*Dear Sir,

The title of your article screams about Idi Amin.

On reading, one finds this is about homosexuals and nothing to do about

This tactic of appealing to base and racist sentiments of the West is a low
point, indicative of the bankruptcy to which Ugandans have descended.

Who killed us in Luwero, in Kitgum?   Who burnt children in Railway wagons?
Is it Idi Amin?
Was the  fight against apartheid to sleep with a white man/woman or for our

You as an Itesot should be more concerned that our people in Teso have been
reduced to starvation, rather than whether one prefers one's sex anal or

American Right wing Televangelism, in tandem with homosexuality are on a
global march.

Let us first make sure a Ugandan kid Iteso or not has food in his belly.

Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Bill Means "Targeted

Thursday 10 December 2009

by: Wambi Michael  |  *Inter Press

Kampala - Uganda will be going back to the days of the Idi Amin regime if it
passes a Bill which will arrest or kill people for being gay or lesbian and
for repeatedly engaging in homosexual sex, say rights activists.

Pro-gay activists compare the provisions in the proposed Anti-Homosexuality
Bill to the 1972 order former dictator, president Idi Amin gave expelling
Ugandan born Asians because of their colour.

"This is a form of targeted killings similar to Idi Amin. We already have a
law on homosexuality but you see people like David Bahati, instead of
concentrating on more pressing issues in his constituency, he is spending
time to write a forty-page document aimed at gays and lesbians," said
Jacqueline Kasha, a lesbian Ugandan human rights activist.

Rights activists say the Bill, which has stirred local and international
controversy, could in effect exile close to half a million lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) Ugandans who would most likely flee the
country to escape prosecution. There are no official figures of the number
of LGBT people in Uganda because the question on one’s sexual orientation is
not part of the past national census questionnaire.

"In simple terms this Bill is saying: ‘Go out of Uganda’. An even if I ran
out of the country definitely I will have to be brought back. It violates
all aspects of a human being and human rights," said Kasha.

She says the clause seeking extraterritorial jurisdiction, once enacted as
it is, would be used by government to have LGBT persons extradited so as to
face prosecution in Uganda.

Practising homosexuality has been illegal in Uganda and is listed in the
penal code, but the proposed Bill has expanded on it.

The proposed Bill, currently being considered by the Ugandan parliament,
suggests a new offence of "aggravated homosexuality", which would be
punishable by death.

This part of the Bill states that "repeat offenders" of homosexuality are
liable to get the death penalty. The death penalty is also applied in a
homosexual relationship if a partner is under 18, or has a disability, or is
HIV-positive. People accused under the aggravated homosexuality clause will
be forced to undergo an HIV test.

The Bill also seeks extra territorial jurisdiction and will apply to any
Ugandan involved in a LGBT relationship outside of the country. The Bill
also seeks to extradite any Ugandan guilty of the offences it lists.

It also requires that Uganda withdraw from any international treaty,
conventions, protocols and declarations that would support homosexuality.

David Bahati the Ndorwa West minister of parliament in Uganda, with support
from some faith-based groups in Uganda, introduced the Anti-Homosexuality
Bill in mid-October. He said it was aimed at, among other things, to protect
traditional family values.

Bahati told IPS that his Bill has received wide support within parliament
and he was confident that it will be enacted, despite the controversy it has
created internationally. He lashed out at human rights activists opposed to
the Bill saying they were using just one clause to campaign against his

"There have been attacks from gays and their sympathisers and our (Uganda’s)
donors have put pressure on government. They have used the suggested clause
on aggravated homosexuality, which was an import from already passed act on
defilement, to alarm people that the Bill is about killing gays. This is a
distortion of facts," he said.

Even Uganda’s long-serving president, Yoweri Museveni, lent his support to
the Bill. He claimed "European homosexuals were recruiting in Africa". While
addressing youth in Kampala last month, Museveni sent a strong signal that
his government was determined to pass the Bill despite local and
international condemnation, including opposition from many of Uganda’s Aid

"I hear European homosexuals are recruiting in Africa. We used to have very
few homosexuals traditionally. They were not persecuted but were not
encouraged either because it was clear that is not how God arranged things
to be. So you should reject it because homosexuality is unnatural," said

Clauses three to six of the Bill introduces offences of engaging in
homosexuality and penalties of imprisonment upon conviction. The Bill also
introduces penalties for: acts that promote homosexuality; failure to report
the offence; and imposes a duty on communities to report suspected cases of

Solome Kimbugwe Nakawesi, an activist with Akina Mama Wa Afrika (AMWA), a
women’s development organisation said: "By penalising citizens for failing
to report 'suspected homosexuals' to the authorities, the Bill calls for the
creation of a fascist-style society where family members, service providers
and colleagues are made to spy on each other."

Gerald Sentongo, an Administrator with SMUG told IPS the Bill meant families
members would be arrested for not reporting a LGBT family member. "This Bill
is so inhumane when it passes as law. It involves everybody, my mother, my
neighbour, my lawyer. They know that I’m gay but if they don’t report me
they get arrested. So how will someone (know) about my sexuality unless he
comes to my bedroom?" Sentongo asked.

The Citizen’s Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CHCL)
compared the Bill to the situation in apartheid South Africa. "The last time
this was done was in the era of Idi Amin where everyone very quickly became
an enemy of the state, it amounts to direct invasion of our homes, and will
promote blackmail, false accusation and intimidation," the CHCL said.

"Have we already forgotten the sex police of apartheid South Africa who
smashed their way into people’s bedrooms in an attempt to prevent inter
racial sex?" asked Dr. Sylvia Tamale, during a public debate. Tamale, a Law
Lecturer at Makerere University said the Bill, once enacted in its current
form, will have wide ranging social implication.

"Homosexuality is defined (in the Bill) in such broad fashion to include
"touching another person with intention of committing homosexuality". This
is a provision highly prone to abuse and puts all citizens (both
heterosexual and homosexual) at risk," she said.

Tamale said Clause 13 of the Bill, which attempts to outlaw "promotion of
homosexuality", would introduce widespread censorship and undermines
fundamental freedoms such as the rights to free speech, expression,
association and assembly.

She said the Bill also seeks to criminalise "funding and sponsoring of
homosexuality and related activities". This, she said, would be a major blow
to Uganda’s public policies especially those in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Rubaramira Ruranga, the executive director of the National Guidance and
Empowerment Network of people living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda, said: "The
best thing is not to imprison homosexuals. We need to have them treated and
also educate them about the prevention strategies because criminalisation
causes stigma, discrimination and denied knowledge on HIV/AIDS and its

Livingston Sewanyana, an anti-death penalty activist with the Foundation For
Human Rights Initiative said they oppose the Bill because it suggests the
death penalty for the offence of aggravated homosexuality. Sewanyana pointed
out that it would be hard for government to enforce or regulate against some
of the rights enjoyed in privacy.

Uganda Law Reform Commission Chairperson, Justice Seth Manyindo told IPS
that his commission was initially not involved in drafting of the Bill but
is now getting interested, given the human rights concerns.

"It is a question of human rights. Those who advocate international human
rights say it should not be accepted, but Uganda has a right to legislate,"
he said. The Uganda Law Commission is tasked to study and keep under
constant review the Acts and other laws of Uganda. The commission makes
recommendations for their systematic improvement, development, modernisation
and reform with particular emphasis on the removal of anomalies within
Ugandan laws.

However, the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was not presented to the commission.
"That Bill is not a government Bill. So were not involved in the process of
initiating it. We work on government Bills but even drafters of private
member’s Bills are free to consult us but this time they didn’t," he pointed

The Bill, currently being considered by the presidential affairs committee
of parliament, has generated diplomatic criticism from some of Uganda’s
donors. Sweden has even threatened to withdraw aid to Uganda.

Sweden’s development assistance minister, Gunilla Carlsson, was quoted by
Swedish Radio: "I am doubly disappointed, partly because Uganda is a country
with which we have had long-term relations and where I thought and hoped we
had started to share common values and understanding. "The law is wretched,
but it’s also offensive to see how Ugandans choose to look at how we see
things, and the kind of reception we get when we bring up these issues."

But Uganda’s ethics and integrity minister, James Nsaba Buturo, has from the
onset insisted that his country will not bow down to pressure, even from
what he called "development partners" who wished to withdraw their support.

"We should remind our friends that there is integrity to be defended and
threats are not the way to go. If one chooses to withdraw their aid, they
are free because Ugandans do not want to engage in anal sex. We do not
care," he said.

In an earlier interview with IPS he said the uproar surrounding the Bill as
a positive sign that Uganda is "providing leadership" to the world.

But the world does not seem to agree. Canadian prime minister, Stephen
Harper, described the Bill as "vile and hateful".

The outcry against the Bill was also prominent at the recent Commonwealth
Heads of Government Meeting in Trinidad and Tobago. Activists at the meeting
demanded that Uganda be suspended from the Commonwealth for acting contrary
to Commonwealth principles.

There is also mounting pressure from United Nations agencies in Uganda
asking Bahati to withdraw the Bill or revise some of its contents. UNAIDS
country coordinator in Uganda, Musa Bungundu, confirmed to IPS that he has
personally had discussion with Bahati expressing reservations about the

"We are advocating of how we can come out of these challenges without
affecting the HIV/AIDS prevention. What we are saying if such a Bill is
passed, it can have a negative impact on HIV response," said Bungundu.

The strong support of the Bill from Museveni has left Ugandans concerned.
And unless something is done to prevent the Bill from becoming law, many may
be forced to flee their country.

Frank Mugisha, an activist with Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), told IPS
that the Bill will force him into exile once enacted in its current form. "I
have never really considered moving out of Uganda. But if I cannot work
within the country, then I will have to leave," he said.

Meanwhile, Ugandans have to wait and see if their parliament supports the
passing into law of the Bill.

*The Anti-Homosexuality Bill's Section on 'Aggravated Homosexuality'*

A person commits the offence of aggravated homosexuality where the:

(a) Person against whom the offence is committed is below the age of 18

(b) Offender is a person living with HIV;

(c) Offender is a parent or guardian of the person against whom the offence
is committed;

(d) Offender is a person in authority over the person against whom the
offence is committed;

(e) Victim of the offence is a person with disability;

(f) Offender is a serial offender; or

(g) Offender applies, administers or cause to be used by any man or woman
any drug, matter or thing with intent to stupefy or overpower him or her so
as to thereby enable any person to have unlawful carnal connection with any
person of the same sex.

A person who commits the offence of aggravated homosexuality shall be liable
on conviction to suffer death.

Where a person is charged with the offence under this section, that person
shall undergo a medical examination to ascertain his or her HIV status.

*Source: Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 *
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