
not very efficient, specially for bug fixing. Ideally it would be the way
around, developers providing and updating their own packages.

I have not decided yet about the bug reporting system,  it will point to a
launchpad entry or I will use the upstream bug reporting system.

Despite our different approaches and concerns I am sure we will be able to

Best regards,

2007/3/8, Daniel Holbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hello João,

On Do, 2007-03-08 at 13:33 +, João Pinto wrote:
> I have been a software developer for a long time and just recently got
> interested into software packaging, mostly because during my Ubuntu
> forum's participation I realized there is a lot of non-developers
> spending too much time to get a specific application or feature which
> is not yet available on the repositories.
> I am not an experienced packager but I did understood the strict
> policy/requirements to be a Debian/Ubuntu maintainer by looking into
> REVU and Debian mentors, I would never be able to keep
> updating/creating packages with such quality requirements and be able
> to have "0 days" packages together with the site building and
> packaging requests scouting.

I can see your point. It often takes a while to get packages
  * conform to the packaging policy
  * reviewed
  * included.

Each of these steps takes a certain amount of time, but that for a

 1. Packages which conform to the packaging policy are less likely
to cause problems on the user's machines.
 2. Reviewed packages are less buggy, contain all the necessary
information and reviewer and package maintainer both learn
during the process.
 3. Packages that went through the archive admins' hands are
redistributable and won't cause problems for the user or the
distributor of those packages.

It's clear that our current process it not optimal. Therefore we're
working on a new process that will make step 2 easier and shorter
because of collaboration on the packaging. [1]

Documentation could be easier and better, to make step 1 quicker. It'd
be nice if you could check [2] and give feedback on it.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Processes/REVU
[2] https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html

> Today I have added RSS Feed to GetDeb
> (http://www.getdeb.net/rss.php?distro_id=3 , the id is based on the
> distro selection) I think it could be a good start to monitor package
> releases, however I am still missing a core requirements:
>   1. The debian diffs are not (yet) available
>   2. Internal revision/notification in case an already published
> package needs to be updated (I am justing uploading the new .deb now)

Do you publish the source somewhere?

> Right now I am working on accounts support I am planning to provide
> future services like new releases emails, users rating, comments, etc.