[Ugnet] AND WILLIAM EKWELU NOW YOU HAVE GOT MAIL I have just hard it !!!!!!!

2020-08-06 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward
William Ekwelu


The country is being run like someone's family. That is why he calls us 
bazzukulu. I am not your muzzukulu. Your job is to serve me. You are my servant 
- Dr Kizza Besigye  


It all starts with expectations, what are the expectations of Ugandans from 
their country let alone from their government? I am a Canadian citizen and I 
expect my government to protect me from violence. We still sleep in this 
country with only one lock on the main door. In all years I have lived in this 
country I have never slept in a bedroom with a door of the bed room locked. 
Unless I am in a hotel and still that hotel door will be locked but the bed 
room door will have no lock, that is my expectation and I get it. I was driving 
in United States and reached a stop sign, stopped and made a judgement call 
that it was turn to go through, the driver in the opposite street made a 
judgement call that it was his turn to go, we both left the same time and I 
passed him and left, he pulled out a revolver and waved it at me. And to today 
I am sure if I did not have a Canadian plate I would have probably taken a 
bullet. That can never happen in this city and in this country no matter you 
are licensed to own a weapon. You pull it in that manner you lose the license. 
We are allowed to scream at bad drivers, but if you open your door and leave 
your car walk to his car and scream at him that is an assault, and if he calls 
the cops on you there is a charge. 


What do Ugandans expect from their government in 2020?


When Iddi Amin came to power in 1971 many Ugandans especially UK screamed that 
his government is the worst for it is a military government, as a man that had 
travelled through military governments, that was a civilian government. Amin’s 
government had absolutely nothing to equate with a military government, it was 
a good and fair African government, a couple of bad things here and there, but 
by far Amin’s government was the only greatest government you will ever get in 
this century. If  you question that then you need to live in a military ran 
state to realize the beauty of Amin’s government. The man made it very clear, 
do not interfere with my government, if you want to take me out of power I am 
going to go after you. Every Ugandan that never bothered his government, 
Ugandans actually lived very normal lives. The scarcity of goods that happened 
in Uganda were created by Ugandans that were in Tanzania, never by Iddi Amin.


Do you know why all soldiers were dressed with the colors and plate numbers of 
their brigades? You would look at a soldier and by his plate number and the 
color of the belt you would know his brigade. I remember Masindi infantry was 
using BT plate for I knew kids there. So they had a UA for Uganda army, 
followed by a BT which was the brigade identifier, and a serial number like 
096, thus UABT069. That would tell me that this particular Land Rover is from 
Masindi artillery, and I would follow up with the brigade commander to report 
the behavior of that particular Land Rover. The reason they were identified 
that way, was to make sure that every soldier understands that any complaint 
about them, starts with the brigade commander, not your Sargent, not your 
platoon commander, not your barracks commander, the complaint was starting from 
the brigade commander. By the time that commander narrows down to the barracks 
where you serve, you have dropped yourself into a pit latrine already, no 
matter you were a Munubbi kid of a firkin Sheik Kamulegeya. Between 1971 to 
1979 there is not a single Uganda woman that was ever raped in Uganda by a 
soldier. Not even one, and if you know one raise your hand today. There is no 
known case of a Uganda Army soldier that stole money, a watch, a suit, a car or 
any property from a Ugandan. There were people that were in Uganda to just put 
a thumb into every soldier’s nose, and every case charged to a soldier was 
classified as a case done to fail the Field Marshall, no you never wanted that 
accusation on your file. Do you know how they were addressing them if they 
wanted to talk toa soldier? He would yell out a sentence like “Eh nani jina 
lako pumbavu?” You turn around salute him and say your name and very slow, to 
make sure he understands it. Follow up with your sergeant name, your barracks 
and you demand to please know how you can be of value to the officer. Many 
times he mistook you for a different officer.


Uganda had no computer system yet finding those plates and identifying those 
soldiers was simple as one instruction from the brigade commander, to bring the 
firkin Land Rover that tried to fail the Field Marshall by behaving badly in 


I have been in Uganda and seen the NRA soldiers how do you identify them?  How 
do you know who is who? I have seen sandals in the feet, gum boots that are 
green and some are yellow, I have seen soldiers walking on bare feet, by the 
way what is the official un

[Ugnet] Simon okurut: How can tribalism be controlled in Uganda? Any suggestions?

2020-08-06 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward


There is no way you can run a system in a country using one tribe, that is just 
a delusion. Let me walk with you slowly at a ministry that has a team of one 
tribe in power, honestly within that ministry there are other tribes of lower 
scales. What have they done to stop the corruption within that ministry? Are 
you telling me that all managers, all assistant managers, all heads of 
departments,  all assistant heads of departments, all supervisors, and all 
assistant supervisors are of one tribe up to the office messengers? What part 
have those done to stop the corruption? And I have been in those ministries, 
honestly I have seen Bakiga, I have seen Batoro, I have seen Acholi, I have 
seen many Easterners working in those ministries. What part have they  done 
about corruption? The entire Uganda government work force Is not a one tribe of 
Banyankole, where are all the rest of tribes that work in it who have raised up 
 to stop corruption? Do we have massive firings in the country of none 
Banyankole for they are fighting corruption? 


Is Mengo the most efficiently ran institution in the country? It is not ran by 
Banyankole. How about UPC party? Were you in Kampala during the looting after 
the Amin fall, did you see only one tribe looting? Did you see one tribe 
refusing to loot? Well you wanted to go tribal let us tribalize the full fledge.


One of the reasons I struggle with pieces about creating buying power in 
Uganda, you end up gaining  the ownership into society, if people raise their 
own money and build a water system for their system in Mpigi, it becomes their 
own system, for they contributed the money to build it. So you create the jobs 
in Mpigi, tax those jobs and use that money to build the system. Those very 
same people will protect that system. Every public investment in Uganda is 
owned by The World Bank, it is owned by the American Administration, it is 
owned by the British Government, what investment is in Uganda that is actually 
owned by Ugandans? What do you see in Uganda that makes you proud for you used 
your money to build it? 


Rwanda has not become a problem for Rwandese are today allowed to be recognized 
by the constitution, Rwanda has been a sucker on Uganda for a very long time. 
We drove into Kigali one time during the Binayisa government, and UEB Land 
Rovers were being driven with their logos. Land Rovers with the tag of Ministry 
of Animal Resources were being driven with their logos. Uganda Police Land 
Rovers were being driven with their crane logos. Rwandese were actually only 
removing the plates and replacing them with the Rwanda plates but never cared 
about the logos. We went back during the Museveni early years and same story 
was happening. In fact Uganda vehicles were not only in Rwanda but in Burundi 
and DRC as well. For a very long time DRC has not imported vehicles for they 
were using Uganda loot. Uganda has been buying bulks of vehicles, the Akena 
Adoko Land Cruisers, remember them that had only three gears? That was a whole 
bunch. Under Amin Land Rovers were coming in tens of thousands, some for 
ministries, some for police, some for prisons, some for the army, but an entire 
bunch was showing up. Tires were being purchased by full ships. Cooperatives in 
Bwayise had thousands of Fiat 110NC, the Tata trucks who knew the amount? 
Uganda transport Corporation had buses in thousands literally. Where do all 
those vehicles end up? 


They all end up back in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi or DRC, for a very 
long time Uganda has been the main importer of vehicles to all of our 
neighbors. DRC did not even bother to remove the Uganda plates, you would see a 
00UA 069, a 00BT 462 with a Uganda army emblem passing you. We did not need an 
Interpol agency to pick up our vehicles, we only needed the good will to pick 
them up. We never needed OnStar to locate our vehicles we just needed 
nationalism. Central Africa Republic for a very long time never imported cars 
they have been using Uganda supply. Uganda transport Corporation with all its 
logos ferrying the population in the firkin capital. The fact that you rotate 
within Kampala and do not know what is happening out there doesn’t change the 
facts, Ugandans agreed to loot their country from the day Amin left to today. 
When Museveni came to power, we collected books from the universities here to 
be sent to Makerere University, we handed the container to Tomusange that was 
the then ambassador in Ottawa, the container was sold in Der Es Salaam it never 
reached Kampala. Now how the hell did that happen when handed them to the 
embassy? I can run a full country of Uganda today by recollecting our loots 
from the neighboring countries. Tanzanians never looted our military hard ware, 
it was actually collected by Acholi and loaded on Uganda trucks and some even 
driven by Acholi to firkin Mutukula.


Uganda Army was so equipped that we had a hard ware that would split up and