Public bug reported:



See for full details.

Bug Fix Update

#1495064    Declare dependency on metadataserver migration 0015 by maasserver
            migration 0121 to allow upgrades from 1.5.4 to 1.8 to work.

#1484696    Fix the issue where the included ':', apache2 wont forward the
            connection (LP: #1484696)

#1489160    WebUI - Fixes autocomplete styling for tagging

#1491898    Add HPDSA hardware drivers to the drivers config

#1491822    Always invoke the init system using the C.UTF-8 locale.

#1471946    Restart maas-clusterd in the event of startup failure due to
            missing /var/lib/maas/secret

#1483273    Use Cluster's name instead of DNS name for the WebUi.

#1504971    Internal Server Error when trying to configure a cluster interface
            in wily.


See for full details.

Bug Fix Update

#1484696    Regenerate the connection URL on websocket client reconnect, to fix
            CSRF after upgrade to 1.8.1.

#1445942    Validate the osystem and distro_series when using the deploy action,
            which fixes win2012r2 deployment issues.

#1481940    Fix failure in MAAS startup messages by not generating dhcpd config
            files when they are not in use.

#1459865    Fix enlistment to always use the correct kernel parameters.


See for full details.

Bug Fix Update

#1481118    Add --username to maas-region-admin apikey command docs.

#1472707    Add ListBootImagesV2 RPC command. Fallback to using ListBootImages 
            when the ListBootImagesV2 is not handled on the cluster.

#1470591    Fix setting the default_distro_series over the API.

#1413388    Fix upgrade issue where it would remove custom DNS config,
potentially breaking DNS

#1317705    Commissioning x86_64 node never completes, sitting at grub
prompt, pserv py tbs

#1389007    Power monitor service hits amp.TooLong errors with > ~600
nodes to a cluster

#1436279    Websocket server accessed over port 5240

#1469305    If hostname not set, sudo warning make maas throw 500

#1470585    Can't set a list of forwarders (BIND config)

#1469846    UCS chassis enlist Failed to probe and enlist UCS nodes:
list index out of range

#1470276    Add cisco snic to 3rd party driver

#1402042    console= parameters need to be added before -- on kernel

#1465722    [UI] Machine details styling

#1465737    [UI] Actions design styles

#1465740    [UI] Replace close "X" with correct versions

#1465742    [UI] Table design styles

#1470389    [UI] Make table heading hover consistant with nodes/devices

#1470395    [UI] adding between node name and save button inconsistent

#1459710    [UI] "Set zone" label oddly placed on node listing page


Important announcements

**Region Controller now running on twisted.**
 The MAAS Region Controller is now running as a twisted daemon. It is
 no longer dependent on Apache in order to run. The MAAS Region
 controller is now controlled by ``maas-regiond`` upstart job or systemd
 unit. The ``maas-regiond`` daemon is available in port ``5240``.

**Firewall ports for Region and Cluster controller communication**
 The communication between Region and Cluster controller is now limited
 to use the ports between ``5250`` and ``5259``. For all of those users who
 are using a remote cluster (not running on the same machine as the
 MAAS Region Controller), need to ensure that these ports are open in
 the firewall.

Major new features

**Web UI Re-design**
 MAAS now includes a newly re-designed Web UI. The new Web UI features
 a new design and a lot of usability improvements.  Some of the UI new
 features include:

 * Live Updating

   The new UI now allows users to view the current status of the
   various nodes of MAAS in real-time and without having to manually
   refresh the browser.

 * Bulk Actions

   Quickly select multiple nodes or devices and perform actions. If
   nodes or devices are not in a state where that action can be
   performed MAAS will alert you to the machines allowing you to
   modify your selection before performing the action.

 * Live Searching

   View the matching nodes or devices as you search. Just type and the
   nodes will start to filter, no reloading or waiting for the page to

 * Better Filtering

   Easily filter through the list of nodes and devices in MAAS to find
   the specific nodes that match your search. Examples:

   * All nodes that are Ready and have at least 2 disks::

      status:Ready disks:2

   * All nodes that are not Ready::


   * All nodes that have Failed to complete an action::


   * All nodes that are deployed but their power is off::

      status:Deployed power:off

 * Node & Storage Tag Management

   Administrators can now add and remove tags for both Machine and
   Storage. This is now possible via the Web UI from the `Node Details`

 * Add Chassis

   A new `Add Chassis` feature has been added to the UI. This is an
   option of `Add Hardware`.  This not only allows administrators to
   add machines that belong to a single chassis, but also allows
   administrators to add Virtual Machines for both KVM and VMWare
   based products.

**Support for Devices**
 MAAS adds a new concept for a different type of machines, called
 `Devices`. `Devices` are machines that MAAS does not fully manage;
 this means that MAAS can not power manage nor properly control.
 `Devices` are machines in the Network that MAAS can provide network
 services for (DHCP/DNS), or can track for inventory.

 Administrators can assign three different types of IP Address to a

 * `External`, which can be any IP address on the network.
 * `Static`, which can be selected manually or automatically, and
   belongs to Subnetwork that MAAS can control.
 * `Dynamic`, any IP address that is automatically assigned by MAAS
   via DHCP. MAAS will automatically create a DNS mapping for any of
   the IP addresses belonging to a Device.

**Storage Discovery**
 Storage that is attached to a node in MAAS is now a first class
 citizen. Easily view and filter nodes based on the number of disks
 and the size of each disk attached to a node. Information retrieved
 from a storage device includes its name, model, serial, size,
 block size, and extra information that is applied to a storage device
 as a tag. MAAS will auto tag devices including tags for solid state
 device (ssd), rotary, rpm speed, and connected bus.

**Twisted Daemons**
 The MAAS Region Controller no longer requires an Apache frontend. It
 is still used by default to be backward compatible, but the MAAS
 Region Controller is now a standalone Twisted process (the twisted
 daemon for the Cluster Controller, ``maas-clusterd``, was introduced
 in MAAS 1.7). The MAAS Region Controller is now ``maas-regiond``.

 Starting from MAAS 1.8 the Region Controller and Cluster Controller
 are noq controlled only by two daemons. (``maas-regiond`` and
 ``maas-clusterd`` respectively)

**DB Isolation**
 Previously PostgreSQL was used in the default READ COMMITTED
 transaction  isolation mode. It has now been increased to
 REPEATABLE READ. PostgreSQL thus provides extra support to ensure
 that changes in MAAS are logically consistent, a valuable aid in a
 busy distributed system.

**VMware support**
 VMware products are now supported in MAAS. This allows MAAS to register
 all the Virtual Machines that the VMWare product is running (or a subset
 whose name matches a specified prefix), set them up to PXE boot, and
 configure them for power management.

 This feature requires the ``python-pyvmomi`` package to be installed.
 (This is a suggested package, so be sure to use ``--install-suggests`` on
 your ``apt-get`` command line when installing the MAAS cluster, or install
 it manually.)

 The following VMware products have been tested: vSphere Hypervisor 5.5,
 ESXi 5.5, and Workstation 11. This feature supports both i386 and amd64
 virtual machines.

Minor notable changes
**RPC Communication & Ports**
 RPC communication between the Region Controller and the
 Cluster Controller has now been limited to use the ports between 5250
 and 5259, inclusive.

**Discovered virtual machine names are imported into MAAS**
 When using the new `Add Chassis` functionality (or the
 ``probe_and_enlist`` API), virtual machines (VMs) imported into MAAS will
 now use the names defined within the Hypervisor as hostnames in MAAS.
 This feature works with KVM (virsh or PowerKVM) and VMWare VMs.

 The names of the virtual machines will be converted into valid
 hostnames, if possible. For example, if a VM called `Ubuntu 64-bit`
 is imported, it will become `ubuntu-64-bit`.

 Note that only the hostname portion of the name is used. For example,
 if a VM is called ``, only the “mass1” portion of the
 name will be used as the node name. (The cluster configuration
 determines the remainder of the DNS name.)

**Virtual machine boot order is now set automatically**
 When using the new `Add Chassis` functionality (or the
 `probe_and_enlist` API) to add KVM or VMware virtual machines, MAAS
 will automatically attempt to set each virtual machine’s boot order so
 that the network cards (PXE) are attempted first. (This increases the
 repeatability of VM deployments, because a VM whose boot order is
 incorrectly set may work *once*, but subsequently fail to deploy.)

**Systemd Support**
 MAAS now supports systemd, allowing all of the MAAS daemons to run
 with Systemd, if the Ubuntu system is running systemd by default
 instead Upstart. These daemons include ``maas-regiond``,
 ``maas-clusterd``, ``maas-dhcpd``, ``maas-dhcpd6``, ``maas-proxy``.

**Upstart & Systemd improvements**
 Both Upstart Jobs and Systemd Units now run and supervise various
 instances of the ``maas-regiond`` in order to be able to effectively
 handle all requests.

Known Problems & Workarounds

**Disk space is not reclaimed when MAAS boot images are superseded**
 Whenever new boot images are synced to ``maas-regiond``, new large
 objects in the database are created for them, which may replace older
 versions of the same image (for the specified version/architecture
 combination). Unfortunately, the standard postgresql `autovacuum`
 does not remove large objects that are no longer used; a
 “full vacuum” is required for this. Therefore, a new command has
 been introduced which will run the appropriate postgresql vacuum
 command (See bug `1459876`_)::

        maas-region-admin db_vacuum_lobjects

 This command should be run with care (ideally, during a scheduled
 maintenance period), since it could take a long time (on the order
 of minutes) if there are a large number of superseded images.

.. _1459876:

**MAAS logs to maas.log.1 instead of maas.log**
 The `/var/log/maas/maas.log` is a rsyslog based log file, that gets
 rotated in the form of `maas.log.1`, `maas.log.2.gz`, etc. In one
 situation it has been seen that `maas.log` is empty, and rsyslog
 was sending logs to `maas.log.1` instead. This has been identified
 as an issue in rsyslog rather than maas. See bug `1460678`_.

.. _1460678:

Major bugs fixed in this release

See for full details.

#1185455    Not obvious how to search nodes along a specific axis, or
multiple axes

#1277545    Node list sort order not maintained

#1300122    No way to get the version of the MAAS server through the API

#1315072    Finding BMC IP address requires clicking "Edit node" in Web

#1329267    CLI does not tell users to issue a "refresh" when the API
gets out of date

#1337874    Re-commissioning doesn't detect NIC changes

#1352923    MAAS 1.8 requires arbitrary high-numbered port connections
between cluster and region controllers

#1384334    Dnssec failures cause nodes to be unable to resolve external

#1402100    Nodes can be in Ready state without commissioning data, if
you mark a node in 'failed commisioning', broken and then fixed.

#1412342    Maas.log only contains cluster logs

#1424080    Deployment Failed -- Failed to get installation results

#1432828    MAAS needs to write power off jobs to to systemd units
instead of upstart

#1433622    Maas cluster name should not / can not have trailing '.'

#1433625    'APIErrorsMiddleware' object has no attribute

#1435767    Retry mechanism fails with oauth-authenticated requests

#1436027    Interfaces does not have entry for eth0

#1437388    exceptions.AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no
attribute 'is_superuser'

#1437426    No view for loading page or notification for connection

#1438218    django.db.transaction.TransactionManagementError: raised
when deploying multiple nodes in the UI

#1438606    Releasing node not transitioned to "Failed releasing"

#1438808    Network and storage tables on node details page mis-aligned
in Firefox

#1438842    Cannot add an extra NIC

#1439064    Title of individual commissioning result page is permanently

#1439159    maas packaging in vivid needs to prevent isc-dhcpd and
squid3 from running

#1439239    MAAS API node details failures

#1439322    Simultaneous IP address requests with only one succeeding

#1439339    "Choose power type" dropdown broken in FF

#1439359    When upgrading to MAAS 1.7 from MAAS 1.5, MAAS should
trigger the image import automatically.

#1439366    MAAS 1.7 should be backwards compatible with 1.5 the preseed
naming convention

#1440090    NIC information (networks / PXE interface) get's lost due to
re-discovering NIC's during commissioning

#1440763    Rregiond.log Tracebacks when trying to deploy 42 nodes at a

#1440765    oauth.oauth.OAuthError: Parameter not found: %s' % parameter

#1441002    Maas api "device claim-sticky-ip-address" fails with "500:
'bool' object has not attribute 'uuid'".

#1441021    No IP validation

#1441399    Socket.error: [Errno 92] Protocol not available

#1441610    Machines get stuck in releasing for a long time

#1441652    502 Proxy Error when trying to access MAAS in browser

#1441756    Manager service is not sending limit to region

#1441841    Can't add a device that has IP address that it is within the
wider range MAAS manages, but not within Dynamic/Static range MAAS

#1441933    Internal Server Error when saving a cluster without Router

#1442059    Failed deployment/release timeout

#1442162    Spurious test failure:

#1443344    MAAS node details page shows BMC password in cleartext

#1443346    utils.fs.atomic_write does not preserve file ownership

#1443709    Error on request (58) node.check_power

#1443917    IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique
constraint "maasserver_componenterror_component_key",
(component)=(clusters) already exists

#1445950    Proxy error when trying to delete a windows image

#1445959    Deploying a different OS from node details page yields in
always deploying ubuntu

#1445994    Add Devices button has disappeared

#1445997    Clicking on a device takes be back to node details page

#1446000    MAC is not shown in device list

#1446810    Too Many Open Files in maas.log

#1446840    Internal server error saving the clusters interfaces

#1447009    Combo loader crash when requesting JS assets

#1447208    deferToThread cannot wait for a thread in the same

#1447736    Node isn't removed from the node listing when it becomes

#1447739    Node isn't added to the node listing when it becomes visible

#1449011    maas root node start distro_series=precise on a non-
allocated node returns wrong error message

#1449729    Nodes fail to commission

#1450091    tgt does not auto-start on Vivid

#1450115    django.db.utils.OperationalError raised when instantiating

#1450488    MAAS does not list all the tags

#1451852    Legacy VMware "add chassis" option should be removed

#1451857    Probe-and-enlist for VMware needs to update VM config to use
PXE boot

#1453730    Commissioning script contents is shown under other settings

#1453954    500 error reported to juju when starting node - "another
action is already in progress for that node"

#1455151    Adding one device on fresh install shows as two devices
until page refresh

#1455643    Regression: Node listing extends past the edge of the screen

#1456188    Auto image import stacktraces

#1456538    Package install fails with "invoke-rc.d: unknown initscript,
/etc/init.d/maas-regiond-worker not found."

#1456698    Unable to deploy a node that is marked fixed when it is on

#1456892    500 error: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'key_required'
referenced before assignment

#1456969    MAAS cli/API: missing option set use-fast-installer / use-

#1457203    Usability - Enter key in search field should not reset view
and filter

#1457708    Cluster gets disconnected after error:
provisioningserver.service_monitor.UnknownServiceError: 'maas-dhcpd' is
unknown to upstart.

#1457786    Test suite runs sudo commands

#1458894    Cluster image download gives up and logs an IOError too soon

#1459380    MAAS logs 503 spurious errors when the region service isn't
yet online

#1459607    Spurious test:

#1459876    When MAAS Boot Images are Superseded, Disk Space is not

#1460485    MAAS doesn't transparently remove multiple slashes in URLs

#1461181    Too many open files, after upgrade to rc1

#1461256    Filter by node broken in Chromium - angular errors in java
script console

#1461977    Unused "Check component compatibility and certification"
field should be removed

#1462079    Devices can't add a device with a Static IP address outside
of dyanmic/static range

#1462320    eventloop table is out of date

#1462507    BlockDevice API is not under the nodes endpoint

** Affects: maas (Ubuntu)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Affects: maas (Ubuntu Trusty)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Affects: maas (Ubuntu Vivid)
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

** Also affects: maas (Ubuntu Trusty)
   Importance: Undecided
       Status: New

** Also affects: maas (Ubuntu Vivid)
   Importance: Undecided
       Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Server Team, which is subscribed to maas in Ubuntu.

  [SRU] MAAS 1.8.3

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