As agreed at the last weekly release meeting,  we'll be trying a new
format today of an open forum question and answer session for the weekly
release meeting. 

To make this efficient for everyone (and hopefully reduce confusion),
would appreciate it if everyone tried to follow these conventions.

At start of meeting,  please wave or say hi so we know you're present
and paying attention.

Once the topic, becomes "Question and Answer Session", when you have a
new question to ask, or thread of conversation to start off, please
raise your hand "o/"   If your just asking a follow up
question/commenting on the current open question - just type.

When possible, please target your questions to specific individuals by
using their nick.   Others should feel free to comment if they have
information to add to the discussion.  

When you've finished your comments,  please use the convention ".." so
we know you're done, and we can move on to the next queued up question.

I'll try to call on folks in the order I see "o/"s showing up after the
Q&A session starts.   

Once there are no more "o/"'s in the queue,  we'll end the meeting,
there won't be an any other business topic, etc.

Suggestions on improving the above conventions are most welcome.

I'll paste the above into the channel at the start of the meeting as
well so folks have it handy.

Thank you for your help in trying out this experiment.


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