[ubuntu-uk] Windows 10 - Still a disaster zone.

2015-08-02 Thread Gareth France
Today I have upgraded a family member's laptop from Windows 8.1 to 
Windows 10. First off the updates on 8.1 are abysmal. The progress bar 
jumps in huge leaps and there is no activity sometimes for up to 10 
minutes between. You are left wondering if it has crashed. Eventually 
once all the updates have completed and you still can't find the missing 
'Get Windows 10 app' you realise that it was always there, just not in 
the 'lego brick screen' where you would expect it to be.

The upgrade process was seamless, although agonisingly slow. Once 
upgraded I turned my attention to the fact that he can not install new 
apps. When I first set his machine up it demanded an email address which 
could be un-linked after installation but it would not continue without 
it. Seems like a terrible design to me and the un-linking is what was 
stopping it from installing so I set him up an account and promptly 
failed to install the program he desired. The files downloaded, it 
claimed to have installed yet it would not run. Returning to the store 
it proclaimed 'this is embarrassing' and offered up the error code 
0x80070002. Much searching of many forums takes me to a number of 
Microsoft 'Fixit' downloads, one of which claims 'Service registration 
missing or corrupt' Unable to find out anything meaningful about this I 
eventually decided to try to remove the downloaded file and start again. 
An educated guess at where the store cache is resulted in something 
getting deleted which is essential for any program to launch, now 
nothing runs.

When I left the system was restoring to the point of upgrade at the 
speed of a snail. Why do their error messages have to be so meaningless? 
And why is it so difficult to get any common sense out of the system? A 
single upgrade system, app store, seamless upgrades without wiping the 
system, all features I found magical and wonderous as a new Linux user 
in 2006. They all seem to be embedded so deeply in the workflow of the 
system that it is elegant to see in action. What Microsoft have produced 
seems to be slow, clunky and doesn't really seem to work. If something 
can't install in Ubuntu I'm told something useful about why and can 
discover a solution within minutes. Three hours + later and Windows is 
still broken.

I haven't used it myself since '06 and haven't missed it. Every chance I 
get to go back just reminds me why I left!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows 10 - Still a disaster zone.

2015-08-02 Thread Barry Drake

On 02/08/15 19:24, Gareth France wrote:

Today I have upgraded a family member's laptop from Windows 8.1 to
Windows 10.

I had Windows7 on a removable drive in a caddy on my desktop.  A couple 
of days ago, I downloaded the Win 10 iso and did the free upgrade.  the 
install process is painfully slow - but it worked.  I was surprised MS 
allowed me to do it!  Windows 10 itself is much much better than I 
expected.  I haven't tried to install anything - if I did, I doubt I'd 
use the 'shop'.

Next time I fire it up, I'll try installing something.
Going from Win 7 to Win 10 changes the reg. number - and Microsoft 
doesn't make it easy to retrieve it.  It's in the registry with the 
characters written in Ascii-hex.  I think I got mine back OK, but I will 
try one of the downloadable apps that get it back, next time I fire 
Windows up (not for a few months, hopefully!).

Back on topic, I am delighted that Wine now installs and works properly 
in Wily.  I have been using Mint for a while, and am glad to be back 
with Ubuntu at last!




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows 10 - Still a disaster zone.

2015-08-02 Thread Gareth France

On 02/08/15 21:07, Barry Drake wrote:

I had Windows7 on a removable drive in a caddy on my desktop.  A couple
of days ago, I downloaded the Win 10 iso and did the free upgrade.  the
install process is painfully slow - but it worked.  I was surprised MS
allowed me to do it!  Windows 10 itself is much much better than I
expected.  I haven't tried to install anything - if I did, I doubt I'd
use the 'shop'.
Next time I fire it up, I'll try installing something.
Going from Win 7 to Win 10 changes the reg. number - and Microsoft
doesn't make it easy to retrieve it.  It's in the registry with the
characters written in Ascii-hex.  I think I got mine back OK, but I will
try one of the downloadable apps that get it back, next time I fire
Windows up (not for a few months, hopefully!).

Back on topic, I am delighted that Wine now installs and works properly
in Wily.  I have been using Mint for a while, and am glad to be back
with Ubuntu at last!


The feeling I get when using Windows is very much that I am using a 
product still designed to be installed off floppy disk with many patches 
bringing it into the 21st century like some sort of software jenga! 
Linux comes across as having sat down at some point and said 'ok, we 
need to integrate this internet thing' and because the whole workflow 
has been considered the solution is much, much more sane, elegant and 

Yes, on first glance Win 10 seems to be better than 8 but it's still so 
painfully slow. The win 8 machines I have seen are all unusable, my old 
laptop I retired runs quicker! I don't think this is going to win any 
hearts, it still suffers from all the same bugs I have been complaining 
about since win 95!
