Re: [ubuntu-uk] Support - Where are we in the real world

2010-10-16 Thread Matthew Bassett

We use Linux as our weapon of choice at work (RHEL5); we design (and
simulate. Oh yes, we simulate a _lot_) silicon chips.

Matthew Bassett

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Openfire

2010-10-16 Thread Matthew Bassett
On Sat, 2010-10-16 at 19:42 +0100, Matthew Wild wrote:

 As for choice of server - if you get tired of Openfire I couldn't not
 recommend the one I work on, Prosody. It's in the repos :)

Matthew can hardly be considered an impartial judge, as he works on

I however do not work on Prosody, and can be considered impartial:
Prosody is the dogs. Trivial to set up and configure, and in my
experience bullet proof.

I also believe it has pretty high performance and low resource
requirements, but since my instance only had 5 users, I am not able to
give a particularly exhaustive analysis... (but it did easily fit into a
VM with only 112MB of physical memory that was also running Apache,
MySQL, Postfix and Dovecot)



Matthew Bassett

Re: [ubuntu-uk] 11.04 Natty Narwhal

2010-08-18 Thread Matthew Bassett
Also the dangers of trying to reply via a mobile phone that does not
do proper quoting:

On 18 August 2010 16:55, Matthew Bassett wrote:
 The dangers of using a US based dictionary / thesaurus on a UK based list:

 From WordNet (r) 2.0 :

        adj 1: showing courage; the champion is faced with a feisty
               challenger [syn: plucky, spunky]

 Imbued with involuntary night time emissions?eference in popular culture.

 Enough ranting. I'll leave you with this:

 From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 :
    it is called also sea unicorn, unicorn fish,
       and unicorn whale.

 You're just having a bit of a rant, aren't you?

 YES! OH GOD YES! Did the bit where I said enough ranting give you a clue?


And apologies for any confusion about attribution.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Quick Perl question...

2010-07-13 Thread Matthew Bassett
Rather than removing the solar, /solar pair as separate actions it might be 
easier to use them to 'anchor' the start and end of text you want to extract.


$solar_info =~ s/solar([^]*)\/solar/$1\n/;

This matches everything between the solar ... /solar pair, and replaces it 
with the text in between- it also sticks an extra newline on the end for where 
you have 'joined' lines - it should be easy to remove blank lines later.

I'm a bit rusty: you might want to stick a 'g' on the very end (after the 
replacement expression) to make it match more than once on the same line. 

$solar_info =~ s/solar([^]*)\/solar/$1\n/g;

Let us know how you get on. 
Matthew Bassett
Sorry about the top posting- am replying from my phone.

-Original Message-
From: LeeGroups
Sent:  12/07/2010 22:55:38
Subject:  Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Quick Perl question...

 $solar_info =~ s/\/solar.*/,/;

  From my tinkerings, this should find the string /solar in the string
 $solar_info, and then remove it and any number of following characters
 (the .*) and then replace them with a ,.
 Except that it doesn't. It hacks out the /solar and replaces it with a
 , but leaves the rest of the string intact... Much to my annoyance... :|
 What's the input string? The following code simply prints , for me
 not ,abcdef as you suggest it would:
 $test = /solarabcdef;
 $test =~ s/\/solar.*/,/;
 print $test;

This input solar8,27.31,28.68,28.81,0.00,0.00,0/solar
It need to be --

Another line chops off the solar.
The problem is that occasionally there is rubbish on the end of the 
line, or even another line appended to the end of the first...




Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Quick Perl question...

2010-07-13 Thread Matthew Bassett
I'm pretty sure you need to avoid matching the start of the 2nd tag, otherwise 
text of the form:


Will be extracted as:


E.g. Use a character class that avoids matching the start of a tag:

$solar_info =~ s!solar([^]*)/solar!$1!g;

Matthew Bassett
Sorry about the top posting- am replying from my phone.

-Original Message-
From: Matt Wheeler
Sent:  12/07/2010 23:46:32
Subject:  Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Quick Perl question...

[some pruned text]

You could remove both the start and end tags with something like

$solar_info =~ s!solar(.*)/solar!$1!;

(note I'm also using ! instead of / so I don't have to escape the /)

Matt Wheeler



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell UK now offers netbooks and laptops ...

2010-06-16 Thread Matthew Bassett
On 16 June 2010 09:47, Bruno Girin wrote:
 [...] the  only ones I manage to configure with Ubuntu are the Latitude
  2100 and  2110 but they only come with 9.10, not 10.04. [...]

 That doesn't sound very committed to Ubuntu to me.

 Shame because I would be on the market for a top of the range Vostro
 3300 if the specs that say it comes with Ubuntu were actually true. It's
 doubly frustrating because Dell seem to be one of the few vendors who
 have a 13 laptop with decent specs (the other one I know of being Sony
 but I have no hope in hell of running Ubuntu on a Sony, let alone
 getting it Windows free).

Try the Latitiude V13; I searched for Ubuntu, starting at the page, and this was one of the hits. If you ask
to personalise the cheapest version, it is offered with Ubuntu 09.10
(I seem to remember). Not as cheap as a mini, but it looks pretty

The wierd thing is depending on which web page you start at (for
instance starting with seems to get you
different search results (searching from the aforementioned did not lead me to any ubuntu machines at

It appears that Dell UK are actually aiming their Ubuntu offerings at
businesses rather than individuals.

Might have to have a chat with the wife about whether I can be allowed
to buy a Latitude rather than one of the cheaper netbooks (and it will
surely be much more expensive if I can't resist the lure of a faster
CPU, more memory and an SSD drive...)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Increasing start up problems since upgrade to 10.04

2010-06-15 Thread Matthew Bassett
Rob: minor suggestion, but if you are using GMail then have you
considered accessing your email via IMAP? This would then give you
full access to your entire email archive on GMail, plus any gmail
label assignment (although GMail labels are mapped to IMAP folders,
not as nice as using IMAP keywords but workable).

(NB GMail itself might not map IMAP keywords to GMail labels, but it
does preserve IMAP keywords)

On 15 June 2010 08:51, Bob Giles wrote:
 Liam, Alan, Tyler, Rob and Silner (+anyone else that I may have forgotten),

 Many thanks for all of your observations and suggestions. I have learned
 a couple of things. Firstly the pae kernel! (I should point out that I
 was aware of the limitations re memory and the 32 bit version. I had
 upgraded my memory since the 10.04 upgrade. I considered the 64bit
 option but had been put off by some of the adverse comments that I had

 I can confirm that the PAE option is automatically used upon
 installation subject to it detecting in excess of 3Gb RAM.

 I would have replied sooner but things finally came to a head when
 Thunderbird started messing me about and I ended up losing all emails
 back to last January. I decided that a total reinstall was in order!
 Again I learned something!

 I had recently made a brief foray back to the UK (I live in Greece) and
 had taken my netbook for company! Before leaving, I had synched my email
 which meant that upon my return on 20th May I had a backup to that date.
 As I use GMail to access my additional accounts, I was able to use the
 'recent' attribute to download the last 30 days email. (I didn't know
 about that until I went searching for ways to download archived Gmail!)
 I know it's no substitute for a daily backup but hey! I *know* that I am
 not perfect!

 The long and the short of it is that after a total reinstall, things are
 fine. I new I should not have gone with the upgrade option! I still
 can't bring myself to go 64 bit!

 Thanks everyone yet again. You are a credit to a great list!

 Bob Giles



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell says Ubuntu safer than Windows

2010-06-15 Thread Matthew Bassett
On 14 June 2010 20:29, Barry Titterton wrote:
 It's official:

But not in the UK apparently :(

I have been trying to find a Linux pre-installed netbook to purchase
in the UK since the beginning of the year, and Dell were my first
stopping point since purchasing an Inpsiron laptop with Ubuntu
pre-installed a couple of years ago...


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell says Ubuntu safer than Windows

2010-06-15 Thread Matthew Bassett
On 15 June 2010 09:50, Mary Mooney wrote:
 Have you tried the Linux Emporium

 Based in the Midlands (of England)

 Mary Mooney DEUK'05

I've been waiting for them to get hold of something with better
battery life than the Lenevo IdeaPad S10-2-3 (like, for instance, a
Lenevo IdeaPad S10-3...)

After portability, battery life is my main criteria. Unfortunately my
best bet at the moment seems to be a Samsung N220, but I can't bring
myself to purchase something pre-installed with windows (... it will
only encourage them to carry on doing it).

ZaReason will export to the UK, but that seems a bit extreme...


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell says Ubuntu safer than Windows

2010-06-15 Thread Matthew Bassett
On 15 June 2010 10:04, Gordon Allott wrote:
 On Tue, 2010-06-15 at 09:25 +0100, Matthew Bassett wrote:
 On 14 June 2010 20:29, Barry Titterton wrote:
  It's official:

 But not in the UK apparently :(

 There is a reason for that! right now dell are only selling the mini 10
 netbook which is a terrible terrible machine that won't work well on
 ubuntu because of the nasty gpu (closed source drivers, only works with
 old kernels). the last word i heard on it was that dell are spinning up
 a new line of netbooks or something and ubuntu will be offered on that
 Gordon Allott

That's very interesting...  (Though they do already sell a Dell Mini
10n in the States)

I'll wait then. It's a race. Between Linux Emporium (Lenevo IdeaPad
S10-3?) and Dell UK (Mini 10n? Or maybe that is the machine with the
bad GPU?) getting something new.

A very slow race.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dell says Ubuntu safer than Windows

2010-06-15 Thread Matthew Bassett
On 15 June 2010 10:09, Bruce Beardall wrote:
 You can also try I haven't used them myself but you
 can select No Operating System when you configure your choice (same goes for
 MS Office and Anti Virus). They do netbooks, laptops, PCs etc.

Thanks. I'll take a look: the only issue there is being able to get
enough information about the chipset to find out if it is really,
truely, supported (Poulsboro?)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Still having problems with recovery......

2010-06-11 Thread Matthew Bassett
On 11 June 2010 01:36, jakewc2 wrote:
 Ok, I cant sleep, and have found that file you wanted,
 Hope that helps.

OK: Comparing the normal boot to the recovery it looks like they are
both the same.

I'm wondering if the issue could be the vga=791 option? There might
be an issue with the kernel framebuffer; you might not notice this on
a normal boot up since an X-server starts anyway and takes over the
display (so the recovery kernel might have booted ok, other than the
fact it might not be able to display anything)

You can check this in a non-permanent way by selecting a recovery
kernel from the grub boot menu, hitting the 'e' key to temporarily
edit the boot options and deleting the vga=791 option, and for good
measure add a nofb option. Press enter to commit those options, and
then 'b' to boot.

If the above works, you might want to try without adding the nofb option.

For reference: vga=791 option selects a 16bit color, 1024x768 pixels
frame buffer; nofb option explicitly disables the frame buffer.

References: (but note that this deals with
using an older version of grub, so the directions for editting the
grub configuration are not correct for the version installed

Assuming this fixes your issue, then I _think_ the place to make these
changes permanent is the file /etc/default/grub; remove text of the
form vga=791, and then run the command sudo update-grub to
regenerate the grub configuration (sorry, I am not so familiar with
the new version of grub so someone else might have to step in if I
have this bit wrong).

Let us know how you get on.
