[Ugnet] RADIO TROTTOI GOES INTO OVER DRIVE {Barigye can you find out how we can log into this station please}

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Radio-Trottoir, the relay of rumors and unsourced information in the DRC,
has gone into overdrive ever since the appearance of M23 and this round of
Rwanda-fueled instability in North-Kivu Province.


And some of those rumors could trigger riots, as the one that flared up in
Goma on Thursday, July 18--a rumor alleging that the FARDC North-Kivu
operational commander, Col. Mamadou Ndala, has been relieved of his command
and recalled to Kinshasa. This caused such anger and outrage among Goma
residents--with mobs of unruly youths and army wives cutting off roads--that
the government and the FARDC took the unusual step of having Col. Ndala deny
the rumor at hastily-convened pressers. 


(Dangerous rumor for the powers that be, indeed, as Goma demonstrators were
chanting anti-Joseph Kabila slogans alleging that he was in cahoots with his
old pal, Paul Kagame!)


People in the Kivus and throughout the DRC are still reeling from what they
view as the betrayal by Kinshasa authorities when, in 2004, the late Col.
Budja Mabe, then operational commander in Bukavu


Col. Ndala told Radio Okapi:

"It's not true; it's a rumor. A manipulation by rebels who want to
destabilize the morale of the population and of troops engaged on the
theater."  He added: "Secondly, my chief, the region commander, General
Bauma, I am in contact with him every five minutes. If I had to be relieved
of my command, it's he, my immediate superior, who'd have indicated it to
me. Therefore, it's absolutely untrue."


In Kinshasa meanwhile, there are three rumors that make Kinois laugh their
heads off: 1) the Rwandan joke of strayed mortar shells lobbed by the FARDC
and MONUSCO on Rwandan territory AND the desecration of dead M23 bandits; &
2) MONUSCO being caught between the rock of Rwanda and the hard place of the


1) The Rwandan joke of FARDC strayed mortar shells landing on Rwandan
territory AND The Desecration of dead M23 bandits


The Rwandan accusation of FARDC and MONUSCO strayed mortar shells falling on
Rwandan territory caused much merriment in Kinshasa.


"Do these Rwandan bastards remember what they did to Kisangani during the
6-Day War?" I heard a woman yell at a sidewalk bar.


She was referring to the blanket shelling of the city of Kisangani during
what has been dubbed "The 6-day war" in 2000 pitting Rwandan against their
erstwhile Ugandan allies. A stupid plunder war over the share of turfs and
loots of Congo resources.


The 6-day war devastated the third Congolese city! And Congolese dead bodies
were desecrated by Rwandans on a mass scale.


The feeling in Kinshasa is that more mortar shells should be aimed at
Rwandan  cities and that more M23 bodies ought to be desecrated!



2) MONUSCO between a rock and a hard place


Citing a local journalist reporting in North Kivu Province, veteran Belgian
Africa reporter Colette Braeckman charged in a post published on her blog on
July 17 that MONUSCO tanks at first had attempted to stop the FARDC
offensive against M23 at Munigi.


"He'd seen with his own eyes Munusco in the process of blocking the road to
FARDC with their tanks so as to prevent the tanks to get to the frontline
with their munitions," Braeckman wrote.

"According to that witness," she goes on to say, "the civilian population
then intervened: pelting stones in the direction of Monusco, they ended up
opening the road to government forces."


It seems that MONUSCO doesn't want war, but a negotiated political
settlement between the DRC government and M23. The very solution advocated
by Mary Robinson, the UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region of Africa.


The collusion of MONUSCO with DRC foes is a persistent rumor here anyway.
And this situation is seen by people as the unenviable situation of MONUSCO
being between the rock of Rwanda and the hard place of DRC.



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.


2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Detroit: The Latest Bankruptcy Lie

In case you haven’t heard, municipal bankruptcy is now all the rage. When
smaller municipal corporations (only corporations can declare bankruptcy)
had little resistance as test cases for these outrageous claims of
fraudulent bankruptcy and default, the larger municipalities gained the
confidence that the financially illiterate cesspool of people as citizens
don’t know there heads from a hole in the wall when it comes to the
financial reporting apparatus of government. The people were determined to
be sufficiently ignorant of even the basic checking account balance of the
general fund in their local governments and school districts, let alone the
massive collective government investment scam robbing them of the entirety
of their wealth, making it reasonable to assume that these municipal
corporation’s financial position would likely never be challenged by that
clueless mass of the indentured. And so the latest trend of conspiracy and
fraud against those debt-slaves continues… this time in the not so great
City of Detroit.

Considering its checkered past; riddled with the disappearance of industry
to U.S. funded infrastructure economies like Mexico and China, it would seem
to the average citizen that Detroit should have done this bankruptcy thing
long ago. Of course, the fact that it did not declare its bankruptcy at all
was because this municipal corporation has never been bankrupt, and
certainly is not anywhere near being able to claim that legitimate legal
declaration today.

And yet here it is, making that very declaration…

This is very important because the legal statement of bankruptcy means
nothing as a mere “declaration” until a government court makes that
determination to cause it to be official. Thus, the obvious conspiracy of a
government appealing to government to get government permission to default
on its debt should not be lost on the reader; though in general this
governance of government by government itself seems perfectly normal to most
people – a regulatory body operating in a completely unregulated fashion as
organized crime. Inherently, of course, this self-governance and
self-regulation by government and its BAR judicial is nothing if not a
breeding ground for the worst kind of corruption and greed at the expense of
the governed. For the people in their state of fear, entertainment, and
confusion are certainly not regulating those regulators…

And a corporate judge of the International BAR Association will decide, not
the people being defaulted upon.

ALIPAC printed the following “facts” facts about Detroit that on the surface
are absolutely mind-blowing…

1 – Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, and in
1960 Detroit had the highest per-capita income
  in the
entire nation.
2 – Over the past 60 years, the population of Detroit has fallen by 63
3 – At this point, approximately 40 percent
  of all the streetlights in the
city don’t work.
4 – Some ambulances in the city of Detroit have been used for so long that
they have more than 250,000 miles
  on them.
5 – 210 of the 317 public parks in the city of Detroit have been permanently
closed down
6 – According to the New York Times, there are now approximately 70,000
abandoned buildings
  in Detroit.
7 – Approximately one-third
  of Detroit’s 140 square
miles is either vacant or derelict.
8 – Less than half


2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa

Rebellion M23 claims to have killed more than 400 military 

Kinshasa - The Rebellion March 23 Movement (M23) said today (Wednesday) have
killed more than 400 soldiers since the resumption, on 14 July, fighting the
opposing army near Goma in eastern Democratic Republic Congo Democratic
Republic of Congo.

"Since July 14, 401 soldiers were killed and several others injured on the
side of the FARDC (Armed Forces of the DRC, the regular army) and the side
of the M23 include six dead and 14 wounded," stated AFP Lt. Colonel Vianney
Kazarama, military spokesman of the rebellion.

Monday, this ensured that the responsible M23 had "killed 35 soldiers and
FDLR (Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda, Hutu rebellion)" and
"had captured 20 soldiers and FDLR." The group's rebellion and the army
accuse each other of collaborating with the FDLR.


   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] ALLAN BARIGYE HERE WE GO {Canada free press}

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa

Obama’s State Department Unfairly Condemns U.S. Ally Rwanda

Description: Author

By Joseph A. Klein (
 Bio and
Archives)  Wednesday, July 24, 2013 

Secretary of State John Kerry is coming to the United Nations on July 25th
to lead a special session of the UN Security Council on Africa’s Great Lakes
region, which includes the neighboring countries of the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda. In typical Obama administration fashion, the
State Department has already chosen to bash our ally Rwanda this week,
taking sides in a conflict involving rival rebel groups in the DRC.

Jen Psaki, a State Department spokeswoman, charged Rwanda earlier this week
of continuing to actively support the rebel group known as M23 and called
upon Rwanda to immediately end any support for M23. Missing from
herstatement was any acknowledgement, much less condemnation, of support by
elements of the Congolese Army for the Hutu rebel group known as the Forces
Démocratiques de Liberation du Rwanda (FDLR). FDLR includes former
genocidaires (people who took part in the 1994 genocide in Rwanda), who fled
Rwanda in 1994 to avoid prosecution for the horrific crimes they committed
against Rwanda’s Tutsi population. The FDLR has been operating in eastern
Congo, under various names, since 1994 and continues to commit a variety of
grave human rights abuses.

Ms. Psaki cited a Human Rights Watch investigation accusing Rwanda of
providing ammunition, food and training to M23. Human Rights Watch also
alleged that the M23 rebels were responsible for executions, rapes and
forcible recruitment of men and boys while receiving support from Rwanda. It
touched much more lightly on the FDLR, although it did acknowledge that FDLR
has “carried out horrific abuses against civilians in eastern Congo,
including killings and rapes.”

Psaki called the findings of the Human Rights Watch report, published
Monday, “a very powerful case” although she was very selective in what she
used. Her selective reliance on portions of the Human Rights Watch report to
support its castigation of an ally in the volatile African Great Lakes
region, a country that still bears the scars of the 1994 genocide, is
disturbing to say the least.

The FDLR’s human rights abuses, and evidence of collaboration between the
Congolese army and the FDLR, were apparently not important enough for the
State Department spokesperson to mention, even though they were mentioned in
the Human Rights Watch report that she cited. In June of 2012, Human Rights
Watch provided a more graphic description of the FDLR’s atrocities in a
press release, reminiscent of some of the FDLR members’ genocidal attacks
against Rwandan civilians in 1994:

“Human Rights Watch documented numerous deliberate killings of civilians,
including many women, children, and the elderly, by FDLR fighters, who
killed their victims with machetes and hoes. FDLR fighters also pillaged and
burned homes, sometimes with their victims locked inside. Rape and sexual
violence were widespread… FDLR fighters with machetes and knives hacked to
death dozens of civilians, including numerous children.”

Human Rights Watch’s most recent report focuses largely on Rwanda’s alleged
active support for the M23 rebel group and M23’s alleged human rights
abuses, repeated in rote fashion by the State Department spokesperson. Human
Rights Watch and the State Department ignore the positive steps that Rwanda
has taken with regard to any ongoing relationship it is alleged to have with
M23. They are also out of step with the United Nations’ latest report of its
group of experts, issued in June. The UN report, while noting evidence it
gathered of “continuous support to M23 from within Rwanda,” made a point of
adding that such support was “limited.”

The UN report also pointed out that Rwanda had taken steps to neutralize M23
leader Gen. Bosco Ntaganda. Furthermore, the UN report did not dispute the
Rwandan government’s claim that “upon their arrival on the territory of
Rwanda, all M23 combatants were disarmed.”

The UN group of experts report concluded that “M23 recruitment in Rwanda has
decreased since the dismantling of Ntaganda’s recruitment network.”

As for Ntaganda himself, he was transferred on March 22, 2013 from Kigali in
Rwanda to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, after he
voluntarily surrendered in response to arrest warrants from the ICC on
charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. In a press release issued
at the time, the ICC noted that this was firsttime a suspect has surrendered
himself voluntarily to be in the ICC’s custody, which “would not have been
possible without the support of the Rwandese authorities.”

Moreover, the group of UN experts stated in their report that they had not
documented any instances, since the fall of Goma in November 2012, of full
Rwandan Defense Force (RDF) units support to M23, although

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Teargas, Bullets As Besigye Is Arrested

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


You see it is these very reckless statements that are actually killing our
people. Let me tell you something, even if Museveni dies of heart attack
tonight, this government is not changing so cu the shallow reasoning.


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of KASULEX MOSES
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:30 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: {UAH} Teargas, Bullets As Besigye Is Arrested


Kiino kyoleka bweyolesse nti Mu7 kati byasiba bikutuuka...


Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 11:18:34 -0400
Subject: Re: {UAH} Teargas, Bullets As Besigye Is Arrested
From: muwonge.el...@gmail.com
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com

Museveni may not get it; it's over." a picture is better than a thousand
words" goes the Chanese adge. 


On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Hannah Ogwapiti

The former President of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Dr Kizza Besigye,
who after leaving Buganda Road Court on Tuesday, parked a long Kampala road,
had his car towed away amid bullets and teargas. - See more at:


The former President of Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), Dr Kizza Besigye,
who after leaving Buganda Road Court on Tuesday, parked a long Kampala road,
had his car towed away amid bullets and teargas. 

By Badru Afunadula   1 hour

 Besigye waving at crowds shortly before being arrested (All photos: Badru

Besigye waving at crowds shortly before being arrested (All photos: Badru

Besigye had parked just next to Mabirizi Towers only to be surrounded by
Police personnel -who blocked his car from moving farther.


The opposition strongman was ordered out of his vehicle but he remained
defiant. He kept reading his book. 


This development quickly attracted large crowds.



Crowds gathered to witness Besigye's arrest

Besigye kept on popping his head out of the car’s roof to wave at excited


The policemen then brought a breakdown car to tow away Besigye’s Prado brand


Police’s first attempts were futile as they managed to remove only the
metallic guard from the car.  

   A woman
reaches out to greet Besigye 


And in the second attempt, the breakdown failed to move Besigye’s car from
its position. 


Having failed to get rid of the former presidential candidate’s car from the
city, the police resorted to engaging the crowd which was now chanting
pro-FDC songs. Traffic and business came to a standstill. Tempers flared. 


   An FDC
supporter greeting Besigye at Buganda Road Court on Monday

Realizing that opposition supporters were pouring into the streets at a fast
pace, police quickly used teargas and bullets to disperse them. 


It was at that time that Besigye,
 Mugumya Sam
(aide),   Harold
Kaija, Kato (Besigye's driver), Njojo and a one Hassan were forced to
Kampala Central Police (CPS).


Police tighten security in Kampala after Besigye left Court 

Earlier on, Besigye and others had appeared before Buganda Road Court to
answer to charges of inciting violence that were brought against them by the



Besigye and Turinawe were yesterday also expected to appear at the same
court over old charges of inciting violence. 


Police trying to tow away Besigye's car

- See more at:

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that  we
are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic  and
servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." 
---Theodore Roosevelt 



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2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa

US strengthens ties with Uganda against LRA


Wednesday 24 July 2013 - 8:17 AM



File: Leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) Joseph Kony in southern
Sudan. The rebel movement is notorious for its brutal attacks and has been
held responsible for rape, murder and mutilation of civilians. Picture: AFP

WASHINGTON - The Pentagon's number-two ranking official held talks Tuesday
in Uganda to discuss US military support for the fight against Lord's
Resistance Army forces.

In meetings with Foreign Minister Henry Okello and the Chief of Defence
Forces Edward Katumba Wamala, US Deputy Secretary of Defence Ash Carter
discussed "ending the threat to civilians and to regional stability posed by
Joseph Kony and the LRA," the Pentagon said in a statement.

His trip to Kampala makes him the highest ranking Pentagon official ever to
pay a visit to Uganda, spokesman George Little said.

Since 2011, the United States has deployed about 100 special forces troops
to Central Africa to advise local forces fighting the LRA and its leader,
Kony, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for war crimes.

The rebel movement is notorious for its brutal attacks and has been held
responsible for rape, murder and mutilation of civilians.

Carter also discussed with his counterparts security "challenges" in Sudan,
Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia.

The deputy defence secretary visited with US forces advising the anti-LRA
effort as well as a separate US contingent training Ugandan forces who would
take part in an African Union mission in Somalia, he said.

Washington in recent years has pursued military and intelligence ties with
governments in Africa to counter Islamist militants in Somalia, operating
drones from a base in Ethiopia, where Carter is due to pay a visit later
this week.

President Barack Obama has called on countries bordering DRC, including
Uganda, to stop supporting M23 rebels.

Both Uganda and Rwanda have been accused of backing the M23, which has been
accused of atrocities.



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Fardson Kayiranga

That is why I do not cry for Dr Kiiza Besigye or Olara Otunnu or Mugisha Muntu, 
I am going for a system. We need to build a system in Uganda where all these 
leaders can show up and we test them through that system. If you committed a 
crime we take you to court. The Ugandans I have are going for personalities.  
Doesn't it make you cringe when Acholis clap for Dr Kiiza Besigye the very man 
that drafted their original death?  They are clapping for Tinyefunza for he is 
going to be a good leader after he  killed their children in Balonyo.

Geez how low can we go?

On the 49th

   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"

-Original Message-
From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of nuwwahereza fardson 
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 10:06 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///

If we are to be extra critical then none may pass through our tight sieve, 
leaders should always be accountable and thieves should pay for their sins.

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 4:28 PM AST (Arabian) Herrn Edward Mulindwa wrote:

>Sorry this was for Frank Mujabi
>On the 49th
>   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and 
>Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri 
>Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward 
>Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:27 AM
>To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>Cc: uganda...@yahoogroups.com; G_NET; 'Oryema Johnson'
>Subject: RE: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food 
>This government came to power by robbing banks, by stealing people’s 
>food, by stealing cassava plantation, by stealing people’s cows and by 
>stealing government and private vehicles. And yet you supported it. 
>Have you learnt a God damn thing out of this and will you be more 
>critical towards anyone trying to lead Uganda next?  Will you critique 
>his details before you allow him into state house? Or you have learnt nothing 
>out of your past mistake?
>Just asking
>On the 49th
>   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and 
>Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri 
>Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Frank Mujabi
>Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:21 AM
>To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food 
>There is no money to pay the tear gas shooters. 
>Where is the govt going to get money to give to these illiterate women ?
>Enough land - which barracks ?
>On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:30 PM, nuwwahereza fardson kairanga 
> wrote:
>Recently president Museveni gave a lot of birds (chicks) to the some 
>policewomen who had made a sacco, and some piece of land was availed 
>for this cause. There is enough land in most police barracks to allow 
>these ladies have modern poultry farms there. The governement should 
>give them loans
>From: Frank Mujabi 
>To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 14:49
>Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food 
>Nabakooba's advice is tupid to say the least. If they are poor enough 
>to take Posho where are they going to get land and other assets to make 
>a poultry farm.
>This is beyond these economic migrants' ability who move to Kampala for 
>On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:32 AM, nuwwahereza fardson kairanga 
> wrote:
>Nabakooba's advise is welcome since most of those women spend the whole 
>day sleeping or romour mongering in the barrack, they need something to 
>make them busy.
>From: Frank Mujabi To:
>Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 13:08
>Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food 
>The whole situation is ridiculous.
>1.  Nyakarimira is swearing to protect the constitution of Uganda which 
>was broken  to make him a minister ?
>2. Nabakooba advises the very poor wives of policemen to start poultry
>farming to support their families?   
>  Bajja Buganda kukola sente
>On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:58 AM,  wrote: 
>Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iP

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Today Dr.Besigye has been kidnapped and detained at Nagalama police in Bugerere

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Kyaggwe Muwonge


I oppose this government with all my heart, but if I was in Uganda I would
not engage into the Dr Kiiza Besigye’ s tactic of hooliganism. I think
Besigye right now is very detrimental to those of us that opposed this
government when he was its highest advisor. I have a very serious problem
with people that see this and justify it with challenging eh government for
the moment these people get power you will actually realize that they have
no political policies no agenda and no means to build the country. And thank
God they were in The Movement to start with and failed. But there is a much
larger problem in Uganda politics for I read most of the postings in these
forums, but the most I see into them is people have no soap people have no
paraffin people have no roads. Is that why you need a government change
really? Seriously is that your political policy you are selling to remove
this government? And are these people pilling themselves up to change the
government for those reasons? If they go those resources would they be in
their homes as productive citizens?


Now you need to realize that I have been very careful and not included
corruption, because it is not going to be removed from Uganda even by then
next government, and the next one, even if you turn Uganda into a federal
state we are done. Corruption is here  to stay. So we are taking streets for
soap paraffin road and what was next in line? Sorry I forget what Musoke


That is how silly are those opposing Museveni.


On the 49th


   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Kyaggwe
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:58 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {UAH} Today Dr.Besigye has been kidnapped and detained at
Nagalama police in Bugerere


Mulindwa, you're retarded: entire village showing up means the total
rejection of your idiotic regime by the people. Get it joke?


On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 6:48 AM, daudi kasirye 

To many like Aliga, the truth is bitter and unacceptable. Tous whose
relatives and freinds wee victims of Obotes mureders and torture we

On 7/24/13, Frank Mujabi  wrote:
> Aliga

> I have no time to answer your questions. Look up this information on the
> internet
> there are so many versions written by so many people.
> Tomalira bisera
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:45 PM, Aliga Charles
> wrote:
>> Frank Mujabi,
>> I have read what you have put on this link. According to what I have
>> notice in this report is, its from
>> Mengo and I think Mengo would not report something which will implicate
>> them as the aggressor, right?.
>> But for you and me to be good citizen of the country called Uganda, we
>> need to ask some questions. What was
>> the reason for that kind of attack? Was it a deliberate attack by the
>> government or was it a provocation from Mengo?
>> If you can find the answer(s) to the question above, then we can continue
>> to discuss it more. Otherwise, reading what seems to be written by one
>> mengo member who seems to be some where at that time with a vedio cammera
>> watching the event, buffet me.
>> By the way, how many people everyday live in the palace? How could 1000
>> people be killed in the palace alone? May be I
>> did not understand the content of the report well. Infact, the report
>> look
>> like a movies, not an attack by government forces.
>> I am not denying here that the attack did not happened but they way its
>> reported make somebody wonder.

>> --

>> Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 18:34:49 +0100
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Today Dr.Besigye has been kidnapped and detained at
>> Nagalama police in Bugerere
>> From: frank.mujab...@gmail.com
>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> Aliga
>> Have a look at this website - for your education
>> http://www.mengo1966massacre.com/massacre.html
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Frank Mujabi
>> wrote:
>> Aliga
>> Are you seriously uninformed or just taking the piss?
>> Are you seriously saying that you do not know how Obote
>> used to react to a group of people trying to complain
>> or demonstrate against his govt ?
>> Or are you just making a convo ?
>> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Aliga Charles
>> wrote:

>> It's strange. ". *people were just burchered bla, bla, bla"* as if

>> talking to
>> 5 yrs old child. Fundamentalist mentality. I pray for the former Pearl of
>> Africa. I hope it will gian its glory one.
>> > Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 05:16:43 -0700
>> > Subject: Re: {UAH} Today Dr.Besigye has been kidnapped and detained at
>> Nagalama police in Bugerere
>> > From: kasiryed2...@gmail.com

[Ugnet] AU high-level observer team members troop in

2013-07-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: AU high-level observer team members troop in

Hey Zimbabwe, watch out for your carpets.
Don't allow Obasanjo to walk on them and soil them.

Obasanjo undermined Zimbabwe when him and Tony Blair** relocated the white
farmers to Nigeria.

In the Biafra war Obasanjo looted every Bank from Lagos to Port Harcourt.

He also was part of the plan to kill Abiola. He was the main beneficiary of
Abiola's assassination.

Working against the AU, he sent Charles Taylor to the ICC pleading with GW
Bush to allow him, for this betrayal, to rule Nigeria for another term.
Even with Taylor at the ICC Bush refused.

It is a terrible insult for Obasanjo to even step in Zimbabwe as an
election observer.

He sabotaged the "United States of Africa" project in Sirte, Libya.

He is a stinking piece of s*** that is selling out our continent.
*AU high-level observer team members troop in*  [image:
  Wednesday, 24 July 2013 01:44


*Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter *

Members of the African Union high-level observer team began arriving in
Harare yesterday with commissioner for political affairs, Dr Aisha
Abdullahi, touching down ahead of the Head of the Short-Term Observer
Mission, Mr Olusegun Obasanjo and AU Commission chairperson, Dr Nkosazana
Zuma, who are expected today.

Mr Obasanjo is former president of Nigeria.

Speaking on arrival at Harare International Airport, Dr Abdullahi, who has
been seized with Zimbabwe since last week, said the team has 70 members,
including the 10 who been in the country since last month.

“The African Union has the mandate to observe parliamentary, presidential
or general elections like you have here, in all the 54 member states. We
are here to do just that,” she said.

She said their coming was a culmination of a deployment that began with the
10-member long-term observer team that came into the country on June 15
“The election is important for us as African Union, our quality of
observation has improved and we should do just that,” she said.

Asked why the AU communiqué of a meeting held last week was silent on
claims by some quarters that there was a “securitisation of the State”, Dr
Abdullahi said Justice and Legal Affairs Minister Patrick Chinamasa
explained to members’ satisfaction the situation in Zimbabwe when he came
to Addis Ababa last week.

“That issue was raised but he addressed it adequately and it is no longer
an issue anymore. We were convinced by the explanation he gave us,” she
Asked why there had been a lot of interest across the globe on the
Zimbabwean election, Dr Abdullahi said Harare was an integral member of the
continental body. “Zimbabwe is an important member of the African Union. We
are interested, we are happy to be here and we are going to observe the
election,” she said.

Dr Abdullahi said the mission would be in Zimbabwe until after the
She said their advance mission had been giving them updates, hence they had
an appreciation of the situation on the ground.
“They have been sending us reports and we shall be sharing with you in our
pre-election statement on July 25, if you can be patient with us,” she said.
Asked if the 70-member team was adequate to cover the whole country, Dr
Abdullahi said the figure of 70 was the standard number that they had used
in other countries and no problems had been encountered.

“They are efficient and they will be reporting from the field,” she said.
Zambian legislator Mr Patrick Mucheleka, who is part of the AU observer
team said that Zimbabweans should be allowed to choose a leader of their
He said that Africa must have entrenched democracies and good governance,
noting that conflicts were inevitable in the absence of these.

“Under the African Union, we have the African Charter, democracy, elections
and good governance. When you read the charter, it tries to prescribe some
kind of standards of basic free and fair elections. That is what we are
going to look at,” said Mucheleka.

“Whether the elections will meet these benchmarks or not, our desire in
Zimbabwe and any other African country is to ensure democracy and good
governance is entrenched.

[Ugnet] Kenya hits world's Niobium jackpot

2013-07-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*On it’s Coast, Kenya has discovered massive reserves of Niobium, the most
precious and strategic of all metals.*

*Yes, the Pentagon is ravaging Congo mostly for this rare earth element,

*Even "**The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and most
powerful particle accelerator, for the “God” particle, would never have
been built if they did not have the Niobium, stolen from Congo.*

*Satellite communication systems, supercomputers, ……….  You are talking
civilization itself. *

*The Pentagon is stealing all the world’s Niobium and storing it in its
Laboratories in Pennyslvania.*

* *

[image: Description:
Share [image: Description:
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[image: Description: PHOTO | LABAN WALLOGA Residents of Kwale County’s
Mrima Hills celebrate after they announced their support for mining of
niobium in the area in 2012.]

PHOTO | LABAN WALLOGA Residents of Kwale County’s Mrima Hills celebrate
after they announced their support for mining of niobium in the area in

By SCOLA KAMAU and CHRISTINE MUNGAI newsd...@ke.nationmedia.com
Posted  Sunday, July 21  2013 at  23:30

In Summary

   - The country will serve the hungry global market that is scrambling for
   the meagre supply of rare earth minerals if lab results are confirmed

Kenya’s profile as a potential rare earth minerals producer rose a rung
higher after a mining firm announced it had found deposits worth $62.4

Mrima Hill, in the coastal county of Kwale, has one of the top five rare
earth deposits in the world. The area also has niobium deposits estimated
to be worth $35 billion.

“This is by far the largest mineral deposit in Kenya and the find at Mrima
Hill will make Kenya one of the largest rare earth producers in the world,”
said Mr David Anderson, managing director of Cortec Kenya Mining.

The government will earn three per cent royalties from the nobium project
and five per cent from the rare earths mining. Under the Constitution, 80
per cent of these earnings will go to the national government, 15 per cent
to Kwale County and five per cent to the local community.
*The full 
in the current issue of The EastAfrican
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Kenya hits world's Niobium jackpot.

2013-07-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*On it’s Coast, Kenya has discovered massive reserves of Niobium, the most
precious and strategic of all metals.*

*Yes, the Pentagon is ravaging Congo mostly for this rare earth element,

*Even "**The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world's largest and most
powerful particle accelerator, for the “God” particle, would never have
been built if they did not have the Niobium, stolen from Congo.*

*Satellite communication systems, supercomputers, ……….  You are talking
civilization itself. *

*The Pentagon is stealing all the world’s Niobium and storing it in its
Laboratories in Pennyslvania.*

* *

[image: Description:
Share [image: Description:
Bookmark [image: Description:

[image: Description: PHOTO | LABAN WALLOGA Residents of Kwale County’s
Mrima Hills celebrate after they announced their support for mining of
niobium in the area in 2012.]

PHOTO | LABAN WALLOGA Residents of Kwale County’s Mrima Hills celebrate
after they announced their support for mining of niobium in the area in

By SCOLA KAMAU and CHRISTINE MUNGAI newsd...@ke.nationmedia.com
Posted  Sunday, July 21  2013 at  23:30

In Summary

   - The country will serve the hungry global market that is scrambling for
   the meagre supply of rare earth minerals if lab results are confirmed

Kenya’s profile as a potential rare earth minerals producer rose a rung
higher after a mining firm announced it had found deposits worth $62.4

Mrima Hill, in the coastal county of Kwale, has one of the top five rare
earth deposits in the world. The area also has niobium deposits estimated
to be worth $35 billion.

“This is by far the largest mineral deposit in Kenya and the find at Mrima
Hill will make Kenya one of the largest rare earth producers in the world,”
said Mr David Anderson, managing director of Cortec Kenya Mining.

The government will earn three per cent royalties from the nobium project
and five per cent from the rare earths mining. Under the Constitution, 80
per cent of these earnings will go to the national government, 15 per cent
to Kwale County and five per cent to the local community.

*The full 
in the current issue of The EastAfrican
Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

[Ugnet] Mining sector needs regulation; deals with investors should be made public

2013-07-24 Thread Mitayo Potosi
*Re: Mining sector needs regulation; deals with investors should be made

*…….many African governments do not have the legal know-how to draw up
agreements that are beneficial to them.*

*Giant corporations which have been in the business for a long time are
adept at drawing up agreements that give them undue advantage…..*


[image: Description:
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[image: Description:

Rasna Warah

By RASNA WARAH rasna.wa...@gmail.com
Posted  Sunday, July 21  2013 at  18:38

In Summary

   - Sometimes deals are made without proper valuation, such as the one
   made by the new Chinese President Xi Jinping, who struck a $9 billion
   infrastructure deal with DR Congo in exchange for natural resources
   - However, nobody quite knows the size and value of these natural
   resources as the details have not been made public
   - The secrecy around ownership has allowed companies to be incorporated
   in tax havens and even in financial capitals such as London, which allows
   unscrupulous individuals and companies to remain undetected

Last month *Bloomberg Businessweek* reported that Kenya will be repealing
the rule that at least 35 per cent of mining projects be locally owned.

The report was based on a speech given by Mining Secretary Najib Balala,
who stated that the decision was made “to crowd investors in, and not out”.
(When I asked for his comment, Balala clarified that the government would
own 10 per cent of mining projects, and that the allocation of royalties
will vary depending on the mineral.)

The evolving mining sector in Kenya calls for regulation of the sector so
that decisions regarding ownership and revenue are not made arbitrarily.

Although discussions regarding regulation are ongoing, and will be debated
soon in Parliament, case studies show that regulation in this sector can be
subverted by big mining companies that have been in the business far longer
than many of the African countries they mine in, and are therefore cleverer
in identifying legal and other loopholes that benefit themselves.

A recent BBC documentary titled Stealing Africa shows how privatisation of
the copper industry in Zambia in 2001 denied Zambians the right to benefit
from their own wealth, with the result that Zambia remains one of the
poorest countries in the world with 60 per cent of its population living
below the poverty line.

Filmmaker Christoffer Guldbrandsen looked at how big multinationals such as
Glencore, owner of the Mopani copper mine, used various tactics to make
super profits at the expense of the Zambian people, including undervaluing
the copper, which allowed the corporation to report losses, and not pay any

In an article published in *The Guardian* newspaper, the filmmaker said
that while the decision by the Zambian Government to privatise the mines
may have been sound, it was done discriminatively, and without regulation.

“It is almost ironic that they sold the Mopani copper mine, which I feature
in the film, to a consortium whose founder had to flee the US in what was
at the time the biggest tax evasion case in US history.”

A similar story published in the *New African* magazine last month showed
that Zambia’s 500,000 copper mine workers are paying higher rates of
taxation than mining companies.

M. J. Morgan, writing for the *New African*, says that many African
governments simply do not have the kind of legal know-how and resources to
draw up agreements that are beneficial to them.

Giant corporations which have been in the business for a long time are
adept at drawing up agreements that give them undue advantage, with the
result that many African governments end up getting a raw deal.

Sometimes deals are made without proper valuation, such as the one made by
the new Chinese President Xi Jinping, who struck a $9 billion
infrastructure deal with DR Congo in exchange for natural resources.
However, nobody quite knows the size and value of these natural resources
as the details have not been made public.

Another major problem facing African countries is their lack of capacity to
add value to their commodities. For example, diamond-exporting countries
are losing up to 50 per cent of the value of their stones because they do
not cut and polish the diamonds themselves, which is the reason why the
global diamond industry is based in Brussels, not in diamond-producing
countries like Botswana. Not adding value to commodities means other
countries benefit from the continent’s wealt

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Sorry this was for Frank Mujabi


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Herrn Edward
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:27 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Cc: uganda...@yahoogroups.com; G_NET; 'Oryema Johnson'
Subject: RE: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///




This government came to power by robbing banks, by stealing people’s food,
by stealing cassava plantation, by stealing people’s cows and by stealing
government and private vehicles. And yet you supported it. Have you learnt a
God damn thing out of this and will you be more critical towards anyone
trying to lead Uganda next?  Will you critique his details before you allow
him into state house? Or you have learnt nothing out of your past mistake?


Just asking


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Frank Mujabi
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:21 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///



There is no money to pay the tear gas shooters. 
Where is the govt going to get money to give to these illiterate women ?

Enough land - which barracks ?



On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:30 PM, nuwwahereza fardson kairanga


Recently president Museveni gave a lot of birds (chicks) to the some
policewomen who had made a sacco, and some piece of land was availed for
this cause. There is enough land in most police barracks to allow these
ladies have modern poultry farms there. The governement should give them


From: Frank Mujabi 
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 14:49

Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///


Nabakooba's advice is tupid to say the least. If they are poor enough to
take Posho where are they going to get land and other assets to make a
poultry farm.

This is beyond these economic migrants' ability who move to Kampala for

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:32 AM, nuwwahereza fardson kairanga

Nabakooba's advise is welcome since most of those women spend the whole day
sleeping or romour mongering in the barrack, they need something to make
them busy. 


From: Frank Mujabi To:

Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 13:08 

Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///

The whole situation is ridiculous.

1.  Nyakarimira is swearing to protect the constitution of Uganda which was
broken  to make him a minister ?

2. Nabakooba advises the very poor wives of policemen to start poultry
farming to support their families?   

  Bajja Buganda kukola sente 

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:58 AM,  wrote: 


Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad



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Version: 2012.0.2242 / Virus Database: 3204/6016 - Release Date: 07/24/13


No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 2012.0.2242 / Virus Database: 3204/6016 - Release Date: 07/24/13

Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


This government came to power by robbing banks, by stealing people’s food,
by stealing cassava plantation, by stealing people’s cows and by stealing
government and private vehicles. And yet you supported it. Have you learnt a
God damn thing out of this and will you be more critical towards anyone
trying to lead Uganda next?  Will you critique his details before you allow
him into state house? Or you have learnt nothing out of your past mistake?


Just asking


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Frank Mujabi
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 9:21 AM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///



There is no money to pay the tear gas shooters. 
Where is the govt going to get money to give to these illiterate women ?

Enough land - which barracks ?



On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:30 PM, nuwwahereza fardson kairanga


Recently president Museveni gave a lot of birds (chicks) to the some
policewomen who had made a sacco, and some piece of land was availed for
this cause. There is enough land in most police barracks to allow these
ladies have modern poultry farms there. The governement should give them


From: Frank Mujabi 
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 

Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 14:49

Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///


Nabakooba's advice is tupid to say the least. If they are poor enough to
take Posho where are they going to get land and other assets to make a
poultry farm.

This is beyond these economic migrants' ability who move to Kampala for

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 11:32 AM, nuwwahereza fardson kairanga

Nabakooba's advise is welcome since most of those women spend the whole day
sleeping or romour mongering in the barrack, they need something to make
them busy. 


From: Frank Mujabi To:

Sent: Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 13:08 

Subject: Re: {UAH} UG Police wives angry about Kale's food arrangement///

The whole situation is ridiculous.

1.  Nyakarimira is swearing to protect the constitution of Uganda which was
broken  to make him a minister ?

2. Nabakooba advises the very poor wives of policemen to start poultry
farming to support their families?   

  Bajja Buganda kukola sente 

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 10:58 AM,  wrote: 


Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad



No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 2012.0.2242 / Virus Database: 3204/6016 - Release Date: 07/24/13

Ugandanet mailing list

UGANDANET is generously hosted by INFOCOM http://www.infocom.co.ug/

All Archives can be found at http://www.mail-archive.com/ugandanet@kym.net/

The above comments and data are owned by whoever posted them (including 
attachments if any). The List's Host is not responsible for them in any way.

Re: [Ugnet] [Ugandacom] RE: {UAH} Uganda Govt On Brink Of Bankruptcy

2013-07-24 Thread daudi kasirye
Weremember the currency notes we wouold throw away as worthless in
Obote 2. We re,member the people tortured and murdered in the
conference centre where Obote and Muwanga holed upwe remeber the
murders in Makindye, on Kampala streets and elsewhere and all those in
Luwero. And someone can call that nest of vipers, intelligent

No wonder the idea needs resurrection. Everybodyeverywhere

On 7/24/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
> Matek
> That is why I have stated that countries are led by policies not speeches.
> Do you know why many Baganda were buying The NRA crap? Era yagambye
> tayagala
> corruption munange. When he changed the currency in Uganda where he and
> Suleiman Kigundu stole people’s money by cutting its percentage, I called
> home and asked them to send me the new notes for I keep Uganda notes. And I
> was told, Ggwe bino sibisente bya’Obote,  eShilling ya Museveni
> siyakuzanyirako. The a million times I explained to them that cutting a
> percentage never result into powerful notes, no one would believe me. Do
> you
> know how many times he has multiplied Uganda currency? May be it is time
> The
> George Okello lawyers file a class action against Museveni The Movement and
> Suleiman Kigundu so that the currency that was taken gets returned?
> And what kind of Ssabassajja that does not stand up and say no percentage
> of
> my people gets taken when we are at that daylight stealing?   Geez 
> EM
> On the 49th
>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> From: uganda...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:uganda...@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf
> Of matek
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:09 AM
> To: ugandacom
> Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] RE: {UAH} Uganda Govt On Brink Of Bankruptcy
> EM:
> AMO once stated that Yoweri Mucebeni Kaguta is  quote " un incompetent
> Administrator" How   these words have come to pass; Especially   as  we see
> museveni mis-managing the affairs of the nation.
> Moreover, Uganda's financial problems are exercibated by the many corrupt
> elements within the NRM Government . All of those NRM murthe Punckers who
> have stollen money must be shot ( idi Amin style) for committing the crimes
> of high treasons against the nation state of Uganda!! and driving our
> nation
> into debt..debt which Uganda future generations will be burden with to
> pay,,,This is unjust!!!
> MK
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 
> wrote:
> Robukui
> Uganda politics was decided by Baganda when they saw a Dog fit to replace
> Obote. When you go after the Dog’s administration of Uganda,  you directly
> become anti Buganda. Let a Dog run the country for it was adorned very
> publicly sir and you were not.
> EM
> On the 49th
>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Robukui .
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:40 PM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: {UAH} Uganda Govt On Brink Of Bankruptcy
> Frank,
> The thieves are broke, and now are trying to mortgage Uganda's future
> further by borrowing more from the IMF.
> Viele GruBe
> Robukui
> On 23 July 2013 08:26, Frank Mujabi  wrote:
> *** GandaTalk - For A More Balanced Ganda View ***
> THORNY ERA: Government Runs low on Finances and pushes to Rush the 2013/14
> Budget to save the already Embarrassing Situation as MPs, Ministries, Local
> Govts, Teachers, UPE, USE, Suffer the blow
>   _
> By Stephen K Muwambi
>   22nd, July
> 2013
>   _
> The country's three financial players are in trouble as Government nears
> bankruptcy
> Disturbing news reaching our desk indicates that the government is broke
> and
> is having a hard time clearing salaries, paying suppliers as well as
> contractors.
> Highly placed sources within the Finance Ministry confirmed the
> government’s
> current embarrassing financial position when we sought them out.
> As a result, the government is moving to have the Parliament pass the
> 2013/2014 budget passed as fast as possible. Government has also cut down
> on
> imprest and allowances given to ministries and government departments.
> Our source cited some of the evident scenarios that prove the regretful
> state our government is in.
> Teachers

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} RE: [Ugandacom] Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st century?

2013-07-24 Thread daudi kasirye
Yes, lets pray for the resurrection of the great idea! EverybodyEverywhere!

On 7/24/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
> Ggwe Kasirivu
> You have mail.
> EM
> On the 49th
>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> From: uganda...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:uganda...@yahoogroups.com] On
> Behalf
> Of matek
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:14 AM
> To: ugandacom; voice-of-uganda
> Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the
> 21st
> century?
> "Very intelligent! twice overthrown. UPC dead and buried. th North cowed
> and
> raped. Very intelligent."
> EM :
> Tell Kasiria that there is nobody in the world capable of destroying an
> Idea. UPC is an IDEA. AN IDEA MAY LAY DORMANT FOR A WHILE but then it has a
> capability of re-emerge by it's self,,as the old dormant seeds all of a
> sudden germinates..
> MK
> On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 
> wrote:
> Daudi Kasirye
> And at the end of the day trust me Buganda with its Kingdom are way screwed
> than any part of Uganda. For either way you slice The Movement departure,
> the North is on rebound, East is on rebound, Western Uganda will face some
> deaths but will with time rebound. The danger with Buganda is that all
> those
> that are rebounding, are starting to understand the sacrifice they suffer
> by
> Buganda's stupidity. It is so funny that someone today sent me a text that
> made me ponder and it was very simple. Museveni is a very smart man he has
> managed to tie Buganda and UPC in a same relationship. In all damage he has
> done in Uganda, do you actually know Olara Otunu's stand let alone
> Ssabassajja Mutebi's?
> Then she went "Byona biferire bifangagana !! Whew !
> EM
> On the 49th
>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> -Original Message-
> From: ugandanet-boun...@kym.net 
> [mailto:ugandanet-boun...@kym.net  ] On
> Behalf
> Of daudi kasirye
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:15 PM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Cc: Oryema Johnson; uganda...@yahoogroups.com
>  ; G_NET
> Subject: Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the
> 21st century?
> Very intelligent! twice overthrown. UPC dead and buried. th North cowed and
> raped. Very intelligent.
> On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa   > wrote:
>> Ggwe George Ssendiwala
>> Yoweri Museveni has lead this country for almost 30 years, the only
>> people he has killed apart from Northerners and Easterners are only
>> Baganda. And yet there is no single indication to show that he is about
>> to
> leave power.
>> 85 of babies born in Buganda today are fathered by Rwandese even those
>> that think are fathered by Baganda men. Wabula wakyaliwo Enungu eyimba
>> mbu without Buganda there is no Uganda. Look all money has gone to
>> Mbarara and Kampala has been turned into a cows feeding shack. Allow
>> me to quote you one thing my dear friend George Ssendiwala what a very
>> intelligent man said on Uganda. You can win a Uganda election without
>> winning a single constituency in Buganda. –Dr Apollo Milton Obote
>> Awo oli ku Pokopoko era byoyogedde bya’Swakaba !
>> EM
>> On the 49th
>> Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and
>> Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri
>> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>  ] On Behalf Of George
>> Ssendiwala
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:24 AM
>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st
>> century?
>> H.O.,
>> Without Buganda there is no Uganda. Kindly rephrase your question so
>> as to attract DEEP answers/ thoughts.
>> I feel the itch you are massaging but you are an inch off target.
>> Soft and Real Power really rests in that building below. And YES we
>> can restructure the monarchy without disrespecting the existing.
>> Uganda will remain anchored on Buganda.
>> George S.
>> _
>> From: Hannah Ogwapiti  

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st century?

2013-07-24 Thread daudi kasirye
White hair is not necessarily a sign of intelligence. That should be
obvious even to you.

On 7/24/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
> Daudi Kasirye
> There is no doubt in who? You or Buganda representatives or you are the
> representative of Buganda? Some of us have been around for a while and
> there
> was no doubt to Buganda's recovery in 1971 in 1979 in all presidents that
> have been around , in the coming of Museveni. Baganda have been the very
> first to dance on all streets in every government take over. And today in
> 2013 when I have started to get a white hair on my chin you are still
> screaming of an eminate total recovery? It is strange too that Ogwapiti and
> Rehema Uganda in all photographs they post we   see no photograph of
> Baganda
> dancing on government change in Uganda, Ogwapiti how about the photograph
> of
> Baganda in Bushenyi singing Twagala Obote Nga Ssente?
> Don't you get it?  Geez !!!
> EM
> On the 49th
>    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> -Original Message-
> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of daudi kasirye
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:54 PM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Cc: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda;
> uganda...@yahoogroups.com; Oryema Johnson
> Subject: Re: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st
> century?
> There is no doubt to Bugandas total recovery with the certain overthrow
> Obote's disciple Museveni! And of all Uganda.
> On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
>> Daudi Kasirye
>> And at the end of the day trust me Buganda with its Kingdom are way
>> screwed than any part of Uganda.  For either way you slice The
>> Movement departure, the North is on rebound, East is on rebound,
>> Western Uganda will face some deaths but will with time rebound. The
>> danger with Buganda is that all those that are rebounding, are
>> starting to understand the sacrifice they suffer by Buganda's
>> stupidity. It is so funny that someone today sent me a text that made
>> me ponder and it was very simple. Museveni is a very smart man he has
>> managed to tie Buganda and UPC in a same relationship.  In all damage
>> he has done in Uganda, do you actually know Olara Otunu's stand let
>> alone Ssabassajja Mutebi's?
>> Then she went"Byona biferire bifangagana !!  Whew !
>> EM
>> On the 49th
>>    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and
>> Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri
>> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>> -Original Message-
>> From: ugandanet-boun...@kym.net [mailto:ugandanet-boun...@kym.net] On
>> Behalf Of daudi kasirye
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:15 PM
>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> Cc: Oryema Johnson; uganda...@yahoogroups.com; G_NET
>> Subject: Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in
>> the 21st century?
>> Very intelligent! twice overthrown. UPC dead and buried. th North
>> cowed and raped. Very intelligent.
>> On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
>>> Ggwe George Ssendiwala
>>> Yoweri Museveni has lead this country for almost 30 years, the only
>>> people he has killed apart from Northerners and Easterners are only
>>> Baganda. And yet there is no single indication to show that he is
>>> about to
>> leave power.
>>> 85 of babies born in Buganda today are fathered by Rwandese even
>>> those that think are fathered by Baganda men. Wabula wakyaliwo Enungu
>>> eyimba mbu without Buganda there is no Uganda. Look all money has
>>> gone to Mbarara and Kampala has been turned into a cows feeding
>>> shack. Allow me to quote you one thing my dear friend George
>>> Ssendiwala what a very intelligent man said on Uganda. You can win a
>>> Uganda election without winning a single constituency in Buganda.
>>> –Dr Apollo Milton Obote
>>> Awo oli ku Pokopoko era byoyogedde bya’Swakaba !
>>> EM
>>> On the 49th
>>>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni
>>> and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>>>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri
>>> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>>> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>>> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of George
>>> Ssendiwala
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:24 AM
>>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the
>>> 21st century?
>>> H.O.,
>>> Without Buganda there is no Uganda. Kindly rephrase your question so

Re: [Ugnet] [Ugandacom] Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st century?

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Ggwe Kasirivu


You have mail.


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: uganda...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:uganda...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of matek
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:14 AM
To: ugandacom; voice-of-uganda
Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st



"Very intelligent! twice overthrown. UPC dead and buried. th North cowed and
raped. Very intelligent."


EM :

Tell Kasiria that there is nobody in the world capable of destroying an
Idea. UPC is an IDEA. AN IDEA MAY LAY DORMANT FOR A WHILE but then it has a
capability of re-emerge by it's self,,as the old dormant seeds all of a
sudden germinates..




On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 


Daudi Kasirye

And at the end of the day trust me Buganda with its Kingdom are way screwed
than any part of Uganda. For either way you slice The Movement departure,
the North is on rebound, East is on rebound, Western Uganda will face some
deaths but will with time rebound. The danger with Buganda is that all those
that are rebounding, are starting to understand the sacrifice they suffer by
Buganda's stupidity. It is so funny that someone today sent me a text that
made me ponder and it was very simple. Museveni is a very smart man he has
managed to tie Buganda and UPC in a same relationship. In all damage he has
done in Uganda, do you actually know Olara Otunu's stand let alone
Ssabassajja Mutebi's?

Then she went "Byona biferire bifangagana !! Whew !

On the 49th

   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"

-Original Message-
From: ugandanet-boun...@kym.net 
[mailto:ugandanet-boun...@kym.net  ] On
Of daudi kasirye
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:15 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Cc: Oryema Johnson; uganda...@yahoogroups.com
 ; G_NET
Subject: Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the
21st century?

Very intelligent! twice overthrown. UPC dead and buried. th North cowed and
raped. Very intelligent.

On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa mailto:mulindwa%40look.ca> > wrote:
> Ggwe George Ssendiwala
> Yoweri Museveni has lead this country for almost 30 years, the only 
> people he has killed apart from Northerners and Easterners are only 
> Baganda. And yet there is no single indication to show that he is about to
leave power.
> 85 of babies born in Buganda today are fathered by Rwandese even those 
> that think are fathered by Baganda men. Wabula wakyaliwo Enungu eyimba 
> mbu without Buganda there is no Uganda. Look all money has gone to 
> Mbarara and Kampala has been turned into a cows feeding shack. Allow 
> me to quote you one thing my dear friend George Ssendiwala what a very 
> intelligent man said on Uganda. You can win a Uganda election without 
> winning a single constituency in Buganda. –Dr Apollo Milton Obote
> Awo oli ku Pokopoko era byoyogedde bya’Swakaba !
> EM
> On the 49th
> Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and 
> Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
> Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri 
> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
 ] On Behalf Of George 
> Ssendiwala
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:24 AM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st 
> century?
> H.O.,
> Without Buganda there is no Uganda. Kindly rephrase your question so 
> as to attract DEEP answers/ thoughts.
> I feel the itch you are massaging but you are an inch off target.
> Soft and Real Power really rests in that building below. And YES we 
> can restructure the monarchy without disrespecting the existing.
> Uganda will remain anchored on Buganda.
> George S.
> _
> From: Hannah Ogwapiti mailto:hannahogwapiti%40googlemail.com> >
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 6:52 AM
> Subject: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st
> Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st century?
> Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 

Re: [Ugnet] [Ugandacom] RE: {UAH} Uganda Govt On Brink Of Bankruptcy

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa


That is why I have stated that countries are led by policies not speeches.
Do you know why many Baganda were buying The NRA crap? Era yagambye tayagala
corruption munange. When he changed the currency in Uganda where he and
Suleiman Kigundu stole people’s money by cutting its percentage, I called
home and asked them to send me the new notes for I keep Uganda notes. And I
was told, Ggwe bino sibisente bya’Obote,  eShilling ya Museveni
siyakuzanyirako. The a million times I explained to them that cutting a
percentage never result into powerful notes, no one would believe me. Do you
know how many times he has multiplied Uganda currency? May be it is time The
George Okello lawyers file a class action against Museveni The Movement and
Suleiman Kigundu so that the currency that was taken gets returned?


And what kind of Ssabassajja that does not stand up and say no percentage of
my people gets taken when we are at that daylight stealing?   Geez 


On the 49th


   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: uganda...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:uganda...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of matek
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2013 12:09 AM
To: ugandacom
Subject: Re: [Ugandacom] RE: {UAH} Uganda Govt On Brink Of Bankruptcy




AMO once stated that Yoweri Mucebeni Kaguta is  quote " un incompetent
Administrator" How   these words have come to pass; Especially   as  we see
museveni mis-managing the affairs of the nation. 


Moreover, Uganda's financial problems are exercibated by the many corrupt
elements within the NRM Government . All of those NRM murthe Punckers who
have stollen money must be shot ( idi Amin style) for committing the crimes
of high treasons against the nation state of Uganda!! and driving our nation
into debt..debt which Uganda future generations will be burden with to
pay,,,This is unjust!!!




On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Herrn Edward Mulindwa 




Uganda politics was decided by Baganda when they saw a Dog fit to replace
Obote. When you go after the Dog’s administration of Uganda,  you directly
become anti Buganda. Let a Dog run the country for it was adorned very
publicly sir and you were not.


On the 49th



   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
   Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Robukui .
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:40 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: {UAH} Uganda Govt On Brink Of Bankruptcy



The thieves are broke, and now are trying to mortgage Uganda's future
further by borrowing more from the IMF.


Viele GruBe



On 23 July 2013 08:26, Frank Mujabi  wrote:

*** GandaTalk - For A More Balanced Ganda View *** 


THORNY ERA: Government Runs low on Finances and pushes to Rush the 2013/14
Budget to save the already Embarrassing Situation as MPs, Ministries, Local
Govts, Teachers, UPE, USE, Suffer the blow


By Stephen K Muwambi
  22nd, July



The country's three financial players are in trouble as Government nears

Disturbing news reaching our desk indicates that the government is broke and
is having a hard time clearing salaries, paying suppliers as well as

Highly placed sources within the Finance Ministry confirmed the government’s
current embarrassing financial position when we sought them out.

As a result, the government is moving to have the Parliament pass the
2013/2014 budget passed as fast as possible. Government has also cut down on
imprest and allowances given to ministries and government departments.

Our source cited some of the evident scenarios that prove the regretful
state our government is in.


As we filed this report today, teachers had kicked off yet another strike,
demanding an increase in their salaries. In fact, the NRM Parliamentary
caucus members are at the moment holed up in a crisis meeting   with their
chairman President Yoweri Museveni to find a solution to the troubling
financial times.

Professors and lecturers at Makerere University have also put government on
notice that they will not turn up to lecture rooms come next semester.

“ The University administration should not waste time opening the varsity
for the next semester if the promised salary increase does not come to
pass,” Makerere University Academic Staff Association Spokesperson, Louis

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st century?

2013-07-24 Thread Herrn Edward Mulindwa
Daudi Kasirye

There is no doubt in who? You or Buganda representatives or you are the
representative of Buganda? Some of us have been around for a while and there
was no doubt to Buganda's recovery in 1971 in 1979 in all presidents that
have been around , in the coming of Museveni. Baganda have been the very
first to dance on all streets in every government take over. And today in
2013 when I have started to get a white hair on my chin you are still
screaming of an eminate total recovery? It is strange too that Ogwapiti and
Rehema Uganda in all photographs they post we   see no photograph of Baganda
dancing on government change in Uganda, Ogwapiti how about the photograph of
Baganda in Bushenyi singing Twagala Obote Nga Ssente?

Don't you get it?  Geez !!!

On the 49th

   Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
           Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"

-Original Message-
From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of daudi kasirye
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:54 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
Cc: The First Virtual Network for friends of Uganda;
uganda...@yahoogroups.com; Oryema Johnson
Subject: Re: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 21st

There is no doubt to Bugandas total recovery with the certain overthrow
Obote's disciple Museveni! And of all Uganda.

On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
> Daudi Kasirye
> And at the end of the day trust me Buganda with its Kingdom are way 
> screwed than any part of Uganda.  For either way you slice The 
> Movement departure, the North is on rebound, East is on rebound, 
> Western Uganda will face some deaths but will with time rebound. The 
> danger with Buganda is that all those that are rebounding, are 
> starting to understand the sacrifice they suffer by Buganda's 
> stupidity. It is so funny that someone today sent me a text that made 
> me ponder and it was very simple. Museveni is a very smart man he has 
> managed to tie Buganda and UPC in a same relationship.  In all damage 
> he has done in Uganda, do you actually know Olara Otunu's stand let 
> alone Ssabassajja Mutebi's?
> Then she went"Byona biferire bifangagana !!  Whew !
> EM
> On the 49th
>    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and 
> Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri 
> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> -Original Message-
> From: ugandanet-boun...@kym.net [mailto:ugandanet-boun...@kym.net] On 
> Behalf Of daudi kasirye
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 11:15 PM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Cc: Oryema Johnson; uganda...@yahoogroups.com; G_NET
> Subject: Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in 
> the 21st century?
> Very intelligent! twice overthrown. UPC dead and buried. th North 
> cowed and raped. Very intelligent.
> On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
>> Ggwe George Ssendiwala
>> Yoweri Museveni has lead this country for almost 30 years, the only 
>> people he has killed apart from Northerners and Easterners are only 
>> Baganda. And yet there is no single indication to show that he is 
>> about to
> leave power.
>> 85 of babies born in Buganda today are fathered by Rwandese even 
>> those that think are fathered by Baganda men. Wabula wakyaliwo Enungu 
>> eyimba mbu without Buganda there is no Uganda. Look all money has 
>> gone to Mbarara and Kampala has been turned into a cows feeding 
>> shack. Allow me to quote you one thing my dear friend George 
>> Ssendiwala what a very intelligent man said on Uganda. You can win a 
>> Uganda election without winning a single constituency in Buganda.  
>> –Dr Apollo Milton Obote
>> Awo oli ku Pokopoko era byoyogedde bya’Swakaba !
>> EM
>> On the 49th
>>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni 
>> and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri 
>> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of George 
>> Ssendiwala
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:24 AM
>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: {UAH} Is Buganda still relevant as a monarchy in the 
>> 21st century?
>> H.O.,
>> Without Buganda there is no Uganda. Kindly rephrase your question so 
>> as to attract DEEP answers/ thoughts.
>> I feel the itch you are massaging but you are an inch off target.
>> Soft and Real Power really rests in that building below. And YES we 
>> can restructure the monarchy without disrespecting the existing.
>> Uganda wi

Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Rt Hon Mavi Yakuku

2013-07-24 Thread daudi kasirye
How could a dog disciple a goat Mulindwa?

On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
> Ggwe Daudi Kasirye
> I never walked to Wankulukuku and replaced Obote with a Dog, let a Dog lead
> Uganda. Stop the stupidity and praise the Dog, for you brought a Dog in
> Uganda politics democratically.  And God knows I kept on saying may be a
> Goat would have been better to replace Obote, and you insisted we need a
> God
> damn Dog. It is your bed sleep into it man !!!Ggwe Matek Opok kuba
> bakisimba tuzine, embwa effuge. Geez !!
> Anti laba Obuganda butereddee !!!
> EM
> On the 49th
>    Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
> "With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>            Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
> "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
> -Original Message-
> From: ugandanet-boun...@kym.net [mailto:ugandanet-boun...@kym.net] On
> Behalf
> Of daudi kasirye
> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 10:30 PM
> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
> Cc: Oryema Johnson; uganda...@yahoogroups.com; G_NET
> Subject: Re: [Ugnet] {UAH} Rt Hon Mavi Yakuku
> You get rid of Obote and fail to jubilate? As he went so shall M7.
> On 7/23/13, Herrn Edward Mulindwa  wrote:
>> Katamba Lujjo
>> You should have started this debate way in 1986/7 but you were
>> standing on Kampala streets jumping up and down for those very same
>> people handed you a kingdom. And you re even today still pleading how
>> Buganda flags should be available in Uganda s they’re in United States
>> for
> everyone to put them up.
>> You see that is the intelligence missing in my fellow Baganda, you are
>> not smart enough to recognize that Buganda Kingdoms a property of
> Museveni.
>> When
>> you stand up and  today and praise a Buganda flag and how everyone
>> must mount it on a car, you are actually stating the Mumuleke muzeeyi
>> waffe abeewo, for you never put that kingdom in Uganda but Museveni
>> did. And that is the very firkin crap that has tied those of us with
>> this leadership. Yea Museveni is a bad man but I know a Rwandese in
>> Revenue Authority who crosses my container to Uganda tax free.
>> Baganda need a good wake up people !
>> EM
>> On the 49th
>>Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni and
>> Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
>>Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri
>> Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"
>> From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> [mailto:ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andrew
>> K-Lujjo
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2013 7:27 PM
>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: RE: {UAH} Rt Hon Mavi Yakuku
>> All these people should've retired long time ago, volunteered to teach
>> classes in the so many mushrooming universities, or gone into private
>> businesses.
>> Cry the Beloved Country!!
>>   _
>> Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 16:20:12 -0700
>> Subject: {UAH} Rt Hon Mavi Yakuku
>> From: barigye.ru...@gmail.com
>> To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com
>>  Hon. Kahinda Otafiire - The Cabinet - State House Uganda
>> > 0/imag es/personnel/kahindaotaffire.jpg> Minister of Justice and
>> Constitutional Affairs : Hon. Kahinda Otafiire
>> --
>> *A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using
>> the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
>>  We must dare invent the future!
>> The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by  individuals, the
>> military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  - Capt. Thomas.
>> Sankara {RIP} ’1949-1987
>>  *“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
>> revolution inevitable”**…  *J.F Kennedy
>>   _
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