On 23 May at 22:01, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On 23 May 2010 21:27, Kris Douglas <krisdoug...@gmail.com> wrote:

<my description of problems here>

> > Hello, the initial command looked correct, the location of the
> > device is the name of where the usb stick is in the file system
> > table, open Gparted/partition editor, you should see the usb device
> > and it will be something like /dev/sdb
> >
> > then remember to type sudo before the command, just to see if you
> > need root privilege to access the device. HTH
> Just as a corollary to this, it is not necessary to format the stick
> before writing it with dd.  The formatting info is included in the
> image.  So the output file is something like sdb which is the complete
> stick rather than a partition.

With all this it was easy.  I eventually deleted all partitions and
re-ran the 'dd' command using '/dev/sdb'.  As before the 8G stick did
not work but the 4G stick now did.  So many thanks to everyone who
helped me on the way.

The next step is to get a keyboard and mouse working and, hopefully,
format the 8G stick to work as a read/writable drive.

Once that is OK, I will attempt to get the RISC OS emulation working to
provide the smallest RISC OS (Acorn) machine on the market - but not the
first as others have done this before me, indeed it was seeing their
results last Monday that prompted me to say I would like to try this

Tim Powys-Lybbe                                           t...@powys.org
             for a miscellany of bygones: http://powys.org/


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