On 5/08/2012 7:11, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> Jim Tarvid <tar...@ls.net> wrote:
>> These two bugs are destroying my equanimity.  I wrote a cron kludge to
>> work
>> around the first but I have to drive to the colo to restart my system.
>> Needless to say I am not a happy Ubuntu Server user
> Not everyone is having these problems. Your complaints are far to generic for 
> anyone to take action on.  For example, I can assure you that logging works 
> just fine after logrorate here.  We need some specifics.

Yes, add at least the bug numbers.

I believe you might be talking about bug 407862
"Messages not being sent to system logs"
It's a rather old bug, and yes, I see it too on all 10.04 LTS servers.

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