2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Buganda Kingdom
Royal Household and the Royal Family
Buganda Clans and their Administration
House of the Lukiiko
House of the Lukiiko
and Procedure when the new Lukiiko meets
of Katikkiro and Deputy Katikkiros
of Candidates for Ministerial offices
10.  Tenure 
of Ministers
11.  Transfer 
of Ministers
12.  Special 
Procedures for Financial Measures
13.  Grounds 
for Termination of Ministerial Appointment
14.  The 
Attorney General of Buganda
15.  Electoral 
16.  Determination 
of questions as to membership of the Lower House
17.  Speaker 
and Deputy Speaker
18.  Presiding 
in Lukiiko
19.  Standing 
Orders for Lukiiko
20.  Determination 
of questions in Lukiiko
21.  Legislature 
of Buganda
22.  Authorisation 
of expenditure
23.  Audit of 
24.  Taxation: 
the ethnic tax and local taxes
25.  The 
Records Commissioner
26.  Public 
Accounts Committee
27.  Committees 
of Lukiiko
28.  Ministerial 
29.  The High 
Court of Buganda and its subordinate courts
30.  Arbitration 
in clan and cultural disputes
31.  Buganda 
Public Service Commission
32.  Buganda 
Land Board
33.  Buganda 
Prison Service
34.  Buganda 
Police Service
35.  Appointment 
of Ssaza and Gombolola Chiefs
36.  Election 
of Ssaza and Gombolola Councils
37.  Kampala’s 
nominal rights
38.  Permanent 
Secretaries and the Buganda Civil Service
39.  Appointment 
of officers of the Cabinet
40.  Honours, 
Salutations and Decorations
41.  Amending 
this constitution
42.  Interpretation
43.  Transitional 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Mr. President,This is an exciting time in America for peace 
lovers and those who cherish justice. This is a Godsend time for those suffering 
under repressive dictators and governments. Your actions against international 
terrorism and dictatorial regimes have put hopes for peace and democracy in the 
hearts of all the oppressed of this world. We the members, board of directors, 
and the executives committee of Friends for Peace in Africa (FPA) have such hope 
and we, therefore, humbly ask you to answer our cry for peace in Northern 
Uganda.This is because President Museveni has been waging a vicious war against 
child soldiers in Northern Uganda for the past 17 years and forcing innocent 
citizens to live in camps under horrendous conditions.Although President 
Museveni is sometimes portrayed as an African leader of the new breed, he has a 
dark side that most American people do not know. President Museveni has been 
fomenting war in the Great Lake Region of East and Central Africa long before he 
became President of Uganda. He overthrew the governments of Uganda, Rwanda, 
Burundi, and Zaire. In each of these countries, unprecedented levels of killing 
attended the overthrow governments, the best known of which was the Rwanda 
genocide of 1994. He tried, though without appreciable success, to do the same 
in Kenya through the Wakenya rebels, and in Sudan through the SPLA.  In his 
own country, he has herded a whole Acholi nationality into concentration camps, 
ostensibly to protect them from the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. He and 
his brother Gen. Salim Saleh now have plans to completely destroy the Acholi 
people and take away their land.As you prepare to host President Museveni at 
the White House this week, we humbly bring up the following observations and 
request that you ask him for explanations during your discourse. 
1.  The government of 
Uganda herded up the Acoli people into ‘protected villages’ in 1996, supposedly 
to protect them against raids by the LRA.  Yet the LRA raids these camps, 
kills, and abducts children unchallenged by the Uganda Peoples Defense Forces 
(UPDF).  The Acoli people are starving in the Internally Displaced People’s 
(IDP) camps. The UPDF won’t allow them to go back home and plant food crops. The 
Uganda government, on the other hand, is not providing food aid, sanitation, 
water, medical services, or school for children.  Since the UPDF has shown 
that it is neither able to defeat the LRA nor protect the camps, why can’t the 
President allow the Acoli to return to their homesas they want to? 
2.  Several years ago, 
President Museveni boasted that he had the second most powerful military in the 
worldsecond only to that of the USA. How can the ‘second most powerful military 
in the world’ fail to defeat a ragtag guerilla army made up mostly of 8-13 year 
old children? Yet, he continues to ask for military assistance from donor 
countries to arm his troops against the abducted children turned rebel child 
soldiers. 3.  The 
Uganda government claims that the UPDF went into Congo to protect its citizens 
and prevent another genocide at the scale of the 1994 Rwanda massacre. Why was 
this potential genocide more of an emergency than the actual one happening in 
northern Uganda? Why should President Museveni spend so much financial and 
military resources trying to ‘prevent a genocide’ in Congo but when he should 
stop the one that has been going on in his own country? Why has President 
Museveni who has negotiated settlements of disputes between Uganda and Rwanda, 
Uganda and Sudan, Burundi and its rebels and between the Uganda Government and 
it other rebel groups, steadfastly refused to end the war in Northern Uganda by 
negotiation. 4.  The 
Uganda government goes to donor countries every year to ask for more money to 
fight the LRA, but the LRA grows stronger every year.  Every year, the 
defense budget and other defense-related appropriations take up ever-bigger 
percentages of the national budget, a budget that is 50% subsidized by donor 
countries. Where is the money going, and why are corrupt UPDF officers and 
government officials not made to account for their actions? What and when does 
he plan to do with the UPDF officers and government officials implicated in the 
Congo looting and other acts of corruption? 
5.  The median age of 
the LRA rebels drops every year, and is now closer to 12. When the UPDF fights 
them, it actually kills children it had failed to prevent from being abducted by 
the LRA and turned into child solders in the first place. Does the President 
feel good when his soldiers kill children? When he talks of “wiping out Joseph 
Kony and his LRA,” why doesn’t he realize that he is talking about wiping out 
Acoli children?  When his soldiers report many rebels killed, does he not 
realize they are talking about killing children? Mr. Museveni has proclaimed on 
numerous occasions since 1992 that the UPDF would “s


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Yours truly Paul Kagame and General Aronda
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Re: Bill C-250 Vs the Bible\ Mulindwa part 1.

2003-06-09 Thread ssenya nyange

Mr. Mulindwa,

  It seems you dont know how this bill has gone. It has 
passed the second reading. If in the paliamentarians vote the same way in 
the 3rd reading, the bill will become law. This is not NDP or Alliance on 
campaign promises as you said. This is a Bill. Reads some of the development 
to get an idea of your so called "angel" Canada:

Copyright 2001 Daily Herald-Tribune>
Will bill outlaw the Bible?
Bill C-415 has passed second reading and is at this moment before the 
justice committee.
This bill, among other things, will make it a crime to teach, preach, or 
publish negative commentary regarding homosexuality. Where is the outcry? 
Where are the churches? Here in this country, Canada, we are one reading 
away from making the Bible, the Word of God, a banned book. Yes, you may be 
right, the entire Bible will not be banned, but certain passages will be; 
several verses in Romans and maybe a few verses in Leviticus. But at least 
the whole Bible won't be banned, right?

Why should this disturb us? Because practicing homosexuals want to outlaw 
the Bible. If this were not so our government would not be considering laws 
to ban speaking and warning against homosexuality. They need to outlaw the 
Christian voice.

Let's be clear, Christians do not hate homosexuals, they hate anything that 
their God commands them to hate. That is why they hate stealing. Or 
cheating. Or lying. Or idolatry. Or immoral( as God defines) acts. 
Christians love what is good, as defined by God Himself. And this puts the 
true Christian in a position from which there is no turning. To live here 
on earth is bigger than life.

There is no way on this Earth that we will ever live in a neutral or 
egalitarian society.

This is simply an impossibility. If Christians do not wake up to this fact 
they themselves will soon be outlawed. He who defines the terms wins. He 
who has the power will use force.

The question that we all must ask is: Who defines the terms? Christians 
know that it is God, whether you believe in Him or not. Until we go back to 
that, and understand that the Bible texts written on the tower of the 
Parliament Buildings in Ottawa are not myth, we will continue to spiral 
down into (God defined) immoral chaos (He shall have dominion from sea to 
sea. Psalm 72).

Dick M. Barendregt

Grande Prairie


Copyright 2001 Daily Herald-Tribune>
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Re: ugnet_: Mutale: The State , The Law & Fate of the Commons

2003-06-09 Thread J Ssemakula

Where and when was this published?
Original Message Follows 
From: "dbbwanika db" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ugnet_: Mutale: The State , The Law & Fate of the Commons 
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 11:59:12 +0200 

Govt to pay rancher sh300m in damages 

GOVERNMENT has agreed to pay a Mbarara rancher sh325m as compensation for vandalism of property on his ranch by UPDF soldiers deployed by Major Kakooza Mutale, reports Jude Etyang. 

The Attorney General represented by Oryem Okello on Thursday told court that the Government had agreed to pay Barnabus Taremwa in an out of court settlement of a suit which the latter had filed. 

Taremwa took the Government to the Commercial Court, seeking over sh500m as damages for property destroyed and losses incurred when the soldiers evicted him and his workers from the 8.5km ranch in Byanamira village in July 2001. 

Taremwa claimed that he lost over 700 head of cattle during the eviction and that infrastructure had also been destroyed by the 

Oryem said he talked with Taremwa and it was agreed that the sh325m was the full and final settlement of Taremwa’s claims. 
According to agreement each party would cater for their respective legal costs. 

Taremwa was represented by Nicholas Ecimu and Gilbert Musinguzi. Justice James Ogoola, who presided over the hearing passed the consent judgement according to the parties agreement. 



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ugnet_: Fwd: Who needs men? (Sayansi n'omuntu wa bulijjo)

2003-06-09 Thread J Ssemakula

Who needs men? Question 

Why is the ratio of men to women roughly equal? As a man can impregnate a woman more quickly than a woman can make a baby, the human race could easily survive on a ratio of, say, 50 women to one man, so is there another reason for the equality? 
Julian Harrow , Southampton, Hampshire, UK Answers 

Ronald Fisher, who pioneered the mathematical theory of natural selection, wrote in Natural Selection, Heredity and Eugenics: Including selected correspondence of R. A. Fisher with Leonard Darwin and others (edited by J. H. Bennett, OUP, 1983): "There are a number of instances of tendencies which have developed apparently clean contrary to the general interest of the species...I think a good example of this is in the sex ratio of polygamous animals living in flocks and herds, where the economy of the herd as a whole would seem to suggest (and the stock breeder would prefer) a sex ratio of about 5 per cent males, but where nature, through the action of selection insists on producing nearly equal numbers of the two sexes". Elsewhere he argued that in a population of 5 per cent males any male has 20 times the influence of any female on the genetic make-up of the next generation. This gives an enormous selective advantage to a gene that predisposes an animal to have male offspring. The spread of this gene will increase the proportion of males, but its advantage will decline as the proportion increases towards 50 per cent. This broad argument is still accepted by biologists. 

The main development in thinking since has been to observe that selection should favour equal parental investment in offspring of the two sexes, not necessarily numerical equality. This means that if the cost of raising a son were twice that of a daughter we would expect a sex ratio of two (females) to one (male). 
But other complications arise. For example, R. L. Trivers and D. E. Willard pointed out in 1973 that in many species the variation of male reproductive success is larger than that of females ­ most females are likely to reproduce but only a few males do so, namely the larger dominant ones (Science, vol 179, p 90). This means that a mother, in a healthy condition, is likely to have more grandchildren if she puts her abundant resources into raising large strong males. If she is less healthy then producing more daughters is a better bet. Even so, the overall investment in the sexes at population level is still expected to be about equal. 
Murray Lark , Bedford, UK 

Fisher gave the answer to this question early in the 20th century. If there is a minority of one sex (say males), then there is a selective advantage in being male. 

Later analysis has shown that this equality actually applies to the effort put into creating and raising each sex. Therefore, if it takes more resources to raise a female than a male, then the numerical sex ratio will be biased to males. The age at which the sex ratio applies is when the offspring become independent of the parent. An interesting paradox is seen in red deer. Here Tim Clutton-Brock, a professor of animal ecology, has shown that male calves are more of a drain on the mother. However, the sex ratio is biased towards males. This is explained by the fact that the males leave the maternal herd when weaned. However, the female calves remain and are therefore in competition with the mother, reducing her resources. 

Jon Richfield , Somerset West, South Africa 
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ugnet_: Fwd: Answer wanted

2003-06-09 Thread J Ssemakula

Ice historyWhat happened to Erasto Mpemba, the Tanzanian student who in 1969 discovered that hot ice-cream mixture froze faster than cold mixture and provoked a debate that is still going on in the pages of New Scientist?send your answer 

other puzzles: 

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE* 

ugnet_: Fwd: [FedsNet] Who is being protected...

2003-06-09 Thread J Ssemakula

Original Message Follows 
From: Kenneth Henry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FedsNet] Who is being protected... 
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 14:11:57 -0700 (PDT) 


ugnet_: Quest for Peace: Letter to President Bush

2003-06-09 Thread Ochan Otim

Mr. President,

This is an exciting time in America for peace lovers and those who
cherish justice. This is a Godsend time for those suffering under
repressive dictators and governments. Your actions against international
terrorism and dictatorial regimes have put hopes for peace and democracy
in the hearts of all the oppressed of this world. We the members, board
of directors, and the executives committee of Friends for Peace in
Africa (FPA) have such hope and we, therefore, humbly ask you to
answer our cry for peace in Northern Uganda.This is because President
Museveni has been waging a vicious war against child soldiers in Northern
Uganda for the past 17 years and forcing innocent citizens to live in
camps under horrendous conditions.

Although President Museveni is sometimes portrayed as an African leader
of the new breed, he has a dark side that most American people do not
know. President Museveni has been fomenting war in the Great Lake Region
of East and Central Africa long before he became President of Uganda. He
overthrew the governments of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Zaire. In each
of these countries, unprecedented levels of killing attended the
overthrow governments, the best known of which was the Rwanda genocide of
1994. He tried, though without appreciable success, to do the same in
Kenya through the Wakenya rebels, and in Sudan through the SPLA.  In
his own country, he has herded a whole Acoli nationality into
concentration camps, ostensibly to protect them from the Lord’s
Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. He and his brother Gen. Salim Saleh now
have plans to completely destroy the Acoli people and take away their
As you prepare to host President Museveni at the White House this week,
we humbly bring up the following observations and request that you ask
him for explanations during your discourse. 

1.  The government of
Uganda herded up the Acoli people into ‘protected villages’ in 1996,
supposedly to protect them against raids by the LRA.  Yet the LRA
raids these camps, kills, and abducts children unchallenged by the Uganda
Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF).  The Acoli people are starving in the
Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) camps. The UPDF won’t allow them to
go back home and plant food crops. The Uganda government, on the other
hand, is not providing food aid, sanitation, water, medical services, or
school for children.  Since the UPDF has shown that it is neither
able to defeat the LRA nor protect the camps, why can’t the President
allow the Acoli to return to their homesas they want to? 

2.  Several years ago,
President Museveni boasted that he had the second most powerful military
in the worldsecond only to that of the USA. How can the ‘second most
powerful military in the world’ fail to defeat a ragtag guerilla army
made up mostly of 8-13 year old children? Yet, he continues to ask for
military assistance from donor countries to arm his troops against the
abducted children turned rebel child soldiers. 

3.  The Uganda
government claims that the UPDF went into Congo to protect its citizens
and prevent another genocide at the scale of the 1994 Rwanda massacre.
Why was this potential genocide more of an emergency than the actual one
happening in northern Uganda? Why should President Museveni spend so much
financial and military resources trying to ‘prevent a genocide’ in Congo
but when he should stop the one that has been going on in his own
country? Why has President Museveni who has negotiated settlements of
disputes between Uganda and Rwanda, Uganda and Sudan, Burundi and its
rebels and between the Uganda Government and it other rebel groups,
steadfastly refused to end the war in Northern Uganda by negotiation.

4.  The Uganda
government goes to donor countries every year to ask for more money to
fight the LRA, but the LRA grows stronger every year.  Every year,
the defense budget and other defense-related appropriations take up
ever-bigger percentages of the national budget, a budget that is 50%
subsidized by donor countries. Where is the money going, and why are
corrupt UPDF officers and government officials not made to account for
their actions? What and when does he plan to do with the UPDF officers
and government officials implicated in the Congo looting and other acts
of corruption? 

5.  The median age of
the LRA rebels drops every year, and is now closer to 12. When the UPDF
fights them, it actually kills children it had failed to prevent from
being abducted by the LRA and turned into child solders in the first
place. Does the President feel good when his soldiers kill children? When
he talks of “wiping out Joseph Kony and his LRA,” why doesn’t he realize
that he is talking about wiping out Acoli children?  When his
soldiers report many rebels killed, does he not realize they are talking
about killing children? Mr. Museveni has proclaimed on numerous occasions
since 1992 that the UPDF would “soon wipe out the LRA.”  Why hasn’t
it happened? 



2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

220 Woman Kills Ex-BoyfriendWith Her 
High-Heeled Shoe6-9-3


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Add 
"The Shoe Murder" to the chronicles of New York's crimes of 
A stormy relationship ended up on a Brooklyn street in 
the early hours of Saturday when a 220 pound woman sat on her 
ex-boyfriend's chest and clubbed him to death with her size 12 high 
heeled shoe, police said. 
Anna Rhinehart, 40, told authorities she attacked 
Roosevelt Bonds, 51, in self-defense after he punched her in the mouth, 
knocking out her two front teeth. 
The passionate struggle to the death began at 3 a.m. 
Saturday when Bonds saw Rhinehart at a restaurant with another man, 
police said. 
"There was a dispute between them and the man was 
struck in the head and body with a blunt instrument," police spokeswoman 
Det. Carolyn Chew said. 
Rhinehart was charged with manslaughter and criminal 
possession of a weapon. "It was her shoe," Det. Chew said. 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

America is Waking Up To The Truth About WMDBy Marion McKeone in New YorkThe Sunday 
Herald - UK6-9-3


The leak of part of a Department of Defence report has 
added fuel to the firestorm over Bush administration claims about the 
existence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The top-secret 
report by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) last September concluded 
that it could find no evidence of chemical weapons activity in Iraq. 
'There is no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and 
stockpiling chemical weapons,'its one-page summary said. 
The leak has put the White House on the defensive as 
controversy over the non-discovery of WMD grows. 
Hours after the report summary -- written by Defence 
Department in-house intelligence experts -- was leaked, the head of the 
DIA was dispatched to deny it contradicted the Bush administration's 
warnings of a dire, imminent threat to the US from Iraqi chemical 
DIA Director Vice Admiral Lowell Jacoby said the 
report showed his agency 'could not specifically pin down individual 
facilities operating as part of the WMD programs'. Pressed to explain 
the discrepancies between the report and administration claims, he said 
the report was 'not in any way intended to portray the fact that we had 
doubts that any programme existed, that such a programme was active, or 
that such a programme was part of the Iraqi WMD infrastructure'. 
The leak appeared to catch the White House by 
surprise. One official said: 'Look, we are not the only people who 
claimed Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. The rest of the world, 
including the UN Security Council, believed it too. The only person who 
claimed that Saddam didn't have weapons was Saddam.' 
But the belief Saddam had stockpiled weapons -- and 
the imminent threat they posed -- was the core reason cited by Bush 
during his historic address to the UN last September. He cited evidence 
of a massive WMD programme, which he said was based on US intelligence 
and laid down an ultimatum to the UN: either disarm Saddam, or the US 
will. Asked whether Bush was aware of the DIA report when he warned the 
UN about the threat , the official declined to comment, saying it was 
'unclear' whether Bush or any senior members of the administration had 
seen the report. It would, however, be unusual if Defence Secretary 
Donald Rumsfeld, one of the most vigorous supporters of the war, had not 
read a report issued by his own in-house intelligence agency on the very 
issue upon which the war was predicated. 
The alacrity of the White House response to the leak 
suggests it now believes the issue is a political danger for the 
President . Bush faces increasing pressure from influential lawmakers 
like Democratic senators Robert Byrd and Bob Graham who demand to know 
whether the administration manipulated intelligence to make the case for 
That doubts about Iraqi weapons existed as far back as 
a year ago raises a number of unanswered questions . There is growing 
unease on Capitol Hill, as even Republican lawmakers feel the issue is a 
symptom of the massive increase in power Rumsfeld has awarded himself at 
the expense of the CIA and the Department of State. 
'The basic problem here is that the office of the 
secretary of defence has become too powerful,'Patrick Lang, a former 
senior official in the DIA told the Senate. Others, including retired 
CIA analyst Larry Johnson, have publicly criticised CIA director George 
Tenet for allowing Rumsfeld to annex the CIA's role. 'Tenet sided with 
the defence crowd and cut the legs out from under his own 
analysts,'Johnson said. 
Senior CIA officials have distanced themselves from 
Rumsfeld's claims that WMD posed an imminent threat. They say these 
claims are based on information passed directly to Rumsfeld's office by 
Ahmed Chalabi, the leader of the Iraqi National Congress and a Pentagon 
favourite to become the next Iraqi leader. But the CIA regarded his 
sources as deeply suspect and said his claims were largely based on 
hearsay from other defectors with vested interests in regime 
The big question now is: was Bush was duped himself, 
or did he dupe the people into believing war was necessary? Some 
Democrats, sniffing blood, are poised to attack. Bob Graham, the top 
Democrat on the Sen


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Multiple wives a no-no for new Canucks




Leave your other wives at home if you want to come to Canada, federal 
officials are warning potential immigrants. The immigration department has 
ordered Canadian visa officers abroad to make sure potential immigrants are not 
involved in polygamous marriages before they're allowed to resettle here. 
Immigration officials said they're concerned that hundreds of well-heeled 
polygamous applicants are trying to come here with two, three or four wives and 
their children. 
"The first marriage is the only one that can potentially be recognized," 
immigration official Nicole Gareau told visa officers in a 2002 report obtained 
last week under access to information legislation. "Visa officers should counsel 
both parties that polygamy is an offence under the Criminal Code." 
Gareau said the couple should sign a sworn statement acknowledging that 
polygamy is illegal in Canada and that they will live in a monogamous marriage 
She said the sponsor is only allowed to bring to Canada his first wife. He 
can sponsor kids with other spouses. 
"Other spouses will not be able to come to Canada," Gareau told visa officers 
at 100 Canadian embassies worldwide. "Officers must explain that the separation 
of the children and their mothers will be permanent." 
Officials said the practice occurs mainly by wealthy applicants in Middle 
Eastern and African countries, where polygamy is accepted. The families apply to 
come here as business applicants. 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

French Fly 650 To 



READY: French troops relax at Entebbe Airport 
yesterday. Canadians are also here
  By Felix Osike At least 650 French troops had by yesterday 
  arrived in Uganda for the peacekeeping operation in Bunia town in the 
  Democratic Republic of Congo. They were joined by 46 Canadian 
  military experts led by Col. Boucharg, who arrived at Entebbe Airport on 
  Saturday night. Capt. Frederic Solano, the spokesman of the 
  French-led multinational force, said the first deployment would be made 
  today. The deployment is expected to be completed in a month. 
  About 100 French soldiers arrived in Bunia town Friday and secured 
  the airport ,for an advance party of a 1,400-strong multinational force. 
  Solano said about six flights are expected to be made today. 
  They will take Sagie tanks used in the first Gulf War. 
  Another team of 17 Belgium troops had arrived at Entebbe. Another 
  43 are expected this week. Today the Ministry of Defence and the 
  head of the French-led UN multinational force will sign a state of forces 
  agreement on the use of the Entebbe military airbase, army spokesman Maj. 
  Shaban Bantariza said. “The agreement will detail the mechanism of 
  operations between them and us because we have security interests where 
  they are (airbase),” said Bantariza. He said the agreement would 
  also spell out certain things that the multinational force would be 
  prohibited from doing while at the airbase, like bringing in people who 
  are not authorised to use the airbase. Ends
  Published on: Tuesday, 10th June, 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: French Fly 650 Troops To Entebbe - New Vision 10/6/2003

2003-06-09 Thread Omar Kezimbira

French Fly 650 To Entebbe

READY: French troops relax at Entebbe Airport yesterday. Canadians are also here
By Felix Osike At least 650 French troops had by yesterday arrived in Uganda for the peacekeeping operation in Bunia town in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They were joined by 46 Canadian military experts led by Col. Boucharg, who arrived at Entebbe Airport on Saturday night. Capt. Frederic Solano, the spokesman of the French-led multinational force, said the first deployment would be made today. The deployment is expected to be completed in a month. About 100 French soldiers arrived in Bunia town Friday and secured the airport ,for an advance party of a 1,400-strong multinational force. Solano said about six flights are expected to be made today. They will take Sagie tanks used in the first Gulf War. Another team of 17 Belgium troops had arrived at Entebbe. Another 43 are expected this week. Today the Ministry of Defence and the head of the French-led UN multinational force will sign a state of forces agreement on the use of the Entebbe military airbase, army spokesman Maj. Shaban Bantariza said. “The agreement will detail the mechanism of operations between them and us because we have security interests where they are (airbase),” said Bantariza. He said the agreement would also spell out certain things that the multinational force would be prohibited from doing while at the airbase, like bringing in people who are not authorised to use the airbase. Ends
Published on: Tuesday, 10th June, 2003

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ugnet_: WHO WAS KAGAME'S BEST MAN? Just curious!!

2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

Aronda was Kagame’s best manBy Daniel K. Kalinaki June 10, 2003 - 

Uganda’s new army commander, Maj. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, was the 
  best man at Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s wedding in 1989, The Monitor 
  can reveal. 
  A source that spoke to The Monitor in Kampala yesterday 
  said that the two are still on very friendly terms.
  “There is no reason to believe otherwise; they are still 
  friends,” the source said.Maj. Gen. Kagame’s wedding to Jeannette took 
  place in June 1989 and the reception was held at Nsambya Sharing 
  The kasiki (stag party) took place at the Kasisira, as the 
  former House of Entertainment at the Crested Towers was called 
  The after-party was held at the Colline Hotel 
  Maj. Gen. Kagame was still part of the Ugandan army at the 
  time, heading a desk at the then Directorate of Military 
  Part of the deal then was that Maj. Gen. Kagame would in 
  turn be the best man at Maj. Gen. Nyakairima's wedding. But by the time 
  the new army commander and Linda took their vows, his buddy had left 
  Uganda in 1990 to lead the RPA in Rwanda.
  A senior source in Kigali told The Monitor that Maj. Gen. 
  Nyakairima’s appointment was well received in Kigali, in part due to his 
  close friendship with President Kagame.
  The Rwanda government generally disapproved of the 
  outgoing army commander, Maj. Gen. James Kazini following fighting between 
  the two armies in Kisangani, DR Congo, between 1999 and 2000.
  Maj. Gen. Kazini was the then commander of Uganda's 
  Operation Safe Haven from his base in Kisangani.There was also 
  reportedly already a running personal feud between major generals Kagame 
  and Kazini that arose when the former still served in the Ugandan 
  Maj. Gen. Kazini, who was then in Military Police, 
  reportedly ordered the shooting of Maj. Gen. Kagame's relative – a 
  security operative implicated in armed robberies and 
  Maj. Gen. Kagame reportedly kept a grudge because he had 
  reportedly pleaded with Maj. Gen. Kazini to spare his relative to no 
  Maj. Gen. Kazini's removal as army commander was thus 
  bound to cause celebrations in Kigali. More so because it is Maj. Gen. 
  Kagame's former buddy who is now in charge of the 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: New Army Commander was Kagame's best man

2003-06-09 Thread Omar Kezimbira

General Aronda was Kagame’s best manBy Daniel K. Kalinaki June 10, 2003 - Monitor

Uganda’s new army commander, Maj. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, was the best man at Rwandan President Paul Kagame’s wedding in 1989, The Monitor can reveal. 
A source that spoke to The Monitor in Kampala yesterday said that the two are still on very friendly terms.
“There is no reason to believe otherwise; they are still friends,” the source said.Maj. Gen. Kagame’s wedding to Jeannette took place in June 1989 and the reception was held at Nsambya Sharing Hall.
The kasiki (stag party) took place at the Kasisira, as the former House of Entertainment at the Crested Towers was called then.
The after-party was held at the Colline Hotel Mukono.
Maj. Gen. Kagame was still part of the Ugandan army at the time, heading a desk at the then Directorate of Military Intelligence.
Part of the deal then was that Maj. Gen. Kagame would in turn be the best man at Maj. Gen. Nyakairima's wedding. But by the time the new army commander and Linda took their vows, his buddy had left Uganda in 1990 to lead the RPA in Rwanda.
A senior source in Kigali told The Monitor that Maj. Gen. Nyakairima’s appointment was well received in Kigali, in part due to his close friendship with President Kagame.
The Rwanda government generally disapproved of the outgoing army commander, Maj. Gen. James Kazini following fighting between the two armies in Kisangani, DR Congo, between 1999 and 2000.
Maj. Gen. Kazini was the then commander of Uganda's Operation Safe Haven from his base in Kisangani.There was also reportedly already a running personal feud between major generals Kagame and Kazini that arose when the former still served in the Ugandan army.
Maj. Gen. Kazini, who was then in Military Police, reportedly ordered the shooting of Maj. Gen. Kagame's relative – a security operative implicated in armed robberies and kidnappings.
Maj. Gen. Kagame reportedly kept a grudge because he had reportedly pleaded with Maj. Gen. Kazini to spare his relative to no avail.
Maj. Gen. Kazini's removal as army commander was thus bound to cause celebrations in Kigali. More so because it is Maj. Gen. Kagame's former buddy who is now in charge of the UPDF.
© 2003 The Monitor Publications
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ugnet_: Westerners flee Liberian capital-BBC

2003-06-09 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Monday, 9 June, 2003, 17:37 GMT 18:37 UK  

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Westerners flee Liberian capital

Government forces are still fighting backMilitary helicopters have evacuated some 500 Europeans, Lebanese and United States citizens from the Liberian capital, which is surrounded by rebel forces. 
Heavily armed French troops stationed themselves around the European Union compound in Monrovia, as helicopters shuttled the foreigners to a French ship waiting off the coast. 
Thousands of Liberian civilians have been fleeing to the east of the city after fresh fighting and artillery bombardments on Monday morning. 
Most of the fighting has been taking place in suburbs around the Saint Paul's River Bridge, which links the capital with the rebel-held town of Tubmanberg. 

 We can't work, and we had to leave 

Isabelle de BourningMedecins sans Frontieres 
Defence Minister Daniel Chea told the BBC's Focus on Africa that despite hours of fighting, government forces had been unable to dislodge them. 
Peace talks between the government and rebels in neighbouring Ghana have been postponed until Wednesday, reports the French news agency, AFP. Fighters of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (Lurd) on Sunday gave President Charles Taylor an ultimatum to resign within 72 hours or face renewed attacks but the fighting has not stopped. 

'Avoid bloodshed' 
The United Nations Security Council was due to meet on Monday evening to discuss the deteriorating situation in Monrovia. 


In pictures: Monrovia waits 
Q&A: Liberia's conflict In a statement, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan said he was alarmed at the severe impact of the fighting on Monrovia's inhabitants and urged all parties to ensure civilians were spared the effects of war. 
AFP reports that people queued patiently before boarding the helicopters in groups of 15. 
"We can't work, and we had to leave," said Isabelle de Bourning, of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), running for the helicopter. 
"We've been allowed five kilos of baggage each. We have to leave the rest behind," said another unnamed expatriate. 
They are being taken to the French military ship "Orage", which will take them to neighbouring Ivory Coast. 
However two small groups, from MSF and the International Committee of the Red Cross were staying in Monrovia. 
Last week, Mr Taylor was indicted for war crimes by a United Nations-backed court in neighbouring Sierra Leone. 
Guinea, which Mr Taylor accuses of backing Lurd, has welcomed his indictment. 
Refugee crisis 
There have been no reliable reports of casualties from the fighting but one aid worker from British charity Merlin, Magnus Wolfe-Murray, said that the capital of this nation of some three million people was flooded with refugees. 
"Conditions are dreadful," he said. "There are anything between 300,000 and 700,000 people in Monrovia without anywhere to stay." 

Refugees are packed into a concrete football stadium
The offensive by the Lurd and another rebel faction known as Model has cut off land escape routes from the city, forcing refugees to seek what shelter they can find in Monrovia under the pouring rain. 
One giant stadium in the centre is said to be packed with refugees. 
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2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward


  General Kazini denies any 
  wrongdoingThe Ugandan 
military have toned down the exit of Major General James Kazini from the top job 
by saying he has been sent to study at war college. 
But most will say it was the accusations of plundering the resources in 
neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo that knocked General Kazini off the 
army's top perch. 
Following the allegations by the United Nations that General Kazini had been 
benefiting from the exploitation of resources in Congo, he was called to answer 
a few questions by the government-appointed Porter Commission. 
General Kazini wasn't overly keen to attend and on several occasions failed 
to turn up. 
When he finally appeared, it was entertaining to say the least. 
The chair of the commission, Justice David Porter, accused General Kazini of 
telling repeated lies. 
When asked why he had disobeyed President Yoweri Museveni's orders forbidding 
him from helping Congolese businesses there, General Kazini replied politely, "I 
did not contradict the president, I was only being flexible your Lordship." 
In the 1980s, General Kazini was one of the early members of the guerrilla 
movement that brought Mr Museveni to power and he had a reputation as a fearless 


  President Museveni took action after UN 
  accusationsGeneral Kazini 
was in charge of the operation against the rebels of the Allied Democratic 
Forces, ADF, in the west of Uganda. 
The success of that task lead to him being put in charge of the Ugandan 
army's Operation Safe Haven in DR Congo. 
During that period, the Ugandan army's activities there were widely condemned 
when its forces clashed with Rwandan troops in the north-eastern city of 
Kisangani in 1999. 
Following the accusations of gaining personal wealth from the resources in 
Congo, he was sent home to Uganda. 
But then, far from being ticked off for alleged bad behaviour, he was 
promoted to commander of the army - militarily second only to the president 
Footie mad 
Away from the military arena and the probes of plundering, General Kazini has 
a couple of well documented passions in Kampala. 
One is Uganda's top musical group the Afrigo Band. 
If he is not dancing at one of their live shows at Club Obligato, he may be 
living it up at Ange Mystique night club. 
From the west of Uganda, General Kazini's other passion is football and 
specifically Sports Club Villa the current Ugandan league champions. 
He has even dipped into his pocket to help the team out - $2,500 to buy 
jerseys for the team. There's a dedicated fan for you. 
He is also well known for his personal business activities - and has recently 
been busy building hotels. 
And if you are wondering what he looks like - he has a moustache that is kept 
under control unlike some of his military colleagues and, well, let's just say 
he doesn't look as though he skips his meals. 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

SA to send troops to DRC09/06/2003 08:28  - (SA)   




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fighting in Bunia 

British troops in DRC 

troops deploy in Bunia 

normal in Bunia? 




Pretoria - South Africa said on Sunday it will provide troops for the 
international peacekeeping force set to deploy in turbulent northeastern 
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), where ethnic violence has killed hundreds in 
recent weeks. 
"We will provide troops to both the interim force in Bunia and to Monuc (the 
UN military mission in the DRC)," said Sydney Mufamadi, minister for provincial 
affairs, who has been facilitating peace talks among the parties to DRC's 
four-year-long civil war. 
Mufamadi said he could not give exact figures for the troops who would head 
to Bunia, the main town in DRC's Ituri region, saying that was "being discussed 
by our military people. But we will help to do what is expected under the UN 
An advance guard of French and British troops landed Friday in Bunia, where 
clashes have continued between fighters of the ethnic Lendu majority and Hema 
minority, who have controlled the town since mid-May. 
The peacekeeping force, under the authority of the European Union with United 
Nations backing, is mandated to secure Bunia airport and protect civilians and 
UN personnel in the town but has no power to intervene in fighting elsewhere in 
the Ituri region. 
The UN mission in DRC is already present in Bunia, and refugees and foreign 
journalists have taken refugee in its compound during the fighting. 
Mufamadi announced the South African deployment following a meeting covering 
the Bunia fighting between South African President Thabo Mbeki, who chairs the 
African Union, and ambassadors of the UN security council. 
South Africa has been actively involved in negotiations to set up a 
transitional government and interim constitution for the DRC as part of an 
ongoing peace process grouping the Kinshasa government and various rebel groups. 

South Africa has sent soldiers to DRC's central-eastern region under the 
Monuc banner, but deployment in Bunia has been ruled out until now. 
The UN delegation met with Mbeki ahead of its tour of the Great Lakes region, 
which begins on Monday. The team will visit DRC, Angola, Burundi, Rwanda, 
Tanzania and Uganda. 
The leader of the UN security council team, Jean-Marc de la Sabliere, 
applauded South Africa's role in the DRC and Burundi peace processes. 
"Security council members are of the opinion that important progress has been 
made on both these processes but that this is not irreversible. Both processes 
are fragile," he said. - Sapa-AFP 

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Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: Profile: Major General James Kazini - BBC

2003-06-09 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Monday, 9 June, 2003, 16:52 GMT 17:52 UK  

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Profile: Major General James Kazini

By Will Ross BBC correspondent in Kampala 

General Kazini denies any wrongdoingThe Ugandan military have toned down the exit of Major General James Kazini from the top job by saying he has been sent to study at war college. 
But most will say it was the accusations of plundering the resources in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo that knocked General Kazini off the army's top perch. 
Following the allegations by the United Nations that General Kazini had been benefiting from the exploitation of resources in Congo, he was called to answer a few questions by the government-appointed Porter Commission. 
General Kazini wasn't overly keen to attend and on several occasions failed to turn up. 
When he finally appeared, it was entertaining to say the least. 
The chair of the commission, Justice David Porter, accused General Kazini of telling repeated lies. 
When asked why he had disobeyed President Yoweri Museveni's orders forbidding him from helping Congolese businesses there, General Kazini replied politely, "I did not contradict the president, I was only being flexible your Lordship." 
In the 1980s, General Kazini was one of the early members of the guerrilla movement that brought Mr Museveni to power and he had a reputation as a fearless fighter. 

President Museveni took action after UN accusationsGeneral Kazini was in charge of the operation against the rebels of the Allied Democratic Forces, ADF, in the west of Uganda. 
The success of that task lead to him being put in charge of the Ugandan army's Operation Safe Haven in DR Congo. 
During that period, the Ugandan army's activities there were widely condemned when its forces clashed with Rwandan troops in the north-eastern city of Kisangani in 1999. 
Following the accusations of gaining personal wealth from the resources in Congo, he was sent home to Uganda. 
But then, far from being ticked off for alleged bad behaviour, he was promoted to commander of the army - militarily second only to the president himself. 
Footie mad 
Away from the military arena and the probes of plundering, General Kazini has a couple of well documented passions in Kampala. 
One is Uganda's top musical group the Afrigo Band. 
If he is not dancing at one of their live shows at Club Obligato, he may be living it up at Ange Mystique night club. 
From the west of Uganda, General Kazini's other passion is football and specifically Sports Club Villa the current Ugandan league champions. 
He has even dipped into his pocket to help the team out - $2,500 to buy jerseys for the team. There's a dedicated fan for you. 
He is also well known for his personal business activities - and has recently been busy building hotels. 
And if you are wondering what he looks like - he has a moustache that is kept under control unlike some of his military colleagues and, well, let's just say he doesn't look as though he skips his meals. 

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Q&A: DR Congo's ethnic flashpoint 13 May 03  |  Africa 
Congo promises dirty money crackdown 22 Apr 03  |  Business 
Rwanda denies DRC plundering 18 Feb 03  |  Business 
Timeline: Democratic Republic of Congo 08 Mar 03  |  Country profiles 
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Ugandan government 
UN Panel report (Word document) 
UN mission to the DRC 
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Mauritania 'foils' coup attempt 
Westerners flee Liberian capital 
Mugabe foe faces new charges 
More troops for DR Congo town 

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ugnet_: Rwanda downs Uganda in Chaotic Football Match- New Vision 9/6/2003

2003-06-09 Thread Lugemwa FN
Could have been poor officiating!

The referee should have used his the yellow and red
cards sooner before the situation got out of control.

Soccer fans, who knows??


 Omar Kezimbira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rwanda Downs Uganda in Chaotic Match -New Vision
> PUNCH UP: Abubaker Tabula (left) runs away from
> marauding Rwandan players By Vincent Mugaba 
> Nothing can soothe the hearts of soccer-loving
> Ugandans this weekend. There is no love lost between
> Uganda and Rwanda and least of all on the soccer
> field. And Saturday will go down as a day many would
> rather forget. 
> With four points from two games, Uganda needed a win
> against Rwanda to get a place in next year's African
> Cup of Nations. But after a 1-0 loss to Rwanda, the
> battle will be harder. 
> And a battle it was between Rwanda and Uganda at
> Namboole Stadium in Kampala. The match degenerated
> into chaos as players fought and fans exchanged
> blows. Ethiopian referee Alemu Gizate had to stop
> play for 30 minutes to bring the game to order. By
> then, players, fans and officials were all bloodied.
> It was on resumption of the game that Rwanda's Jimmy
> Gatete put out Uganda's hopes with a single goal.
> Despite efforts from Sulaiman Tenywa and Tabula, the
> Uganda Cranes would find no way into the Rwandan
> goal. 
> -
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ugnet_: The feeling of the nation-" a sweet win"

2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward

From: Moses Badege 

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 7:58 AM
Subject: [rwanda-l] The feeling of the nation-" a sweet 

We were sure delighted and impressed by the performance (Amavubi Vs 
Cranes). It was absolutely wonderful. Our  guys were  terrific.The 
whole nation was fascinated. The foundation of this excitment was the fact that 
Ugandans who had marigned our players in Kampala for the soccer Game by 
inflicting bodly injuries on them, lost the game to AMAVUBI.
When the news of this harrasment broke out live on the air, the whole 
nation got chilly. We had heard that Jimy Gatete's( the best of our players) 
skull had been cut open with a deadly object when both the Ugandan security 
and civilians invaded our goal and started beating our players without mercy. 
You should have been in Rwanda to understand how we Rwandans are a proud and one 
people. We got hurt, we were angly, we charged and every one right from maibobo 
to the President, young and the old, started talking to God and asking for the 
best way out of that development.
Why should these Ugandans who get treated with diginity when in our 
nation, descend on our boys and start beating them like that?? seems to have 
been the question on every one's mind as the whole nation started  
gathering on the Kigali streets as if to get orders to go and rescue our 
AMAVUBI!!! You could see in every one's eye, that people were ready for a 
just war if the needs be.
After Being Harrased and assaulted, AMAVUBI considered withdrawing 
from the game and went out of theplay ground, but at afterwords at the advise of 
Cesar Kayisali the leader of the team, the idea was dropped and AMAVUBI 
re-entered the game.
Shortly after re-entering the game, no one else, but God answered the 
prayers of the nation! Every one in Rwanda, had opened the radio to the 
maximum volume, then came the 34th minute of the first half, and went  the 
announcer goal 
Gateteee Gatet 
Igitego Imana Imana Imana 
Imana Igiteg Badukubise Bamukubise None Gatete atsinze 
Igitegooo Iman Imanaa iramwishuriye iratwishyuliye. That was it. 
It was a winning goal as Ugandans could not match it in the second half.
The nation in its capital city Kigali, went joyousily crazy. some 
started shading tears of joy, People embressed and huged as a precedent for 
the true re-union of the nation was under way. It happened later on at 
Amahoro Stadium, when a historical re-union and a show of true brotherhood 
that has never ever happened before In Rwanda, brought together the president, 
the minisiters and the people into a show of love to each other as a nation. 
There was a real and perfect revolutionary mood as the President himself and his 
Cabinet got disapeared in and became one with the people in this historical 
Finally, the president roared " gutsinda ube umuco karande mubanyaRwanda, 
ali muli siporo, ali muntambara ali muri displine no mu gushakisha amahoro" then 
the crowd on its own broke out and went "Muzee Wacu Mzee Wacu Mzee 
Wacu.. Then I felt more proud of being a MunyaRwanda.
Moses Badege
Peace Onto Africa and Humanity
    The Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri 
Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 
- Original Message - 

ugnet_: The State & Edcatio - Human NoNe Resources

2003-06-09 Thread dbbwanika db

Parents told 
KASESE — The district local government has threatened to use force against parents who do not provide scholastic materials for their children in Universal Primary Education schools. This was stated by Constantine Baluku, an education officer, at Uganda Martyrs Primary School recently. 

KABALE — An Australian charity has offered 50 partial scholarships to enable pupils who complete the Universal Primary Education to get higher education at Bwama Secondary School. This was stated by Bwama headmaster Robert Atube while receiving computers at the school recently.



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2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward


  Man Remanded Over Daughter’s 
  By Florence Nakaayi A MAN accused of strangling his daughter 
  and burying her in an anthill was recently charged and remanded to Luzira 
  Prison for murder. Lawrence Maseruka, 23, a peasant of Nakatovu 
  village in Kayunga district, allegedly killed his two-and-a-half-year-old 
  child, Rachael Namulindwa, alleging to have been attacked by evil spirits. 
  He appeared before Mukono Court Grade Two Magistrate Najjuuko Mutebi. 
  Mutebi did not allow him to answer to the charge due to lack of 
  jurisdiction. He was advised to apply for bail in the High Court. 
  The State Prosecutor, Billy Ojok, told court that the accused 
  committed the offence on May 1 at Nakatovu village, Nakatundu parish. 
  It is alleged that the deceased left home with her father (accused) at 
  around 4:00pm but did not return. She was discovered dead five days 
  later. The suspect allegedly killed the girl as a sacrifice to get wealth. 
  The offence surfaced after the deceased’s mother, Eva Nagawa 
  (separated with the accused), came to pick her two daughters from their 
  father but on arrival, the accused and his wife (co-wife) disappeared. 
  Later, the deceased’s four-year-old sister reportedly told her mother 
  that their father had killed Namulindwa and later slaughtered a chicken, 
  which they ate. Ends 
  Published on: Monday, 9th June, 
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 

ugnet_: UPC appoint new CAS

2003-06-09 Thread gook makanga

UPC appoint KAMPALA — The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) president, Dr. Apollo Milton Obote, has appointed party youth chairman Kyeyune Ssenyonjo as the new UPC chief administrative secretary. Ssenyonjo replaces Edward Ochwo who was earlier sacked. UPC Presidential Policy Commission vice-chairman Henry Mayega said the appointment will streamline the running of the party headquarters. 
Newvision -
Published on: Monday, 9th June, 2003



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ugnet_: Let Okurut wash the president's mouth first

2003-06-09 Thread gook makanga

Letter to a Kampala Friend 

By Muniini K. Mulera Let Okurut wash the president's mouth firstJune 9, 2003

Dear Tingasiga:
I agree with Presidential Press Secretary Mary Karooro Okurut that insults have no place in civilised dialogue, especially among leaders in our society. 
In her column last Saturday, Ms Okurut made three entirely valid observations. 
First, that Mzee F.D.R. Gureme's public apology to President Yoweri Museveni and his family for using an apparently offensive _expression_ in his column in reference to the president is a sign of the Old Man's civility. 
Second, that Mzee Gureme's action bodes very well for the country. 
Third, that while it is healthy to criticise the President, it is wrong to insult him. 
Few would disagree with Ms Okurut. There is absolutely no circumstance under which personal insults can be supported as a valid mode of discourse. 
However, Ms Okurut has her work cut out for her in her zealous attempt to educate the rest of us about proper etiquette. 
The very gentleman whose honour she valiantly sets out to defend is a master at the art of hurling insults.
I cannot recall any other Ugandan president who was as prolific as President Museveni in the use of blatantly abusive language to describe, rebuke, humiliate and threaten opponents and critics. 
Ugandans have been so insulted by the Ssabagabe, who determined long ago that everyone else was an idiot, that they have become totally habituated to His Excellency's gutter language.
Words like `buffoons', `idiots' and `fools' have issued from the presidential tongue so often that they are now part of the country's political lexicon. 
My editors will not allow me enough space to do justice to my long compendium of President Museveni's insults, which have done greater dishonour to the presidency than Mzee Gureme's well-intended _expression_. 
Consder the following:
Addressing a gathering during the official opening of the Hotel Africana in Kampala a few years ago, the President took off time to engage in his favourite sport of abusing former President Dr Apolo Milton Obote. 
"Obote who has now grown hair like a bush, looking like a ghost can continue talking from Lusaka but let him step here ...," The Monitor quoted President Museveni telling an audience that apparently found it funny. 
That was the speech in which Mr Museveni informed his countrymen that he would murder his predecessor should the latter be foolish enough to return to his own country. 
Though he has always excelled at insulting Ugandans from the North and North East, Mr Museveni has so far been fairly non-sectarian in his choice of targets for abuse. 
A few weeks ago, he hurled one at Mr Jaberi Bidandi Ssali, his then Minister of Local Government, whom he described as a mere spoke in the wheel and a "nothing." 
Had he been speaking in Runyankore, the president would have told Mr Bidandii: "Ori busha (You are nothing)." 
Although Mr Museveni has now made the unsurprising attempt to backtrack by claiming that he had been misinterpreted, his description of a person of Mr Bidandi's stature as a mere spoke in the wheel and a nothing was one of the lowest moments in the history of this president's public utterances. 
But when one thought the Ssabagabe had exhausted his fund of insults, he came out with another one this past Friday. 
According to the government-owned New Vision, Mr Museveni returned to the gutter during a speech to celebrate vice-president Prof. Gilbert Bukenya's swearing-in ceremony. 
"We must talk and agree among ourselves," Mr Museveni advised his good Movement cadres who gathered for the happy occasion. "Don't go out and throw up. Who are you? You are nothing." 
Here he was referring to respectable comrades like former First Deputy Prime Minister Eriya Kategaya and former Minister of Ethics and Integrity Minister Miria Matembe, who had made "controversial statements" about the president's suspicious motives in his current game of political manipulation. 
What worse insult to others and to the dignity of the presidency could Mr Museveni have conjured up? One hopes that people were not eating or drinking when the president talked about "throwing up." 
In fairness to Mr Museveni, he shares this love for the gutter with a number of other good Movement cadres. 
In a contest for "worst user of gutter language," Mr Museveni would be bested by folks like Lands, Water and Environment Minister Kahinda Otafiire. 
Brother Otafiire, who once described political opponents as chicken droppings [Maavi ya kuku], is not a man you want to cross if you have a delicate constitution. He can pull out a zinger without losing his train of thought about heavy matters of state. 
My choice for author of the worst insult remains the late Minister of State for Finance Kafumbe Mukasa who made highly derogatory remarks about his political opponent Capt. Francis Babu's mother a few years ago. I cannot reproduce them in a family newspaper.
Not far behind these honoura


2003-06-09 Thread dbbwanika db
 I will be gald if anyone can help me with the background regulation in regard to pensions, and NSSF, FNANCIAL ENTITIES ACTS.

Stanbic bid approved

By Andrew Kanyegirire 

Stanbic Investment Management Services (SIMS) became the first investment and pension fund manager to be licensed by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA). 

“We are extremely proud to be the first investment manager to be licensed by the Uganda authorities. This is a sign of growing stability and maturity in Uganda’s important sectors and will be welcomed in many quarters,” Chris Mwebesa, SIMS executive director based in Nairobi said on Wednesday. 

Stanlib and Stanbic Bank (Uganda) are joint owners of SIMS. Stanlib are also the largest distributor of pension fund and wealth management products in both South Africa and the continent. The two firms are subsidiaries of the Standard Bank Group of South Africa. 

During their presentation, John Mackie, the Head of African Funds at Stanlib, said the main aim of a pension fund was to deliver benefits to pensioners, but without risking the future benefits of existing members. 

“The whole point of having a good fund manager is to add value to your investments,” he said. 

Mackie advised trustees to act responsibly in selecting potential fund manager for their clients. 

Speaking on behalf of the Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, Ralph Ochan, the permanent secretary said, “The opening up and liberalisation of the social security sector is key to Uganda therefore we support the initial work that Stanbic is attempting to do”. 

Geoffrey Onegi-Obel, chairman of the Social Security Stakeholders Transitional Group (STG) said, “We expect the pension market to be opened up, we expect the public service pension scheme to become funded so as to reduce the drag on government.” 



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2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward


  COURSE ON: Thiant (left) and Koehl address 
  journalists. Centre is French officer Col. Ramade

  By Grace Matsiko FRANCE is to deploy up to 10 hi-tech 
  fighter jets in the Ugandan airspace to protect their troops being 
  deployed in Bunia in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Colonel Denis 
  Koehl, the logistics officer for the French-led-emergency multinational 
  interim force for Bunia on Saturday said five Mirage 2000D Bombers and 
  five Mirage Fox 1 fighter jets were assembled for the operation to be 
  commanded by a two-star General Paul Thonier. Koehl and French 
  ambassador to Uganda Jean-Bernard Thiant were addressing a press 
  conference about the three-month Operation Artemis spearheaded by France. 
  “The troops have to be protected on landing and take-off,” Koehl, an 
  airman said. “In normal situations, we may not deploy them but put 
  them on standby,” he added. Military sources said the French version 
  fighter jets can release a series of bombs at ago, re-fuel mid-air, 
  intercept enemy aircraft, launch missile attacks and take pictures on the 
  ground and relay them to the Central command in France for analysis. 
  Koehl said a reconnaissance mission comprising Commandos entered Bunia 
  town to assess the situation in readiness for the deployment of the main 
  body of the troops. “The speed of troop deployment is conditioned by 
  the extremely low number of rotations that can be effected on Bunia runway 
  given its condition. The deployment will undoubtedly be long. We must 
  think in terms of several weeks before the force can be completely 
  deployed with all its material and combat vehicles,” the colonel said. 
  He said the military build up is inevitable as the forces are 
  susceptible to attacks from heavily armed militia groups that are equipped 
  with armour and ground to air missiles. Koehl said a part from the 
  geographic constraints in Bunia, the airport there could not sustain more 
  than 10 airlifts per day and may deteriorate at each landing and takeoff. 
  “Strategic aerial transport will be effected upto Entebbe airport 
  where the force will install a (Joint-Military Support Base besides the 
  MONUC aerial plan of action. The aerial tactical projection will be 
  carried out in a distance of 300km between Entebbe and Bunia,” he added. 
  Thiant said the force is not to engage in combat with the militia but 
  to stabilise the chaotic situation in order to facilitate the work of the 
  humanitarian agencies as the condition of the population appears 
  catastrophic. Ends
Mulindwas Communication Group"With Yoweri Museveni, Uganda is in 
Groupe de communication Mulindwas "avec Yoweri Museveni, l'Ouganda est dans 


2003-06-09 Thread Mulindwa Edward


  This is the very problem I have with the Uganda National 
  Resistance Movement Bus Jumpers. I hope Anne Mugisha can be clear on some 
  few issues bothering us as Ugandans
   Did it actually require her or them a survey to 
  understand that we do not support their government? And please allow me to 
  spend some time on this misinformation.
  When NRM was in the bush very many Ugandans in Luwero 
  District refused to support it, and NRM reacted by killing Ugandans 
  especially Baganda very massively. I and very many other Ugandans have 
  posted many times in these forums how NRM was killing parents who refused 
  their sons to join the force and that is how we ended up with the 
  Kadogo's. A population which was all but swept under the carpet to today. 
  Another factor is the war in Northern Uganda which but started as soon as 
  NRM came to power. NRM has spent all its days in wars, from East Uganda to 
  Northern Uganda to Western Uganda, actually President Museveni is a 
  President who has never ruled Uganda as a whole nation even for 5 minutes. 
  For since he came to power there is a place which is a no go always. I 
  must there fore wonder whether Anne Mugisha can be help full to tell us 
  when Ugandans supported Museveni's government and up to what time did this 
  support die out? And you are talking about entrenching him self to power. 
  Well let me give you a flash news, NRM has been entrenched in power from 
  day one. When you were serving under that dictatorial government it was 
  entrenched, then the question a literal man like me must pose now is Why 
  didn't you know that it was entrenched then and you know now?
  Like in my previous comments to you yesterday, this is 
  where I have a huge problem. You state "Instead UPDF has been accused of 
  carrying out terrorism against the people of Northern Uganda and dumping 
  them in insecure IDC's" Anne surely you claim to have left NRM. Why 
  are you not telling us the inside story or the truth. And let me ask you 
  specifically. According to your knowledge, is UPDF carrying out acts of 
  terrorism in Northern Uganda or it is not? We have a huge problem where we 
  have people who are being killed raped and terrorised day in day out, the 
  people in Northern Uganda knows exactly who is terrorizing them so it is 
  not a secret, and you are telling us that UPDF is being "accused?", Anne 
  what is UPDF doing to our people in Northern Uganda? For you are talking 
  about it as something which can not be proven yet, and that bothers me a 
  great deal.
  You are appealing to the United States to tell President 
  Museveni to improve several things including human rights.
  Do you actually expect Museveni to change now? This is a 
  man who has been a killer from day one, again I have already mentioned his 
  killing of Moslems in Fort Portal during the war against Iddi Amin, we 
  know what FRONASA did in Kampala when Museveni was in Uganda government, 
  we know the murders of Ugandans during the 69 days of Lule, Museveni has 
  even accepted the killing of Ugandans to destabilize Binayisa's government 
  on and on. One can depend on all those factors to call it a pattern. Why 
  would Museveni change today? 
  You see to some of us as Ugandans we believe that NRM 
  has been and remains a killer government, if that was not true, Ugandans 
  like Tumwebaze would have been with us today, so would Nkwanga and so on. 
  So this has not started with Kiiza Besigye's leaving Uganda. And if you 
  think that the situation in our country became worse at Kiiza Besigye's 
  leaving Uganda, I have news for you. Internally displaced people have been 
  in camps for more than fifteen years. Fifteen years Anne and more, that 
  was when Kiiza Besigye was still in Uganda and serving NRM. And for you to 
  by pass that and many other atrocities committed by your own government, 
  and you want us to believe that when opposition people like him are 
  allowed to go back into Uganda it will be a sign of democracy, I must take 
  you on that by all means. For what you are doing here is a patch work, you 
  want an action taken on Akandwaho so are some other Ugandans who wanted an 
  action taken on Kazini and Tamukunde. Who is clean in UPDF? Who do you 
  have in UPDF that you want to leave in that rotten force? Well may be you 
  should talk to the women in Northern Uganda and in DRC? Actually even in 
  Buganda as we speak.
  I think you are naively getting an article from Monitor 
  and you are using it to support your cause and in the process you want us 
  as Ugandans to look at Uganda from that ve