RE: mastering

2009-12-09 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 You really should check-out Ardour. It can do all this and more and despite 
 the myths that are stalking the net it offers a friendly, intuitive GUI to 
 do all this as easy as possible for such a complicated task.
I'll try Ardour, but it might be a bit too complicated for this particular 
task. (I keep mixing and mastering completely separate.) Still, if it gets the 
job done...
It would be nice if you could do this in Audacity, since it's pretty good for 
two-track editing. Oh, well. Time to file another feature request, I suppose.
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RE: Plugin GUI's and Ubu love

2009-12-07 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 Just a quick note, Karlheinz. There IS a Linux standard for plug-in GUIs. It 
 is called LV2 ( It is fairly new, but seems to be 
 promising. I've used some LV2 plug-ins, and they're pretty cool.
This is good news. I heard some vague rumblings about this a while ago, but I 
didn't know it was actually happening.
Hopefully a lot of software will implement it soon. If I actually get good at 
C++, maybe I'll even try my hand at porting a few open-source VST's.
There was this guy named Richard Brooks, who created a bunch of knob and slider 
images (for a Win program called SynthEdit, which I still use). His site's gone 
now, but I still have those images somewhere. Maybe I can convince him to make 
them CC, if I can find him...
Speaking of Windows programs, there's a feature I use in WaveLab that I haven't 
been able to find in any FOSS software. That program has something called a 
master section, which is basically just a bunch of slots for plugins. They 
all effect the sound in real-time, and when you've tweaked them to your liking, 
you hit a button called Render and it processes the active wave files in 
I know about stuff like JackRack, but AFAIK you can't render to a wave file 
except in real time. Also, using Audacity, you can only render one effect at a 
time, and you can't listen to it in real time (e.g. to edit the file with the 
effects on). Anyone know of a tool that does this? It makes mastering a lot 
 I kind of hope the 'nick' sticks: UbuStu (perhaps it has been used before, 
 but this is the first time I have noticed it(?).
I'm not the one who came up with it, but I don't remember who did. I like the 
Pere Ubu connotations.
And, thanks for the kind words.
I'm deliberately avoiding writing about the whole Linux usability stance. I 
think by now I've made whatever point I could make.
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RE: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 7

2009-12-06 Thread Karlheinz Noise

Hey, all. I guess I've helped open up a can of worms here. Sorry about that. I 
do want to reply, but I should preface this by saying that this is not any sort 
of personal criticism against UbuStu or any of the people involved in the 
distro. I'm only starting to code, and I'm only beginning to understand the 
hard work and headaches that are involved in something like UbuStu, so a big 
THANK YOU to all that make it happen.
Now, to the replies...
 Also I read that we should look at the MACintosh to see how it works, 
 because everyone in the industry use it for years, and it is solid etc...
If you're making an A/V distro, it makes sense that you should know what most 
A/V users use, and why they use them. Simple, really. And why they use those 
tools really boils down to two things: ease of use, and stability... which are 
intimately related.
 Well This is a little bit disturbing indeed, because, normally there are 
 very few inputs to the DEV team. very few ideas and test cases etc. But i 
 see a lot of people complaining. And this nobody can deny. Peple come and 
 just complain, instead of describing the error or the feature etc.
If a user is complaining, it means that you're not doing your job as a 
programmer - simple as that. To everyone's credit, the usual response is not 
shut up, but give me more details. Anyone who's been on this list for a 
while knows that I started out being a total asshat (yes, even more than now), 
but calmed down when I actually received help. That's usually the way it goes, 
and ignoring the complainers will just lead to more complaining.
 So instead of flaming the linux geeks about the suposed easy of use and 
 the features needed I propose to make a list of ideas and features to bring 
 to Ubuntustudio.
I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. I've given some general opinions, 
so I'll get more specific:
- UbuStu should ideally run perfectly on install, without having to know about 
any config file editing or command-line use whatsoever. If a user has to take 
their hand off the mouse, you've failed.
- A/V is unfortunately not very open source at the moment, so should allow for 
easy installation of stuff that is not open. Obviously it wouldn't be included 
in the distro, but at some point in the setup non-open programs should be made 
available. One obvious example is to install Wine and auto-config it to use 
VST's out of the box.
- Documentation should be easily available, possibly as a seperate listing in 
the UbuStu launch menu. It should be trivial to RTFM.
- With the exception of non-distributable programs (i.e. stuff that's not 
open), everything should be available without an internet connection. (Many 
folks use audio programs in a computer in their practice space; even if not, it 
avoids the numerous problems with wireless cards and Linux.)
- System requirements, details of which programs are installed by default, and 
links to individual programs' documentation/forums/mailing lists, should be 
exactly one click away from the index page on the website... not buried 
somewhere in the wiki where the average user won't find it. (What's your web 
backend? I know from experience that there are a lot of web designers who want 
to beef up their resumes, so this is one area where you should be able to get a 
fair amount of help.)
- Ouside of UbuStu, or any specific distro: The development of a standard for 
LADSPA GUI programming. Perhaps something like the Java VM for audio GUI's. The 
success of VST's had a lot to do with being able to control the plugin's look 
and feel, and in that regard, everything Linux is at least ten years behind the 
- Greater outreach to people who devlop on non-Linux systems. The folks over at 
Smartelectronix have developed a ton of VST's for free, and many have shared 
source code. Their plugins are also consistently high in quality, some 
surpassing commercial plugins. (Listen to the Asynth filters if you don't 
believe me.) People like that would be outstanding to have on the Linux team.
- I'm actually becoming enamored of the W3C approach to audio standards. I know 
that the developers of UbuStu, Studio64, ArtistX, etc. are in pretty close 
contact, but how much do you guys actually share code? Have you considered 
teaming up to form a Linux audio standards body? Would there be any chance at 
all of a cross-platform audio standard like there is for web standards? (Yeah, 
I know it's not likely, but a guy can dream, can't he?)
 The bottom line is that, by its very nature, F/OSS developers have _no_ 
 responsibility to the end-user community, whatever that may be. None! Zarro! 
 Zilch!! Open Source is developed in the context of a gift economy.
This statement really surprises me, as it would also surprise businesses like 
Sun or IBM (or even Microsoft, who are trying to get into the open source 
game). Even Richard Stallman doesn't like open to be confused with 
Leaving that aside, if you're not writing 

RE: waiting for professional grade

2009-12-05 Thread Karlheinz Noise

Hey, I know I'm not exactly a power user on this list, but I thought I'd chime 
in. Obviously this is all just my opinion.
Mostly I agree with everything Brian David said, but I'd like to elaborate.
 First, there is the contradictory thought process that wonders why more 
 people don't contribute to projects like this, while at the same time 
 frowning on people who complain about a tough user experience and telling 
 them to just learn the 'right' way or whatnot.
This is important. I blame the fact that the Linux community has too large of a 
programmer-to-user ratio. That's completely understandable for any sort of DIY 
community, but if any variety of GNU/Linux wants to break out of its niche 
market, it needs to explicitly change its goals to attract a user base that is 
less computer literate.
There are reasons for that relative computer illiteracy, and they are not bad 
ones. For instance: If you tell a recording engineer to just learn the task the 
right way, are you going to pay them $100/hour to do it? That's how much 
they'd lose in studio time.
 developers really need to consider the type of experience that the average 
 user is going to expect, and in the case of this project, the average 
 audio/visual designer.
Bingo. Because it's geared towards A/V users, Ubuntu Studio needs to be even 
more user-friendly than vanilla Ubuntu. So simple, even Ted Nugent can use it.
Here's one suggestion: Stop thinking about Linux vs. Windows, and start 
thinking about Linux vs. Mac. For at least ten years, NOBODY in the A/V 
industry used Windows. Even today, almost all my musician friends use a Mac if 
they have a choice.
Another suggestion: Stop thinking of A/V programs as computer programs. Get up 
from your computer, and go browse the shelves of Guitar Center. Remember back 
in the 80's, when digital synths were coming around? Remember having to scroll 
through all those menus on your DX7 or K2000? That interface style is mostly 
gone now, and there's a very good reason for that.
 However, this isn't just any project, this is a derivative of Ubuntu, a 
 distribution that has the reputation of being THE user-friendly LInux distro.
And one which has entirely the right idea. Think of how many Linux users y'all 
know personally. How many of them use Ubuntu (or a derivative) vs. any other 
distro? I don't know the official numbers, but ALMOST ALL of my Linux-using 
friends use Ubuntu, and the main reason is user-friendliness.
That's why I'm so distressed when I hear all these reports about RT kernal 
bugs, having to edit config files, setting up user groups, etc. The whole idea 
behind Ubuntu was that the average user would never have to worry about any of 
these things. It's also the reason I haven't upgraded from 8.10.
I know this would take a huge amount of work, but have y'all considered 
branching from Ubuntu altogether? A lot of these bugs seem to happen because 
UbuStu needs to keep up with Ubuntu's (rather rapid) release schedule. That 
way, you could focus less on keeping up with the Joneses, and focus on 
releasing only after the system is rock-hard stable.
Thinking about an even bigger picture, has anyone suggested forming a standards 
body for audio programming? That way, everything could be designed to work 
together a lot better. I'm thinking a sort of W3C for audio.
Like I said, this is just talk on my part. Feel free to reject any or all of 
what I just said.
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RE: Audiophile 2496 on 9.10 beta

2009-10-05 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 Does anyone have sound on M-Audio Audiophile 2496 (ice1712) ?

Are you asking about the card's compatibility with UbuStu in general, or its 
compatibility with 9.10 in particular?

I have that card on my UbuStu box, but I'm still running 8.04. No problems that 
I can determine, and I've used it for quite a while. Though, I haven't tested 
the MIDI ports yet, I'm just using it for audio.

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RE: Ubuntu-Studio-users Digest, Vol 26, Issue 21

2009-06-29 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 My current setup is dual boot between Windows XP 64, (which I currently use
 most), and 64 bit Vista, (which I use rarely).

If you are going to get rid of one of the Windows installs (which I recommend - 
Vista is utter crap), then you should be VERY careful.

The Windows bootloader MUST be on the primary boot partition, or it will NOT 
work. Result: to get Windows back  you have to re-install EVERYTHING - 
including Ubuntu. (This happened to me.)

Make sure you know which Windows OS is on the primary boot partition, and leave 
it there.

 Looking at what happens when the system starts up, it first of all goes into
 the Asus Express Gate, then does a normal boot, offering me a choice of XP
 or Vista via what appears to be called Windows Boot Manager.

The Asus Express Gate is probably the BIOS loader, FWIW. Windows Boot Manager 
is essentially GRUB for Windows.

 Does the 64 bit install know about this boot manager, and can it integrate
 the new boot option with it successfully?

I don't run 64-bit, but as long as you follow the above advice, GRUB and the 
Ubuntu installer should work just fine. If you're feeling paranoid, you could 
follow the advice in this column:

One other piece of advice: At this point, stick with Ubuntu Studio 8.04.1. 
There are issues with 9.04.


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RE: More suggestions...

2009-04-14 Thread Karlheinz Noise

  - A live DVD would really help snip
 Use the Ubuntu one. Having Studio live disks introduces more work on the
 teams part as well as increased strain on Canonical resources.

Fair enough. I ask because (if memory serves) some users reported the RT kernel 
screwing with system devices. Haven't seen those reports in a while, so maybe 
that's not an issue right now.

 - A question: Is the UbuStu .iso compatible with wubi? snip
 It does, but as the system  suffers from a decreased performance due to
 using the loopback mounted filesystem we decided we didn't want Studio
 presented that way.

It would still be good for users who want to explore UbuStu, but still need 
Windows/OSX while they're climbing the learning curve. You could also suggest 
that to users who want a live DVD.


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More suggestions...

2009-04-13 Thread Karlheinz Noise

Sorry, I just thought of a couple things I didn't include in the last post...

- A live DVD would really help, especially for users who just want to know if 
their hardware is supported. Most other distros have this, I really believe 
it's a drawback to UbuStu.

- A question: Is the UbuStu .iso compatible with wubi? It would help if it is, 
though wubi might be too young for this to be realistic.


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Re: buy a sound card

2009-02-04 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 what's the main difference between a first price sound card and a
 professionnal one ?

An amateur sound card needs a stereo in/out, for converting tapes and LP's, 
gaming, and the usual computer stuff. You can record with these, but the DAC's 
are usually not so good (though better than even 5 years ago). You do not need 
to have more than 16bit/44.1KHz for these (though if you do, good for you).

Medium soundcards are for non-pro musicians and home studio users. These will 
probably need MIDI, and AT LEAST 24bit/96KHz stereo. Most likely there will 
need to be 4, 8, or 16 discreet channels to hook up to your mixer. This is 
where the majority of Linux users are.

Professional sound cards should be 24bit/192KHz, with oversampling DAC's, 
minimum 8 channels I/O, and ideally include a mixer (motorized faders are 
nice). The computers that run these cards should NEVER be connected to the 
internet, and should have no software on the machine other than what is needed 
to run specific music apps. In other words, it would be a package system. 
Historically, ProTools is the model for this sort of system, but others have 
been tried (e.g. PARIS, MOTU).

Since Cory's suggestions are WAY too cheap, I'll learn ya sum things:

 - what's a cheaper price for an amateur sound card ?

Free with your motherboard/laptop.

 - what's a good price for a medium sound card ?

Anywhere from $100 - $600, depending on your needs.

Stereo I/O with MIDI will be $100-$200, 8 channels I/O will be $300-$600.

 - What's a good price for a professional sound card ?

Over $600. Typically over $1000. Almost none are supported by Linux.

 I need too examples of sound card that runs without any trouble or very
 easily under GNU/Linux,

 for beginners (and cheaper) :

Just make sure Linux supports your motherboard's sound card...

 for medium use, semi-pro :

I personally use the M-Audio Audiophile 2496. M-Audio in general is fairly 
Linux-friendly, and with this soundcard you get stereo I/0 with MIDI for around 
$100. There is also the Audiophile 192 which goes up to 192KHz, for about $80 
more. I have heard terrible things about the USB version, though.

If you want to step up to 8 ins and outs, the PreSonus FP10 (formerly FirePod) 
is listed as reported to work under ffado:

I don't own one, but I have used one, and PreSonus is generally considered very 
good for their DAC's. You can get one for $400 nowadays.

However, the PreSonus only goes up to 96KHz. If you need 192KHz, I'd go with 
the Echo AudioFire 8, which is fully supported:

I haven't used Echo in years, but back in the day they were considered pretty 
top-notch. The AudioFire 8 is around $500 or so. You can also spend an extra 
$100 and step up to the AudioFire 12, which has 12 inputs and outputs.

 for professionnal use :

For Linux? RME. That's about it. However, everyone on this list who has one 
loves theirs. Note that the FireWire versions are NOT supported. Those are way 
out of my price range, so you'll have to ask other people for their 

Also: I have an old Tascam TDM1000 board with an M-Audio TDIF PCI card. I have 
no idea if it's supported or not, since I don't use Linux in my studio. 

But digital boards are also something to consider - and should probably be a 
seperate entry, as they're a different beast than just an audio input. There 
are lots of boards that come with a USB out nowadays (from Mackie and Behringer 
for example), of varying degrees of quality, so perhaps people with those 
boards could chime in as well.

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Re: Selecting Hardware for Music Production

2008-10-23 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 What would be some good internal and external hardware/devices to use
 with a make-shift/budget home recording studio?

One other option to consider: Many mixers nowadays have USB audio built into 
them. Several of the Behringers do this, and there are a couple of flavors of 
Alesis MultiMix mixers also.

If you can up your budget a little bit, Allen and Heath have a nice mixer for 
around $400 that has USB audio:

I do not own any of these however, and I can't tell you how easy these are to 
set up under UbuStu. I know at least one person on this list has one of the 
Alesis mixers - care to chime in?

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RE: M-Audio Fireport Info Request - Also, Free Samples

2008-05-15 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 I'm losing it. It's the ProFire.

There are two ProFire devices listed at FFADO. One is the ProFire Lightbridge, 
which is listed as unknown:

The other is the ProFire 2626, which is not supported:


 Along those lines, Berklee school of music has released
 8.5 gigs of sampled instruments under a CC-BY license:

Just a general FYI - the guy who's behind this is also the guy who developed 

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Re: Yet another Vinyl vs. CD/Digital debate

2008-02-19 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 Thats how they used to do it. Yes, and on some it worked great. The lasers 
 are the modern way of creating it.

Sorry, but you are wrong.

Every single person who presses records, that I know about anyway, use a lathe 
that physically cuts the grooves into the lacquer using a needle connected to 
an amplifier. There is a new method of pressing called Direct Metal 
Mastering, but that just cuts the grooves into a copper plate instead of a 
lacquer - thus saving one step in the plating process, and theoretically losing 
less high end, but at the cost of being able to press fewer records from a 
single master. But DMM uses the same lathes as the lacquer process does.

They used to cut records directly from a microphone (direct-to-disc), but 
they stopped doing that in the 1950's when they invented magnetic tape.

Here are some videos that show how records are made:

How Vinyl Records Are Made PART 1 OF 2 (from the Discovery Channel's How It's 

How Vinyl Records Are Made PART 2 OF 2

How vinyl records Are made (interview with Ron Murphy, RIP)

How a record is made (inside The Cutting Suite, London - this one is kinda 
dumb, I included it to show that they use an regular lathe as well)

Tour of United Record Pressing plant

Command Performance (1942)

See also this thread:

One thing to consider: The idea that vinyl is more of a pure sound than CD 
shows how little anyone knows about audio. The physical properties of vinyl 
definitely color the sound; in order to compensate for this, all audio mastered 
for vinyl must go through a rather extreme equalization process (called the 
RIAA Curve):

In addition, both the upper frequency limit and dynamic range of vinyl are 
lower than can be achieved on a CD:

My favorite vinylphiles are those dorks who believe that it vinyl sounds 
better than CD's when you rip them to 192K MP3. (And don't get me started on 

Now, you may say that records produced on vinyl just sound better than 
records produced on CD. And you're right - they often do. But this isn't the 
fault of the medium; it's the fault of the producers, recording engineers, and 
mastering engineers. Simply put, making a good-sounding record requires years 
of experience, and those who were actually good at it are too used to their 
analog tools to learn digital, so those who do it digitally are constantly 
having to re-invent the wheel.

And that's assuming modern artists are interested at all. The future of music 
resides in bedroom musicians. How many of them want to pay $2000 just to have 
someone master their mixes, when they can do a crappy job with their LADSPA 
plugins (or cracked VST's) for free?

I know I don't.

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RE: FireWire Solo (thomas fisher)

2008-02-04 Thread Karlheinz Noise

 I believe part of the problem is the electronic noise inside the case. Most 
 of the breakout box s are appealing to the higher fidelity users. 

Actually, I think the common belief is that if you're mounting something into a 
PC, it'll be via a PCI card, which has far superior data transfer rates than 
either FireWire or USB. So, the connections would all be on the back, unless 
you get a PC that has a front-facing PCI slot (which I have never seen).

If you are going to go the PCI route, I use and recommend the M-Audio 

FireWire and USB devices seem to be geared toward laptop users and/or live 

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RE: DVD authoring

2007-12-27 Thread Karlheinz Noise

Hello, all. Thought I'd shed some light onto the DVD-authoring quagmire.

The DVD standard requires that video be compressed in MPEG format, and that the 
audio is _usually_ AC3 format. It then has to be containerized into VOB files 
that contain information such as chapters, subtitles, etc.

Although the MPEG standard is open, the actual algorithms used to encode to 
MPEG are not, so any video compression algorithm under a GNU license has to 
start from the ground up. AC3, on the other hand, is not open at all (it's 
copyright Dolby Digital). The licenses for these things are usually included in 
the cost of the software and/or hardware.

In other words, any GNU software that deals with DVD authoring is an uphill 
battle, since it requires working around non-free encoders and whatnot. That's 
why it's pretty far behind on Linux.

(In fact, most OEM versions of Nero won't even do it... you have to get the 
full version, or pay for an encoder. At least that's the way it is with my 

Be prepared to wait a long while before all this gets resolved... and by then, 
of course, consumers will have moved on to Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, both of which are 
proprietary I believe.

Having said all that, it seems like QDVD is the best Linux option... Does 
Ubuntu Studio come with the Qt library already installed? I'm obviously a 
novice at peeking under the hood, so to speak. If it does, I see no reason that 
it shouldn't be included in the distribution. (It's out of beta now, isn't it?)

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Re: What is low spec for you?

2007-12-15 Thread Karlheinz Noise

What I
 have the biggest problem with is the classic newbie who comes along and
 starts bitching about bad performance on the PII-400 he dug out of the closet
 to try Linux on, to see if it was worth the effort before he tries anything
 on his real computer that's way better than mine.

 I've long since been at the point where I lost all sympathy for people like
 that, and I don't even bother to encourage them further anymore.

So I've noticed.

I was one of those newbies, if you might recall. I got checksum errors when I 
tried to even install US on my old Celeron 400, asked why, and nobody gave me 
any help other than Don't bother, get a better machine.

Despite the fact that there is no mention whatsoever on the US site about 
system requirements. None. I just checked again, just now, and if anyone can 
tell me where that is mentioned, I'd like to hear it.

So, I tried installing US on my current working machine... which resulted in a 
reformatted hard drive, lost data, the need to completely re-install Windows 
(GRUB overwrote the MBR), etc etc etc. Essentially I lost a week of computer 
time, which is EXACTLY what I was trying to avoid by doing a dry run on an 
older machine.

I didn't even bother asking for help here, since y'all were so unhelpful in 
general. I did eventually get help - from someone on a forum about industrial 

I should probably point something out to the users of this list: If you are 
doing a distro for artists, then the OS you are really competing with is not 
Windows, it's Macintosh. The reason most artistic people go with Mac's over 
PC's is that they work as promised right out of the box. No tweaking, no having 
to set up soundcards or any of that nonsense; just plug and go. (At least in 

This, in my opinion, should be the goal of any OS geared towards musicians in 
general: it should be totally invisible. That also means that you should 
encourage newbies - because most musicians are, and always will be, computer 
newbies. They SHOULD be - their job is not to run a computer, but to play an 

By the way: I still, to this day, use my 400MHz machine for mastering, since it 
can run WaveLab with one instance of Ozone, and that's really all I need.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm about as pissed off at the above attitude as you 
are at newbies like me.

Off now to try 64 Studio,

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