Hello together,

I am sad to announce that I have to remove the language "Estonian" [1] from the "Back In Time" project [2][3] in the coming weeks.

Despite my continuous efforts to attract translators in relevant communities, there has been no progress since I took over the translation subproject about 2 years ago. The translation progress for this language remains stuck at 31% (of ~370 strings).

I'm member of the maintenance team of "Back In Time" a rsync-based backup software. No one gets payed. No company behind hit. Even the maintainers and developers are volunteers.

If one of you want to jump in, please let me know if and how you want to be mentioned in the credits as a translator. It is up to you if you want to use your real name, your email or something else. We do have an extra file [4] listing contributions to the translation. The content of that file will be used in the about dialog for example.

We appreciate your help. Don't hesitate to ask.

Christian Buhtz on behalf of the The Back In Time team

[1] -- <https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/backintime/common/et/>
[2] -- <https://github.com/bit-team/backintime>
[3] -- <https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/backintime>
[4] -- <https://github.com/bit-team/backintime/blob/dev/TRANSLATIONS>

FYI: X-Post to debian-l10n-finn...@lists.debian.org, ubuntu-l10n-...@lists.ubuntu.com, debian-i...@lists.debian.org

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