Re: [ubuntu-uk] Grauniad tech section

2008-08-30 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Alan,

  AP> "Ubuntu - it doesn't smell of death"

I'd buy a (4XLT) tee shirt with that on it!  :-)

- Andy Ball.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Radio Software

2008-08-21 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Chris,

  CW> Our legal logger - this is simply a application that
> records an mp3 file from a live input creating a new
> file every 24 hours. Currently we use
> but searching the
> linux-audio pages I'm unable to find a similar
> application.  Any ideas?

I would favour a modular approach: use some fairly
ordinary recording software to capture each programme as a
.wav file (I prefer .au, but .wav seems more common these
days) and then while the next programme is airing, the
previous can be compressed into MP3 and Ogg/Vorbis, perhaps
for posting on your Web site. This could be automated fairly

I'm assuming you want to do this for live shows.  If you
also have pre-recorded shows, you probably already get those
in digital (hopefully uncompressed) format.

- Andy Ball


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Fiddling with System

2008-08-18 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Rob,

  RB> I also tried this and I could get as far as getting
> things like mplayer working by specifying which
> desktop to use but I wasn't able to get independent
> mouse/keyboard control on that desktop using a USB
> mouse & keyboard.

If you have a VNC server instance running on the desktop
that you're trying to control, x2vnc might work.  My wife's
PC used to sit next to mine and every now and again I'd drag
my mouse pointer off the left-hand edge of my screen, onto
hers and start moving her windows around.  Perhaps you can
imagine how popular that made me.  :-)

Hope this helps,
  - Andy Ball


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu CAD Alternative

2008-08-14 Thread Andrew Ball


  PS> This term often refers to 2D technical drawing
> programs such as AutoCAD etc. It can also refer to
> electronics design programs or 3D mechanical design
> programs.

It's years since I touched CAD stuff, but istr that
AutoSketch was AutoDesk's 2D drafting program and AutoCAD
was 3D.  Perhaps AutoCAD started out more like AutoSketch

- Andy Ball


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Server OS Suggestion

2008-08-12 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Matthew,

  ASB> Or X11?!  ;-)

  MMW> That one's easy, some of the PHP libraries that use
 > GD and similar rely on the underlying X11
 > functionality.

I use php, but what is "GD"?

- Andy Ball.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Server OS Suggestion

2008-08-12 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Dave,

  DW> Why have ANY window manager on a server!?

Or X11?!  ;-)

- Andy Ball


Re: [ubuntu-uk] USB Network Cables

2008-08-07 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Ian,

I was thinking of this...

  ...which makes me wonder what chipset(s) are in the non-Prolific
cables.  Whether or not similar support is included in Ubuntu I can't
say because I have neither the cable nor an Ubuntu box on which to try
it.  Hopefully I can fix the lack of an Ubuntu box at least.

- Andy Ball.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] USB Network Cables

2008-08-07 Thread Andrew Ball

Hello Gav,

  GF> A pair of USB wireless dongles or a USB to Ethernet
> adaptor for the Windows machine maybe?

I was going to suggest a PLIP cable, but then I
remembered that Microsoft Windows doesn't support PLIP.
There are USB PC-to-PC cables with open source drivers, but
I don't know whether Windows treats those as a network
interface, which should increase the odds of Linux talking
to the Windows box.  A FireWire cable is another option, if
both machines have the appropriate port.

- Andy Ball.
