Hi Pierre Slamich,

That does sound like a but. I would file a bug against ddtp
(https://bugs.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu) and also subscribe ubuntu
translators cooridnators (~ubuntu-translations-coordinators).


Ubuntu Dutch Translators

Pierre Slamich schreef op zo 25-11-2012 om 18:35 [+0100]:
> Hi,
> We noticed something strange in the Ubuntu Software Center and DDTP.
> Gcompris is not translated in the Ubuntu Software Center but it is
> translated in the DDTP by Michael Vogt (ie upstream) 
> - Translated by Michael Vogt on
> 2010-03-18, 
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ddtp-ubuntu/quantal/+pots/ddtp-ubuntu-universe/fr/9569/+translate)
> - Nightmonkey presents gcompris as fully translated:
> http://nightmonkey.ubuntu.hu/#release=quantal&language=fr&view=pack&repo=universe&isok=all&rownumber=100&sortpopcon=dsc&packagename=gcompris&page=null)
> "Language-oriented games Contain vocabulary, sounds, and voices for
> Many different languages, check the gcompris-sound packages for your
> language."
> The string in the Ubuntu Software Center is rewritten and lighter, but
> does not match what is in the DDTP. It seems to me that this is the
> result of the program of string simplification and correction that
> took place some time ago.
> "Language-oriented games now Contain vocabulary for too many languages
> to list them heres. Sounds and voices are disponible for a number of
> languages, check the gcompris-sound packages for your language."
> The modified version does not look available to translation for a few
> packets, those which have been modified. So if we translate them, it
> might serve upstream if the manual sync as suggestions is done but
> definitely not ubuntu as we use a custom version. The question is why
> these modified strings are not translatable. This looks like a bug. Is
> that indeed one ?
> Sincerely,
> Pierre
> Pierre Slamich
> pierre.slam...@gmail.com
> 2012/11/25 Pierre Slamich <pierre.slam...@gmail.com>
>         [17:49] <teolemon> gcompris a pas l'air traduit
>         [17:49] <teolemon> effectivement
>         [17:50] <teolemon> mais la chaine que me présente Enrico
>         [17:50] <teolemon> est réecrite
>         [17:51] <teolemon> Language-oriented games contain vocabulary,
>         sounds, and voices for many different languages; check the
>         gcompris-sound packages for your language.
>         [17:51] <teolemon> VS
>         [17:51] <teolemon> Language-oriented games now contain
>         vocabulary for too many languages to list them heres. Sounds
>         and voices are also available for a number of languages, check
>         the gcompris-sound packages for your language.
>         [17:51] <teolemon> certaines chaines
>         [17:51] <teolemon> pas toutes
>         [17:51] <teolemon> ont été réecrites pour la logithèque
>         [17:51] <teolemon> si mes souvenirs sont bons
>         [17:53] <rickero> ah, donc on perd la traduction d'origine
>         parce que quelqu'un a fait des changements dans ubuntu?
>         [17:53] <teolemon> ce qui m'étonne, c'est que la version
>         modifiée ne soit pas dispo à la traduction
>         [17:53] <teolemon> je pense
>         [17:53] <teolemon> sur quelques paquets
>         [17:53] <teolemon> donc si on traduit, ça servira à amont
>         [17:53] <teolemon> mais pas à ubuntu
>         [17:54] <teolemon> la question, c'est pourquoi ces chaines
>         modifiées ne sont pas traduisibles
>         [17:54] <teolemon> c'est a priori un bogue
>         [17:54] <teolemon> qu'il faut signaler

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