P.S. Also, are you installing the Ubuntu Studio distribution? If so, bear in mind that, in the near future, Ubuntu Studio will be moving away from its current GUI, XFCE, and adopting KDE. There is a recommendation on the Ubuntu Studio blog to install Kubuntu and then install the Ubuntu Studio environment package, which will layer Ubuntu Studio over the top of KDE. KDE is a really excellent GUI. You'll be a bit more "future-proof" that way (although both KDE and XFCE can be installed as a second GUI on a system, but it takes up more disk space).

All best wishes,

On 2020-06-19 09:55, Dave at Dalek Zone wrote:
Hi Andy,

At boot time, when you hit a black screen with the command prompt, it
means Linux couldn't find a bootable disk. I'm not an expert at all,
but I'm guessing it's because you're trying to use the USB hard disk
and, at that stage of the boot process, it isn't yet mounted maybe. Or
it is mounted, but is not formatted as a bootable medium.

Maybe someone with deeper knowledge than me might join the thread.

This is the Ubuntu Studio mailing list, and you might do better to try
the general Ubuntu users list, where there will be more readers.

Often, another faster way to get help is to join one of the Ubuntu IRC
channels on freenode.net, or one of the Ubuntu-related Matrix channels
on riot.im. There, you can get "real-time' help (if you have a second
computer so that you can still be online while doing the actual

I'm not familiar with Mac, so I'm not sure why the Ubuntu installer
failed to see your Mac OS on the internal disk. I know it does with
Windows, for instance.

The best advice I can offer is to renounce the idea of using the WD
USB disk and, instead, use that disk to back up all your data from
your Mac OS.

Then one way forward might be to delete the Mac OS, install Ubuntu
(leaving, for instance, half the disk space free), and then re-install
the Mac OS afterwards... But this is just a suggestion to consider...

When setting up a Windows/Ubuntu dual-boot system, the trick is to
install Windows first, and then install Ubuntu AFTERWARDS (which is
the opposite of what I just suggested...) That way, Windows installs,
thinking it has the whole system to itself. Then Ubuntu installs
afterwards but sees your existing Windows system, and sets up a
boot-time menu that gives you the choice of which OS to boot.

I would have thought that it would be the same procedure with a Mac,
but you say Ubuntu wanted to simply use the entire disk... Did you
just leave free space or your disk? Or did you actually create an
empty partition in that space? It might work better if you create the
empty partition. Then Ubuntu might see it.

Again, I'm not an expert, so maybe someone more knowledgeable may
speak up. Anyway, hope this helps. :-)

All best wishes,

On 2020-06-19 09:14, András wrote:
Hi, Dave & Erich,

thanks for trying to help! The issues you mention I shall probably
encounter in a next step when I can bring my installed Ubuntu system
to boot. For now, it won't start on the second intent after the
initial installation which went fine. Now, when choosing the Ubuntu
disk as a startup I get a black screen with some text and a prompt to
type something. This looks like to me like a Console for which to
react I ought to enter a command but I don’t know what. In short: I
can’t boot my installed system at all whether fast or slow.

By the way when installing it I also thought that the Mac’s internal
HD would be more convenient so I made a 70 GB partition there. I had
the intention to install Ubuntu onto this partition. But when given
the choice of where to make the installation, this partition was not
recognised. In stead I was given the option of using the whole 500 GB
HD for the installation and before that all the presently existing
data on it would be wiped clean. I can’t afford to lose that so I had
to back out of the installation process and finally only an external
HD formatted in MS-DOS was recognised and offered as a site for

Of course, I know that an SSD drive (internal or external) would be
speedier than a USB HD. But for now I am trying to get by with what I
have. After all, I am starting to get to know Ubuntu and before
deciding to use it permanently I don’t want to make new investments in

So, for now, I am still waiting on help to boot the installed Ubuntu
system. Thanks!


On 2020. Jun 18., at 19:40, Dave at Dalek Zone <d...@dalek.zone> wrote:


I've no experience with Linux on Mac, but - as a general rule - I'd advise against trying to install the standard desktop Ubuntu on an external USB hard disk. It's likely to be too slow and you'll probably have performance issues. Either you should take the trouble to resize the partitioning of your internal HD with the Mac OS and then install Ubuntu alongside it. Or else you could consider making a live USB of Linux with persistent storage. That latter solution is designed and optimized to run on a USB stick and works pretty well.

I can't say why your current Linux on the external drive is not working. Maybe someone else is more knowledgeable.

All best wishes,

On 2020-06-18 11:45, András wrote:
I am a Mac user for a few decades now and I am looking for ways to
escape from that system. On a friend’s recommendation I am now
investigating Ubuntu Studio 20.04 LTS.
I am a complete beginner in Ubuntu, so my idea is to set up an Ubuntu
system on a separate media but for now continue to use Apple’s High
Sierra (OS 10.13.6) the last compatible OS with my Mac Mini Mid 2011.
I have found an article on the web about installing dual systems on
the Mac which I tried to follow. The media which I chose for keeping
the Ubuntu system is a WD 2 TB external HD USB. For starting I used a
32 GB USB Stick.
To get the downloaded iso file onto the Stick I had to burn it with
BalenaEtcher. It then started up fine form the Stick. When I had a
choice to install Ubuntu permanently I chose the 2 TB HD and finished
the installation there. After playing around and discovering the way
Ubuntu works I switched back to Mac OS.
When I wanted to start Ubuntu again the next day from the 2 TB HD, it
wouldn’t go beyond an initial black screen with text, awaiting some
command. I never got as far as the Ubuntu logo.
What am I doing wrong or not doing that impedes the start up of the
installed system from the HD?
I’d very much appreciate your help. After the initial joy about the
new system it’s now total frustration. By the way, I am not a
programmer or computer geek, as you may have noticed, so I’d
appreciate some idiot-proof advice. Thanks!

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