Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Sean Miller
Alan Pope wrote:
 My local LUG meets are great fun. They are a tremendously social event with 
 a lot of chat and general shooting the breeze.

 The tech stuff can get deep but it's not like you have to sit and talk to 
 someone about the subtleties of one kernel config parameter over another, 
 you can just go and talk to someone else if you're getting geeked at.
LUGoG meetings are generally good fun and fairly light hearted... 
there's access to a kitchen and a kettle at the hall in which we meet, 
so it's all quite sociable...

Whilst I've seen conflict on the e-mail list associated with the group 
(though rarely!) I've never seen conflict at the actual meetings... 
everybody gets on like a house on fire... (famous last words, the next 
will no doubt now descend into chaos on principle, lol!)

The advantage that LUGoG has over e-mail mutual support lists is that 
people can actually bring their equipment to the meeting and people can 
help them fix their issues there and then... rather than saying type 
this... type that... it should say this... then type this and it will be 
fixed and get the reply but it didn't say that! it said 'failed to 
find library xxhdy1kdh3 in kernel module dhjsdh234gd.j34h1gd.4' etc. 
etc... things can be resolved there and then, or if not a member will 
volunteer to meet the person again (perhaps at home if, for example, 
it's a broadband issue that can't be replicated at the meeting) and 
it'll get sorted one way or another.

Andrew Walrond, the creator of the Heretix distro, has been doing a 
lot of presentations lately at the more structured 2nd Tuesday meeting 
and they are of a very high quality. Demonstrating ways to share one's 
desktop over the web is useful too, because it means that people on the 
group can help out others on the group directly rather than in the 
aforementioned I suggest you do that style... can I just log into 
your machine, please, and take a look then I'll get back to you is far 
more constructive... the in person meetings help to build that trust 
that is likely to have a member say sure!... and then things move...

Just my thoughts on this particular discussion.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu-uk graphics

2007-03-29 Thread Matthew East
On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 09:21 +0100, Chris Rowson wrote:
  Not really a turnaround. The trademark policy is quite clear on
  modifying the logo.
  Those have been the same since at least 2005, probably longer.
 In which case nowt has changed then ;-)
 So there should be no problem with submitting modified graphics to
 Canonical for approval :-P

You're not reading any of the links I've posted. At the above link,
under Logo Standards, it explains in detail what Canonical would
prefer you to do in relation to the logo, and that includes not
modifying it except in the ways stipulated. So does Matthew's email that
I linked to earlier in the thread.

However, as we've all said on this thread already, Canonical are quite
nice about the issue in general. These are intended to be guidelines,
which we should follow, rather than some kind of dictatorial stance.

I don't really see how this issue is complicated!!

gnupg pub 1024D/0E6B06FF


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Ben Thorp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 29/03/2007 02:02:16:

 On 29/03/07, Pete Ryland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a free (IIRC) event with a great mix of fun and energetic
 talks, social time, and stall
 Nope, not free. It costs, but you can email them and ask for a
 concession and if your reason is funny/odd enough, you get one.

Let's put this into perspective. It's _not_ free, but the full ticket 
price is only £5, which might as well be free ;) The concession price is 
£3, and they've yet to refuse someone a concession if they've written in. 
International visitors do get in for free.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Quoting TheVeech [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 There are way to many people (and this isn't specicially directed at you) in
 the UK standing by looking on saying that LUG is dead without actually
 getting off their arse and doing something about it. IMHO.

 You're right, though, and this has been my approach to LUGs.

 If the LUG really is dead, with the LUGMaster AWOL you can ask to take it
 over and if the members agree that's a good thing then off you go.

 I'll make them an offer they can't refuse.

 Just kidding.  I'm no administrator, but it's worth looking into, if it
 is on its last legs.

plug type=shameless href=;

It's worth giving it a poke.  I gave Thanet LUG a poke before  
christmas, took over the running from the previous owner (who appeared  
to have disappeared off the face of the planet!) restarted the website  
(it's crap, but there we go!) and we had a meeting a few months back  
at which 6 people turned up and we're looking to have another meeting  

I've attempted to document some of the steps I've taken in setting the  
LUG up on the blog on the website (very web 2.0!) so that may help you.




Matthew Macdonald-Wallace
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodies?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu-uk graphics

2007-03-29 Thread Chris Rowson
Hi Matt,

 However, as we've all said on this thread already, Canonical are quite
 nice about the issue in general. These are intended to be guidelines,
 which we should follow, rather than some kind of dictatorial stance.

 I don't really see how this issue is complicated!!


It's not complicated.

I was only confused when you came into discussion with your first post saying:

 So, if redesigning the logo, please follow his guidelines.

It sounded more like a directive than a suggestion, which lead me to
believe that you where instructing me (given content of this thread,
in which I was asking for feedback on a logo I'd created) to stay away
from modifying the logo in the manner in which I had ...

If I was wrong I apologise profusely, although I do remain somewhat
confused as to the point of the entire conversation thus far!

Kind Regards



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Alan Pope
On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 08:48:21AM +0100, Ben Thorp wrote:
 Let's put this into perspective. It's _not_ free, but the full ticket 
 price is only £5, which might as well be free ;) The concession price is 
 £3, and they've yet to refuse someone a concession if they've written in. 
 International visitors do get in for free.

Compared with UKUUG events which can be quite expensive AIUI.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread TheVeech
On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 20:47 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 08:28:08PM +0100, TheVeech wrote:
  But where is it written that people who disagree have to go at it hammer
  and tongues or descend into personal animosity?  No doubt most of us
  have been there, but at least some of us learn from it.  'Growing up' is
  what I think it's called?
 I can't claim to be an innocent party here. I have taken part in flame wars 
 on numerous lists. I'm not proud of that, and I try to temper my reactions 
 and delay my negative replies (or run them past someone else first) to 
 reduce me doing that.
  Too many fragile egos in too many areas, methinks.  Like you suggest, a
  good admin/chair should be able to steer disputes towards some sort of
  civilised and productive debate.  Maturity should do the rest.
 Where exactly are you from and how long are you staying with us here on 
 planet Earth? :)

LOL.  I've fallen into the trap of getting involved in flame wars, too.
I haven't devoted much time to thinking about this, but I've got a
sneaking feeling that an over emphasis on anti-MS advocacy allows such
ideas and feelings linger and leak into conversations between Linux
users.  We've got a much more positive message than much of the tracts
that I've come across.

I'd love to get it where much of the time spent hammering MS was spent
on our software and our users.  Most of the time, I couldn't care less
what some corporation is doing.  My software and users are better than
theirs, so that's that.

 We even drew up some guidelines:-
 Which I think are actually pretty damn good. Nobody reads them though, and 
 those that do, many ignore it.

Will read later.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread TheVeech
On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 20:35 +0100, Stuart Parkington wrote:
 TheVeech wrote:
  I'd have thought they were a bit of a geekfest, not having been to one,
  but I'm probably way off the mark.  Trouble is, the one for my neck of
  the woods is supposed to be active but its website hasn't been updated
  for a long time.  These days, is it time better spent online?
  You don't say where you are.
  Worcestershire, although Birmingham is just as convenient.  I'd even
  travel to London if necessary, seeing as though I've lived there, and
  could fit it in with a long weekend.
  Some areas have multiple LUGs, maybe one at the county level, and more at 
  the City/Town level. I know Sussex has two, Hampshire has three LUGs, but 
  often there is overlap between them. There is almost always co-operation 
  between the LUGs, although in my opinion nowhere near enough of that.
  If your local LUG is dying, give it a poke on their mailing list, see what 
  people have planned, and offer to help.
  Will do.
 I'm in Worcestershire and would be very happy to assist getting the
 Worcester LUG a little more active, it that is the one you were thinking
 of? I attempted the suggested 'poke' just before Christmas and got a
 little response. Unfortunately I've been snowed under since the New Year
 and thus have let the (very) small start   I made melt away.

We'll have to get in touch about this.  I'll email you over the weekend.

 Linux #423936  Ubuntu #4500
 IRC = Narrf |


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Lucy
On 28/03/07, Alan Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have no clue to be honest about what women
 would want out of a LUG meeting. We have a few women who regularly attend
 our LUG meets, and it would be great if we knew if there's anything specific
 they need.

Women are people too! In general they want the same as any other LUG
members, although security and a group that isn't too intimidating may
be of greater importance.

The following howto is well worth reading for more information though:


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Alan Pope
On Thu, Mar 29, 2007 at 11:26:23AM +0100, Lucy wrote:
 On 28/03/07, Alan Pope [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I have no clue to be honest about what women
  would want out of a LUG meeting. We have a few women who regularly attend
  our LUG meets, and it would be great if we knew if there's anything specific
  they need.
 Women are people too!

Heh, yes, sorry, wasn't implying we're getting aliens from Venus attending 
our meet and we don't want to poison them with the canapes. :)

 In general they want the same as any other LUG
 members, although security and a group that isn't too intimidating may
 be of greater importance.

Thanks, will read.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread I C McNab
Lucy wrote:
 The following howto is well worth reading for more information though:

Lucy  Thanks for the link to Val Henson's paper - brilliant! - should
be required reading for everyone.  ::Ian


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LUGs

2007-03-29 Thread Lucy
On 29/03/07, I C McNab [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lucy wrote:
  The following howto is well worth reading for more information though:

 Lucy  Thanks for the link to Val Henson's paper - brilliant! - should
 be required reading for everyone.  ::Ian

No problem! I remember being very put off by the title the first time
I saw it and nearly didn't read it, but was very glad I did.

Alan, glad you took it as a joke, but you'll be surprised at how many
people get confused ;)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell Linux Survey (until 23rd March)

2007-03-29 Thread Freddie Ruddick
Nothing particularly new, but I notice the BBC have covered it. [0].

Freddie :)

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.


[ubuntu-uk] Kerrighed

2007-03-29 Thread Matthew Daubney
Hey all,
I've got a lot of old computers lying around and have been considering
setting up an Ubuntu cluster. I've previously cheated doing this now
and again and used OpenKnoppix, having got a PC with SATA hard drives,
OpenMosix now doesn't suffice as I need the 2.6 kernel.

Doing a bit of research I found Kerrighed and wondered if anyone has
played with this in Ubuntu? Is it easy enough to manage and maintain
or is it a right royal pain in the bum?

Any tips?

(first post to this mailing list so I hope I got all the formalities
right! Apologies if not)
