Re: is that your final decision about removing the game over God

2009-06-30 Thread Shawn McCuan

  Is this guy for real?
 I sure hope not. I wonder why he hasn't trolled Ubuntu Satanic Edition
 already. Or maybe he has and I didn't notice.

This guy is a nutjob.

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Re: is that your final decision about removing the game *ver god

2009-06-30 Thread Shawn McCuan

 First,  you have not brought this to the MOTU Council yet.  You are having
 a conversation with various people who work on developing Ubuntu.  Once you
 decide that this is a dispute that cannot be resolved through discussion,
 you can raise it with them by writing

 I would encourage you, however, not to do this.  If you ask them to have
 this package removed you need to consider what standard they will apply.
 This standard cannot treat any particular religion more favorably than any
 other (or over being against religion completely).

 Ubuntu is a world wide project.  In different parts of the world beliefs
 are different and Ubuntu must acommodate these diverse perspectives as best
 it can.  If the standard is set that any material that involves religion
 that offends anyone must be removed, it will have far reaching effects.

 By its nature, all religious material has potential to offend people who
 hold different beliefs.  I forsee the end result of such a policy would be
 the eventual removal of all packages with religious or potentially
 religious content.

 As an example, there are Biblical study tools in Ubuntu.  There are parts
 of the world where physical copies of the Bible are very rare.  If these
 tools are removed from Ubuntu, fewer people will have access to it.  I
 don't think this is what you want.

 My advice to you is to just ignore this game.  So far you have managed to
 bring some prominence to what was before a very obscure game and got it a
 lot of attention.  My advice is to drop it and let it return to its former

 Scott K

I agree entirely.

Shawn McCuan

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Re: is that your final decision about removing the game over God

2009-06-30 Thread Shawn McCuan
Alright, rather than summing it up in that way, I suppose I could make it a
little more long winded and more eloquent, although, the exact same meaning
ends up being reached. I do however apologize for my unnecessary ad hominem.

This guy keeps arguing for something on which he has no logical grounds to
support his position. He is merely looking at a program name, demanding
censorship, just because he believes that somehow it is belittling to his
version of a god. He's not taking into account the hundreds of other gods
that the millions of Ubuntu users and developers believe in around the
world. I have yet to see any user of a different religion demand that the
bible study tools should be removed, although I'm positive they are contrary
to many users beliefs.

If this package offends him, he should just choose not to install or use it,
just as Muslims, Hindu's and atheists wouldn't (under most circumstances)
install and/or use bible study tools.

So, the reason for my comment is that he is demanding censorship to place
favor on his religious system, while completely ignoring everyone else's.
I'd like to see a Muslim or a Hindu chim in and request that the bible study
packages get removed because they contradict their religious beliefs, and
see how he responds. Once he see's how the cencorship will work once it's
reversed, maybe he'll learn to be a little more tolerant.
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