The /etc/fstab entry that I used with previous versions doesn't work with 18.04.  The following procedure did:

(1)    Create mount point; I used /media/<server>/<smb share>

(2)    chmod 755 <your Ubuntu UID>:<your Ubuntu GID> </media/<server>/<smb share>

(3)    Create a file in your home directory called ".smbcredentials".  Put the following in it:

        username=<your SMB server user name>

        password=<your SMB server password>

        (In my case the Ubuntu and SMB server user name and SMB passwords are the same; I also have same UID and GID on the Ubuntu server as on the FreeBSD server hosting the SMB shares.  Your case may vary)

        Run "chmod 600 ./.smbcredentials to close access to others.

(4)    For each share, add the following to the /etc/fstab file:

//<SMB server IP address>/<smb share> /media/<server>/smb share> cifs credentials=/home/<your Ubuntu user name>/.smbcredentials,uid=<your UID on the SMB server>,gid=<your GID on the SMB server>,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0 0 0

Note that this assumes your server can support NTLM v 1.0 authentication which, if my memory serves me correctly, is not true for recent MS Windows SMB implementations and may not be turned on for recent Samba installations.  However, not using "vers=1.0" didn't work.

(5)    Run "sudo mount -a" to check your /etc/fstab file and correct errors, if any.

There must be a better way of doing this but I haven't found it, yet.  I'm obviously more familiar with the UN*X side than the Ubuntu side so if there are errors here, please correct.

I've found Ubuntu Studio to be blazingly fast on my HP Envy 17T notebook, and the apps have been more reliable than similar or the same app on my desktop (dual boots MS Windows 7 Enterprise and Ubuntu Studio).  The only app I really need for which there isn't a real replacement for me is Sibelius 8 with the AudioScore and PhotoScore options; I am trying to see if I can run them in a "xen" instance.

Mike Squires

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