I have discovered a trick which may be of interest to Xfce/Xubuntu users with a 
large number of desktop icons.
For reasons which I've never understood, Xfce does not provide a means of 
sorting desktop icons into alphabetical order (or any other order, for that 
matter). A quick workaround is as follows:
Open Thunar (the file manager)Open the "Desktop" folder.Delete all the files, 
so as to place them in the Rubbish Bin.Open the "Rubbish Bin" folder and select 
all the desktop configuration files.Restore the selected items.
The icons will appear back on the desktop, sorted in ascending alphabetical 
order, positioned top to bottom, in columns left to right.
Hardly earth-shattering I know, but it gets round an annoying Xfce shortcoming.

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