[ubuntu-uk] HTML coding

2012-09-20 Thread John Davis

Thank you Alan  Colin for your help.

I had forgotten about W3 verifying software.

I ran my code through it and it highlighted 80 faults, mainly due to 
protocol html (strict) that put some of the other coding out.

I ran it through the corrector which has helped me avoid correcting too 
much and I can now concentrate on the major ones.

Lucky it ran,

Thanks for your help



[ubuntu-uk] HTML images

2012-09-19 Thread John Davis


I am a novice  at web site design.

I am designing a web site for my son's business.

One page of index and 2 pages of photos. Portfolio pictures etc.

I have done the first and second page, in Firefox they display perfectly 
but with explorer and chrome, some of the photos are missing.

I have checked the naming conventions of the photos, some are initials I 
have made up and some are called DSCF3.jpg and some are csl1.jpg (example)

I have used this convention and viewed it with various browsers, some 
with the capitals display and others do not ,

Can anyone explain what is wrong ?

Help gratefully received,

John Davis


[ubuntu-uk] Drop box

2012-06-11 Thread John Davis


I have had drop box installed for some time but never used the public  

It is very good and thanks for the explanation of how to use it !



[ubuntu-uk] Help please

2012-06-10 Thread John Davis


I am sorry this is not Ubuntu related but could any offer some help for 
a novice web site builder ?

I have made a web site with a main page, gallery page and an image folder.

When working in Notepad++ I have no problem opening the pages in a 
browser but I am unsure of how to make sure they are all linked together 
and uploaded.

When I have looked on local host sometimes the photos have been 
missing and I assume that file naming is to blame.

My question is how to name the files,

I assume opening page is index.html

 2 nd page is  gallery.htm

and photos  .images

Can someone help me with this. Do I have to put all these files in a 
folder to upload.

I have bought loads of books but none cover this bit !

Many thanks



[ubuntu-uk] Hi Chris,

2012-06-10 Thread John Davis

Thanks for your input.

I get the idea. I am just using my browser to view the files.

I am trying to do a site for my son and he is going to get the hosting site,

 I just want to make sure he has everything in order and it will run 
when uploaded.

Any further input welcome



[ubuntu-uk] Are we missing the point with an OS ?

2011-12-03 Thread John Davis

I am an experienced Linux/Ubuntu user, I went to night school to learn it.
I use Ubuntu and Windows 7 on a daily basis and think that the OS is 
just somewhere to store the programmes I need to work with.

 In Windows, it is the Apps that have to perform properly, like 
Office,Photoshop, email  etc.

It seems that with Ubuntu et al, effort is put into the OS but it does 
not seem the same with the applications,  there developers seem to be 
left to their own devices. Without applications,  the OS is useless.

I think this is why cloud computing is becoming more popular,

Or am I missing the point,

John Davis


[ubuntu-uk] Are we missing the point ?

2011-12-03 Thread John Davis

Many thanks for your interesting responses to my question.

I enjoy Ubuntu and have seen it grow from early beginnings to what it is 

 Early on, I was bored and frustrated with Windows, Ubuntu was new, 
exciting and a challenge to learn.

The free specialised software filled a gap that the commercials did not 
and I liked that.

When Ubuntu first appeared, I imagined children in 3rd world countries 
using cheap computers  with Ubuntu.

Developers sitting in bedsits writing software, all for the common good.

I am grateful for all who have donated their software to the cause.

Canonical seems to have moved on and by necessity has had to become more 

I approve of that,just because something is free, does not make it better.

I would pay for Ubuntu, if the money could be channelled into 
developing  better applications that  were more cross platform friendly.

Perhaps we should concentrate less on the myriad of distros,which seem 
to detract from moving forward,

Just a view !

John Davis


[ubuntu-uk] Medion NAS Server

2011-11-22 Thread John Davis

Medion NAS server

This item is for sale at my local Aldi in Germany. I have no experience 
with servers  but am interested in hosting my own web page and having 
storage for my own video output.

I have installed Ubuntu server system before but could not understand, 
even after reading the help files how to do it configurer it

Could anyone in the group offer any advice on this server and whether it 
would be suitable ?

It is a Medion Life P89626  with a 1.5 GB hard drive dual core ARM processor
2 x USB
1 X Lan rj-45 ethernet 10/100  gigabit
TCP/IP protocol
UPNP DNLA server with Twonk Media

i Tunes-/FTP-/Samba-server

integrated download manager.

Price 99-99 euros. about £84

Seems like a reasonable deal.

I assume that I access my videos etc through the router and browser ?

Any help gratefully received

John Davis


[ubuntu-uk] Web server help

2011-02-17 Thread John Davis
Many thanks for all the information guys.

There is more for me to digest and some very helpful tips and wiki's

Thank you

John Davis-- 

[ubuntu-uk] Web server help please!

2011-02-16 Thread John Davis
I would like to set up a small web server to host my own  web site;

I have followed the tutorials and installed Ubuntu server. This was quite easy 
to do, the hard part is what comes next. 

Can any one point me in the direction of a tutorial that shows me how to add my 
web pages, configure the ports,set up security and email addresses ?

Most tuorials have very good pictorial setup info just for the installation 
procedure,my knowledge is scant for what to do next !

Many thanks

John Davis-- 

[ubuntu-uk] Cinelerra

2009-12-31 Thread John Davis
Hi Jonathon,

Many thanks for your post.

I did read the documentation but was still unable to open it. However after 
deleting references to it and trying again, it has now installed.

Thank you for the links, that was a help.


[ubuntu-uk] Cinelerra and Karmic

2009-12-30 Thread John Davis
Happy New Year to the Group !

I am using Karmic Ubuntu and would like to try the video editing software 

I have used their web site and downloaded the software to my pc but do not know 
how to open the program or install it to run it.

Could anyone advise me on how to do it ?

Thank you

John Davis-- 

[ubuntu-uk] IDE to Sata

2009-10-01 Thread John Davis
IDE to SATA Card.

Many thanks to the group for your replies to the IDE SATA connection problems.


[ubuntu-uk] Ide to sata

2009-09-30 Thread John Davis
This is not a linux question as such but I know someone will know the answer!

My computers hard drive is full. I have finally persuaded the Missus to have a 
go at Ubuntu. I would like to buy a 500 gig SATA hard drive Partition it half 
for Wind**s and Ubuntu as the main.

I know I have to get an IDE to SATA adapter. My question is; does my 2 dvd 
drives need to be connected to this adapter or do they connect to the 
motherboard as normal ? Can I also use one SATA hard drive with adapter and a 
normal IDE hard drive connected to the mother board ? In order to empty the 
hard drive already fitted by dragging and dropping?

The pc is 6 years old and a Hewlett Packard.
Any tips welcome


[ubuntu-uk] Reply to my post

2007-10-29 Thread John DAVIS
I would like to thank John Levin for his response to my post. The information 
given, was very helpful and I would like to post further, enclosing details of 
the pc,card and distro,(Gutsy Gibbon)

My residence is France, I am from the UK. The French LUG's are very helpful, 
Ubuntu is mega here, the language always poses a difficulty at this level with 
I agree with Sean Miller, that it is the fault of the hardware manufacturers 
but having said that, Linux is trying to compete as an operating system and 
knows the pitfalls it faces. 
I am a semi retired engineer, who came to computing quite late on, I try to 
keep going with it, because I believe it is the way forward for me. It is just 
frustrating to not get anywhere, I expect the brain cells  are the cause.

Many thanks for letting me rant

John Davis-- 