ugnet_: Constitutional review Kenyan style

2004-05-15 Thread Owor Kipenji

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ugnet_: Taxation is tyranny by Parliament

2004-05-15 Thread Owor Kipenji


Taxation is tyranny by Parliament Story by PHILIP OCHIENG / Fifth Columnist Publication Date: 05/16/2004 

When James Ottis declared that "Taxation without representation is tyranny", he was speaking for the entire revolutionary capitalist world.  
Economic life had been feudal ever since the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals and other Germanic barbarians had brought the Roman empire to its knees in the fifth century AD. But a new mode of production was born from feudalism's womb in late medieval times.  
By the 17th century, capitalism – youthful and unstoppable – had consigned feudalism to the grave. All production – economic, intellectual and artistic – was now in capitalist hands. Yet one vital office, the political state, remained in the hands of a feudal institution – the monarch, almighty, despotic, even "divine".  
The feudal state, therefore, was now wholly parasitical on the capitalist houses. Through tolls, tithes and other levies, it made painful inroads into their profits to finance the monarch's increasingly tyrannical hold. 
And yet he adamantly refused to listen to all their pleas to be represented in any decision-making council. The protest was eloquently expressed by the French philosophes, the English utilitarians and the American Federalists. 
The result was inevitable – the great bourgeois revolutions of 1688 (England), 1776 (America), 1789 (France) and, in the 1870s, national unification in Germany and Italy out of hundreds of puny feudal principalities. 
To wrench political power from feudal hands and liberate the economy from tax and other laws which the capitalists had not participated in making – that was the quest. In Made in America, Bill Bryson points out:  
"What [Ottis and other colonial American rebels] did lack were seats in Parliament [in London]. They resented ... being required to pay taxes to (England] when they were denied a voice in the House of Commons." 
Yet, on taking power, the class soon forgot its revolutionary ideals. The Euro-American bourgeoisie soon threw overboard its promised Libert , Egalit et Fraternit and introduced economic oppression even more painful. 
Right here in Kenya, colonialism – a post-revolutionary phenomenon – soon imposed immoderate taxation and other forms of oppression, while ruthlessly suppressing all those who agitated for political representation. 
The result? Dedan Kimathi was as inevitable as Oliver Cromwell, George Washington, George-Jacques Danton, Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi. 
Yet since Kenya attained independence – with Mau Mau's help – our own ruling class (the nationalists) have ruthlessly taxed us with neither service nor representation. 
Everywhere, Kenyans have been systematically robbed of their lands and other property by the very same class that once organised us to spill blood against British colonialism.  
In the market system – with its characteristic individualism – I do not know of any form of oppression more dehumanising than having no money. Independence has meant the most agonising financial tyranny.  
Even relatively well-paid cadres live from hand to mouth because all their fringe benefits are taxed heavily. 
Where does our money go? Into the maws of a queen bee called the state which is supposed to use it to provide us with food, medicine, education, roads, water, power and security – but which never does. 
How can Parliament protect us from nyang'au when it is itself nyang'au? New MPs begin by raising their own emoluments towards the sky – financed from our pockets.  
When a motion is due in Parliament which affects their personal or tribal fortunes, MPs swarm there like houseflies. Yet a quorum may not be found when it comes to debating an important financial Bill. 
After each Budget speech, the MPs have two weeks to discuss the proposals and possibly raise our tax plight. They never do. Instead they hurl uneducated abuse at one another on irrelevant subjects. 
If it is that our MPs either don't understand financial economics or are too busy in personal financial intrigues to come to the House, it only adds to the proof that we have no representation. 
As our taxes rise, the transnationals arbitrarily raise the prices of essential consumer goods. We sink deeper into hunger. Our MPs' response? To gorge themselves with our money. So exactly why do we need Parliament? 


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RE: ugnet_: Acholi clergy defends fr. Rodriguez

2004-05-15 Thread Vukoni Lupa-Lasaga
Bwana Musaazi,

Once again, with so much verbiage you have deftly sidestepped the real

But I'll revisit them anyway.

1. The government of Uganda has the responsibility of protecting the
property and lives of all Ugandans from both internal and external
threats.  By commission and omission, Yoweri Museveni's administration
has done a terrible job of it in Acholiland.  This fact isn't altered,
regardless of whether there is local support for the LRA or not and
whether Sudan or any other foreign country is supporting the LRA or
not.  All your arguments in this regard amount to little more than lame

2. It is curious that to you, southern elements have to be present in
the LRA for us to characterize the outcome of the armed conflict in
Acholiland as genocidal.  I beg to differ.  Incompetence, corruption,
and dereliction of duty by UPDF officers (including Yoweri Museveni) and
rank and file largely accounts for the continued existence of Joseph
Kony (who by all reckoning is a psychopath with no credible political
agenda).  Nearly every one of the commanding officers posted to Gulu,
Kitgum, and Lira, to help fight armed rebellion, has profiteered from
the war rather than stop it. This includes Salim Saleh, Tinyefuza, and
Wasswa.  Follow the money, if you think I'm lying or playing politics,
as you cheaply shot.   

3.  The Yoweri Museveni administration has two real junctures for ending
the suffering in Acholi.  Either to defeat the LRA militarily (which it
has failed) or to pursue less violent options. 

4. You still haven't quoted for me any Ugandan law that penalizes an
attempt to broker peace. If such laws exist, I have already said that we
should have it repealed.  Contrary to your assertion, I think all
Ugandans and friends of Uganda are bound by duty, conscience, and human
decency to contribute toward seeking an end to the suffering of more
than one million Ugandans, whose tragic fate is a reflection of
monumental failure of government.  For state functionaries and toadies
to hide behind real or imagined laws in an attempt to monopolize
genocidal incompetence is mind-boggling.  

5. One doesn't have to have a political agenda to point these things
out.  Personally, I carry water for no one.  I speak as a journalist and
concerned Ugandan, African, and humanist.  Many people, including
myself, have condemned and will continue to condemn the savagery of
Joseph Kony and the LRA.  We have also condemned and will continue to
condemn criminal negligence by civilians and soldiers in the Museveni
administration that have directly or indirectly led to unnecessary loss
of life in northern Uganda and elsewhere in the course of war. Are there
those who try to make political hay out of Museveni's and the UPDF's
abject failure to defeat a ragtag group of brigands?  You bet.  That's
in the nature of politics.  I recognize it although I don't play it. 
Does that fact (i.e. political hay-making) eliminate the necessity to
speak out?  Of course not.

6. All this noise Movement apologists and propagandists make about Fr.
Rodriguez is just a diversion.  Somebody, Ugandan or not, has to put
their life on the line, to do the risky job of pursuing alternatives to
the government's failed approach.  This job is truly dangerous and I'm
sure those who undertake the role of mediators are well aware that they
will meet hostility from both Kony/LRA and UPDF/Museveni, who share the
unsavory reputation of treachery in the face of peace.


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ugnet_: Joy of Sex Education

2004-05-15 Thread Owor Kipenji

Joy of sex education 
America's virgin soldiers are on their way - ignoring the dangers of abstinence for teenagers
George MonbiotTuesday May 11, 2004
The Guardian
The flame of sexual liberation may soon have to be kept alive by us geriatric delinquents. A US evangelical group has announced that next month it will be recruiting British teenagers to its campaign against sex before marriage. In the States, more than a million have taken the pledge. "Great Britain," the organiser insists, "is fascinated with the idea of sexual abstinence." In my day such a fellow would have been horsewhipped. Yet young people are flocking to him. Is there no end to the depravity of today's youth? 
Not if the US government can help it. The abstinence campaign that hopes to corrupt the morals of our once proud nation - a group called the Silver Ring Thing - has so far received $700,000 from George Bush, as part of his campaign to replace sex education with Victorian values. This year he doubled the federal budget for virginity training, to $270m. In terms of participation, his programme is working. In every other respect it's a catastrophe. 
No one could dispute that thousands of teenagers in Britain and the United States are suffering as a result of sex before marriage. Teenage pregnancies are overwhelmingly concentrated at the bottom of the social scale: the teenage daughters of unskilled manual labourers are 10 times as likely to become pregnant as middle-class girls. According to the United Nations agency Unicef, women born into poverty are twice as likely to stay that way if they have their children too soon. They are more likely to be unemployed, to suffer from depression and to become dependent on alcohol or drugs. 
The prevalence of both teenage pregnancy and venereal disease in this country and the US is generally blamed on lax morals and a permissive welfare state. Teenagers are in trouble today, the conservatives who dominate this debate insist, because of the sexual liberation of the 60s and 70s and the willingness of the state to support single mothers. On Sunday, Ann Widdecombe maintained that sex education has "failed": those who promote it should now "shut up" and leave the welfare of our teenagers to the virginity campaigners. Denny Pattyn, the founder of the Silver Ring Thing, calls this "the cesspool generation - suffering the catastrophic effects of the sexual revolution". These people have some explaining to do. 
Were we to accept the conservatives' version, we would expect the nations in which sex education and access to contraception are most widespread to be those that suffer most from teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease. The truth is the other way around. 
The two western countries at the top of the disaster league, the United States and the United Kingdom, are those in which conservative campaigns are among the strongest and sex education and access to contraception are among the weakest. The US, the UN Population Fund's figures show, is the only rich nation stuck in the middle of the third world block, with 53 births per 1,000 teenagers - a record worse than those of India, the Philippines and Rwanda. The UK comes next with 20. The nations the conservatives would place at the top of the list are clumped at the bottom. Germany and Norway produce 11 babies per 1,000 teenagers, Finland eight, Sweden and Denmark seven and the Netherlands five. 
Unicef's explanation is pretty unequivocal. Sweden, for example, radically changed its sex education policies in 1975. "Recommendations of abstinence and sex only within marriage were dropped, contraceptive education was made explicit, and a nationwide network of youth clinics was established specifically to provide confidential contraceptive advice and free contraceptives ... Over the next two decades, Sweden saw its teenage birth rate fall by 80 per cent." Sexually transmitted diseases, in contrast to the rising rates in the UK and the US, declined by 40% in the 1990s. 
"Studies of the Dutch experience," Unicef continues, "have concluded that the underlying reason for success has been the combination of a relatively inclusive society with more open attitudes towards sex and sex education, including contraception." Requests for contraceptives there "are not associated with shame or embarrassment", and "the media is willing to carry explicit messages" about them that are "designed for young people". This teeming cesspool has among the lowest abortion and teenage birth rates on earth. 
America and the UK, by contrast, are "less inclusive societies" where "contraceptive advice and services may be formally available, but in a 'closed' atmosphere of embarrassment and secrecy". The UK has a higher teenage pregnancy rate not because there is more sex or abortion, but because of "lower rates of contraceptive use". 
The catastrophe afflicting so many teenagers in Britain and Amer

ugnet_: Museveni's people talk simply trivial- Prof. Dani W. Nabudere

2004-05-15 Thread Omar Kezimbira
Museveni’s people talk simply trivial By Dani W. Nabudere May 16, 2004 - Monitor

The letter by President Museveni in reply to the posthumous legal and political opinion of the late James Wapakhabulo (RIP), which he gave in “good faith” because he was “motivated by the desire to see a harmonious political development in the country and nothing more,” is both amazing and revealing.Amazing because it exposes the president as interested more in trivialities than substance. Revealing because behind the trivialities is a commitment not to play by the rules but by the logic of the bush war, which he has elevated to a position above the constitution. 

President MuseveniIndeed, this letter goes a step further, if indeed one was ever required, to prove that President Yoweri Museveni is determined to get the life presidency come what may and to do this, he will invoke January 26, 1986 as that ultimate authority for his action of ignoring the constitution. 

Although he himself, in his position of president was part of the NRC and the CA that promulgated the constitution on behalf of the people, he now wants to step aside, against all the branches of government, including the judiciary to become the sole interpreter of that constitution, and even so, wrongly! 
This is tantamount to a breach of article 3, which prohibits all of us from breaching the constitution and try to take control of the government of Uganda, otherwise by the processes provided for under that constitution.
In my opinion, Wapakhabulo gave the best-considered legal and political opinion that the president should have taken time to ponder upon. Wapakhabulo was the most qualified person to reflect on the 1995 constitution because he chaired the proceedings for its debate, enactment and adoption. 
He was involved in all the rulings on all questions that led to its adoption and he did this in the name of the “Movement.” Now his legacy is being tarnished by a president who never seems to respect any one except himself. What a pity because this country deserves better leadership than that, having gone through all the turmoil that has become the hallmark of Uganda’s infamous history since its political independence. 
This is because the president even has not much opinion of his own minister’ of Constitutional Affairs who has acknowledged that the referendum would not change the constitution but would only “gauge public opinion” whatever that means! In any case this amounts to the same thing as “propaganda value” that Wapakhabulo talked about, which nevertheless is right.
That is why it would be so wrong to refer to the presidents’ letter as trivial, as I have done, because there is more to it than meets the eye. 
For one thing, it confirms Mr Eriya Kategeya’s argument that the president personally pushed for the amendment of article 105(2) and has been using other people to argue the point for him while he sits in the background to pull the strings and provide the liquidity to propagate the case for what has come to be wrongly called “Third Term.” He has done this while those who have opposed the proposal have been harassed by the police and paid hooligans. 
There is no evidence of any popular outcry from the people demanding that the constitution be changed to accommodate the “Third Term” claim. It has been an orchestration throughout by some individuals inside and outside the cabinet. The president in his letter comes nearer to acknowledging this when for the first time we are “some people” wanted the change and not the whole “people.”
It is too late for the president to try to confuse the country with his political opinions, which he wrongly equates with those on the January 26, 1986 of “the people” or better put “some people!” 
The people of Uganda decided to put “the bush constitutions” that governed the NRM and NRC behind them and embarked on a process of making a lasting constitution for their country. A constitution is the Supreme Law of this country and cannot rely on a single person’s political opinion and convictions. If we are to accept the president’s argument that because he went to the bush and therefore his understanding of the constitution is the only one which matters, this would be tantamount to being subjected to the dictatorship of one man, which the constitution rejects. 
It is for this reason that article 263 abolished the NRM government that was constituted under the rules adopted in the bush and the NRC. It provided that henceforth the country would be run as provided for under the constitution. The constitution recognised that power belongs to the people, but also provided that that power shall be exercised “in accordance with this constitution”. 
In other words, the people themselves decided to limit the manner in which they would exercise their power to the laws made under that constitution and not arbitrarily by some people claiming to represent them. Such exercise of power by “the people” without any laws would turn 

ugnet_: Federal Issue was a hot one: Cabinet Split on Third Term

2004-05-15 Thread Omar Kezimbira
Cabinet split on third term By David Kibirige May 16, 2004 - Monitor

KAMPALA- Ministers are divided over the proposal to give President Yoweri Museveni a ‘third term’, information filtering in from three days of cabinet meetings reveals.
Mr Museveni has since Wednesday been chairing a special cabinet meeting to chart out the way forward after the expiry of his constitutional term in 2006. The meeting, which was supposed to end on Friday, has been extended up to Tuesday to allow more discussion and consensus.
The Minister of Information James Nsaba Buturo confirmed that they would be sitting up to Tuesday.
“The meetings have been detailed and a lot of issues discussed. There were protracted discussions but it has been decided that there will be other meetings on Monday and Tuesday after which a statement will be issued,” said Buturo without going into details.
A source told Sunday Monitor that some ministers led by a professor argued that it would be better not to amend the constitution while others said it would be better to coerce parliament to give Museveni four more years after 2006.
They argued this would save Shs 30 billion planned for the referendum to decide whether the constitution should be amended to let Museveni rule for a third term which many have termed as presidency for life.
Some two ministers who before joining the Movement belonged to the Democratic Party are said to have openly told the president that it is in his own interest that he respects the 1995 constitution and peacefully hands over power.
The meetings were reportedly very heated. Another contentious issue was granting Buganda a federal (federo) system of government.
Museveni’s aides headed by Fox Odoi have come up with a federal structure for Buganda, which was presented to the cabinet. Some cabinet ministers are said to have opposed granting Buganda a federal status.
They said this arrangement should be for all areas. Museveni is said to have told them that personally, he would like to see Buganda granted federo. 
He told the cabinet members to “think about it until next week”. Minister Buturo confirmed that the meeting ended before resolving the federo issue. “Definitely the federal issue was a hot one and there is no doubt the meeting ended there. 
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Re: ugnet_: Stop neglecting north - EU

2004-05-15 Thread emmanuel musaazi
Mr. Matek, i have two questions for you; a) Are you one of the marginalized 
and who is supporting the war in the north? b) Was the north not 
marginalized under Obote? c) If your answer to b is no, can you outline how 
the northern region benefited from Obote's time in power (apart from a few 
of your folk who were "living it up" in Kampala at the time. d) Can you 
reveal to us where the NRM states that there policy is to marginalize 
sections of the country? and Finally, how do you expect any development to 
take place in the north when the LRA is distabilizing the region?

Netters, there are some Ugandans who will never be satisfied until a 
northerner is at the helm of affairs in Uganda. You just have to pay 
attention to there opinions through there postings; they are either 
chriticizing, Banyarwanda and how they are not Ugandans or Banyankole and 
how they are killing northerners or Baganda/Kabaka and how they are 
conspiring to control all of Uganda. All they want is that "there man" is in 
power full stop. They don't really care about what is happening in there 
regions, most of them don't even have property over there. When "there man" 
was in power and doing nothing for there regions, they didn't complain. Now, 
thirty years later they see the light, ironically, after "there man" has 
been deposed. The truth of the matter is that, development can't take place 
in the north because of the LRA conflict. How can you convince anyone to 
invest in a war zone. These people's agenda is to clandestinely support the 
LRA, in an effort to make the government look bad, so as to give themselves 
a chance to get back power. They know, they can't win based on issues. They 
don't give a damn about what is going on in the north. To them it is just 
another political gimmick, meanwhile hundreds continue to die and suffer.

They say government should seek peaceful ways to end the confict at the same 
time they encourage the rebels to continue fighting. Fighting to the rebels 
means attacking innocent civilians, yet they expect the government to fold 
it's arms and allow the killing of her citizens. When that happnes, they are 
the first people to come out with statements criticizing the government for 
not protecting "there people". How can you protect people from an anemy who 
comes to kill, without fighting back. America and Britain are combatting 
terrorism by attacking the terrorists, Isreal is doing likewise, why should 
Uganda be the country to fold her arms and permit the sensless slaughter of 
her citizens and as you can see from Mr. Matek's posting, these people 
calling for so called peaceful resolution to the conflict are not sincere, 
they are openly urging the LRA terrorists on. READ, LISTEN AND LEARN.

Subject: Re: ugnet_: Stop neglecting north - EU
Date: Sat, 15 May 2004 13:55:40 -0400
This is exactly what Museveni and his NRM wanted   and as far as it is 
the stated NRM policy to marginalize certain section of our country..those 
who feel marginalized will most definately continue with the wars!


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ugnet_: War halt Lira Development

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
War Halts Lira Development

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 14, 2004 
Posted to the web May 14, 2004 

Alex Ocen

LIRA district has failed to implement most of its 2003/04 financial year work plans 
due to the declining security situation in the region.

In a statement recently, Lira district chairman Franco Ojur said the insurgency had 
halted development in the district.

"The district budget was passed when Lira was peaceful but around October last year, 
insecurity increased, rendering nearly all planned activity impossible," he said.

Ojur said despite the fact that the money was still in the bank, rebel activity in the 
area had hindered the implementation of district development projects.

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ugnet_: Kony is hiding in Sudan

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
Meanwhile, from realiable sources in Kampala  Kony's Walking stick is saied to be on  
auction on E-bay!


Kony Hiding in Sudan

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 14, 2004 
Posted to the web May 14, 2004 

Dennis Ojwee

JOSEPH Kony,,the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels is reportedly in 
the Kit Valleys in Sudan with about 40 fighters, 10 wives and his children, the army 
has said.

The source said Kony had broken up his forces and remained only with a protection unit 
for himself and family members.

He reportedly sent off some fighters under junior commanders like Lamola.

The LRA Brigade commander and others crossed back to Uganda under Col. Charles 

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The UPDF operations commander inside Sudan, Lt. Sam Kiwanuka, yesterday said Kony and 
his fighters to meandering around the Kit Valleys south of Lubanga-Tek.

He said Kony was disappointed when the UPDF intercepted Odiambo while taking him 
foodstuffs and some military reinforcement.

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ugnet_: Acholi to get US $2 Billion..yeah right!...and the cow jumped over the Moon!

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
Acholi to Get Us$2b

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New Vision (Kampala)

May 14, 2004 
Posted to the web May 14, 2004 

Dennis Ojwee

THE Minister of State for Northern Uganda Rehabilitation, Grace Akello, has said the 
Government has set aside US$2b (about 4 trillion Uganda shillings) under a new 
programme for the reconstruction of northern Uganda.

Akello, who was giving an interview on Gulu's Mega FM recently, said the money was to 
be spent on reconstructing the war-ravaged north, particularly the Acholi sub-region.

She said the fund would be used to rehabilitate dilapidated areas and create 
income-generating activities to eradicate poverty.

"There is no doubt the Government will reconcile with the Acholi people after the war 
and will develop the north. What is important is for the Acholi to lay down their arms 
for good," she said.

The minister appealed to the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) to stop using abducted 
children to plant landmines to kill innocent civilians. She said children were 
innocent and should not be used to perpetrate crimes against humanity.

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Post-Conflict Challenges 
Also appearing on the show were two representatives of Alice Lakwena's former Holy 
Spirit rebel group, Mark Okello and John Baptist Okidi.

They appealed to Kony and all the LRA rebels to follow Lakwena's lead and surrender 
for the sake of peace in the region.

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ugnet_: Bad News.... "Kony" eats people

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
âKony eats peopleâ 
By Badru D. Mulumba 
May 16, 2004

KAMPALA â The Prime minister, Prof. Apolo Nsibambi, yesterday said that Joseph Kony 
rebels are cannibals. âHow do you negotiate with terrorists who donât want to 
negotiate?â he wondered.

âThey practice cannibalism. They are evil and vicious. They have been irrigated 
globally. And they are not willing to negotiate. How do you negotiate with terrorists 
I was going to call them idiots but I was told that I shouldnât be foul mouthed,â 
Nsibambi said. 

Calls on government to negotiate with rebels were aired at the annual public 
expenditure review workshop at Nile Hotel International Conference Centre in Kampala. 

Nsibambiâs reaction came after MP Ephraim Kamuntu (Shema north) said that increased 
defence spending might be fuelling more insecurity.

Parliament Budget committee deputy chairperson, Mr James Mwandha presented 
Parliamentâs position. âLeakages, wastes and corruption in the face of large 
amounts of âclassifiedâ outlays makes additional resources for this sector 
difficult to justify,â he said. Government proposes to increase defence expenditure 
by 19 percent from Shs 307 to Shs 367 billion.

 2004 The Monitor Publications

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ugnet_: Missionaries will not run.

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
Uganda: Missionaries Won't Run Away From War

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Catholic Information Service for Africa (Nairobi)

May 14, 2004 
Posted to the web May 14, 2004 


A missionary congregation working in war-torn Northern Uganda will not abandon its 
flock, despite the worsening security situation, two of its priests say.

Fr Raphael Dellagiacoma of the Comboni Missionaries told CISA on Friday, May 7, 2004, 
that "though in several areas we cannot do much work, we love the people by staying 
with them. I mean, mission is witnessing, loving as Christ did, not so much preaching 
or doing relief work!"

"Even dying, [being] killed by mindless and reckless young men, is part of this 
witness," the editor of the Comboni magazine Leadership in Gulu added.

In 2003, two Comboni priests were killed by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels. 
At the end of March 2004, Fr Luciano Fulvi, 76, was murdered -apparently by bandits- 
bringing to 15 the Comboni missionaries who have been martyred in Uganda.

The LRA leader Joseph Kony has ordered targeted attacks on missionaries and church-run 

But the missionaries' suffering has also come from the government, which favours a 
military solution to the war, and is uncomfortable with the Church's dogged search for 
peace. The army recently demanded the expulsion of Fr Carlos Rodriguez, also a Comboni 
missionary and a vigorous peace campaigner, whom it accuses of endangering state 

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Conflict, Peace and Security 
Speaking to CISA in Nairobi on Friday May 7, 2004, Fr Joseph Caramazza, the editor of 
New People magazine, another Comboni publication, said the congregation is involved in 
providing emergency relief to the 1.5 million internally displaced persons, as well as 
participating at all levels in the search for a peaceful end to the 18-year-old war.

The Comboni Missionaries have been working in Northern Uganda since 1910, and today 
run some 30 parishes and many social facilities.

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ugnet_: NO apology -Sudan

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
No Apology - Sudan

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The Monitor (Kampala)

May 14, 2004 
Posted to the web May 14, 2004 

Elias Biryabarema

A Sudanese envoy has said his government should not be held responsible for the 
suffering of the people in northern Uganda. Mr Mohammed Eisa Ismail Dahab, Sudan's 
deputy head of mission in Uganda and charge' d'affaires, had made a courtesy call to 
The Monitor offices in Namuwongo yesterday.

He said Sudan had no apology to make since it took no responsibility for the 
perpetuation of the LRA war in which an estimated a million people have been displaced 
and thousands killed.

"A country or someone can apologise only if he has done something wrong. We've done 
nothing as far as (the) LRA war is concerned and we have nothing to apologise about," 
Eisa said.

Answering a question from The Monitor managing director, Mr Conrad Nkutu, on why the 
LRA has been able to enjoy Sudanese support for 18 years, Dahab said: "Sudan has never 
supported LRA at any single time. It's true they have been living in southern Sudan, 
which has been in civil war and where we couldn't easily restrain them."

President Yoweri Museveni has consistently blamed the unending war on Sudan, which he 
accuses of providing support to LRA by giving them a safe haven and sourcing weapons.

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East Africa 
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Conflict, Peace and Security 
Dahab said the LRA rebellion should be blamed on the inequalities between the north 
and the rest of the country.

"LRA is an internal problem and you must blame yourselves," he said. He added that the 
UPDF, which has failed to neutralise the LRA fighters in northern Uganda, should bear 
all the blame.

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ugnet_: Federalism will unlock Uganda's potential

2004-05-15 Thread Lugemwa FN


Federalism for all.
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FN  Lugemwa

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Re: ugnet_: Stop neglecting north - EU

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko
This is exactly what Museveni and his NRM wanted   and as far as it is the stated 
NRM policy to marginalize certain section of our country..those who feel marginalized 
will most definately continue with the wars!


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ugnet_: The Echo Northern Uganda News Extras War in Northern Uganda

2004-05-15 Thread Matekopoko

For un-censored news from Northern Uganda


May 2004


That interview was it really the LRA leader?  In April 2004, some media organisations 
carried what was supposedly an interview with the LRA leader Joseph Kony. It was 
reported that the original interview was published in a southern Sudanese opposition 
newsletter. That the LRA no longer grant interviews to Ugandan radio stations and 
newspapers is due to a number of factors. But high up amongst them is the constant 
threat of death, violence and for the more visible journalists, court action - that 
has deterred all Ugandan media houses from reliably reporting on the Northern 
conflict. Even speaking to the LRA is now a treasonable act, let alone interviewing 
them. Therefore, where journalists find themselves with information to report, 
self-censorship takes over. For the record, the LRA regularly makes contact with local 
and international media bodies to put their side of the story across, but due to the 
factors listed above and the fact that many in the international media fear upsetting 
their countries' foreign policy objectives, it is only in the rarest of occasions that 
the LRA are afforded an opportunity. The fact that the LRA is never allowed to put 
across its side of the story suits the UPDF just fine. The UPDF (through the 
psuedo-LRA) can now engage in countless atrocities, with all its crimes heaped upon 
the LRA's head.

Back to the story. We put it to those with "keener eyes" on Northern Uganda to shed 
more light. Their verdict was an emphatic NO, rubbish - they said. The LRA would 
rather not grant an interview at all, than speak to its arch-enemy the SPLA (or 
different variations there of). The fact is the LRA continues to fight both the UPDF 
and the SPLA in Northern Uganda. It is therefore ludicrous to suggest that fresh from 
battle, the LRA leader would go and grant such an interview to the same force he has 
just been fighting.  

The truth however has not taken long in coming out. The Sudanese foreign minister 
interviewed on the BBC put it thus in summary: "The UPDF are in Juba (where Kony 
supposedly gave his interview from), Uganda's CMI have got a strong presence in Juba, 
for Joseph Kony to reach Juba he would have had to pass through SPLA territory". And 
he went further, "the Ugandan government knows and we know that the story about Kony 
is FALSE".

Observers believe, the "Kony exclusive" was nothing more than the usual UPDF "smear" 
campaign/propaganda aimed at misleading the public and especially the donor community 
who are getting increasingly impatient at the lack of progress in ending the war. Such 
propaganda (lies) are not only limited to the LRA. The NRM/UPDF has made it a habit, 
whenever it finds itself unstuck, to exact revenge (in whatever form) on those it 
perceives to be in the opposition. Usually this comes in the form of a rumour that Dr 
Obote of UPC has suffered a heart attack or that a new splinter group has emerged 
within DP trying to unseat Dr Paulo Semogerere. Even that Dr Besigye is bed ridden and 
critically ill in exile.

In this issue, we bring you more of those truths the UPDF would rather you didn't know 

On behalf of the team, I welcome you to the 8th issue and bid you a good read.

Civilians nab death squad member...

For 9 years now, the KAP/Boo-Kech death squads have sown fear and terror amongst the 
populations of Gulu and Kitgum districts (especially people living within the 
municipal areas). Their target is always people in the political opposition or 
businessmen the UPDF are paranoid about as having some links to the LRA. They come and 
kill in broad daylight, but mostly at night. They also make sure, they loot the 
victim's home to give the impression that this was common criminality. The latter is 
also their perk for belonging to the death squad i.e. not only do they receive cash, 
Boo-Kech are under licence to loot and thereby boost their pay. The story is told of a 
UPDF officer, who whilst on leave from Mbarara (the officer being a native of Gulu), 
set up tent not far away from a UPDF detach. For a few days nothing happened, then one 
night Boo-Kech came and killed him during the night. Neighbours could hear the 
dialogue as he fought with his attackers, it was clearly Boo-Kech. The UPDF officer in 
question was sent home on leave to be killed and Boo-Kech did the rest.

On 07 February 2004, the people of Koro (Gulu district) arrested a death squad member 
as he tried to break into a home. When the house owner raised the alarm and people in 
the neighbourhood responded, Boo-Kech realised that they were out numbered. They then 
beat a hasty retreat. Their member who was already in the house was surrounded and 
with nowhere to go, gave himself up. After questioning, he gave his name only as 
Odong. The civilian population then took the attacker to the nearest UPDF base, which 
was the 106

ugnet_: Federalism for all areas

2004-05-15 Thread Lugemwa FN

Federo for all areas.   IMAGINE THE POSSIBILITIES!   
    FN   Lugemwa
Cabinet split on third term By David Kibirige May 16, 2004

KAMPALA- Ministers are divided over the proposal to give President Yoweri Museveni a ‘third term’, information filtering in from three days of cabinet meetings reveals.
Mr Museveni has since Wednesday been chairing a special cabinet meeting to chart out the way forward after the expiry of his constitutional term in 2006. The meeting, which was supposed to end on Friday, has been extended up to Tuesday to allow more discussion and consensus.
The Minister of Information James Nsaba Buturo confirmed that they would be sitting up to Tuesday.
“The meetings have been detailed and a lot of issues discussed. There were protracted discussions but it has been decided that there will be other meetings on Monday and Tuesday after which a statement will be issued,” said Buturo without going into details.
A source told Sunday Monitor that some ministers led by a professor argued that it would be better not to amend the constitution while others said it would be better to coerce parliament to give Museveni four more years after 2006.
They argued this would save Shs 30 billion planned for the referendum to decide whether the constitution should be amended to let Museveni rule for a third term which many have termed as presidency for life.
Some two ministers who before joining the Movement belonged to the Democratic Party are said to have openly told the president that it is in his own interest that he respects the 1995 constitution and peacefully hands over power.
The meetings were reportedly very heated. Another contentious issue was granting Buganda a federal (federo) system of government.
Museveni’s aides headed by Fox Odoi have come up with a federal structure for Buganda, which was presented to the cabinet. Some cabinet ministers are said to have opposed granting Buganda a federal status.
They said this arrangement should be for all areas. Museveni is said to have told them that personally, he would like to see Buganda granted federo. 
He told the cabinet members to “think about it until next week”. Minister Buturo confirmed that the meeting ended before resolving the federo issue. “Definitely the federal issue was a hot one and there is no doubt the meeting ended there. 
© 2004 The Monitor Publications
Does Museveni understand the  federo he is talking about?  FNL
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ugnet_: Step down, Kenyan Prof. Makau Mutua tells Museveni

2004-05-15 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Step down, Kenyan tells Museveni - New Vision 15/5/2004

NO THIRD TERM:Prof. Makau Mutua, Chairman, Kenya Human Rights Commission.
By Milton Olupot THE chairman of the Human Rights Commission of Kenya, Prof. Makau Mutua (right), has said he expects President Yoweri Museveni to step down after his constitutional term to pave way for total transition from the movement to multiparty politics. “I hate to see what will happen to this country when a political gap develops. I hope this will be President Museveni’s last term and he will not seek another one so that political parties are set free and full democracy restored,” he said. Makau said this yesterday at the East African regional workshop on the role of political parties in a transition organised by Kituo Cha Katiba and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel. He said 18 years was a long time and change was required to avoid instability and retarding the country’s development. Makau said political parties in East Africa were based on ethnicity and lacked transparency. “Political Parties are empty recep
 in East Africa, there is a lot of intellectualism in the political parties. I urge parties that are not in power to form strong linkages and alliances with civil societies,” he said. Prof. Fredrick Jjuuko of the G7 said the political parties in Uganda were still in a state of animated suspension despite the claims of the Movement government that parties were being fred. He said parties were not free to keep in touch with their members leading to a generation breakdown. Ends
Published on: Saturday, 15th May, 2004

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ugnet_: South Africa Win 2010 Vote - World Cup comes to Africa at last

2004-05-15 Thread Omar Kezimbira

Last Updated: Saturday, 15 May, 2004, 10:34 GMT 11:34 UK -BBC  

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South Africa win 2010 vote

Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu with the World CupSouth Africa have won the right to host the World Cup in 2010. 
The favourites beat Morocco and Egypt in the final vote to become the first African country to host the event. 
Fifa president Sepp Blatter made the announcement following a secret ballot of Fifa's 24 executives. 
Libya were disqualified before Saturday's voting started. 

In making the announcement Blatter said the decision to send the event to Africa was a victory for the entire continent. 

SA World Cup delight He said only one round of voting was required to produce a winner. 
The South African delegation, including former president Nelson Mandela, erupted in noisy celebrations after finally overcoming the disappointment of losing to Germany by a single vote in the race to host the 2006 World Cup. 
Morocco failed in its fourth bid, despite hoping to become both the first African and the first Arab country to host football's showpiece. 
Libya had earlier been disqualified after insisting on a joint bid with Tunisia who had pulled out of the race the previous day. 
South Africa had been seen as the frontrunners to host the event from the outset and their hopes were boosted even further last week when Fifa released its technical report. 
The Fifa inspection team rated South Africa's facilities as the best of the five competing countries. 
South Africa's bid was described as "excellent", while those of north African rivals Egypt and Morocco were "very good". 
Morocco, who were seen as the main rivals to South Africa, suffered a major blow by having questions raised about the country's lack of infrastructure. 

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ugnet_: The pics that "shamed" America

2004-05-15 Thread gook makanga

Picture 1Published in the New Yorker


Picture 2Published in the New Yorker 


Picture 3Published in the New Yorker 


Picture 4Published in the New Yorker 


Picture 5Published in the New Yorker


Picture 6Published in the New Yorker 


Picture 7Published in the New Yorker 


Picture 8Published in the Washington Post 


Picture 9Published in the Washington Post


Picture 10Published in the Washington Post


Picture 11Published in the Washington Post


Picture 12Published in the Washington Post


Picture 13Shown on CBS Television


Picture 14Published in the New Yorker


Picture 15Published in the New Yorker

Guardian Unlimited 

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ugnet_: Stop neglecting north - EU

2004-05-15 Thread gook makanga
Stop neglecting north - EU
By Fortunate Ahimbisibwe THE head of the European Union (EU) delegation in Uganda, Sigurd Illing, has asked the Government to make an effort to stop the marginalisation of the people in the war-torn north. “Many Ugandans in the northern region and other conflict areas have been denied almost all their rights. It is the duty of the Government to tackle the problems of human rights and political freedoms,” he said. Illing was speaking at the launch of the National Civic Education Programme at Hotel Africana on Tuesday . “There is need for reconciliation and this can be achieved through raising awareness on human rights and political systems so that people make decisions from an informed point of view,” he said. Illing said all Ugandans should be given an opportunity to participate in political activities. “Now that there is a probable referendum and political transition very soon, the people need to be educated on their contribution,” he said. 
 State minister for general duties in the Office of the Prime Minister Prof. Mondo Kagonyera launched the programme. He called for a non-partisan method of educating the masses. Ends
Published on: Saturday, 15th 

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