Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ending Dual-Boot: XP partiton question

2014-03-13 Thread SuperEngineer
On Wed, 2014-03-12 at 22:51 +, Simon Greenwood wrote:
 Here's a method from Virtualbox themselves:, but from experience
 not that easy even when virtualising on the same hardware.
Thanks for the quick reply Simon.  I'll give it a try.
Bill B. [SuperEngineer]

-Registered Linux User 523667-
-Registered Ubuntu User 32366-
-Free  as in Freedom--


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ending Dual-Boot: XP partiton question

2014-03-13 Thread Liam Proven
On 12 March 2014 19:42, SuperEngineer wrote:
 As an aside [ to continue with the original mail]
 I have just finished a build of my own desktop pc [started with a
 Zoostorm cheapo and replaced/added/donated some parts from old pc - an
 ageing Dell Dimension].
 The original XP partition is now on the my sda as sda1.
 No surprise, but XP won't boot -failing at a Windows failed to start
 blue screen with this may be because you have installed...].  I am not
 surprised as most of the machine is different [but I am surprised that
 it didn't at least boot to the Oi you! this is not the same machine!
 message followed by option to re-validate].

 The question I have is: would it be possible to run that XP partition on
 a VM?  I normally use VirtuaBox - but have no idea if it can load an XP
 [ntfs] partition rather than loading a cd or live cd tro a VirtualBox
 VM?  ...and would it be a waste of time trying simply to end up with the
 same result as booting it direct from GRUB.

 It would be nice to have a Win load - but don't won't to splash out on a
 new Windows system I don't fully want - I want a Linux [Ubuntu] pooter
 than can, if needed, use the existing WinXP install [which I will be
 internet disabling in April anyway].

Yes you can. But it won't magically spring to life again. If XP can't
find the hard disk controller it has a driver installed for, it won't
boot. Your new motherboard has a different disk controller, ergo, dead
install. Virtualise it, it will /still/ be a dead install.

Fix it first. /Then/ try to virtualise it if you wish. It will
probably die again when you migrate it P2V but now you'll at least
know how to fix it.

Secondly, don't try to boot the VM off a disk partition. Image the
disk partition into a file, then use that file as your virtual disk.
Much much safer, and also, when you get the VM configured to use the
virtual emulated hardware, you won't break your real physical install.

Liam Proven * Profile:
Email: * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: * Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 * Cell: +44 7939-087884


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ending Dual-Boot: XP partiton question

2014-03-13 Thread SuperEngineer
On Thu, 2014-03-13 at 13:11 +, Liam Proven wrote:
 Secondly, don't try to boot the VM off a disk partition. Image the
 disk partition into a file, then use that file as your virtual disk.
 Much much safer, and also, when you get the VM configured to use the
 virtual emulated hardware, you won't break your real physical install.

Thanks for the hint, Liam.
Preparing to image the partition now.
I also have the original on original disk in remnants of old machine -
still working - as fail safe backup.  Might even try running from that
disk in this pooter some day. For now though, it's my safe store.  ;)

Bill B. [SuperEngineer]

-Registered Linux User 523667-
-Registered Ubuntu User 32366-
-Free  as in Freedom--


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ending Dual-Boot: XP partiton question

2014-03-13 Thread Liam Proven
On 13 March 2014 18:55, SuperEngineer wrote:
 I also have the original on original disk in remnants of old machine -
 still working - as fail safe backup.  Might even try running from that
 disk in this pooter some day. For now though, it's my safe store.  ;)

Ah! Well, if you don't mind re-copying it, what you can do to
pre-prepare XP for a hardware transplant is to go into Safe mode and
remove the disk controller. Don't let it reboot, just shut down, and
then copy. It should (re-)detect the disk controller on the next boot,
and if it's a new one, it should start up. (But as ever, backup

If you know your new hardware will require a driver for XP to
recognise its disk controller, install that before doing the above.

Liam Proven * Profile:
Email: * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: * Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 * Cell: +44 7939-087884


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ending Dual-Boot: XP partiton question

2014-03-12 Thread Simon Greenwood
On 12 March 2014 19:42, SuperEngineer wrote:

 As an aside [ to continue with the original mail]
 I have just finished a build of my own desktop pc [started with a
 Zoostorm cheapo and replaced/added/donated some parts from old pc - an
 ageing Dell Dimension].
 The original XP partition is now on the my sda as sda1.
 No surprise, but XP won't boot -failing at a Windows failed to start
 blue screen with this may be because you have installed...].  I am not
 surprised as most of the machine is different [but I am surprised that
 it didn't at least boot to the Oi you! this is not the same machine!
 message followed by option to re-validate].

 The question I have is: would it be possible to run that XP partition on
 a VM?  I normally use VirtuaBox - but have no idea if it can load an XP
 [ntfs] partition rather than loading a cd or live cd tro a VirtualBox
 VM?  ...and would it be a waste of time trying simply to end up with the
 same result as booting it direct from GRUB.

 It would be nice to have a Win load - but don't won't to splash out on a
 new Windows system I don't fully want - I want a Linux [Ubuntu] pooter
 than can, if needed, use the existing WinXP install [which I will be
 internet disabling in April anyway].

 Thanks in anticipation.
 Bill B. [SuperEngineer]

Here's a method from Virtualbox themselves:, but from experience it's
not that easy even when virtualising on the same hardware.


Twitter: @sfgreenwood
TBA are particularly glib